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Old 09-11-2014, 05:14 PM   #1
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Default Spiritual Deficit Disorder - SDD

Spiritual Deficit Disorder - SDD

What is it?

Spiritual Deficit Disorder is the result of chronic stress and constantly feeling overwhelmed with too much to do, too many places to go, deadlines to meet, expectations to live up to, and not enough quality time for YOU.

Spiritual Deficit Disorder occurs when you have lost that special connection with your Essence, your Spirit. It occurs when you are driven by something external to validate You.

Dr. Paul Pearsall, in his book titled "Toxic
Success" states that people who are experiencing SDD (spiritual deficit disorder) suffer from a constant nagging feeling of self doubt and feeling "not enough".

The unfortunate thing about SDD is that no matter how successful one is in the eyes of others, no matter all the achievements and still feels empty inside, like there is a "missing piece".

For many who suffer from SDD, that nagging feeling of "not enough" and searching for the missing piece, only causes further stress, and a greater longing to return to Spirit. The cycle perpetuates itself until the body can no longer handle the stress and separation from Spirit.

For some, the wake up call is dis-ease in the body, for others it takes its toll on relationships, career, and even family.

People who are cut off from their Essence, their Spirit, have cut themselves off from the very source of their life - Their Heart.

We know that the "Silenced Heart" is the number one cause of Heart disease in America today. Research indicates that what is in our minds, our thoughts and the nagging habits that drive us to separation from our Hearts, is the toxicity that impairs our health and our well being.

We need to slow down, reconnect with our Heart and get in touch with what is most important to us.

How does one do this?

It's far simpler than you may think!

The 4 Secrets To A Healthy Joyful Heart:

1. Breathe - Deeply
We underestimate the power of the breath!
The Hawaiians practice daily whats called the "Ha Rite" which is deep breathing.
Each time you breathe, deeply, from your diaphragm,you are massaging all your organs, especially your Heart. You are also automatically inviting your body to relax... let go and to surrender into the present moment.

2. Take Time For You
No matter what... Take at least 10 minutes a day for YOU - with absolute consistency.
Engage in some activity or hobby that brings your Heart joy, peace and love.
Take a walk in Nature
Listen to your favorite music
Light a candle and just breathe into the flame
Watch a sunset
Visit an animal shelter on the way home
Take a relaxing bubble bath
Have a massage
Turn off the news and BE with YOU
Whatever it is... just do that something special
for You each day!

3. Honor The Wisdom of Your Heart
Take time to get in touch with what your Heart
truly desires.
Listen to your Heart, and honor it.
Practice trusting your Heart's Wisdom... it will
never fail you.

4. Experience Unconditional Love
Unconditional love comes from your Heart... it is your Heart.
When you discover your own unconditional self love you will be living from your open Heart. You will feel more joy, love, peace and true happiness than ever before.
It will change your life!
To learn more about SDD I highly recommend Dr. Paul Pearsall's book "Toxic Success"
"All dis-ease in the human body is related to lack of love or to experiencing only love that is conditional"

Dr. Bernie Siegel

Love always,


I share because I care.

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