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Old 11-09-2013, 09:32 AM   #2
Larrylive's Avatar

Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 78

Well that was the plan.
My how things change.

I spent most of October in jail because I am in love with an alcoholic-crackhead BPD. I triend to interfere with her using and she told the police I hit her (I did not). bit being an exaddict with a felony I was led to believe that I would never beat the charge in court. New York State has some very peculiar domestic violence laws. When one party accuses another, the accused is giulty until proven innocent and if you can't afford an attorny...well, you're doing time and dealing with a whole host of consequences.
I no longer attend college, missing a month is not acceptable. I can no longer be a counselor, as the Human Services field does not like "abusers". I should also mention that the story was I punched her in the back of the head (no marks) while she was holding the crack dealers baby (Acting in a Manner Injurous to A Child) two weeks before she reported it. No witnesses and may other details that are circumstantially in my favor. But nobody is interested...yet.
I will be redeemed, although in the eyes of my daughters there was never any doubt and that is the most important part to me. I have actually had a few people indicate their disbelief and this is encouraging.
A new life begins NOW.
I had plenty of time to think, pray, contemplate and meditate as I do not socialize with the usual rif-raf found in jails. I have accepted my new journey and harbor no resentments as this was/is God's way of re-directing my course. Wisdom is gained through experience and like it or not sometimes that means suffering.
I have work to do and for that i am glad.
May the Heavenly Fathers peace be upon you.

Be well,
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