I felt and thought that I didn't belong. I didn't want anything to do with my life, or the world around me. I believed that if I was just left alone I would be fine. I couldn't see that it was egotistical of me to think this way. To me it seemed like this was the only way I could survive and therefore it was okay for me to think like this. I belong to this world even when I'm fighting against wanting to be. Thinking I can choose not to be, is like me being alcoholic and thinking I can choose not to be. Alcoholism is a part of me. It belongs to me. I can choose to accept or deny it, either way it still belongs to me. The same goes for my life and the world around me. Once I started wanting to be part of, instead of thinking I didn't want to be, was when I started to feel better about myself, my life, and the world about me. That sense of belonging is something that we all have. We all long to belong