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Old 08-17-2014, 02:02 AM   #16
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August 17, 2014

Tell the truth

Page 239

"A symptom of our disease is alienation, and honest sharing will free us to recover."

Basic Text, p. 80

Truth connects us to life while fear, isolation, and dishonesty alienate us from it. As using addicts, we hid as much of the truth about ourselves from as much of the world as we possibly could. Our fear kept us from opening ourselves up to those around us, providing protection against what others might do if we appeared vulnerable. But our fear also kept us from connecting with our world. We lived like alien beings on our own planet, always alone and getting lonelier by the minute.

The Twelve Steps and the fellowship of recovering addicts give people like us a place where we can feel safe telling the truth about ourselves. We are able to honestly admit our frustrating, humbling powerlessness over addiction because we meet many others who've been in the same situation-we're safe among them. And we keep on telling more of the truth about ourselves as we continue to work the steps. The more we do, the more truly connected we feel to the world around us.

Today, we need not hide from the reality of our relations with the people, places, and things in our lives. We accept those relationships just as they are, and we own our part in them. We take time every day to ask, "Am [telling the truth about myself?" Each time we do this, we draw that much further away from the alienation that characterizes our addiction, and that much closer to the freedom recovery can bring us.

Just for Today: Truth is my connection to reality. Today, I will take time to ask myself, "Am I telling the truth?"
When I saw this, I remembered from my youth and my mother sayiing, "BE sure your sins will find you out."

I know if you tell the truth, you don't have to remember which lie you told at any given time.

For the most part I was truthful, unless I figured the person didn't want to hear the truth. I have softened it if it was going to hurt someone. Like a lady asking me if her dressed looked good on her and did I like it? I would say things like, the colour looks good one you or like the way the skirt fits you, anything other than telling her I thought it was ugly.

You don't have to put someone down to make yourself right.

The person I lied to was myself, self-honesty took time. The blanket of denial seemed to be the easiest way to cover up and not deal with reality.

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Old 08-18-2014, 02:28 AM   #17
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August 18, 2014

"How long do I have to go?"

Page 240

"The way to remain a productive, responsible member of society is to put our recovery first."

Basic Text, p. 102

The meetings have been great! Each night we've attended, we've gathered with other addicts to share experience, strength, and hope. And each day, we've used what we've learned in the meetings to continue in our recovery.

Meanwhile, life goes on. Work, family, friends, school, sport, entertainment, community activities, civic obligations-all call out for our time. The demands of everyday living sometimes make us ask ourselves, "How long do I have to go to these meetings?"

Let's think about this. Before coming to Narcotics Anonymous, could we stay clean on our own? What makes us think we can now? Then there's the disease itself to consider-the chronic self-centeredness, the obsessiveness, the compulsive behavior patterns that express themselves in so many areas of our lives. Can we live and enjoy life without effective treatment for our disease? No.

"Ordinary" people may not have to worry about such things, but we're not "0rdinary" people-we're addicts. We can't pretend we don't have a fatal, progressive illness, because we do. Without our program, we may not survive to worry about the demands of work, school, family, or anything else. NA meetings give us the support and direction we need to recover from our addiction, allowing us to live the fullest lives possible.

Just for Today: I want to live and enjoy life. To do that, I will put my recovery first.
I need to keep going to meetings, talking to my sponsor, working the Steps, just for todsy, I choose not to use. Without my recovery, there is no me.

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Old 08-19-2014, 03:37 AM   #18
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August 19, 2014

First things first

Page 241

"We apply effort to our most obvious problems and let go of the rest. We do the job at hand and, as we progress, new opportunities for improvement present themselves."

Basic Text, p. 54

It's been said that recovery is simple?all we've got to change is everything! That can seem a pretty tall order, especially when we first arrive in Narcotics Anonymous. After all, not many of us showed up at our first meeting because our lives were in great shape. On the contrary, a great many of us came to NA in the midst of the worst crises of our lives. We needed recovery, and quick!

The enormity of the change required in our lives can be paralyzing. We know we can't take care of all that needs to be done, not all at once. How do we start? Chances are, we've already started. We've done the first, most obvious things that needed to be done: We ve stopped using drugs, and we've started going to meetings.

What do we do next? Pretty much the same thing, just more of it: From where we are, we do what we can. We walk the path of recovery by picking up our feet and taking the step that's right in front of us. Only when that's been accomplished must we concern ourselves with what comes next. Slowly but surely, we'll find ourselves making progress down the path, visibly drawing closer each day to becoming the kind of person we'd like to be.

Just for Today: I will walk the path of my recovery by taking the step right in front of me.
Love this slogan. Without me I have nothing. Without my recovery and my program there is no me. Without me being clean and sober, I don't have my family and friends. When I am not clean and sober, my disease takes over and all else is left behind.

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I share because I care.

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Old 08-20-2014, 09:25 AM   #19
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August 20, 2014

Facing death

Page 242

"Often we have to face some type of crisis during our recovery, such as the death of a loved one. . ."

Basic Text, p. 98

Every life has a beginning and an end. However, when someone we love a great deal reaches the end of their life, we may have a very hard time accepting their sudden, final absence. Our grief may be so powerful that we fear it will completely overwhelm us - but it will not. Our sorrow may hurt more than anything we can remember, but it will pass.

We need not run from the emotions that may arise from the death of a loved one. Death and grieving are parts of the fullness of living "life on life's terms" By allowing ourselves the freedom to experience these feelings, we partake more deeply of both our recovery and our human nature.

Sometimes the reality of another's death makes our own mortality that much more pronounced. We reevaluate our priorities, appreciating the loved ones still with us all the more. Our life, and our life with them, will not go on forever. We want to make the most of what's most important while it lasts.

We might find that the death of someone we love helps strengthen our conscious contact with our Higher Power. If we remember that we can always turn to that source of strength when we are troubled, we will be able to stay focused on it no matter what may be going on around us.

Just for Today: I will accept the loss of one I love and turn to my Higher Power for the strength to accept my feelings. I will make the most of my love for those in my life today.
As I live a day at a time over 70, my thoughts are there, but I haveno fear of death. I also look at death as getting rid of the old to make room for the new. We are reborn of the spirit when we surrender and say, I need help. When I follow that up with honesty, an open mind, and willingness, I heal and change, heal, and grow.

The issue that can get to me is my son, that he may O.D. and choose to carry the message, "To use is to die."

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I share because I care.

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Old 08-21-2014, 05:35 AM   #20
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August 21, 2014


Page 243

"Our friendships become deep, and we experience the warmth and caring which results from addicts sharing recovery and a new life."

IP No.19, "Self-Acceptance"

Most of us come to Narcotics Anonymous with few genuine friends. And most of us arrive without the slightest understanding of what it takes to build lasting friendships. Over time, though, we learn that friendships require work. At one time or another, all friendships are challenging. Like any relationship, friendship is a learning process.

Our friends love us enough to tell us the truth about ourselves. The old saying, "The truth will set you free, but first it will make you furious,' seems especially true in friendship. This can make friendships awkward. We may find ourselves avoiding certain meetings rather than facing our friends. We have found, though, that friends speak out of concern for us. They want the best for us. Our friends accept us despite our shortcomings. They understand that we are still a work in progress.

Friends are there for us when we're not there for ourselves. Friends help us gain valuable perspective on the events in our lives and our recovery. It is important that we actively cultivate friendships, for we have learned that we cannot recover alone.

Just for Today: I will be grateful for the friends I have. I will take an active part in my friendships.
So grateful for the friends who have been a part of my life. My God put a lot of people in my path, the youngest with a day and the oldest with 62 years.

The Spirit of the Fellowship, will not keep you clean and sober, if you don't learn to apply the program to your life. Your p;rogram can be anything you feel you need for your recovery. How can you change if you don't know what is there? How can you change if nothing changes? I found myself reflected in the people around me, especially in the rooms of recovery.


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Old 08-22-2014, 08:00 AM   #21
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August 22, 2014


Page 244

"We recognize our spiritual growth when we are able to reach out and help others."

Basic Text p. 56

To make a difference in the world, to contribute something special, is perhaps the highest aspiration of the human heart, Each one of us, no matter what our personal makeup, has a unique quality to offer.

Chances are that at some time in our recovery we met someone who reached us when no one else could. Whether it was someone who made us laugh at our first meeting, a warm and compassionate sponsor, or an understanding friend who supported us through an emotional storm, that person made all the difference in the world.

All of us have had the gift of recovery shared with us by another recovering addict. For that, we are grateful. We express our gratitude by sharing freely with others what was given to us. The individual message we carry may help a newcomer only we can reach.

There are many ways to serve our fellowship. Each of us will find that we do some things better than others, but all service work is equally important. If we are willing to serve, we're sure to find that particular way to contribute that's right for us.

Just for Today: My contribution makes a difference. I will offer a helping hand today.
Contributing to my life and to others is essential, especially if you want to stay clean and sober.

I am reminded of Tradition 7, Every N.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

The Traditions are applicable to our life outside of any group we go to. I was told they belonged in my home, my work, and the community. I have taken many studies and gone to many groups, but on thinking, it would hurt to have a review.

My sponsor told me it wasn't all about giving money, it is about giving time and energy too. If you don't have $2. someone else will give for you, and you can be supporting in other ways. Just being at a meeting, is giving. It isn't all about taking, occupying a chair and not getting involved in your home group. Unless you didn't know, it is about being in the kitchen and setting up the meeting and taking it down. For me it was about my group, but the highest service position was Hospitals and Institution Chair in NA and General Service Rep in AA. I went to AA because of my denial about my alcoholism, in NA I knew I was an addict, no questions there.

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Old 08-23-2014, 12:24 AM   #22
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August 23, 2014

Decision making

Page 245

"Before we got clean, most of our actions were guided by impulse. Today, we are not locked into this type of thinking."

Basic Text p. 87

Life is a series of decisions, actions, and consequences. When we were using, our decisions were usually driven by our disease, resulting in self-destructive actions and dire consequences. We came to see decision making as a rigged game, one we should play as little as possible.

Given that, many of us have great difficulty learning to make decisions in recovery. Slowly, by working the Twelve Steps, we gain practice in making healthy decisions, ones that give positive results. Where our disease once affected our will and our lives, we ask our Higher Power to care for us. We inventory our values and our actions, check our findings with someone we trust, and ask the God of our understanding to remove our shortcomings. In working the steps we gain freedom from the influence of our disease, and we learn principles of decision making that can guide us in all our affairs.

Today, our decisions and their consequences need not be influenced by our disease. Our faith gives us the courage and direction to make good decisions and the strength to act on them. The result of that kind of decision making is a life worth living.

Just for Today: I will use the principles of the Twelve Steps to make healthy decisions. I will ask my Higher Power for the strength to act on those decisions.

The 12 Steps are a tool to a spiritual way of life. They are a healing tool that not only helps in my growth, but heals my past, and allows me to make the decision to not use, just for today.

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Old 08-24-2014, 03:11 AM   #23
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August 24, 2014

Seeking God's will

Page 246

"We learn to be careful of praying for specific things."

Basic Text p. 45

In our active addiction, we usually did not pray for knowledge of God's will for us and the power to carry it out. On the contrary, most of our prayers were for God to get us out of the mess we had made for ourselves. We expected miracles on demand. That kind of thinking and praying changes when we begin practicing the Eleventh Step. The only way out of the trouble we have made for ourselves is through surrender to a Power greater than ourselves.

In recovery, we learn acceptance. We seek knowledge in our prayers and meditation of how we are to greet the circumstances that come our way. We stop fighting, surrender our own ideas of how things should be, ask for knowledge, and listen for the answers. The answers usually won't come in a flash of white light accompanied by a drum roll. Usually, the answers will come merely with a quiet sense of assurance that our lives are on course, that a Power greater than ourselves is guiding us on our paths.

We have a choice. We can spend all our time fighting to make things come out our way, or we can surrender to God's will. Peace can be found in accepting the ebb and flow of life.

Just for Today: I will surrender my expectations, look to my Higher Power for guidance, and accept life.
Took me a while to learn this, long enough to know to be careful what you ask for, you might get it.

When I pray, I ask for what I need for my Higher Good and for what is good for the whole, not just me, but the people around me.

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Old 08-25-2014, 12:36 AM   #24
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August 25, 2014

The Ninth Step - reclaiming life

Page 247

"We are achieving freedom from the wreckage of our past."

Basic Text p. 40

When we start the Ninth Step, we've reached an exciting stage in our recovery. The damage done in our lives is what led many of us to seek help in the first place. Now, we have a chance to clean up that wreckage, amend our past, and reclaim our lives.

We've spent a long time and much effort preparing for this step. When we came to NA, facing the debris of our past was probably the last thing we wanted to do. We started doing it privately with a personal inventory. Then, we opened our past up to the scrutiny of a select, trusted few: ourselves, our Higher Power, and one other person. We took a look at our shortcomings, the source of much of the chaos in our lives, and asked that all those defects of character be removed. Finally, we listed the amends needed to set our wrongs right-all of them-and became willing to make them.

Now, we have the opportunity to make amends-to acquire freedom from the wreckage of our past. Everything we've done so far in NA has led us here. At this point in the process of our recovery, the Ninth Step is exactly what we want to do. With the Twelve Steps and the help of a Higher Power, we are clearing away the rubble that for so long has stood in the way of our progress; we are gaining the freedom to live.

Just for Today: I will take advantage of the opportunity to reclaim my life. I will experience freedom from the wreckage of my past.
The last line is very empowering, and again self-honesty is very much needed to make an amend. An amend isn't saying I am sorry, it is making a change in our life. Your sponsor and your God will guide you. It is allows us to put our past in it's true perspective.

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Old 08-26-2014, 11:47 AM   #25
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August 26, 2014

Tenth Step inventory

Page 248

"We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it."

Step Ten

A daily Tenth Step keeps us on a sound spiritual footing. While each member asks different questions, some questions have been found to be helpful to almost everyone. Two key Tenth Step questions are, "Am I honestly in touch with myself, my actions, and my motives? And have I prayed for God's will for me and the power to carry it out?" These two questions, answered honestly, will lead us into a more thorough look at our day.

When focusing on our relationships with others, we may ask, "Have I harmed anyone today, either directly or indirectly? Do I need to make amends to anyone as a result of my actions today?" We keep it simple in our inventory if we remember to ask, "Where was I wrong? How can I do it better next time?"

NA members often find that their inventories include other important questions. "Was I good to myself today? Did I do something for someone else and expect nothing in return? Have I reaffirmed my faith in a loving Higher Power?"

Step Ten is a maintenance step of the NA program. The Tenth Step helps us to continue living comfortably in recovery.

Just for Today: I will remember to review my day. If I have harmed another, I will make amends. I will think about how I can act differently.
As it says, "This is a maintenance." I learn to practice it to the best of my ability each day. It kept me sober in today, while I worked the other Steps.

The steps we do in order, but Steps 10, 11, and 12 are maintenance steps, the kept me in today and in the moment.

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Old 08-27-2014, 01:22 PM   #26
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August 27, 2014

Choosing life

Page 249

"Change from self-destructive patterns of life became necessary."

Basic Text p.15

Active addiction is a smoldering death-wish. Each of us courted death every time we used. Our lifestyles, too, put us at risk. The life of an addict is sold cheaply with every day and every dose.

In recovery, the first pattern we change is the pattern of using. Staying clean is the start of our journey into life. But our self-destructive behavior usually went far deeper than just our using. Even in recovery, we may still treat ourselves as if we are worthless. When we treat ourselves badly, we feel badly. And when we feel badly, we seek relief-maybe even in our old solution, drugs.

Choosing recovery means choosing life. We decide each day that we want to live and be free. Each time we avoid self-destructive behavior, we choose recovery.

Just for Today: I will choose life by choosing recovery. I will take care of myself.
Chose life today. Wasn't too sure I was going to live. I had to take care of myself.

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Old 08-28-2014, 06:33 AM   #27
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August 28, 2014

The light of exposure

Page 250

"These defects grow in the dark and die in the light of exposure."

Basic Text p.31

The Fifth Step asks us to share our true nature with God, with ourselves, and with another human being. It doesn't encourage us to tell everyone every little secret about ourselves. It doesn't ask us to disclose to the whole world every shameful or frightening thought we've ever had. Step Five simply suggests that our secrets cause us more harm than good when we keep them completely to ourselves.

lf we give in to our reluctance to reveal our true nature to even one human being, the secret side of our lives becomes more powerful. And when the secrets are in control, they drive a wedge between ourselves, our Higher Power, and the things we value most about our recovery.

When we share our secret selves in confidence with at least one human being-our sponsor, perhaps, or a close friend-this person usually doesn't reject us. We disclose ourselves to someone else and are rewarded with their acceptance. When this happens, we realize that honest sharing is not life-threatening; the secrets have lost their power over us.

Just for Today: I can disarm the secrets in my life by sharing them with one human being.
Love the quote. How we can blow things out of proportion, and when we bring things into the light of day, we can see things for what they really are.

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Old 08-29-2014, 12:39 AM   #28
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August 29, 2014

Don't look back

Page 251

"The steps offer "a big change from a life dominated by guilt and remorse. Our futures are changed because we don't have to avoid those who we have harmed. As a result... we receive a new freedom that can end isolation."

Basic Text p.38

Many of us come to Narcotics Anonymous full of regrets about our past. Our steps help us begin to resolve those regrets. We examine our lives, admit our wrongs, make amends for them, and sincerely try to change our behavior. In doing so, we find a joyous sense of freedom.

No longer must we deny or regret our past. Once we've made our amends, what's done is truly over and gone. From that point on, where we come from ceases to be the most important thing about us. It's where we are going that counts.

In NA, we begin to look forward. True, we live and stay clean just for today. But we find that we can begin to set goals, dream dreams, and look ahead to the joys a life in recovery has to offer. Looking forward keeps us centered in where we are going, not remorseful or regretful about our past. After all, it is hard to move forward if we are looking back.

Just for Today: The steps have freed me from regrets over my past. Today, I look forward to my new life in recovery.
Amen! I don't have to go there any more.

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Old 08-30-2014, 12:32 PM   #29
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August 30, 2014

Doing good, feeling good

Page 252

"We examine our actions, reactions, and motives. We often find that we've been doing better than we've been feeling."

Basic Text p.42

The way we treat others often reveals our own state of being. When we are at peace, we're most likely to treat others with respect and compassion. However, when we're feeling off center; we're likely to respond to others with intolerance and impatience. When we take regular inventory, we'll probably notice a pattern: We treat others badly when we feel bad about ourselves.

What might not be revealed in an inventory, however, is the other side of the coin: When we treat others well, we feel good about ourselves. When we add this positive truth to the negative facts we find about ourselves in our inventory, we begin to behave differently

When we feel badly, we can pause to pray for guidance and strength. Then, we make a decision to treat those around us with kindness, gentleness, and the same concern we'd like to be shown. A decision to be kind may nurture and sustain the happiness and peace of mind we all wish for. And the joy we inspire may lift the spirits of those around us, in turn fostering our own spiritual well-being.

Just for Today: I will remember that if I change my actions, my thoughts will follow.
My sponsor said, "Examine your motive and your intent." The two go together. Make things right with God.

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Old 08-31-2014, 01:10 AM   #30
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August 31, 2014


Page 253

"Hopeless living problems have become joyously changed. Our disease has been arrested, and now anything is possible."

Basic Text p.102

The NA program has given us more freedom than we ever dreamed possible. Sometimes, though, in the daily routine, we lose track of how much we've been given. How, exactly, have our lives changed in Narcotics Anonymous?

The bottom line of recovery, of course, is freedom from the compulsion to use. No longer must we devote all our resources to feeding our addiction. No longer must we endanger, humiliate, or abuse ourselves or others just to get the next "fix:' Abstinence itself has brought great freedom to our lives.

Narcotics Anonymous has given us much more than simple abstinence-we've been given a whole new life. We've taken our inventory and have identified the defects of character that bound us for so long, keeping us from living and enjoying life. We've surrendered those shortcomings, taken responsibility for them, and sought the direction and power we need to live differently. Our home group has given us the personal warmth and support that helps us continue living in recovery. And topping all this off, we have the love, care, and guidance of the God we've come to understand in NA.

In the course of day-to-day recovery, we sometimes forget how much our lives have changed in Narcotics Anonymous. Do we fully appreciate what our program has given us?

Just for Today: Recovery has given me freedom. I will greet the day with hope, grateful that anything is possible today.
Not much of a day if there is no hope. Not much of a life if there is no gratitude. I was told to make a gratitude list every night listing at least 5 things that I was grateful for.

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