Starting out in this new way of living life that all of us find ourselves in when we're new to recovery isn't easy for any of us. We will all still want to hold on to what we all know isn't working, instead of us being willing to let that go. We're all afraid of doing this because of what we think we all know will happen to us if we do. It helps all of us to know that the process of letting go is something we will all need to continue to do for as long as any of us are in recovery. All of us can see the benefits of letting go by those who were here in recovery before us that have been able to do this. It isn't what all of us don't know that's been hurting us, it's what we already think we know that's doing that, and by all of us being willing to let go of that we'll all be able to stop hurting ourselves. The less we think we know the better off we're all going to be. The only thing recovery asks of any of us is that we all believe that things are going to be alright for us, not that we know how that's going to happen because no one really does know, nor do we have to know. It's when we're all beginners we're all the most comfortable with not having to know everything.