For so long now all of us have wanted to be the exceptions to the rule. We've all longed for that badly needed break that never comes our way to any of us. This is because there is no escaping paying the price we all have had to pay. None of us ever understood why it was this way for all of us before we entered into recovery where we all discovered that the consequences that come from how we've all been living our life are built in, they are as much a part of this world as anything else is. It was a great day when we all realized this and that it was better for all of us to do all the things that bring about us living life the way it is meant to be lived like everyone else instead of all of us fighting the results that were coming our way from all of us choosing to live the way we all were. We blamed everyone else for this except for ourselves of course even though we were the ones who put all of this into motion by us choosing to go against how life is meant to be lived. There is no escaping all the consequences that will come to anyone who chooses to live life other than the way it's meant to be lived, or is there any escaping all the rewards that come for living the way that life is meant to be lived which is found here in recovery. Which has never failed to let any of us see how we all should be living so we can be free from the consequences that are part of life.