While It may be new to all of us when we all begin our recovery, spirituality is something that has always been around and something that everyone comes to know about in one way or another in this lifetime. What spiritually does is allow for all of us to come to know what none of us are capable of understanding. Which provides all of us with comfort and truth about this life that none of us really know anything about. From doing this for us we all get a strength that is nowhere else to be found and for those of us who have our problem or for anyone else for that matter this makes it so that life itself makes sense to us. We're all free in having our own understanding of spirituality found in the principles that go into making it what it is, and we're also free to ignore these things for as long as we all would like to but eventually everyone comes to know these things first hand and there is no escaping this for anyone. Recovery allows us to know and use the strength that comes from spiritually to help all of us with this problem of ours, and from this we've all had the chance to live life with an understanding that is being sought by everyone regardless of having our problem. Spirituality is the gift of recovery none of us knew anything about before we get here that we're all glad that it's to be found here in recovery.