It's fairly common for most of us after joining recovery to go through a stage referred to as a pink cloud. This is feeling really good for no particular reason that we can think of. This stage will pass and be replaced with the reality of having to learn how to do things now so that we can stay in recovery. Sometimes when this passes there's a let down, but we should keep in mind that what we have opened ourselves to by being in recovery is that things will continue to get better and that this never stops, as long as we keep living the way the program teaches us to live. Then it doesn't matter what's going on on outside of us because we are healing and will continue to heal on the inside, and we get our first glimpse of what that's going to be like from the pink cloud stage we go through, but it doesn't stop there and things will continue to get better for us to the point where we can't stand how good things actual get. This is truly an amazing program to live by, but that is only known by those who have tried to live by it.