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Join Date: Aug 2013
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![]() A.A. beam - 85 - see beam abandon - ( uh ban dun ) - 7, 69 - leave / leave behind / let go of abandoned - ( uh ban dun’d ) - 10, 93, 141 - left behind / given up / dropped / rejected abashed - ( uh bash’d ) - 54 - surprised / embarrassed / confused / made to feel mentally uncomfortable abetted - ( uh bet id ) - 33 - helped / supported / aided / helped or approved in wrong thinking or doing abhor - ( ab hore or ub hore ) - 64 - hate / despise / have no use for / withdraw from in disgust / detest abiding - ( uh bye ding ) - 131 - lasting / steady / continuing / enduring / continuing without change abilities - ( uh bil uh teez ) - 51, 181 - powers / skills / capacities / capabilities / strengths / natural or gained powers ability - ( uh bil uh tee ) - 10,48,52,91,102,111,114,124,150,158,174 - power / capacity / capability / strength / natural or gained power to act abnormally - ( ab nor muh lee / ab norm ull ee ) - 123 - unusually / oddly / differently from an accepted standard or type abolition - ( ab uh lish un ) - 178 - ending / formally put an end to a practice, institution, or condition abound - ( uh bound ) - 48 - have many of / have plenty of / exist in large amounts or numbers abroad - ( uh broad ) - 165 - away / in other places / elsewhere / over a wide area / in other countries absolve - ( ab zalv / ub zalv ) - 50 - free / pardon / set free from obligation, responsibility, or blame abstractions - ( ab strak shuns ) - 29 - ideas / th***ies / imaginings / creations from unrealistic or impractical thinking absurdly - ( ab -or- ub sird lee / ab -or- ub zird lee ) - 122 - insanely / unreasonably / foolishly / contrary to reason or common sense abundance - ( uh bun dunts ) - 65, 71, 98 - excessive amount / great supply / a greater amount than needed or required accept -( ak sept / ek sept )- 8, 31, 41, 52, 59, 68, 88, 112, 119, 122, 125, 166, 169 - to agree with / to take something ( given or offered ) willingly - to know and be tolerant or sympathetic toward - ( put up with ) endure or submit to - to regard as acceptable (tolerate, approve, sanction) / to take upon oneself - to recognize or regard ( often reluctantly ) as being valid or true accepted - ( ak sep tid / ek sep tid ) - 21, 111, 122, 124 - ( past tense of accept - see accept ) / believed to be true, valid, or proper acceptance - ( ak sep tunse / ek sep tunse ) - 34, 190 - agreement / approval / favorable reception (34) / taking or receiving (190) accomplishments - ( uh kom plish munts ) - 117 - achievements / actions / deeds / attainments accordingly - ( uh kor ding lee ) - 94 - so / in a similar way / for this reason / consequently accountable - ( uh count uh bull / uh koun tuh bull ) - 134, 175 - answerable / responsible / subject to giving an account accumulating - ( uh koom yuh lay ting ) - 120 - gathering / saving / gradually increasing in quantity or number / amassing accurate - ( ak yur it ) - 61, 77, 79, 89 - correct / right / verifiable / without error / true or exact representation of fact achieve - ( uh cheeve ) - 64, 91, 111, 190 achieved - 35, 58 - reach / accomplish / realize / to gain with effort / to carry out with success achievement - ( uh cheeve munt ) - 37, 71, 100 achievements - 70, 112 - something completed, especially by means of work, skill, or practice acid test - ( ass id test ) - 37, 88 - a test that decides the worth or quality of something ( from acid testing of or for gold ) acme - ( ak me ) - 149 - peak / highest measure / highest point or state / greatest degree or measure acquaintance - ( uh kway tunce ) - 70, 162 - a person whom one knows but not necessarily a close friend ( 70 ) - experience / personal knowledge, experience, or information about ( 162 ) acquainted -( uh kwain tid )- 119 - known and experienced with one another acquire - ( uh kwire ) - 27 acquires ( uh kwirez ) - 40 - have / get / gain ( 27 ) / has / gets / gains ( 40 ) acquired - ( uh kwire’d ) - 38, 58, 89 - gained / developed / learned / adopted / come to have as a trait or ability acquisition - ( ak wuh zish un ) - 121 - gain / attainment / something gathered, acquired, or added activator - ( ak tuh vay tur ) - 7, 76 - stimulant / energizer / something that makes something else active or more so actuality - ( ak choo al uh tee ) ( ak sha wile uh tee ) - 94 ( in actuality - in actual fact ) - fact / truth / reality / being actual acute - ( uh cute / uh kyoot ) - 39, 53, 117 - intense / sharp / extreme / of great importance / sensitive / intensely painful acutely - ( uh cute lee / uh kyoot lee ) - 50 - deeply / intensely / desperately / being critical, near a breaking point or crisis ad infinitum - ( ad in fuh nite um / ad in fa nye tum ) - 47 - endlessly / without end or limit / to infinity / having no end adapted - ( ad ap tid ) - 118 - made to fit / adjusted / changed in structure, character, or substance administered - ( ad min us terd / ad min eh stirred ) - 64, 172 - given / applied / provided / run / managed / supervised admission -( ad mish un )- 5,6,7,9,23,25,39,55,56,68,73,75,78,84,89, 93,143 s - 21, 59 - voluntary confession or acknowledgement of a truth / the act or process of admitting / agreement that a fact or statement is true / allowing to enter / allowed to enter / a fee paid or required to access or enter admission price - 7 ( price of admission - 75 ) - a charge or fee required or paid to gain access or enter / see - admission admitted - ( ad mit id ) - 5, 6, 8, 21, 38, 55, 59, 73, 76, 78, 88, 107 - confirmed / declared / acknowledged / accepted - realized or regarded ( often reluctantly ) as being valid or true - allowed to enter / let in / taken in / shown in adoption - (uh dop shun ) - 24 - acceptance following / embracing / choosing or taking on as one’s own adversity - ( ad ver suh tee ) - 70 - hard times / difficult times / unfortunate, and usually unexpected, events advocate - ( ad vuh cut ) - 24, 56 - supporter / promoter / to speak or argue in favor of something or someone affairs - ( uh fair’z ) - 8,9,10,52,94,105,106,109,111,114,146,154,161,189 - happenings / activities / topics / concerns / things to be dealt with personally - relationships / romantic involvements / social gatherings / business matters affected - ( uh fek tid ) - 79, 81, 84, 85, 86, 116, 118 - to have had one’s thinking and/or emotions changed or influenced / impact - influenced / impressed / to have brought about a response - infected or attacked, as by an illness or disease affecting -( uh fek ting )-10,146 - influencing / causing change to / relating to affection -( uh fek shun)- 39,124 - love / respect / admiration / warm feelings affiliate - ( uh fil ee ate ) - 10, 147 - associate / partner / join / unite / ally affiliation - ( uh fil ee ay shun ) -147,189,190 - connection / association / partnership / alliance / attachment - relationship with a group or cause / interdependence affirmative - ( uh firm uh tiv ) - 63 - yes / positive 34 - assertive / aggressive afford - ( uh ford ) - 18, 102, 186 - provide to / offer / make available to / allow - dare / risk / bear / do without risk or disadvantage ( 186 ) affords - ( uh fords ) - 176 - offers / provides / makes available to agencies - ( uh jen sees ) - 169, 190 - organizations / businesses / services agenda - ( uh jen duh ) - 163 - routine / program / order of business / list of things to be done or considered age-old - ( age old ) - 15, 117 - very old / persistent / long standing / enduring aggravate -( ag ruh vate )- 55 - worsen / to make more troublesome or worse aggravated - ( ag ruh vay tid ) - 78, 118 - worsened / increased / provoked aggrieved -( uh greev’d )- 185 - injured / offended / wronged / treated unjustly agitated -( aj uh tay tid )- 157 - stirred up interest / caused to move / troubled agnostic -( ag nos tik )- 28, 33, 62, 107 agnostics - 96 - one who believes that the existence of God cannot be proved or disproved / The word Thomas H. Huxley, a 19th Century British scientist, created to describe his own view of the existence of God. ( ‘A or Ag’ - without ‘gnosis’ - higher knowledge ) agonized - ( ag uh nized ) - 66 - troubled / tormented / caused to suffer aimlessly - ( aim less lee ) - 129 - without purpose / without direction akin - ( uh kin ) - 178 - similar / comparable / along the same lines as alas - ( uh lass ) - 148 - unfortunately / an expression of regret, unhappiness, pity, or concern alcohol - 5, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 45, 57, 63, 64, 68, 73, 76, 107, 124, 152, 157, 167, 169, 170, 192 - ethanol, especially when considered as the intoxicating agent in fermented and distilled liquors / a drink ( as whiskey or beer ) containing ethanol / ( ethanol is a colorless flammable liquid, obtained from the fermentation of sugars and starches, which is also used in some drugs, cleaning solutions, fuels, and explosives. Ethanol is also called ethyl alcohol and grain alcohol. alcohol reform - 192 - see reform - social, political, or legal efforts to affect laws as they may relate to the use or manufacture of alcoholic drinks alcoholic/s - ( al kuh hall ik/s ) - 94 entries including covers - containing alcohol ( as a drink ) / person/s affected with alcoholism alcoholism - ( al kuh hall iz um ) - 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 33, 39, 54, 63, 64, 73, 80, 116, 117, 142, 152, 155, 156, 158, 166, 169, 177, 178, 180, 189 - continued excessive, compulsive, and/or obsessive use of alcoholic drinks - poisoning by alcohol / mental-physical dependence on, and compulsive use of, alcoholic drinks / a complex chronic psychological and nutritional disorder associated with excessive and usually compulsive drinking / see compulsion ( also see - in ‘Alcoholics Anonymous’ Big Book - Pages - 23,30,31, 44 ( top ) alibis - ( al uh bize / al uh buys ) - 47 - excuses / explanations to avoid blame, punishment, or to justify actions alike - ( uh like ) - 17, 48, 64, 89, 173 - the same ( 48, 89 ) - in the same or similar manner or degree / in like manner ( 17, 64,173 ) allayed -( uh lay’d )- 148 - eased / calmed / decreased / made less severe allergy - ( al er jee ) - 5, 22 - unusual reaction or sensitivity / abnormal sensitivity to certain substances - exaggerated or disease-like reaction to substances or physical states that are without comparable effect on the average individual all-pervading - ( all per vaid ing ) - 187 - extremely common / universal / present throughout alternated -( al tur nay tid )- 84 - changed / switched / swung back and forth alternately - ( al tur nit lee / al turn it lee ) - 118 - in turns / pass back and forth between / one after the other / in succession altitude - ( al tuh tood ) - 187 - level / position of importance or prominence ambition -( am bish un )- 12,51,66,122,123,124,183 s -(shunz)-49,130,150 - aim, goal, plan, intent, design, purpose, meaning, or desire - desire or intention to do or succeed at something ambitious - ( am bish us ) - 29, 122, 183 - eager / motivated to achieve something / enthusiastic / full of ambition ambushed - ( am bush’d ) - 54 - trapped / attacked from a hidden place amends - ( uh mends ) - 7, 32, 77, 83, 85, 86, 87, 94, 108 - restorations / corrections / restitutions / things done to make corrections for, or ‘make up for’ harm, loss, or damage done to or experienced by another analysis - ( uh nal uh sis ) or ( uh nal us sees ) - 91 - evaluation / appraisal / judgment regarding the worth or importance analyzing - ( an uh lye zing ) - 33 - reviewing / looking at / examining anarchists - ( an ar kists / an ur kists ) - 130 - people who believe governmental authority unnecessary and undesirable anarchy - ( an ar key / an ur kee ) - 129 - disorder / confusion / lawlessness anchorage - ( an kuh ridj / ang kur idj ) - 72 - connection / attachment / stable position, foundation, relationship, or basis ancient - ( ain shunt ) - 6,56,94,166 - old / very old / of great age / historic anew - ( uh new / uh noo ) - 50 - again / in a new and different way angle - ( ang ul ) - 109, 132, 152, 153 - trick / a scheme or distortion of information to present a particular point of view / a special way, often deceptive or improper, of achieving an aim angrily - ( ang ruh lee ) - 67, 167, 177 - in anger / furiously / with bad temper or displeasure anguish - ( ang gwish ) - 144 - extreme pain / distress / torment / anxiety animated - ( an uh may tid / anna may tid ) -175 - energized / having life animates - ( an uh mates ) - 151 - inspires / encourages / gives life to annoy -( uh noy )- 67 - anger / bother / irritate / aggravate / disturb / madden annoyed - ( uh noy’d ) - 48 - irritated / angered / disturbed - see annoy annual - ( an yull / an you’ll ) - 89 - yearly / done or happening every year anonymity - ( an uh nim uh tee / anna nim it ee ) / also see anonymous - 35 entries on pages 12,13,158,170,171,180,182,183,184,185,186,187,192 - being unknown or unacknowledged / namelessness / the practice of not disclosing or acknowledging AA members names or photographs in any media, broadcast, film, or public print / the quality or state of being anonymous anonymous - ( uh non uh muss / uh nonna muss ) - 77 entries - without name / unidentified / undisclosed / having an unknown or unacknowledged name / not known / unknown, usually by choice / not having a clear or characteristic way to be known or recognized antisocial - ( an tye so shull / an tee so shull ) -171 - not sociable - disrespectful / acting disrespectful of, interfering with, or avoiding others anvils - ( an vulz ) - 131 - blocks of iron or steel used to shape metals anxieties - ( ang zie uh tees ) - 45, 52, 123 - worries / cares / concerns / fears / troubled states of mind anxiety - ( ang zie uh tee ) - 52, 56, 74, 135, 140 - see anxieties anxious - ( anx shuss / anks shuss ) - 57, 94 - uneasy / restless / impatient / fearful / irritable / eager or desirous to the point of frustration / full of anxiety and fear about the future / lacking self confidence / easily upset or distressed / unable to be patient or calm anxiously - ( anx shus lee ) - 129 - with uneasy concern / see anxious apartness - ( uh part nuss ) - 57 - separation / state of being set apart or away from others / exclusion apologies - ( uh pa lu jeez ) - 79, 84 - expressions of regret for wrongs done apparent -( uh pair unt )- 64,135,150,160,186 - clear / obvious / easy to see apparently - ( uh pair unt lee / uh pair ent lee ) - 22, 132 - seemingly / evidently / appearing as such but not necessarily so appeal - ( uh peel ) - 74 - seem interesting / attract / call appeals - ( uh peelz ) - 162, 184 - requests for help or information applicants -( ap luh kunts )-148 - seekers of a job, position, or membership application - ( ap luh kay shun ) - 15,17,90,185 - use / practice / exercise appraisal -( uh prayz ull )- 32, 54 - consideration / assessment / evaluation / examination / review / measurement / judgment of worth or value appraise - ( uh prayz ) - 59 - evaluate / consider / measure / view / rate appraising - (uh pray zing ) - 52 - reviewing / evaluating / considering apt - ( app’t ) - 45,57,60,62,66,67,73,85,92,96,164 - likely / inclined / prone architect - ( ar keh tekt / ark uh tekt ) - 149 - builder / designer / creator ardent - ( ar dnt / ard unt / ar dent ) - 111, 182 - eager / intense / ambitious ( 111 ) devoted / enthusiastic / passionate ( 182 ) argue - ( arg u ) - 85, 176 - debate / discuss / express differing viewpoints arose - ( uh rose ) - 18, 157 - appeared / came up / emerged / developed arouse - ( uh ralz ) - 15, 80 …d - ( uh ralz’d ) - 44 …s - ( uh ral zuz ) - 52 - stir up / awaken / excite / provoke / stir / inspire / prompt / stimulate arranging - ( uh rain jing ) - 110 - planning and preparing / setting up arrant - ( air unt ) - 60 - absolute / complete / total arteries - ( ar tuh reez / art uh reez ) - 129 - passage ways / blood carriers aside - ( uh side ) - 91, 115, 137, 143, 150, 164, 187 - away / on or to one side / apart aspects -( as pekts / ass peckts )- 66,185 - features / parts / characteristics aspiration - ( as puh ray shun ) - 101 apirations - (… shunz ) - 186 - aim / desire / goal / ambition / desire for high achievement / goal or purpose assailed - ( uh sail’d ) - 22, 167 - attacked / assaulted / intensely attacked with harsh language ( 167 ) assassination - ( uh sass uh nay shun ) - 67 - attack / destruction / injury assert - ( uh sert ) - 92 - claim / declare / positively say asserted - 152 assets - ( ass ets ) - 6, 42, 46, 75, 88, 93, 95, 113 - positives / useful or valuable qualities or things / advantages or resources associates - ( uh so she its / uts ) ( uh so see its / uts ) - 51, 79, 92, 186 - partners / friends / companions / peers / colleagues assumed - ( uh soom’d ) - 133 - taken for granted / accepted / assumed / taken for or as one’s right assurance - ( uh shore unts ) - 28, 33, 39, 104, 172 - freedom from doubt / guarantee / certainty / confidence / promise / faith / trust assure -( uh shur )- 27,79 - inform / remove doubt from / make sure to assured -( uh shur’d )-76,98- made to feel sure, certain, confident, and secure astonish - ( uh ston ish ) - 84 - surprise / amaze astonishing -140 - amazing astray - ( uh stray ) - 50,59 - away from the desired path, direction, or behavior asunder - ( uh sun dur ) - 176 - apart / into separate parts, pieces, or direction asylum - ( uh sye lum) -140 …s - ( … lumz ) -157 - psychiatric hospital / - a place where the sick, very poor, and especially the insane, are cared for at heart - ( at hart ) - 123 - in our deepest feeling / fundamentally at large - ( at larj ) - 53, 112 - as a whole / in general / without limits at length - ( at lengkth / at leng’th ) - 90, 143 - eventually / after some time atheist - ( aye thee ist / aye thee ust ) - 26, 28, 33, 107, 143 - one that does not believe in and denies the existence of God or gods atheistic -( aye thee is tik / aye thee iz tik )- 62 - as an atheist - see atheist atmosphere - ( at muss fear ) - 85, 97, 100 - air / feeling / effect / mood - surrounding conditions, influences, and circumstances atom - ( at um ) - 97 - basic part of all / smallest particle or unit of a matter attain - ( uh tain ) - 28, 64 - get / gain / have / reach / earn / achieve / realize attainment - ( uh tain munt ) - 70 - realization / gaining / see - attain attitude - ( at uh tood ) - 7, 23, 27, 65, 75, 76, 79, 83, 168, 174, 182 attitudes -9,24,56,92,114,115,116,120,125 - point of view / stance / mood - characteristics of personality / mental position / feeling toward - a negative, hostile, defiant, and arrogant manner or mannerism attributes - ( at trib yoots ) - 29, 67 - qualities / characteristics / traits authority-( ah thor uh tee )-9,10,12,16,132,133,172,173,174,189,190, 191,192 - power / one who has the right and power to rule, govern, or judge autonomous - ( ah tawn uh mus ) - 10, 146 - independent / self reliant - self supporting, self governing, self regulating, and self sufficient autonomy -( ah tawn uh me )- 146 - being autonomous - see - autonomous - From text - page 146 “…it means very simply that every A.A. group can manage its affairs as it pleases, except when A.A. as a whole is threatened.” avail -( uh vale )- 34 - help / benefit / serve / profit / be of use or advantage to avalanche - ( av uh lanch ) - 133, 162 - flood / huge amount / landslide aversion - ( uh verzshun ) - 73, 160 - dislike / hatred / opposition / resistance axiom -( ak see um / ax zee um )-90 - basic truth or rule / saying / assumption Bacchus -( bah kus / bok us )- 57 - From Roman & Greek mythology - god of wine and barley. Bacchus was also the god of the theater. Considered by the Romans same as the Greek god, Dionysus. ( die uh nee sus / die uh nye sus ) backslider - ( bak slide er ) - 173 - person who drinks alcoholic drinks again / - one who relapses / one who ‘slides back’ to wrongdoing or a worse condition. backtracks - ( bak traks ) - goes back over the path one [ he/she ] has come baffled - ( baf ull’d ) -182 - puzzled / confused / frustrated / bewildered baffling - ( baf ling ) - 15 - frustrating / mysterious / confusing / difficult balance sheet -( bal unts sheet )- 89, 93 - a listing of positive and negative quantities or qualities for review, evaluation, or summary ( ‘totaling up’ ) balanced people - 90 - mentally and emotionally stable - people baleful -( bay’l ful / bail ful )- 38 - dangerous / bad / harmful / weakening balk - ( balk ) - 44 - strain / recoil / shrink / stop short and refuse / resist balked -( balk’d )- 108 - stopped / resisted / stopped and refused to go on band - ( band ) - 130, 146 - group / group of individuals / troop banded - ( ban did ) -15 - joined / gathered / united banished - ( ban ish’d ) - 76, 173 - forced to leave / driven away / cast out bankrupt -( bank rup’t )-15 - discredited / “down-and-out” / destitute / ruined / - empty or lacking in needed or valuable qualities or resources bankruptcy - ( bank rupt see ) - 21,107 - being bankrupt - see bankrupt - state of emptiness, failure, ruin, and powerlessness / lack of resources / ruin barbed -( barb,d )- 67 - peaked / sharpened / made sharp - cutting - stinging barest - ( bair ist ) - 73 - …is the… least or minimum of a… beginning. barren -( bair un )- 72 - empty / unproductive / “…missing a working faith…” barrier - ( bair ee ur ) - 57, 141 - block / wall / obstruction / obstacle barrooms - ( bar rooms ) - 116 - a place where alcoholic beverages are sold basis - ( bay suss ) - 9, 37, 72, 76, 108, 116, 140 - base / foundation / basic idea / footing / basic truth / something upon which something else is built / position or circumstance from which to operate bask - ( bask ) - 133 - delight in / take great satisfaction in / indulge in battering - ( batter ing ) - 146 - beating / repeated strikes, blows, challenges beached - ( beech’t / like reached ) - stranded / left behind or in an uncomfortable place / see - summarily beached beam - 84,111,112 - desired or aimed for manner or state of being, particularly in behavior, emotions, thinking, and spiritual condition. / ”…the A.A. beam.“ (84) - guidelines within or suggested by “The 12 Steps” Big Book - 3rd Ed. - Stories: ‘Promoted to Chronic’ - Pg.471- last paragraph. ( Attributes often considered as being “on the beam” = honesty, faith, courage, considerate, humility, giving, calm, grateful, patience, tolerance, forgiveness, love, self-forgetfulness, humility, modesty, self-forgiveness, trust, moderation, action ) bear - ( bair / bare ) - 33, 98, 115 - to apply force to or influence ( 98 ) - stand / tolerate / something difficult to do ( 33,115 ) Beatitudes -( be at uh toods )- 30 - any of the statements in the Sermon on the Mount ( King James Bible - Matthew 5:3 -11 ) beginning “Blessed are…” begats - ( be gats ) - 30 - ( past tense of beget ) - notes relating someone being the father of, or giving birth to, someone else ( Biblical ) beat-up - 170 - badly worn / in bad shape / knocked about roughly ( …beat-up topers… ) - topers - ( toe purz ) - those who drink to excess bedeviled - ( beh dev ull’d ) - 78 - troubled / tormented / plagued / controlled bedrock - ( bed rock ) - 21,50 - foundation / basis / solid rock under loose soil behave - ( beh hay’v ) - 37, 119 - act / react / function / perform - to conduct oneself in a proper, specified, or particular way behavior - ( beh hay’v your ) - 16,33,45,51,52,53,55,78,85,123 - how one behaves ( see behave ) / actions / reactions / conduct / function / performance - actions as they make up a way of evaluation by others / response to belaboring -( beh lay bur ing )- 30 - verbally attacking / discussing repeatedly belligerent -( beh lidj ur unt )- 25 - defiant / combative / eager to fight / hostile bender -( ben dur )- 79 - period of time spent drinking in an uncontrolled way benefactors - ( ben uh fak turs ) - 161 - financial supporters / contributors benefit -( ben uh fit )- 60, 96, 98 - positive result / value / good / importance benevolent - ( buh nev uh lunt) - 172 - charitable / generous / giving benevolent association - 172 - a group organized to support charity ( giving ) benign - ( beh nine ) - 133 - kind / harmless / showing a favorable influence bent upon - 64 - to apply themselves in the different direction of bereavement - ( beh reev munt ) - 112 - being left alone or suffering loss, especially by death - lacking in advantage, opportunity, experience, economic or social needs beset - ( beh set ) - 52, 58, 133 - surround / surrounded / trouble / troubled - set upon or attacked from all sides / possess / possessed / take / taken besetting - ( beh set ing ) - 30 - constantly troubling / that which besets one - possessing / ( in allusion to Biblical - Hebrews xii -1 - …besetting sin… ) besieged - ( beh seej’d ) - 187 - attacked / troubled / harassed / plagued best-intentioned - ( best - in ten shun’d ) -113 - see - intention bestowal - ( beh sto ull ) - 151 - presentation / offering / passing on as a gift bewildered - ( beh wil durd ) - 28 - confused / completely lost in one’s way biased - ( by ust ) - 99 - unfairly judgmental / unfavorably influenced bigotry - ( big uh tree ) - 30 - intolerance / inequality / unfairness / prejudice - not acceptant, tolerant, or respectful, of others group, religion, race, or politics big shot ( shot ) - 47, 51, 92, 116 - important or special person / - an important or prominent member of a profession or organization big-shot-ism - 8, 92 - acting like a big shot / see - big shot and - ism big-time - 159 - very serious / the worst [ best ] kind of / the highest ranking binge -( binj )- 148,168 s -( bin juz )- 38,120 - period/s of time spent drinking heavily / to participate in excessive or uncontrolled indulgence in food or drink bitter -( bit ur )- 123,177 - resentful / insulting / without respect or acceptance - critical or untrusting of the motives or integrity of others - sharp / harsh (177) bitterly - ( bit ur lee ) - 28, 115 - painfully / brutally / hatefully / resentfully bitterness - ( bit ur nuss ) - 38, 52 - resentfulness / being bitter - see bitter - possible as used on Pg. 52 > - difficulty in accepting, admitting, or bearing blasphemy -( blass fuh me )-143,145 - lack of respect for God / insulting or showing contempt or lack of respect for God or anything held as sacred bleeding deacon - ( … dee kun ) - 10, 135 s - 135 - an overly emotional assistant - ( text definition on Pg. 135 ) / also see deacon blindly - ( bl i n’d lee ) - 42, 65 - without, or independent of, control or reason blissful state - ( bliss full state ) - 113 - extremely happy condition of being block - 49, 76, 123 - stop / barrier / obstruction ( 49 ) / closes / obstructs / cut off from site ( 76 ) / piece / set of similar items / mold ( 123 ) also see chips bludgeoned -( bluh jun’d )- 75 - struck down / pressured / forced / repeatedly struck / overcome by being beaten with a short, heavy, stick or club / bloodied bluffing - ( bluff ing ) - 51, 69 - misleading / displaying a false confidence blunders - ( blun durz ) - 60 - mistakes / serious errors of judgment board -( bord )- 12,132,136,140,148,162,164,165,168,173,175,182,189 ,191 - a group of people given or assigned the responsibility of management, administration, supervision, or investigation - payment for meals / payment for temporary shelter and meals - ( 136 ) boarded - ( bord id ) - 137 - provided food and shelter for boasted - ( boast id ) - 123, 163 - bragged / talked with excessive pride body politic - ( body… pah luh tik / polla tik ) - 133 - the majority of our members / the larger part of a group or organization bog - ( bog / balg ) - 45 - swamp / area of soft and wet ground bogeymen -( boo gee / bow gee / boog ee men )- 49 - needless imaginary fears / imaginary monsters often used to threaten or frighten children bogged down -( bog’d / balg’d down )-156- slowed or stopped as if in a bog boiler - ( boy lur ) -149 - a tank or container used to heat or boil water bolster - ( bowl stur ) - 6 - support / to help keep from weakening or failing boomeranged - ( boom uh rang’d ) - 57 - came back / backfired / returned the opposite result of that desired / to produce an unexpected or undesired effect bore down hard - 152 - concentrated / focused / stressed in spite of opposition bored -( bord )- 92 - disinterested & tired of ‘our being dull, tedious, repetitive’ bottom -( bot um )- 5,24,94,148 - “…admission of hopelessness.” ( Pg. 23 ) / ( Program definition - generally: a time in ones life when alcoholism has brought a sense of absolute hopelessness, which is later viewed as a turning point and beginning toward recovery. ) / to reach the lowest level or the least favorable position / the lowest, deepest, or under, part or point / Text references: Pg. 23 - “…low-bottom cases…” and “…raise the bottom..” bound - ( like ‘sound’ ) - 40, 81, 89, 150, 158 - certain / sure ( 40, 81, 89, 158 ) / forced / required / held ( 150 ) boundaries - ( boun duh reez ) - 8, 101 - limits bounds - ( bounz / like sounds ) - 67 - limits / margins / restrictions bowing -( like pow ing )- 96 - kneeling in respect / submitting / surrendering bowled over ( bold over ) - 136 - powerfully impressed / taken by surprise bracing - ( bray sing ) - 98 - refreshing / strengthening / health-giving braggart - ( brag urt ) - 66 - self admiring showoff / - one given to empty self admiration, bragging, or boasting brash -( like trash )- 143 - hasty and unthinking / lacking in sensitivity / rash brats - 174 - bad mannered and annoying children breadwinner - ( bread winner ) - 118 - one who provides financial support breeder - ( bree dur ) - 49 - source / cause / creator brew - ( broo ) - 133, 142 - make / create broker -( broke ur )- 16 - stockbroker / agent for sales of companies stock broods - ( broodz ) - 39 - thinks / dwells / thinks at length in a gloomy or resentful state of mind brotherhood - 37,53,77,116 - fellowship / friendliness / people united for common aims / a pleasant association or condition of being friends browbeat -( brow beat )-143- continually annoyed, pressured, and harassed - to frighten or pressure with threats or a show of force / bully / intimidate buffeted -( buf uh tid )- 69 - beaten / battered / struck heavily and repeatedly bugs in it - 158 - flaws, defects, or difficulties in it building of character - 65 - see character and character building burden - ( bur dun ) - 62, 86 - load / weight / pressure / obligation bureau - ( b’you’re oh ) - 145 - a writing table or desk with drawers / - a chest of drawers for clothes, or ‘dresser’, usually used in a bedroom bush-league pinch hitter - ( bush leeg pinch hit ur... ) - 75 - a substitute batter in a minor league baseball game busybody -( bizzy body )- 156 - one who concerns himself with others affairs broth - ( brah th ) - 156 - the water part of soup / soup stock / soup base buttonholing - ( button hole ing ) - 185 - holding a person in conversation, against their will, as if by holding a clothing button / [ origin: ‘button-holding’ ] bygones - ( by gone’z ) - 79 - things that are past, especially past offences / - gone by / the past, especially a dissatisfaction, resentment, debt, or offense bypass - ( by pass ) - 55 - avoid / ignore / go around / pass by or around calamities - ( kuh lam uh teez ) - 113 - disasters / tragedies / hardships calamity -( kuh lam uh tee )- 9, 31, 112, 116 - disaster / hardship / hard times calculated -( kal k’yuh lay tid )-7 - planned / purposeful / carefully considered callous - ( kal us ) - 81 - unfeeling / insensitive / hardhearted / unemotional camp -( kamp )- 158 - side / group of people who share a cause or think alike campaign - ( kam pain ) - 157 - effort / organized effort to achieve an aim campus -( kam pus )- 119 - places where members gather / meeting grounds candor - ( kan dur ) - 57 - honesty and openness / sincerity / directness capability -( kay puh bil uh tee )- 104 - power to bring about a result / ability capable of -( kay puh bul ov )- 38,63 - able to show or exhibit / able / having capitalists - ( kap it ul lists ) - 156 - people with great wealth / investors capsize - ( kap size ) - 139 - overturn / tip over / sink careers -( kuh rear’z )- 55,122,170 - lives / history / background ( 55, 122 ) - jobs / permanent occupation or lifework ( 170 ) cart before the horse - 114 - less important ahead of the most important - to reverse the natural or proper order cast - ( kast ) - 35, 89, 132, 171 - throw ( 35, 132 ) / see cast up cast up - ( kast up ) - 89, 171 - create / form / make casual - ( kazsh wul / kah zshu wul / kah szhul ) - 79, 85 - not serious / relaxed / easy / informal / offhand / chance / occasional casualty - ( kaz yule tee ) - 113 - death / victim / one injured or killed catalog -( kat uh log )- 4, 59 - list / detailed item list systematically arranged catalogue - ( kat uh log ) - 81 - list or itemized display / see catalog catastrophe - ( kuh tas truh fee / kuh tast ruh fee ) - 31, 113 - disaster / tragedy / crisis / blow / severe misfortune, usually unexpected cater - ( kay tur ) - 140 - serve / support / attend to the wants or needs of Catholic - ( kath uh lik / kath lik ) - 147 - members of the Catholic Church ceaselessly -( seece lis lee )- 49 - constantly / continually / without stopping cell - ( sell ) - 25 - smallest structural part of an organism that is able to function independently centered - ( sent urd ) - 56 - see spiritually centered central -( sen trul / sent rul )- ‘Grand Central Station’ address not included. - at, in, near, or forming the center / core / average / in-between / - relating to a basic or main part / foundation / primary / underlying / principle … central government - 16, 174 - group of people who make rules or laws and hold the power of absolute authority and control … central or intergroup committee - 191 - a group of people ( committee ) elected by their group meeting members, or in some cases volunteers, who serve to perform administrative functions for AA in some cities or areas. … central theme - 150, 174 - main point / primary factor / principle focus centuries - ( sent cher eez / sench ur eez ) - 98 - periods of 100 years century - ( sent chur ee / sench ur ee ) - 56, 178 - period of 100 years certainty - ( surt un tee ) - 86, 124, 166 - likelihood ( 86 ) / fact / assurance / trust / conviction / faith ( 124, 166 ) chain - 155 - see - hospital chain chain reaction - ( chain ree act shun ) - 17, 164 - series of events in which each one causes or influences the next chalk that up - 93 - add / write / record that / consider that / credit that chalking up debits - 89 - accounting for debts / adding or noting negatives challenge - ( chal unj ) - 114 s - ( chal un zuz ) - 8, 89 - demands / test of one’s abilities or resources / call to action or account challengingly - ( chal lin jing lee / chal unj ing lee ) - 138 - in a questioning manner / demanding explanation or justification / defiantly channel -( chan ul )- 99,101,102,103,109,133,169 s-( chan ulz )- 8,180 - ways, routes, or means by which something is communicated, transmitted, or carried // force / power / cause / means / that by which something is carried, communicated, transmitted, or accomplished ( 99, 101, 102, 103, 109, 180 ) - give / carry / offer / take / direct or guide along a desired course ( 133, 169 ) channeled -( chan ul’d )-186 - managed / used / directed in use / allocated character -( kair ik/uk tur )- 6,45,46,48,49,50,51,53,55,56,63,65,67,69,71, 72,73,76,108,109,141 - a distinctive way of looking or acting / style / manner / way / an example of curious or unexpected behavior / an essential and distinctive trait / feature / mannerism / quality / a person’s emotional, intellectual, and moral qualities / personality / nature / public estimation of someone / reputation / image / standing / status / one’s general behavior character assassination - ( … uh sass uh nay shun ) - 67, 158, 172, 174 - being severely critical of another person / intense personal verbal attack intended to destroy or damage someone’s reputation / slander / mudslinging character-building-71,72,74- adding of positive qualities to one’s character … building of character - 65 - see - character character defects // also for - defects of character - 6,7,8,45,46,47,48,49, 50,51,52,53,54,55,56,58,59,63,65,66,67,68,69,73,74 ,76,78,82,84,108 -- Related: character flaws - personality flaws - character - flaws - attitudes, actions, reactions, wrong thinking and wrong doing, that stand in the way of our usefulness to God and our fellows - ( Big Book - Page 76 ) - Weak items in our personal inventory that act as obstacles in our path toward getting a new attitude and a new relationship with our Creator. ( Big Bk-Pg.72 ) - "bad personality traits" ( Big Book - Personal Story - He Sold Himself Short ) - “representing instincts gone astray,…” ( 12 and 12 - Page 50 ) - identified flaws in our personality, thinking, emotional reactions, or behavior character flaws - 50, 73 - see character, flaws, & character defects characteristic - ( kair ik tur ist ik ) - 5, 31, 185 - trait / attribute / quality / feature / a feature that helps to identify, describe, or tell apart a thing or person characteristic intemperance - ( kair ik tur ist ik in temp er unts ) - 185 - …their typical excess or lack of moderation /…their distinctive lack of restraint characteristically - ( kair ik tur ist ik uh lee ) - 71 - like us / typical of us characterizes - ( kair ik tur eye zuz ) - 56 - is the mark of / distinguishes / defines / plays a part of / is a quality or trait of charitable - ( chair eh tuh bul ) - 165 - given / from charity / see charity charitably disposed -( chair eh tuh blee dis poze’d )- 168 - people who are usually in favor of giving to charity / normally generous in giving - see - charity charity -( chair uh tee )- 116, 144, 181 - giving / help / donations / help given to the needy / gift to a charity or cause / organization that helps those in need charter -( char tur )- 148 - authorization / document showing official approval cheer -( ch ear )- 82,114 - encourage ( 82 ) / lightness of spirit or mood ( 114 ) cherished - ( chair ish’t ) - 129 - highly valued / respected / important / prized chief -( cheef )- 7,39,49,76,90,149 - main / most important / primary / leading chiefly - ( cheef lee ) - 45 - mainly / mostly / primarily / largely childish - ( child ish ) - 123 childishly - ( child ish lee ) - 115 - acting like a child / lacking in maturity / immature / like a child or children chaos - ( kay oss ) - 1 - confusion / disorder / unrest / struggle / lack of order chill chokedamp - 149 - a cool suffocating air / a discouraging and suffocating atmosphere / sudden deadly air / cold black air / chokedamp from ‘blackdamp’ ( black + damp gas ) - a suffocating gas found in mines after a fire or explosion chink - ( cheenk ) - 46 - crack / weak spot / narrow opening or weak area chips - 123 - small pieces / ( text use: just another abnormally fearful person ) chokedamp - ( choke damp ) - 149 - see chill chokedamp chronic - ( kron ik ) - 66, 173 - constant / continual / frequent / repeated chunk - 88, 161 - large piece / important or large part / considerable amount churchman - ( church mun ) - 174 - church member / a member of a church cinch - ( sinch ) - 176 - sure thing / a certainty / given / something easy to do circulation - ( surk yuh lay shun / sur kyuh lay shun ) - 185 - being spread circumstance - ( sir kum stants ) - 38, 124 - condition / event / occasion circumstances -( sir kum stants iz )- 26,40,92,97,104,121,157 - conditions, events, or occasions / a thing or things that happen / a condition or fact which determines, or needs considered, in deciding a course of action cite - ( sight ) - 30 - quote / state in detail citizen -( sit uh zen )-171,185 s -(...zunz )-177 - member of a community or social group / member of society ( 171,185 ) / residents / inhabitants ( 177 ) citizenship - ( sit uh zun ship ) - 110 - citizen status / membership clamor - ( klam ur ) - 130 - loud continuous noise / insistent demands clamored - ( klam urd ) - 121 - shouted / called out loudly / insisted clapboard - ( klap bord ) - 149 - see Wombley’s Clapboard Factory class - ( klass ) - 71, 140, 166 classes - ( klass uz ) - 83, 135 - group / groups / types / group whose members share similar characteristics clean house - 56, 60, 63 - house cleaning - 32, 108 ( In the ‘Big Book’ of A.A. - 83, 98 - [ in the first 164 pages ] ) - ‘house’ is used meaning one’s life and way of being in general / similar to or the same as “putting one’s own house in order” / restore order, sanity, and responsibility to one’s life / ( J.S. Huxley - 1923 …to organize the inner reality to react with the outer. ) / ( Bible - 2 Kings 20:1 …”Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order: for thout shalt die, and not live.” ) cleavage - ( klee vid’j ) - 11, 167 - separation / division / differences clergyman -( klur jee mun )- 61,63 - ordained church representative / minister clergymen -( klur jee min )- 17,32,63,96,180 - church ministers or members Cleveland's Plain Dealer -186 - a newspaper located in Cleveland, Ohio-USA clinched - ( klinch’d ) - 141 - secured / supported / held together clinked thinly -( klingk’d … )- 163 - made a small, light & sharp ringing sound closed corporation - 171 - a business ( corporation ) in which interests and investments ( shares of stock ) are not open to or owned by the general public closest scrutiny - ( klo sust skroot’n ee ) - 94 - most careful and complete search, examination, or observation club-minded - 148 - interested in or supportive of clubhouses clutch - ( klutch ) - 45 - attempt to grab / to attempt to hold or seize tightly codified - ( ko duh fide / kod eh fide ) - 17 - listed / arranged and shown in a special order / grouped / organized coercion - ( ko ur shun / ko ur zhun ) - 12, 74 - force / demands / threats coin… …sentences - 173 - compose / create / make new / devise / author cold - 44, 81, 97 ( see hot and cold by turns ) - 144 - indifferent / plain / unfeeling / cold hearted ( 44 ) - unfeeling / insensitive / cheerless / cold-hearted / unaffectionate / unresponsive to or unaware of the feelings or needs of others ( 81 ) - completely / totally / absolutely ( 144 ) collective poverty - ( kuh lek tive pov ur tee ) - 11, 160 - shared condition of being poor / common lack of wealth or needed funds / … “So A.A., the movement, started and stayed broke, … ( Page 161 - Top ) collectively - ( kuh lek tiv lee ) - 12, 174, 177 - as a group / all together collision - ( ku liz shun ) - 44, 80 - “collision of instincts” - ( 44 ) “instincts in collision” ( 80 ) / crash / impact / violent contact or confrontation come to grips with - 69, 73 - deal with firmly and in a straightforward way comical - ( kom eh kul ) - 140 - funny / foolish / humorous / laughable commence -( kuh ments )- 50,75,81,88,115,131,132,147 - start / begin commenced-(…ments’d )-39,107,157 commences-(…ments iz )-74,119 commission -( kuh mish un )-89,170 s-170 - actions done / acts committed ( 89 ) / group of people officially authorized to perform certain duties ( 170 ) committee - ( kuh mit ee ) - 134 - a group of people officially assigned to perform a function or act on a matter committeemen - ( kuh mit ee mun ) - 169 - members of a committee committees - ( kuh mit eez ) - 10, 12, 168, 172, 173 - plural of committee Communist -( kom yuh nist )- 147 - a system of government where a single party holds power, controls the economy and th***etical equal sharing of goods compatibility - ( kum pat uh bil it ee / kum pat uh bil uh tee ) - 119 - the ability or state of being compatible / see compatible compatible - ( kum pat uh bul ) - 30, 117-118 - capable of existing or performing in harmonious, agreeable, or congenial combination with another or others / in harmonious or logical agreement compel - ( kum pel ) - 129, 132, 141 - force / pressure / make / to force to act or think in a particular way compelling - ( kum pel ing ) - 117 - forceful / urgent / pressing / powerful competent -( kom pih tunt )- 111 - sufficiently or properly qualified / capable complaint - ( kum plaint ) - 114 - expression of resentment or dissatisfaction composed - ( kum poze’d ) - 133, 160, 178, 181 - made up / formed compounded -( kom pound id )- 149 - made greater / magnified / multiplied comprehension -( kom preh hen shun )- 53 - appreciation / understanding compromised -( kom pruh mized )- 170 - risked / exposed to damage or loss compromises -( kom pruh my zuz )-166 - places at risk / threatens / gambles compromising -( kom pruh my zing )- 158 - threatening / possibly damaging compulsion - ( kum pul shuns ) - 22, 117, 133 compulsions - 73, 151 - seemingly uncontrollable urge or action / irresistible impulse to act, regardless of the rationality of the motivation / an insistent impulse to behave in a certain way, contrary to one’s conscious intentions or standards conceit - ( kun seet ) - 104 - too high opinion of oneself and one’s abilities / fanciful or extravagant thoughts or opinions / lack of humility / self-importance conceivable -( kun seev uh bul )- 141,146,169 - thinkable ( see - conceive ) conceive -( kun seev )- 177 - think / believe / have the opinion that / imagine concentrate -( kon sun trate )- 71 - focus / direct one’s thoughts or attention concepts -( kon seps )- 174 - ideas / thoughts / notions / mental formations concerned -( kun surn’d )- 7,22,30,47,53,56,77,79,86,94,108,120,150,178 - involved / interested / of interest or importance to /- troubled / made troubled, anxious, or uneasy, as a result of one’s interest in something or someone concerted -( kun sir tid )- 150 - combined / united / mutually agreed upon conclude - ( kun klood ) - 38, 67, 85 concludes - ( kon kloodz ) - 153 concluded - ( kun kloo did ) - 28, 31, 151, 163 - find / found / see / decide / decided / determined / ended / completed / - to decide after consideration / to agree with or form a final judgment about / - bring to or come to an end / to end or understand in a particular way conclusion - ( kun kloo zshun ) - 73,123,135,170 conclusions - 34,50 - finding / decision / deduction / end result, judgment, or decision reached condemned -( kun dem’d )- 22, 30 - cursed / sentenced ( 22 ) judged ( 30 ) condition - ( kun dish un ) - 12, 72, 122 - situation / state / shape / status / circumstances / footing / terms / principle / the manner or circumstances of one’s existence // - established position from which to operate // - a state of soundness and readiness for action // - sickness / disease / defect / disorder conditions -( kun dish unz )-8,31,47,52,63,87,88,93,108,118 -see condition confession - ( kun fesh un ) - 6 - from Pg. 56 - “ This practice of admitting one’s defects to another person…” / - the act of admitting to something confide -( kun fide )- 6,61,108 - to tell or disclose something in confidence / trust with sharing private matters / ( Pg.61 “…share your… …self-survey.” ) confided - ( kun fye did ) - 145 - disclosed / revealed / see confide confidence-( kon feh dunce )-6,48,50,51,61,78,110,112,142,165,184,185,186 - a condition in which one is free from doubt / sureness / belief / trust / faith - a firm belief in one’s powers / self-confidence / assurance / - firm belief in another’s trustworthiness / trust / belief / faith / conviction / - acceptance as true or valid / belief / trust / assurance / faith / credit - a tendency always to expect a favorable result / hopefulness confident -( kon feh dunt )- 83, 85,137,146 - sure / assured / expecting a favorable outcome / trustful / trusting // - self-assured or assertive ( 137 ) confiding - ( kun fye ding ) - 58 - telling / trusting / sharing / - see confide confinement -( kun fine munt )- 62,155 - captivity / imprisonment / restraints confirm - ( kun furm ) - 98 s - 60 - affirm / verify / prove / establish as true conflict - ( kon flikt ) - 44, 51, 108 conflicts - ( kon flikts ) - 57, 80, 108 - disharmony / division / disagreement / inner or external struggles / fighting between opposing forces /( Psychology: A mental struggle, often unconscious, resulting from the opposition or simultaneous functioning of mutually exclusive impulses, desires, or tendencies. – American Heritage Dictionary ) conform - ( kun form ) - 6, 10, 40, 130, 136, 141, 146, 173, 174 - agree / adapt / act or be in agreement with / go along with / correspond conformity -( kun form uh tee )- 174,189 - agreement / sameness / similarity confronted - ( kun frun tid ) - 25, 46 - faced / met / met head on / taken confused - ( kun fewz’d ) - 111, 156 - unable to think clearly or act with understanding / puzzled / flustered / baffled confusion - ( kun fyoo zshun ) - 28, 48, 111, 148, 149 - a state of disorder or disturbance / chaos / disorganization / turmoil / agitation congratulate - ( kun gratch uh late / kun gradj uh late ) - 66, 112 - praise / compliment / applaud / express admiration and approval of connives - ( kuh nive’z ) - 135 - plots / plans secretly, illegally, or immorally conquer - ( konk ur / kongk ur ) - 29 - control / gain control of / overcome conquest - ( kon kwest ) - 22 - defeat / destruction / mastery / suppression cons - ( konz ) - 37 - unfavorable factors / negatives / see pros and cons conscience - ( kon shuns / kont shunts ) - 10, 95, 132, 134, 135, 136, 138, 147, 151, 189 ( also see - group conscience ) - sense of proper, moral, or ethical conduct / awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one’s conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong / in agreement with or conforming to one’s sense of right conduct / awareness of differences between one’s accepted values and one’s thoughts, feelings, or actions conscience-stricken -( kon chus-strik un )-151 - struck by the awareness of one’s moral or ethical conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong conscious - ( kon shus ) - 8, 48, 62, 96, 101, 105 - aware / known / felt / - aware of one’s surroundings and one’s own existence, feelings, and thoughts - known or felt from within a person’s mind / intentionally done / purposeful conscious contact - 8, 96, 101, 105 - a perceived relationship, association, connection, or communication ( aware / perceived / known + in touch with ) consciousness -( kon shus niss )- 6, 9, 80, 107 - being conscious / a sense of one’s personal or collective identity, particularly: beliefs, attitudes, habits, and sensitivities held by or considered characteristic of an individual or a group consequences -( kon sih kwens uz / kont suh kwentz uz)- 8, 21, 87, 111 - results / outcomes / effects / actions or states created or caused consequently -( kon sih kwent lee )-107,186 - therefore / so / for this reason conservative - ( kun sur vuh tiv ) - 148 - opposed to change / cautious considerably -( kun sid ur uh blee )- 121 - significantly / to a high degree consideration - ( kun sid uh ray shun/z ) - 50, 86, 90, 164 s - 119 - careful thought / thing/s to be carefully thought about / thoughtful concern - something promised , given, or done that completes an agreement considered - ( kun sid urd ) - 95, 109 - carefully thought of / regarded consist - ( kun sist ) - 58 - be made up / have as it’s base / be composed consists - ( kun sists ) - 55, 118, 125 - is made up / is based or centered consistent - ( kun siss tunt ) - 112 - constant / unchanging / steady consistently - ( kun siss tunt lee ) - 80 - usually / constantly / invariably conspired - ( kun spyr’d ) - 79 - worked together / joined together consternation -( kon ster nay shun )- 73,144,156 - great fear, alarm, dread constructive imagination -( kun struk tiv eh maj uh nay shun )- 100,101 - creative thought that serves to improve or advance / helpful mental images constructively criticized - ( kun struk tiv lee krit uh sized ) - 94 - pointed out faults or defects so they might be corrected / usefully judged J consult -( kun sult )-86 - consider / speak with / seek advice or information of consulted - ( kun sult id ) - 189 - considered / taken into account / met with to exchange views to reach a decision consumed -( kun soom’d )- 135 - obsessed / dominated / controlled / eaten contemplate - ( kon tum plate ) - 37 - think about carefully and at length contemplation - ( kon tum play shun ) - 192 - thoughtful consideration / regard / notice / reflection / thought / attention contempt -( kun temp’t )- 184 - dislike / feeling superior mingled with dislike - the mental state of someone who despises something or someone contemptuously -( kun temp choo us lee )- 30 - scornfully / see - contempt content -( kun tent )- 65, 112, 122 - satisfied / pleased / OK / satisfy ( 112 ) contented - ( kun tent id ) - 40 - satisfied / fulfilled / gratified …or made so contention -( kun ten shun )- 166 - debate / disagreement / dispute / conflict contentment - ( kun tent munt ) - 43 - satisfaction / well-being / serenity / - being without pain, worry, or agitation continual - ( kun tin u ul ) - 76 - steady / constant / uninterrupted continuation - ( kun tin u ay shun ) - 102 - extension / resumption continuous - ( kun tin u us ) - 17,40,52,88,114,148 - constant / endless contradiction -( kon tru dik shun )- 172 - inconsistency / lack of agreement contrary -( kon trair ee )- 55,105,136,141 - opposite in direction or purpose - opposing what has been said or what is expected / opposite / contradictory contrast -( kon trast )- 84, 185 - difference / being opposite or very different in nature / inconsistency ( 185 ) / also see in sharp contrast contrasting -( kon trast ing )- 181 - very different / opposite when compared contributions - ( kon tru byoo shuns ) - 11, 160, 162, 190, 191 - donations / gifts / charity / money granted for a definite purpose controversial -( kon truh vur shul )-158,176,192 - debated publicly / subject to strong debate / of, marked by, or producing controversy - see controversy controversy -( kon truh vur see )- 12, 158, 176, 177, 178, 179 - argument / debate / disagreement / squabble / heated verbal conflict, often a public one ( Page 177 - “…this reluctance to fight one another or anybody else…” ) conventional bounds - ( kun ven shuh nul boundz ) - 67 - traditional, expected, typical, customary, usual, accepted, limits convert - ( kun vert ) - 163 - save / rescue / influence or move another to do or accept something converted - ( kun vert id ) - 93 - changed / transformed / remade conviction - ( kun vik shun ) - 24, 28, 40, 89, 105, 157 - belief / faith / opinion / firm or strong belief / spiritual belief or set of beliefs convince - ( kun vince ) - 85 - prove to convinced -( kun vince’d )- 24,25,29,39,72,85,119,135 - brought to believe / in firm belief of the truth of a statement or proposition / in belief cooperated - ( ko op uh ray tid ) - 12 - acted together in support of our aim cooperation -( ko op ur aye shun )- 65,183,190 - working together toward a common aim or goal / willingness to follow a prescribed course / collaboration cope -( kope )-48 - deal / face difficulties and act to overcome them / struggle copy - 157 - see newspaper copy cornerstone -( kor nur stone )-12,179 - indispensable and fundamental basis corporate poverty - ( kor pur it -or- kor prit pov ur tee ) - 165 - from earlier in the same paragraph: “…the principle that A.A. must stay poor.” corporation -( korp uh ray shun )- 148, 177 s - (...shunz )- 167, 180 - company / business / firm / a commercial organization counsel - ( kow’n sul ) - 60, 167 - advice / recommendations / guidance courage -( kur ij )- 7,39,41,83,85,105,112,125,147 - a condition of mind or spirit that makes one able to face danger, fear, or difficulties with self-control, confidence, and determination / bravery / heart / strength / fearlessness courageous - ( kuh ray jus ) - 131 - brave / valiant / showing courage course -( korss )- 47,81,147 - path / route / deed / guidelines / progression / mode of action / the direction of movement / also see of course courtesy -( kurt us ee )- 93 - well-mannered behavior / politeness / respect covet - ( kuv it ) - 49 - envy / want / wish for longingly / obsessively desire cowed -( kow’d )-123 - filled with fear / weakened / discouraged / intimidated crackerjack - ( krack er jak ) - 147 - fine one / excellent example / ( lulu J ) crackpot -( krack pot )- 136 - odd / crazy / weird / loony / oddball / eccentric crackpots - ( krack pots ) - 140 - people whose beliefs and actions are considered odd, weird, or crazy credible - ( kred uh bul ) - 141 - believable / likely / true / apparently valid credits -( kred its )-8,93 - things done right or constructively - See text Pg.93 creed -( kreed )- 141 - faith / religious belief / something one believes as true crept - ( krep’t ) - 158 - slipped / crawled / moved in a slow and silent way criminality -( krim in al eh tee )-156 - lawbreaking / those who commit crimes crisis -( krye sis )- 103,134,135 - emergency / critical point or state of affairs criticism - ( krit eh siz um ) - 88, 91, 103, 165, 170 - critical evaluation / fault finding / a judgment of worth or value / an expression of dissatisfaction / the expression of a low opinion / assessment / also see - criticize criticize -( krit eh size )- 67 - find fault with / pass judgment on / complain of crosses -( kross iz / krahs siz )-86 - burden / weight / load / ref: Jesus’ cross cross-examine -( kross ig zam in )- 52 - ask / question / probe / interrogate crusaders - ( kroo say durz ) - 178 - campaign members / people involved in an effort to accomplish a purpose cubicle - ( kyoo bik ul / kyoo bih kul ) - 162 - small room or office culture -( kul chur )-71 - the products of human work & thought, such as arts, beliefs, and institutions / intellectual and artistic activity and the works from it currency - ( kur un see ) - 147 - money - especially paper money character - see flaws and character defects admin is offline Report Post IP Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote Multi-Quote This Message Quick reply to this message Thanks Old 10-08-2010, 10:56 AM #2 admin Administrator Join Date: May 2010 Posts: 5,614 Default DEFGH Words D.T.'s -( dee teez )- 152 - ( deh lear ee um trim uns ) [ delirium + trembling ] - short for ‘delirium tremens’ / - a sometimes fatal episode of delirium ( mental confusion, clouded consciousness, often with anxiety, disorientation, trembling, hallucinations, delusions, and incoherent speech. ) usually caused by withdrawal or abstinence from alcohol following habitual, excessive drinking. dawns - ( dawnz ) - 130 - appears / begins to appear / develops / grows deacon -( dee kun )-135 s - 10,135 - an assistant ( cleric ) ranking below a priest / a prefix to the surname of such a person: Example - Deacon Smith - a master of his craft / a very capable person / ( see bleeding deacon ) death sentence - 10, 141 - punishment or penalty of death death warrant -( … war unt )-12,174 - an official order authorizing one to be put to death / something that destroys all hope or expectation / a deathblow debate - ( deh bait ) - 71, 100, 164 - argue / argument / dispute / deliberate discussion of opposing views debating society -26- those who argue difficult, perhaps unknowable, ideas debit -( deb it )- 94 s - ( deb its )- 8,89 - item or items of debt / things owed debris -( duh bree / day bree )- 77 - wreckage / broken or destroyed things debt -( det )- 51 s -( dets )- 121,147 - things owed / obligations / offenses decency - ( de sun see ) - 29 - moral excellence / goodness / morality - conformity to prevailing standards of right action, morals, or modesty decent -( de sunt )-121,136,140 - adequate / acceptable / modest (121,136 ) - morally upright / respectable / honorable / good ( 140 ) decidedly -( deh seye did lee )- 152 - clearly / definitely / without any doubt decision -( deh siz shun )- 5,11,34,38,40,135 s -( ...shunz )- 37,103 - conclusion / determination / deduction / choice / a position, an opinion, or a judgment reached after consideration / the ability to make up one’s mind and carry out one’s intentions / a finding arrived at by reasoning from principles declare -( deh klair )- 25,56,139,147,171,184 - announce / state / express / - make one’s thoughts, motives, choice, opinion, or intentions known declared -( deh klair’d )-22,155,165,167,176,182 - announced / stated / said declares - 63,110 - announces / expresses / states / says / also see declare declined - (deh klined / deh kleye’nd ) - 164, 165 - refused / politely refused declining -( deh kline ing / deh kleye ning )-11,160 - refusing / not accepting decree -( deh kree )- 134 - determine / command / dictate / direct / authorize decry - ( deh cry / dih kry ) - 166 - condemn / to write, think, or speak of as being of little value or importance dedicate -( ded uh kate / ded eh kate )-178- devote / occupy / commit / apply deep-lying inferiorities - 123 - see inferiorities and inferiority defeat -( deh feet )- 5,21,22,38,123 - see Step One - “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol--that our lives had become unmanageable.” // [ Text descriptions: personal powerlessness / removal of self-sufficiency and will to resist / bankruptcy as going human concerns / devastating weakness ( 21 ) // we would ultimately destroy ourselves / hopeless ( 22 ) ] /// - loss of power to control or influence / inability to accomplish an aim or purpose / frustration / destruction / ruin / loss / failure to succeed or win / destruction of spirited force defeated -( deh feet id )-166 - lost / undone / made ineffective / see defeat defeats -47,72- losses / [ couldn’t correct conditions to our entire satisfaction ] defective -( de / di fek tiv )- 80,109 - lacking / faulty / incomplete / imperfect defects -( dee feks / di fecks )- 6, 7, 8, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 73, 74, 76, 78, 82, 84, 108, 131, 148 - see flaws and character defects defects of character - see flaws and character defects defensive - ( deh fen siv / deh fents iv ) - 78 - state of being protective to withstand or discourage aggression or attack / constantly protecting oneself from criticism, exposure of one’s shortcomings, or other real or perceived threats to the ego / see also - on the defensive deferred -( deh fur’d )- 79,83 - delayed / postponed / put off until a later time defiance -( deh fye unts )- 5, 28, 31 - rebellion / opposition / disagreement / hostility / contempt / disobedience / noncompliance / an attitude or disposition to defy, resist, refuse, or be in conflict with authority figures or opposing forces defiant -( deh fye unt )-28,174 - openly disobedient / resistant / see defiance defiantly -( deh fye unt lee )- 146 - lawlessly / disobediently / see defiance deficiencies -( deh fish un seez )- 58 - weakness or character flaws / faults / shortcomings / weak points / failings / defects / lacking in ability or capacity definite - ( def uh nit ) - 67, 103 - actual / clear / certain / real / particular deflate - ( deh flate ) - 6, 55 - reduce / lesson / lower / weaken / humble deflation -( deh flay shun )- weakness ( 40 ) / reduction ( 55 ) / see deflate deflect - ( deh flekt ) - 85 - turn / block / distract / deflect / divert / redirect deformities -( deh for muh teez )- 43 - distortions / abnormalities / flaws / disfigurements / imperfections / irregularities / impairments / defects defying -( deh -or- dee fye ing )- 31, 64 - rebelling against / see defiance degree -( deh gree )- 28,65,67,70,76,77,107,135 degrees -(…greez )- 48 - small measure, amount, or extent / amount / extent / measure / level delay -( deh lay )- 7,69 - waiting / putting off until a later time / postponement deliberately -( deh lib ur it lee )- 91,183 - intentionally / purposely / knowingly deluded - ( deh lood id ) - 60 - deceived / mislead / misrepresented / fooled delusions - ( deh loo’z’shunz ) - 58 - false beliefs / beliefs held in spite of evidence that proves them wrong, especially as a symptom of mental illness demand - ( deh mand ) - 26, 32, 65, 76, 103, 104, 115 - see demands demanded -( deh mand id )- 76,152 - asked / to ask for urgently or insistently demands -( deh mandz )- 21, 28, 44, 49, 52, 53, 76, 93, 104, 109, 115, 116 - pleads / appeals / commands / urgent requests, requirements, or expectations democracy - ( deh mok ruh see ) - 134 - majority rule / government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives demolished -( deh ma lish’d )- 52 - damaged / tore down / destroyed / ended demonstrating - ( dem un stray ting ) - 135 - showing / confirming / proving demonstrations -( dem un stray shuns )-9,114- proofs / examples / displays denial -( deh nye ull )- 183 - rejection / disapproval / refusal / - Psychology: an unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings dependence -( deh pin dunce )- 5,9,36,38,39,116,117,121 - reliance / trust / belief / being dependent upon, as for support / being determined, influenced, or controlled by something else / a compulsive or chronic need; an addiction dependent -( deh pen dunt )- 36, 116, 160, 181 - relying on or requiring the aid of another for support / determined or to be determined by something else / conditional / contingent / having one’s existence depend on another deposed -( deh poe’z’d )- 135 - dethroned / removed from a position of power deprecate -( dep rih kate )- 71 - express disapproval of / belittle / object to depress - ( deh press ) - 168 - lower / reduce / drop / bring down depressed -(deh press’d )-51,94,123,134 - low or lowered in spirit / unhappy / downcast / saddened / hopeless / distressed / gloomy / discouraged depression - ( deh presh un ) - 6, 44, 52, 56, 74, 81 - being depressed / feeling sad or lacking in response / being or feeling glum, sad, gloomy, sorrowful, cheerless, melancholy /( some qualities of depression may be a part of a grief process in response to a significant loss is in one’s life ) / Psychology: A psychotic or neurotic condition characterized by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, and feelings of extreme sadness, dejection, and hopelessness depressive - ( deh press ) - 45, 48, 156 - hopeless, sad, gloomy, and unresponsive / one characterized by expressions of sadness, cheerlessness, desperation, and hopelessness / one suffering from psychological depression deprive -( deh preye’v )- 80, 97, 141 - take something away from / deny / rob deprived - ( deh preye’v’d ) - 75 - kept from having / withheld from / robbed deranged -( deh rainj’d )- 112 - emotionally and/or mentally troubled / crazy derelictions - ( dair uh lik shunz ) - 65 - failures / acts or instances of being lacking in concern or due care / failures to meet or fulfill our obligations / derelicts -( dair uh licks / … likt’s )- 155 - homeless and/or jobless persons derive - ( deh reye’v ) - 192 - receive / obtain / gain / hold descend - ( deh send ) - 133 - come down / come down from a source desert -( deh zert )- 115 - leave empty / withdraw from / abandon / forsake deserted -( deh zert id )- 31, 144 - left / abandoned / betrayed / see desert desirable -( deh zire uh bul )-58,71,72,74- worth having or seeking / favorable despair - ( deh spair ) - 45, 72, 99, 112, 131 - lose all hope / to be overcome by a sense of defeat or loss of hope desperate -( dess pur it )- 22,23,36,142 - extreme / severe / life threatening despite - ( des peye’t ) - 96, 148, 161, 166, 178 - in spite of / regardless of / in disregard, disrespect, defiance, or contempt of destined -( dess tind )-16 - set apart for or directed toward a purpose or place destiny -( dess tin ee )- 71, 98 - future / fortune / fate / course of events / life deteriorate -( dih tear ee uh rate )-174 - weaken / become spoiled or unsound determination -( dih tur muh nay shun )- 39,141 - intention / ability to make up one’s mind and carry out one’s intentions (39) / decision / conclusion (141) devastating - ( dev uh stay ting ) - 21, 74 - overwhelming / overpowering / ruinous / fatal / lethal / causing or capable of causing death or total destruction development -( dih vel up munt )- 36, 60, 91, 98, 114 developments - 135 - growth / progress / creation / steady improvement / a progression from a simpler or lower to a more advanced, mature, or complex form or stage deviates - ( dee vee ates ) - 130 - strays / varies / turns / changes course deviation - ( dee vee ay shun ) - 146 s -( ...shunz )- 146 - departure / abnormality / deviant behavior / departure from what is prescribed or expected devices -( deh vice iz )-100 - methods / practices / means / tricks / techniques devote- ( deh vote ) - 43, 120, 150 - dedicate / commit / apply / deeply involve devoted - ( deh voh tid ) - 17, 74, 124, 129, 162 - dedicated / committed devotion - ( deh voh shun ) - 98, 112, 118 - commitment / affection and dedication / religious observance or prayer ( 98 ) devour -( deh vow er )- 49 - eat up / feast on / consume / destroy / devastate devout - ( deh vowl’t ) - 32 - devoted to religion or to religious obligations / “God fearing” / pious / devoted dictated - ( dik tate id / dik tay tid ) - 12, 174 - ordered / commanded / ruled dictator -( dik tay tur )-133 - ruler / one who rules absolutely and often harshly dilemma -( deh lem uh )- 17,22,25,28,103,142,152 s -( … uz )- 87, 125 - something to be dealt with / difficult, worrisome, or uncertain situation / problem / predicament / difficulty / crisis / jam / puzzle / concern / mess / a situation in which a choice must be made between alternative courses of action din -( din )-178 - noise / loud and perhaps wearily repetitious voices or sounds diplomatic - ( dip luh mat ik ) - 168 - using a manner of speech intended to soften or avoid offense / tactful directive -( dih rek tiv )- 132,173 s -(… tiv’z )- 12 - order / law / command director -( dih rek tur )- 158,177 s - 132 - manager / leader / head / official disagreeable -( dis uh gree uh bul )- 91 - unpleasant / offensive disappointed - (dis uh poyn tid ) - 115 - unhappy / frustrated / discontented disappointingly -(dis uh poyn ting lee )-113- in a way not up to expectations disastrous -( dih zas trus / dih sas trus )- 53,164 - terrible / extremely bad disciplinarians - ( dis uh pluh nair ee unz ) - 12, 174 - forces providing or insuring discipline or self control / those who teach, correct, train, insure order or self-control, by using punishment for failure to follow certain rules or laws discipline -( dis uh plin )- 6, 38, 172 - practice ( 6 ) / self-control / restraint / controlled behavior / instruction / training / penalties or punishments for failures or wrongs done ( 38 ) / ( from the text: - page 172 “…enforce obedience to necessary rules or regulations?” ( 172 ) [ see also self-discipline ( 52 ) ] disciplines - ( dis uh plinz ) - 91 - efforts to follow a set of rules or ideals disclose -( dis cloze )- 52,70 s -( dis clo ziz )- 175 - expose / reveal / make known something previously unknown or kept secret / tell in confidence disclosure - ( dis cloze yur ) - 85, 86 s - (… yurz ) - 47, 83, 186 - something uncovered or revealed that was previously unknown / the act of admitting, revealing, or uncovering something / a revelation / see revelation discolored -( dis color’d )- 80 - affected or changed in an undesirable way disconcerting -( dis kun surt ing )- 103 - troubling / disturbing / upsetting discontented - (dis kun ten tid ) - 118 - unhappy / frustrated / displeased discord - ( dis kord ) - 99 - lack of agreement, tension, or bitter conflict, among persons, groups or things discouraged -( dis kur idj’d )- 91, 111, 113 - made less hopeful or confident discouragement -( dis kur idj munt )- 85 - being less hopeful or without hope discretion -( dih skresh un )- 8,84 - good judgment / careful thinking / wisdom disenchanted -( dis en chan tid )-167- discontented / unhappy / disillusioned disillusioned - ( dis uh looz shun’d ) - 5 - those who suffer disillusionment disillusionment - ( dis uh loozshun munt ) - 43, 114, 115 - disappointment / lacking contentment or satisfaction / frustration / made free from false belief / to be freed or deprived of illusion / disenchanted dismal -( diz mul )-47 - gloomy / depressive / dreary / dreadful / dull / foolish dismay -( dis may )-66 - concern / distress / discomfort / alarm / uneasiness dismayed -( dis may’d )- 144 - troubled / flustered / distressed / concerned / disturbed / worried / agitated / made to feel anxious or uneasy disobedience -( dis uh bee dee unts )- 174 - defiance / disobeying / rebellion dispelled -( dis pell’d )- 167 - driven away or off as if by scattering / dispersed displaced - ( dis place’d ) - 29 - took the place of / replaced / substituted dispose -( dis poze )- 69 - ( …dispose of… ) - attend to / get rid of / deal with disposed -( dis poze’d )-168 - inclined / in a willing or receptive frame of mind disposition -( dis puh zish un )- 45 - usual state of mind or emotions / mood or temperament / tendency / one’s emotional, intellectual, and moral qualities dispute -( deh spyoot / dis pyuut )- 66 s - 191 - argue / debate / question disputed - ( dis pyuu tid ) - 63 - debated / argued / challenged dissenters -( deh sen turz )-148 - people who disagreed or withheld approval dissolution -( dis uh loo shun )- 174 - death / destruction / death by division distilling - ( dis til ing ) - 157 - alcoholic beverage making / brewing distinguish -( dis ting wish )- 89 - set apart / define as being different / raise in importance / make noticeable or different / tell one from the other / contrast distinguished - ( dis ting qwisht ) - 123, 124, 181 - advanced / elevated / honored / set apart / recognized / dignified in conduct or appearance / eminent distorted - ( deh stort id ) - 104, 124 - distorted / exaggerated / warped / mislead / perverted / misrepresented / confused / incorrectly represented distraught - ( deh strot ) - 162 - hopeless / distressed / despairing / crazed distressing -( deh stress ing )-56 - troubling / disturbing / painful / tormenting distressingly - ( deh stress ing lee ) - 117,143,185 - troubling / disturbingly distressingly acute - ( deh stress ing lee uh kyoot ) - 117 - disturbingly severe / seriously demanding urgent attention / extremely painful disturbance - ( deh stur bunts ) - 41, 47, 52, 76 - mental or emotional unbalance or disorder / something that disturbs or the act of disturbing disturbed -( deh sturb’d )- 47, 81, 90, 105, 148 - upset / troubled mentally or emotionally / distressed / offended / troubled / annoyed / angered / unsettled disturbing -( deh stur bing )-73 - troubling / mentally or emotionally upsetting divert - ( deh / die vurt ) - 11,155,165,190 - turn / block / distract / redirect diverted - ( deh / die vur tid ) - 28 - turned away from / caused to change / distracted dividend - ( div eh dend ) - 58 - bonus / benefit / unexpected gain / advantage divine - ( deh vine ) - 109, 137 - godlike / relating to, from, or being the expression of a deity (god or goddess) divine paradox - ( deh vine pair uh dox ) - 109 - godlike mystery or puzzle / ( paradox - a seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true ) doeth - ( doo uth ) - 75 - does ( third person singular present tense of ‘do’ ) domestic -( duh mes tik )- 9,103,113,120,153 - family, home, or household dominate -( dom uh nate )-42,81,115,124 - control / rule / command / master dominated - ( dom uh nay tid ) - 129 - controlled / ruled / commanded dominating -( dom uh nay ting )- 53, 116 - controlling / ruling / commanding domination - ( dom uh nay shun ) - 9, 44, 117 - control / power / dominion / rule / mastery or power over others / the right and power to govern or judge donor's -( doe nurz )- 161 - the son of the one who gave the hospital / giver dope addiction - 144, 155 - narcotics addiction / drug addiction doubt -( dout )- 21, 26, 45, 60, 93, 97, 99, 153, 158 - question / uncertainty / distrust / disbelief / to be undecided, uncertain, or lacking in confidence doubted -( dout id )- 109,148 - questioned / were uncertain about / see doubt doubter -( dout ur )-109- one who questions or is uncertain about / see doubt doubters - ( dowt urz ) - 23,181 - people who question or are uncertain Dr. Silkworth - 151 - the attending physician during Bill Wilson’s “detox” at Towns Hospital in New York ( 1934 ). Dr. William D. Silkworth or “Silky” as Bill would come to call him, was a significant influence and contributor to A.A. / See ‘The Doctors Opinion’ chapter in 'The Big Book' of A.A. / ( Numerous books and articles are available about Dr. William D. Silkworth. ) dramatic - ( druh mat ik ) - 55, 141 - striking / forceful in effect or highly emotional - reminding one of an act or of an emotionally stirring stage performance - speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression dramatize -( dram uh tyze )-59- be theatrical / build up / color / see dramatic drastic -( dras tik )- 114 - severe / extreme / radical / major / very significant drawing account -136 - similar to a checking or savings account / an account in which money for business and/or personal expenses is made available dreaded - ( dred id ) - 85, 122 - feared drink - ( for page 139 usage only ) - water / body of water / sea drive - 42, 65, 135 - push / force / move / motivate / urge / stimulate / compel / control / force to act or think in a certain way / move to action drive by mandate - ( … man date ) - 135 - push or force by demand, order, or law drives - 6, 49, 65, 124, 165 - forces / group efforts ( 165 ) ( Psychology: A strong motivating tendency or instinct, especially of sexual or aggressive origin, that prompts activity toward a particular end. / An urgent, basic, or instinctual need / a motivating physiological condition of an organism ) driver - 143 - see power driver drunk - 44, 51, 86, 88, 135, 143, 144, 151, 152, 168, 170, 185, 187 drunks - 133, 136, 137, 147, 148, 152, 156, 163 - past participle of drink… as in drink, drank, drunk - drank alcoholic beverages / drank to excess, uncontrollably, or “alcoholically” - physically and/or mentally impaired from drinking alcohol or alcoholic drinks - a period of drinking alcoholic beverages to the point of intoxication - one who is habitually drunk ( alcoholic/s ) ( drunkard/s ) ( problem drinker/s ) drunk farm - 170 - ( see farm and farms for other page numbers ) - slang. - “to fetch the farm” = to be ordered to infirmary diet and treatment. - (1900- Pall Mall Gazette ) The ‘farm’ in prison language is a synonym for the hospital. To ‘fetch the farm’ was slang for getting around the doctor. - the book text clearly suggests simply a place where alcoholics are cared for which may, or may not, include a traditional rural farm or farm-like setting dry - 61,90,144,147,158,185 - free from drinking alcoholic beverages / restrained from drinking / abstinent / sober / sobriety // There are those who suggest a difference between ‘dry’ and ‘sober’ which is likely an outgrowth of the term “dry benders” on page 90. There is no distinction found in the 12n12 text or the first 164 pages of the ‘Big Book of A.A.’ There is a mention in the Big Book Story - ‘A Five-Time Loser Wins’ - Pg. 462 ( 3rd Ed. Referenced ) // - ( Pg. 158 ) - one usage of the simple meaning: lacking liquid or moisture // - ( Pg. 147 ) - …others “dry.” - suggestive of drys / see drys and wets drys -( drize )-158 - supporters of Prohibition ( Prohibition was the period 1920-1933 when the 18th Amendment of the constitution forbidding the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages was in force in the United States ( also see wets ) dry benders - (… ben durz ) - 90 - see emotional dry benders and bender dry camp-158- those who support ‘temperance’ or non-use of alcoholic drinks dubious -( doo be us / do be iss )-106,152- doubtful / uncertain / questionable dubiously - ( doo be us lee / do be iss lee ) - 132 - doubtfully / suspiciously duplicate - ( do pleh kit / do pleh kate ) - 147 - copy / recreate / repeat durability - ( dur uh bil uh tee ) - 120 - permanence / stability / strength durable -( dur uh bull )-112- lasting / stable / constant / dependable / enduring duty-bound - ( doo tee bound ) - 155 - morally or socially obligated / held, directed, or compelled by a moral or social responsibility eager -( e gur )- 62,109,121,143 - enthusiastic / intent / determined / expectant - strong desire to achieve / intensely interested and impatiently expectant eagerly -( e gur lee )- 111 - enthusiastically / intently / ambitiously / see eager earnest -( ur nist )- 72,104,144 - serious / determined / solemn / no-nonsense earnestly -( ur nist lee )- 34,86,131 - seriously / with deep thought and intent earnestness -( ur nist nuss )-103- deep sincerity / seriousness / serious intent ebbed -( eb’d )-117 - moved backward / faded / subsided / receded / lessened Eddie Rickenbacker-( ... Rik un bak ur )-13 - Edward Vernon Rickenbacker (1890-1973) - American aviator and honored World War I flying ace. From 1932 he was an executive with several airlines. During visits to air bases in the Pacific theater during World War II, he and others suffered 24 days afloat at sea after their B-17 had to ditch in the ocean. ( Full story is very fascinating. ) He served as President of Eastern Air Lines from 1938 to 1959. editorials -( ed ih tor e ulz )- 165 - newspaper and/or magazine publications / media publications, stories, reviews, releases, reports, features, articles editors - ( ed ih turz ) - 133, 183 - those who prepare, create, adapt, correct, or revise media materials such as newspaper and magazine articles effective -( ih fek tiv )-16,178- useful / able to produce a desired result / skillful effectiveness - ( ih fek tiv nuss ) - 16, 34, 178 - ability to produce a desired or expected result / usefulness / helpfulness / productiveness / capability ego - ( ee go ) - 6, 46, 55 - [ Latin: I ] - sense of self / self image / the sense of self or one’s identity as separate from the world and other selves / that part of the mind which is conscious and most immediately controls thought and behavior, and which is most in touch with external reality // - ‘The 12 & 12’ and ‘The Big Book’ of A.A. is usually addressing exaggerated forms of the sense of self or ego as in a disproportionate (unbalanced - not matching reality - untrue) idea of the importance of oneself and a belief that one has powers and abilities far above the normal or above those actually possessed. ( The works of psychologists Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and William James were a significant social influence during the early 1900’s and later. - See “Big Book” - Pg. 26… ) ego deflation -( ego dih flay shun)-40,55 - reducing self importance / see ego egos - ( ee goes / e go’z ) - 55 - plural spelling of ego / see ego ego-driven individualists - ( ee go driv un in duh vidj oo lists ) - 146 - people who believe their individual interests are more important than the interests of a group and are moved to action on this belief, sometimes compulsively or obsessively so. / see ego ego-feeding - 30, 163 - self …gratifying, supporting, sustaining / see ego egomania - ( ee go may nee uh ) - 53 - obsessive preoccupation with ourselves / total occupation of the mind with oneself / [ ego + mania -- excessive enthusiasm or desire + for self centered aims ] / also see ego ego-puncturing - ( ee go punk chur ing ) - 7, 74 - making holes in an inflated, untrue, or exaggerated sense of one’s own importance / see ego egotism -( ee guh tiz um / eg uh tiz um )- 36 - inflated sense of one’s own importance / unduly high opinion of one’s own abilities or worth / see ego Einstein's th***y of relativity - 35 - Albert Einstein’s special th***y of relativity expressed as E=mc² - Energy = mass times c or the speed of light ( 186,000 miles per second ) squared ( squared = multiplied by itself ). - A concept that measurements change when considered by observers in various states of motion. elated - ( eh lay tid ) - 92, 111 - extremely happy / proud and overjoyed elder statesmen - ( el dur states mun ) - 10,135 - textual definition found within sentence it is used / experienced older person acting as an advisor elders -( el durz )- 135,142,143,144,147,148,177 - older influential members eliminate -( eh lim uh nate )-65,88 -ting-117 -tion-50 - get rid of / remove eloquence - ( el uh kwuns / el uh kwunts ) -148, 151 - persuasive expression / effective communication / artful public speaking elsewhere -( else where )- 91,148 - somewhere else / at or in another place elude -( eh lood )-50- escape / slip away from / fail to be fulfilled or realized by elusive -( eh loo siv / eh loo ziv )-94 - slippery / evasive / vague / unrealistic / - hard to pin down / difficult to perceive, comprehend, describe, or capture embarrassing -( em bare us ing )-60,78- distressing / humiliating / shaming / - causing one to feel self-consciously shamed, humiliated, or wounded in pride embattled - ( em bat uld ) - 176 - plagued with controversy, criticism, and attackers / prepared for or engaged in battle embedded - ( em bed id ) - 165 - fixed / established / enclosed / implanted embody - ( em bod ee ) - 156 - give form to / demonstrate / contain / show emerge - ( em urj / eh merge ) - 146 - come up / appear / arise / get out emerged -( em urged )- 16,161 - came into being / formed / developed / arose emergence -( em urge unts )-26-appearance / coming into view / showing up emerging -( em urge ing ) - 62 - arising / coming into being / breaking through eminent -( em uh nunt )-122 -outstanding / well known / high in rank or quality emotion - ( e motion / eh moe shun ) - 88, 94 - any disturbance of mind, feeling, passion; any forceful, intense, or excited mental state. / a mental ‘feeling’ or ‘affection’ as pleasure or pain, desire or dislike, surprise, hope or fear, etc. ), as distinguished from conscious reasoning-/-thinking or voluntary-/-chosen states of consciousness. / a strong feeling / an intense, agitated, or disturbed mental state arising from within rather than through conscious effort and often accompanied by changes in bodily functions / the part of consciousness that involves feeling. / ( some relate: energy in motion ) [ Emotions seem to be an energizing force behind responses to internal or external perceptions, real or imagined. Because of their destructive potential, extremes and deviations of negative emotions are the primary points of focus within the text of “The Big Book” and “The 12 and 12” - Author ] emotions - 44,47,62,78,80,90,97 - more than one emotion / see emotion emotional -( eh moe shuh nul / em o shun ul )- 6,8,37,38,41,42,43,51,52, 77,79,80,88,90,91,94,99,102,103,104,106,114,115,11 6,117,119,139,169 - connected with, based upon, or appealing to, the feelings or passions / easily affected by emotion / characterized by the capacity for emotion / showing emotion / stimulating or intending to arouse emotions - see emotion emotional balance -8,88,102-an absence of extremes in feeling or emotions emotional binges - ( … bin juz ) - 38 - periods of excessive or unrestrained and self-indulgent ( self-serving / self-gratifying ) emotions emotional “dry benders” - 90 - within the textual context Bill is referring to “an emotional jag” - 90 - [ a period of time in an emotional state of “justified” anger ] while one is ‘dry’ [ not drinking ]. Some have come to refer to this as a “dry drunk” . The text stresses the dangers and pitfalls of resentments, anger, bursts of temper, grudges, jealousy, envy, self-pity, and hurt pride. [ “…stormy emotions.” ] There is no direct reference to such as a “dry drunk” within the first 164 pages of the “Big Book” or anyplace within ‘The 12 and 12’. emotional gusts - 169 - outbursts of feeling / varying expressions of feeling emotional handicap - 119 - unfavorable or flawed feelings / feelings that would act as a disadvantage, hindrance, strain, or disability emotional hangover - 8, 88 - The text definition that follows usage on Pg. 88 : “…the direct result of yesterday’s and sometimes today’s excesses of negative emotion - anger, fear, jealousy, and the like.” / see emotional dry bender emotional insecurity - 6, 52 - feeling unsure, unsteady, uncertain, unsafe, or lacking in self-confidence / plagued by anxiety / lacking emotional stability emotional jag - 90 - see emotional “dry benders” emotional security -42,43,51,80,115,116 - feeling sure, steady, certain, safe, or self-confident / also see emotionally secure and emotional insecure emotional sobriety -(…suh bry uh tee )-106 - also see sober and sobriety - feelings that are reasonable in relation to that which stimulates them / feelings that are without extreme qualities of fantasy, instability, or prejudice emotional stability - (…stuh bil ih tee ) - 116 - feeling secure, protected, cared for, peaceful, and possessing an inner strength ( text based definition ) / feelings that are reliable and able to withstand pressure, force, or stress emotional turmoil - (… turm oil / tur moy ul )- 94 - emotional pains ( textual ) - feelings of extreme confusion, chaos, agitation, bafflement, or restlessness emotional twists -117- ( Text Page 80 - "…our emotions violent twists…" ) - emotional distortions or alterations / feelings that could be described as twisted, distorted, perverted, complicated, entangled, or confused emotional wringer - (… ring ur ) - 99 - [ from text: “…the emotional wringer.” ] [ ‘to put through the wringer’ = to try or test a person ] - distressing or painful feelings resulting from hardships in life, and often serving as a test of character emotionalism -( eh moe shu nul izm )- 32 - excessive or improper display of emotion / relying on or the over valuation of emotion / the habit of forming unhealthy or dreadful emotion / weakly giving way to emotion / see emotion emotionally - ( eh moe shu nul ee ) - 92, 116, 123 - in an emotional manner, with reference to emotions /( see definitions in word combinations below ) emotionally ill - 92 - lacking in helpful, healthy, positive, or stable feelings emotionally secure 116- [ text: “…to feel emotionally secure…” ]- to feel safe, sure, comfortable, and self-confident / see emotional security / insecurity emotionally sensitive -123 - easily irritated or angered / quick to take offense emphasis - ( em fuh siss ) - 76, 89 - stress / special attention / special effort emphasizes - ( em fuh sie zuz ) - 98 - stresses / gives special attention to enable -( eh nay bul )- 15,76,103,134 - allow / permit / make an opportunity for enables -( eh nay bulz )- 89 - makes an opportunity for / makes it possible for enabled - ( eh nay bul’d ) - 66, 108, 109 - made it possible for / permitted encounter -( n count ur )- 38, 111,114 - struggle / confrontation / brush ( 38 ) - meet / see / confront / come up against / come upon / discover ( 111, 114 ) encourage -( n kur idj / n kur adj )- 46 - give support to / promote / develop encouraging - ( n kur idj ing / n kur adj ing / n kur eh jing ) - 105, 182 - hopeful / promising / reassuring / inspiring / confidence building end - 7,26,52,69,71,72,79,79,82,89,107,114,137,144,183,1 92 - finish / limit / stopping point / last part / what one intends to do or achieve / aim / also see ends - ends with the means - open end - sticky ends - to the/this end endorse - ( n dorce / n dorse ) - 11,155,157 - support / approve / to give approval of or support to, especially by public statement or written document endorsement -( n dorce munt )-17,157,190 s-(159)-to endorse -see endorse endowed -( n dow’d )- 161 - financed / funded / provided / presented as a gift ends - ( endz… ) - 148 - outcomes / conclusions / situations / circumstances ends with the means - 71 - ( see the following sentence in the text ) - the aims or goals with the methods or ways to reach the aims or goals endurance - ( n dur unts ) - 38 - withstanding hardship or stress / stamina endure -( n dyou’r / n dur )- 33,38 - tolerate / bear / take / put up with / accept endured - ( n dur’d ) - 107, 119 - tolerated / suffered patiently / put up with enduring - ( n dur ing ) - 22 - lasting / sustaining enforce - ( n force ) - 132,172,176 - impose / cause to be carried out / invoke engaged -( n gayj’d )- 34 - involved / occupied / operating / working / devoted engulfed - ( n gulf’d ) - 143 - overflowed / overwhelmed / flooded enhance -( n hants )-119 - add to / complement / increase in value / augment enterprise -( n tur prize )- 11,155,157,170 s - ( … uz ) - 120,157,170 - commercial organization / business / institution / interests ( 11, 157, 170 ) - projects / undertakings / ventures / efforts / pursuits / interests ( 120 ) enthusiasm -( n thoo ze az um )- 137,143,182 - intensity of feeling / passion enthusiastically -( n thoo ze az tik lee )-27-spiritedly / passionately / intently entitled - (n tih tuld ) - 63, 90 - allowed / permitted / given the right or claim entity -( n tih tee )-147,190 - discrete unit / being / creation / structure / body entreat - ( n treet ) - 133 - beg / ask / insistently or urgently request or ask entrenched -( n trench’d )- 175 - deeply established / embedded / firmly fixed envies - ( n veez ) - 39 - is jealous of / holds envy for or towards / see envy envious - ( n v us ) - 49 - jealous / feeling or showing envy / see envy envision -( n vizshun )-100-form a mental image of / imagine / visualize / see envisions -( n vizshunz )- 100 - forms a mental imagine of / conceives / sees envy - ( n v ) - 8, 48, 66, 67, 90 - resentment or discontent aroused by and in connection with desire for the possessions, advantages, or qualities of another episodes -( ep eh soadz )- 84 - happenings / events / incidents / occurrences equilibrium -( e kwuh lib re um / ek wuh… )-73-mental or emotional balance era -( air uh )-165-age / the period of time when something or someone exists erected - ( eh rek tid ) - 28 - created / developed / built / constructed erratic -( eh rat ik )-18,47,130 - deviating from the usual in conduct or opinion - inconsistent / unstable / unpredictable / haphazard / changeable / unreliable erring -( air ing )- 118, 132 - offending / straying / making errors or mistakes Eskimo - ( s kuh mo ) - 169 - member of the peoples inhabiting the Arctic coastal areas of North America, Greenland, and northern Siberia essays - ( s ayz / eh sayz ) - 15 - short writings representing the author’s personal view on a subject essence -( ess unts )- 13,95,101,172 - most important or central part or idea esteem - ( eh steem ) - 92 - respect / favorable regard / positive opinion estimate -( es tuh mate )-68 - measure / evaluate / appraise / assess / gauge ethics - ( eth iks ) - principles regarding right conduct or moral values ethical - ( eth eh kul ) - 133, 136, 137 - moral / honorable / upright / honest / - in agreement with accepted principles of right and wrong / see ethics evading - ( ev ay ding ) - 51 - avoiding / escaping / ignoring evaporate -( ev ap uh rate )-75 s-91 - disappear /s / dissolve /s / vanish /s evasion -( ev ay shun )- 85 -making excuses to avoid responsibility / dodges evidence -( ev eh dunts )-54,97,105,160- proof / demonstration / confirmation evident - ( ev eh dunt ) - 59,65,92 - clearly seen / apparent / obvious / plain evolution - ( ev uh loo shun / ee vuh loo shun ) - 25 - change / gradual development / advancement - the th***y that groups of organisms change with the passage of time exact nature - 6, 55 - precise type / completely truthful description / - specific and factual qualities, properties, kinds, and characteristics exaggerate -( eg zaj uh rate )- 59, 82 - enlarge / magnify / amplify / overstate exaggeration - ( eg zaj uh ray shun ) - 180 - overstatement / overestimation examination - ( eg zam uh nay shun ) - 8,53,8 - inspection / review / survey examine -( eg zam in )-36,94- consider / inspect / look at / question / appraise exceed - ( ek seed ) - 6,42,65 - go beyond / overrun / pass / overstep / violate exception - ( ek sep shun ) - 57,105,173,187 s - ( … shunz ) - 85,90,120 - variation / question / challenge / difference / opposition excesses -( ek sess uz / ek ses suz )-49,66,88 - surpluses / extravagances / overindulgences / going beyond what is needed, wanted, or appropriate excessive -( ek sess iv )- 45, 67, 86 - too much / beyond a reasonable limit exchanging - ( eks chanj ing ) - 122 - trading / giving and receiving / giving in return for something received exclaim -( ek sklaim )-132,145,174 - say / speak out suddenly or emotionally exclusively - ( ek skloo siv lee ) - 72 - completely / solely / alone / without any other excursions -( ek skur zshunz )-67,186- trips / journeys / deviations / tangents exempt - ( eg zempt ) - 42 - freed / spared / relieved / let off / excused exercised - ( ek sur sized ) - 149 - used / practiced / put into play exert -( eg zurt )- 40,42,49,124- to put oneself to strenuous effort (49 and all ) - [ apply / employ ( 40, 42 ) ] [ throw / put forth / employ ( 124 ) ] exertion - ( eg zur shun ) - 6, 40, 105 - great effort / application / see exert exertion of will - 105 - see will / also see exert and exertion exhaustive -( eg zost/zalst iv )- 7,79,122 - thorough / intensive / careful / - taking into careful consideration all aspects with painstaking accuracy exhibitionism - ( ek suh bish uh niz um ) - 46 - deliberately behaving so as to attract attention / showy or theatrical behavior exhilarating -( eg zil uh rate ing )- 29,85- stimulating / energizing / refreshing existence - ( eg ziss tuns / …tunts ) - 28,42,64,121,186 - being / presence - the fact or state of existing / continued being / occurrence / actuality / life expanse - ( ek spance ) - 147 - wide open amount or extent / stretch / space expectations - ( ek spek tay shunz ) -156 - hoped for or anticipated things - things expected / prospects / also see prospects ) expediters -( ek speh dite urz )-175 - those who speed up or ease progress expel - ( ek spell ) - 15,32,57,64,172,173 - drive out / force to leave / eject expelled -( ek spell’d )-129 - thrown out / deprived of membership / see expel expenditure -( ek spen duh chur )-177 - expense / financial transaction / cost explicit -( ek splis it )-15,103 - clearly expressed or defined / precise / specific exploitation - ( ek sploy tay shun ) - 11 - using another person or group for selfish of unethical purposes / selfish use exploited -( ek sployt id / ik sploi tid )- 161,169 - used / used for selfish or unethical purposes / taken advantage of unfairly / manipulated / abused extemporaneously - ( ek stem puh ray nuh us lee ) - 57 - with little or no preparation / unrehearsed / unprepared / without forethought / ad-lib / offhand extensive -( ek sten siv )-81 - far-reaching / great in extent, range, or amount extent -( ek stent )-52,81,92,98,104,117,125,181 - degree / measure / amount extinction -( ek stingk shun )- 45 - death / absolute destruction / being extinct extinguish - ( ek sting gwish ) - 50 - put an end to / put out / bring to an end extolled - ( ek stol’d ) - 143 - praised highly / honored / magnified / glorified extramarital - ( ek struh merit ul / …mair eh tul ) - 86 - adulterous / violation of marriage vows / sexual intercourse with other than one’s marriage partner extravagance -( ek strav uh gunts )-51- being extravagant / see extravagant extravagant - (ek strav uh gunt ) - 51 - excessive or unrestrained in spending extricate - ( ek stra kate ) - 80 - pull out / untangle / free or remove / release extricated - ( ek stra kay tid ) - 118 - pulled out / untangled / freed / removed exult -( eg zult )-66 - take pleasure / delight / feel or express joy or satisfaction facility - ( fuh sil uh tee ) - 11, 155 - something created to serve a particular function such as a hospital or clubhouse / ( Pg. 157 - textual definition: “…in no circumstances could we endorse any related enterprise, …” ) factor -( fak tur )- 89, 181 - fact / circumstance / detail / ingredient / part fair-minded - 91 - just / fair / impartial / not prejudiced / “fair and square” faith - 5,9,25,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,38,43,62,70,72,99,1 01,103,112,114, 121,131,153 - belief not resting on logical proof or material evidence / belief / mental acceptance of the truth of something / reliance / absolute certainty in the trustworthiness of another / religion / those who accept and practice a particular religious belief / a system of religious belief / a set of beliefs or principles fallacy - ( fal uh see ) - 31 - error / falseness / untruth / invalid reasoning fallacies - ( fal uh seez ) - 116 - mistaken ideas / unsound character traits fall by the wayside - 74 - fail to continue / give up fallen women -140- women who slipped into moral decline or deterioration fallible-( fal uh bul )-115 - capable of making mistakes / liable to err or offend false pride - 123 - see pride with it’s expanded group and definitions falteringly - ( falt ur ing lee ) - 98 - hesitantly / unsteadily / see falters falters -( fal turz )-82 - is unsteady or uncertain in determination, purpose, or action as from loss of courage or confidence / indecisive / hesitant / waver fancied - ( fan seed ) - 28, 82 - imagined / dreamed / created in ones mind fantasies - ( fan tuh seez ) - 92 - dreams / imaginings / mental images far removed - 174 - long ago taken away / separated a long time fare forth-116- make ones way forward / get by or make do later / go forward farm - 170 farms - 167, 170 - see drunk farms fascinating - ( fass uh nay ting ) - 7, 77 - greatly interesting / very pleasing fashioned - ( fash und ) - 117 - made / shaped / formed / configured fatal - ( fay tul ) - 7, 23, 24, 64, 69, 104, 114 - deadly / - something that causes or can cause death or horrible consequences fault - ( falt ) - 52,77,79,91,103 s - 24,63 - error, defect, flaw, mistake / minor offense or misdeed / a weakness of character, especially a minor one / -( at fault )- blame / being the cause of, or responsible for, an offense or error favor -( fay vur )- 35,79,95,157 - in support of ( 35 ) / regard / opinion ( 79 ) / favoritism / unfair favorable opinion ( 95 ) support / regard / approval ( 157 ) - an attitude of positive regard, approval, support, preference, or agreement fear - 7,10,11,37,44,49,51,55,59,75,76,79,88,93,95,103,12 2,123,131,140,149, 167,169,184,186 - a feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the expectation or presence of danger / the emotion of pain or uneasiness caused by the sense of impending danger, or by the prospect of some possible evil / concern for the safety of a person or thing / feeling there is reason for alarm, dread, fright, terror, horror, or panic / negative imagination / projecting negative experiences fearful - 94, 123, 168 - full of fear / with, in, or experiencing fear / see fear fearless - 6,42,43,49,56,107 fearlessly - 46 - without fear / bravely feats - 123 - achievements / extraordinary deeds, actions, or skills fellowship - 10,12,15,16,17,118,129,130,143,150,152,157,160,165 ,167,171, 175,176,180,183 - sharing similar interests, ideals, or experiences / friendship / the companionship or close association of people in a friendly setting, on equal terms, and sharing similar interests or aims / association / organization / society fervor -( fur vur )- 22 - intensity of emotion / enthusiasm / passionate devotion festering - ( fest ur ing ) - 77 - increasing in irritation or decline / deteriorating festers -( fest urz )-53-becomes an increasing source of irritation or poisoning fetch ourselves up sharply - 78 - bring or raise ourselves to a higher level or position very quickly / bring ourselves to a halt or stopping place very quickly fevered mind -( fee vur’d mind )- 144 - excited / crazed / intensely emotional fine-mesh -140 - a barrier with small openings which serves as a filter or snare firm - 21,104,133 - strong and sure / securely fixed / steady / determined / solid firm - 86,180 firms - 180 firm’s - 180 - company / commercial organization first-rater -122- ( first-rate ) - ahead of all others in quality, rank, or importance fitful - ( fit ful ) - 123 - periodic / irregular / occasional / sporadic / intermittent flaws -( flawz )-50,56,73,80,95,108 -see character flaws - personality flaws - defects / faults / weaknesses / unfavorable circumstances or personal traits flaws of character - 108 see - flaws & character flaws flier -( fly ur )-[ into the realm of spirit ]-101- a first step / an introduction / a venture or undertaking / an investment in hopes of making a quick profit ( Bill was involved in stock trading; could be his usage of trading language here. ) fling - 156 - try / go / brief trial / time spent energetically involved in an activity flourished - ( flur ish’d ) - 177 - thrived / grew well / blossomed / prospered foggy -( fog ee / fawg ee )- 50,152- cloudy / blurred / unclear / hazy / indefinite folding money - 163 - paper money / paper currency foolproof -148- error free / reliable / prevention against human error or misuse foregather -( 4 gahth ur )-145- gather together / meet one another / assemble foresaw -( 4 saw )- 178 - saw beforehand / anticipated / envisioned / predicted foresee - ( 4 see ) - 141 - know in advance / envision / anticipate / predict foreword - ( 4 word ) - 5,15,16,17,18,143,184 - ( word before ) - introductory note / lead in / a short section of preliminary remarks / preface / introduction formerly - ( 4 mur lee ) - 74 - once / previously / at an earlier time / earlier formidable -( 4 mid uh bul / 4 mih du bul )-28- difficult to overcome or defeat forth - 48, 55, 116, 182 - forward / forward in time, order, place / out into view ( back and forth - backward and forward / to and fro / from side to side ) forthright - ( forth rite ) - 86 - direct / straightforward / honest / open / clear forthwith -( forth with )-181- without delay / right away / immediately / at once fortified - ( for tuh fye’d ) - 135 - strengthened / made stronger or more firm fortify - ( for tuh fye ) - 82 - strengthen / encourage / reinforce / secure fortitude - ( fort uh tood / for tuh tood ) - 114 - strength of mind / courage fortunate- ( for chuh nit ) - 37, 99 - lucky / well off fortunately - ( for chuh nit lee ) - 35 - luckily / happily foul - ( fowl / file ) - 88 - bad / unfavorable founded - ( found id ) - 29 - based / built / established founder - ( found ur ) - 133, 134, 135 s - 133 - creator / originator foundering vessel - ( found ur ing vess ul ) - 35 - sinking ship foursquare -( 4 skwair )-153 - directly / firmly / with firm conviction / forthright fragment - ( frag munt ) - 37,101,132 s - 37,144 - part / piece / portion / bit frail craft -( fray ul kraft )-131- easily broken, fragile, or physically weak boat frankly -( frank lee )-141- openly / sincerely / honestly / directly / clearly / in a way that reveals one’s thoughts freely and honestly, perhaps even bluntly frankness - ( frank nuss ) - 85 - honesty / openness / see frankly fraternal charity - ( fruh tur nul chair uh tee ) - 144 - brotherly support freeze - 152 - shut out, as by cold or unfriendly treatment / stop in progress frustrate -( fruss trate )-36 - discourage / prevent / defeat / seriously obstruct frustration - ( fruss tray shun ) - 44,51,52,76,103,149 - a deep, long lasting, or recurring sense or state of insecurity, dissatisfaction, bafflement, or discouragement as a result of unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs / - an instance of being frustrated / something that serves to frustrate fumbled -( fum bul’d )- 163 - awkwardly searched or sought with uncertainty fundamental -( fun duh men tul )-52,80,108 - basic / essential / central / root fundamentally - ( fun duh men tuh lee / fun duh men tul e )- 104 - basically furious - ( fyur e us ) - 91 - extremely angry / raging / fierce / energetic furors - ( fyure orz / fyore orz ) - 167 - rages / outbursts of intense excitement, indignation, disorder, anger, or fury furthermore -( furth ur more )- 112 - in addition / additionally / also / too futile -( few tile -or- few tul / fuut ul )-91 - useless / pointless / meaningless / fruitless / unsuccessful / vain / having or producing no useful result or effect garbled -( gar bul’d )- 60 - made misleading or incorrect / mixed up / distorted gasp - 132 - breathe deeply / take in a deep breath quickly, as from shock general - ( jen ur ul ) - 55,84 - broad / involving only the main features rather than precise details / not particular, confined, limited, or specific general public - 164,186,192 - anyone not involved in, nor a member of, A.A. General Service Committee - 192 - see Page 191 - Tradition Nine General Service Conference - 4, 12, 173, … Conferences - 175 - also see The General Service Conference General Service Board-140,148,162,168,173,182,189,191- see Pg.191-Nine General Service Office- 18,140,148,162,168,173,182,191- see Pg.191-Nine ( Page numbers not in bold note usage in repeated notes at page bottoms. ) generate -( jen ur ate )- 49 s - 49 - create / produce / bring / give rise to generosity -( jen uh ross uh tee )- 163 - willingness to give / acts of giving genuine - ( jen yuh wun / …win / …wine ) - 45, 59, 72, 95, 106, 190, 192 - authentic / actual / real / true / honest / original / honestly felt or experienced gratitude -( grat uh tood )-95- thankfulness / appreciation of benefits received Gideon Bible -( gid e un )- 145 - a Christian Bible often placed in hotel rooms by members of an international society known as The Gideon’s. Gideon was a biblical Hebrew judge whose deeds are described in the OT. -‘Book of Judges’. give me the business - 153 - give me the ‘scolding’ / give me the ‘information’ give-and-take basis -(…bay suss )- 9,116- a foundation of settling differences and disagreements with compromises and concessions / the practice of making mutual acknowledgements of points claimed in a friendly exchange of ideas glaring -(glair ing )-48,53,66 - extremely obvious / obviously bad or offensive gleaming - 147 - brightly shining / glowing / sparkling / glowing without a flame glimpse -( glimps )-98,101,105,139- glance / brief but incomplete view or look glittering -( glit ur ing )- 112 - sparkling / brilliantly shining / showy / flashy gloated -(glow tid )-30-felt, thought, or expressed pleasure or self-satisfaction, often with a deep-seated ill will, or desire for others to suffer humiliation or harm gloried - ( glor eed ) - 25 - rejoiced triumphantly / glorified / honored / praised gluttonous -( glut nuss / gluh tuh nuss )-66 - given to or marked by gluttony gluttony -( glutun ee )-48,67- excess in eating or drinking / unrestrained greed gnawing - ( naw ing ) - 52 - severe / intense / acute / persistently tormenting goaded -( gode id / go did )-73 - prodded / motivated / urged / stirred to action God's reality -97 - God’s actuality / God’s existence / God’s truth / God’s being golf-score size -149 - size of a card used to write the score of one’s golf game good-naturedly -(-nay churd lee )-122 - with a positive and pleasant attitude / - in or with a positive, good-tempered, pleasant, agreeable, and friendly manner good-sized - 122 - above average, substantial, large, or sufficient amount goodwill - 121 - attitude of kindly and charitable interest and concern for others gossip - ( goss up ) - 67 - worthless or baseless, often sensational and groundless talk about others / rumor or talk of a personal or intimate nature / ( From text: Pg. 67 - …a polite form of murder by character assassination,…) govern -( guv urn )-10,132,134,172,174,192- hold authority over / control / rule governed - ( guv urn’d ) - 178 - see govern grace-8,32,57,64,66,69,76,92,98,100,101,102,113,114,125, 129,146,153,177 - mercy / favor / blessing / divine love and protection given freely - being protected or blessed by the favor of God / power granted by God - undeserved or unmerited benefit or assistance gradually - ( gra jul ee / graj wul ee / gra juh wul ee ) - 27, 116, 118, 122 - slowly / progressing by regular or continuous steps or degrees graduated -( gra juh way tid / graj uh wait id )-148 - advanced or progressed grandeur - ( gran jur / gran joor / gran d’yur ) - 58 - greatness / grandness grandiose - ( gran dee oce / gran de ose ) - 123 - exaggerated in self-importance / arrogant / pretentious / inflated / boastful - characterized by largeness of plan or formal stateliness; often while degrading others / trying to present oneself as being overly important, great, or ‘grand’ - showing an exaggerated display of self-importance, magnificence, or dignity grandiosity - ( gran dee oss it ee ) - 6,45 - being grandiose - see grandiose grateful - 124,133,161 - thankful / appreciative / showing or feeling gratitude gratitude ( grat uh tood- 95 - a warm sense of appreciation of kindness received, involving a feeling of goodwill towards the giver and a desire to do something in return; gratefulness / ( Gratitude urges us to repay kindness ) grave - 56 - place of burial after death 139 - serious / complex / important gravely - ( grave lee ) - 86,109 - seriously / deeply / considerably / importantly Great guns! -158 - an exclamation / a sudden sharp outcry [ First used by Mark Twain in his famous book ‘Huckleberry Finn’ - 1884 ] greed - 48, 51, 66 - an excessive desire to gain or own more than what one needs or deserves greedy - ( gree dee ) - 31, 66 - filled with greed / see greed grim - 140 - firm / rigid / stubborn / often unreasonably firm in purpose or will griping - ( gripe ing ) - 51 - complaining / expressing resentment grip - 73 - hold / tight firm hold // grips - 69, 73 / see come to grips with grooved - ( groov’d ) - 89 - a routine / a regular or standard action gross -( groce )- 81 - obviously bad or offensive / glaring / total / insensitive groundless -140 - unwarranted / baseless / without basis or foundation in fact grounds -153- facts that give logical support to an assertion, claim, or proposal group conscience -(… kon shush / kont shunts )- 10,132,134,135,138,189 ( also inferred on page - 147 ) also see - conscience - the will of the members of a meeting group as expressed by majority vote groveling - ( grov ling / grovel ing ) - 72 - behaving in a submissive, slave-like, degrading, or overly humble manner groveling despair - humiliating loss of all hope / submissive hopelessness grown-up -116,120- mature / adult / mature in attitude, appearance, or outlook grudge - ( gruj ) - 90 grudges - ( gruh juz ) - 47 - deep feeling/s of resentment, ill will, or a desire to see others suffer grudgingly -( gruh jing lee )- 49, 74 - reluctantly / unwillingly / with resistance guarantee -( gair un tee )-10,37,129,146,191 - promise / insure / make certain guardian -( gar dee un )- 12,183 - protector / caretaker / keeper / manager guidance -( gide unts )- 35,43,60,86,103,104,109,137 - leadership / direction guilt -( gilt )- 6,39,44,45,50,59,62 - remorseful or distressing awareness of having done something wrong / responsibility or blame for an error or crime / disapproval, disappointment, or criticism of oneself for supposed or assumed shortcoming or wrongdoing // [ shame and guilt - it has been said, “guilt says to us, I MADE a mistake, and shame says to us, I AM a mistake.” ] shame - a painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, dishonor, or disgrace guns - 158 - see Great guns! gusts - 169 - sudden violent expressions / bursts / flare-ups / outbursts guzzling -( guz ling )- 140 - habitual excessive drinking / drinking too much habitable - ( hab eh tuh bul ) - 167 - livable / fit to live in habitual supposition -( huh bich yul sup uh zish un )- 160 - usual belief habitually - (huh bich ul ee / huh bi chawul e ) - 53 - repeatedly / usually had them cold -144 - had them captured completely, totally, absolutely half steam - 49 - half power / half of one’s capacity for work or activity haltingly -( hal ting lee )-68- uncertain or indecisively / unsteadily back & forth hamlets - ( ham lits) - 131 - small towns or villages handicap -( han de cap )- 71,119 s - 66,74 …capped - 59 - disadvantage / disability / hindrance / unfavorable condition, circumstance, or characteristic handsomely - ( han sum lee ) - 30, 80 - skillfully / easily / pleasingly / appropriately ( 30 ) // well / generously ( 80 ) handsomely in a walk - 30 - easily and without effort hangover - ( hang over ) - 8,84,88,162,163 - unpleasant physical effects following heavy drinking of alcohol / ( also see - emotional hangover ) harbored -( har bur’d )- 47 - held / nourished / sheltered / nurtured / nursed hard up - 164 - poor / poverty-stricken / with little or no money / destitute hard-and-fast - 68 - defined, fixed, and invariable / clear and strong harmed - 7,32,77,78,79,80,83,86,108 - textual definition: Pg. 80 - “…we might call it the result of instincts in collision, which cause physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual damage to people.” // injured or damaged physically or psychologically / the action or result of causing loss or pain harmony - ( harm uh nee ) - 18, 93, 99, 101, 130 - agreement in opinion, sentiment, or feeling / mutual understanding / accord harnessed -( har nuss’d )- 70 -brought under control and directed / utilized harrowing -( hair oh ing )- 84, 139, 185 - extraordinarily painful or distressing harvest -( har vist )- 42 - gather / plant, hunt, gather, collect and store hastily -( hayst uh lee )-91,163- very quickly / too quickly to be correct or wise haunt -( hawnt / hont )-121 - visit / bother / torment / come to mind continually havoc -( hav uk )-104,161 - widespread disorder, destruction, or chaos ( 161 ) - the source of widespread disorder, destruction, confusion, or chaos ( 104 ) hazardous open end - ( haz ur duss … ) - 69, 181 - risky or dangerous condition of having no limit, duration, or amount headlong - 40 - forceful or fast / rash / headfirst / reckless and hasty headway - 77 - forward movement / progress / advancement / progression heartily -( hart uh lee )- 31, 94 - completely / thoroughly / enthusiastically heated-176 - angry / impassioned / controversial / inflamed with intense feeling hemorrhage - ( hem ur ij ) - 135 - bleed ( relating to text reference “bleeding deacon” ) / to experience a rapid loss of something considered valuable hence -( hents )- 12,59,167,176,189,190 - for this reason / therefore henceforth - ( hents 4th ) - 165 - from this time / from now forward heritage - ( hair uh tij ) - 191 - tradition / legacy / inheritance / birthright --- “spiritual heritage” - spiritual roots, tradition, inheritance, or legacy hesitantly -( hez eh tunt lee )-152 - after a pause / with delay and uncertainty hierarchy - ( hire ark ee ) - 133 - structure of persons holding authority high hurdles -(… hurd ulz / hur dulz )- Sports: barriers over which competitors must jump without breaking stride in running races / see hurdle high time - 160 - currently or past a fitting or favorable time / important time highlighting -151 - making clear / emphasizing / showing the importance of highlights - 70 - shows clearly makes very clear / emphasizes hinder - (hin dur ) - 79 - delay the progress of / get in the way of / obstruct hire -( higher )- 11,133,137,167,169,171,191 - employment ( 133, 191 ) / work for pay / wage / pay ( 11, 137, 171 ) / employ / use ( 167, 169 ) hired -( higher’d )-158,161,167,168,170 - employed / paid for work or services hired out - 170 - worked for pay [ outside the fellowship of A.A. ] / see hired hit bottom - 5, 24 - reach or reached the lowest point / see bottom hitherto - ( hith ur to ) - 74, 107 - until this time hitter - see bush-league pinch hitter hoard -( hord )- 43 - gather and accumulate / store up beyond one’s needs holed up - ( whole’d ) - 144 - taken shelter in, or as if in, a hole or hideout holocaust -( holo -or- hol uh cost )-176 - extreme destruction or loss of life / massive slaughter / war ( Holocaust - The attempted genocide or killing of over 6 million European Jews by Adolf Hitler’s Nazis during World War II. ) home group - 133 - a meeting or group, a member chooses as one they will most likely attend regularly and support., often near their actual home, though not necessarily so. Having a ‘home group’ is usually considered a fundamental of recovery and the importance and benefits are great and many. honest - 24,29,32,54,60,62,79,91,95,114,158 - truthful / clear / accurate / true / real / right / open / direct / genuine / sincere / respectable / reliable / fair / just honesty - 6,58,59,63,66,72,107,108,143,156 - being honest / truthfulness / sincerity / not to lie, steal, or deceive / fair and truthful speech and conduct honor -( awn or )- 124 - recognition of achievement / admiration / prestige hopped the subway - ( hop’d… ) - 151 - jumped aboard a subway and made a quick trip horse-and-buggy stuff - 182 - an old idea or practice not currently useful hospitable - ( hoss pit uh bul / ha spit uh bul ) - 167 - characterized by kindness and warm, unaffected courtesy / gracious / agreeable / disposed to treat guests with warmth and generosity / favorable to growth and development hospital chain - 155 - a number of hospitals under the same ownership hostile -(hoss tul / hoss tile )-105 - unfriendly / warlike / offensive / combative hot and cold by turns - 97 - at varying intervals / “by fits and starts” / fitfully / - in this usage turns means irregular impulses or periods of action hotly assailed -( … uh sail’d )- 167 - intensely attacked with harsh language house cleaning - 32, 108 see - cleaning house hulk -( …”big hulk of a man.” … )- 152 - large, massive, bulky, or towering hum -(… “began to hum.” … )- 148 - be active / be in a state of busy activity humble - 73,74,121,133,135 - not exaggerating or prone to exaggerate one’s own worth or importance / not prideful / showing submissive respect / modest - having a low estimate of one’s importance, worthiness, or merits / patient humble pie - 74 - humiliation / submissive behavior / humble apologies humbled - ( hum bul’d ) - 64 - brought to think more lowly of oneself ( or themselves ) / brought to become more meek in spirit humbler -( hum blur )-112 - more simple / less costly / modest / more humble humbles - ( hum bulz ) - 21 - text-previous sentence: “…he has accepted his devastating weakness and all it’s consequences.” / assumes a humble attitude humblest -( hum blust )- 173 - most humble / see humble humbly - ( hum blee ) - 7, 70, 75, 108, 124, 125, 149 - with humility - in a humble way, manner, or method / not showy / not claiming or demanding special merit, distinction or consideration / showing patience and humility humiliating - ( hue mil e ate ing) - 47, 56, 58, 85 - something that lowers one’s pride, dignity, or self-respect / degrading / embarrassing / insulting - something that lowers self-esteem, self-worth, or effectiveness humiliation -( hue mil e ay shun )- 21 s -(… shunz )- 72 - state of being humiliated or disgraced / loss of or damage to one’s reputation / actions or circumstances which are embarrassing, shaming, or degrading humility-( hue mil uh tee )-5,6,7,13,30,31,32,33,45,48,58,59,60,62,70,71,72, 73,74,75,76,98,149,153,187,192 - being humble / lacking in vanity, pride, or self-importance / Textual: (Pg.30 - “…down to our right size.”)/(Pg.48 - “…get perspective on ourselves….”)/(Pg.58 - “…it amounts to a clear recognition of what and who we really are, followed by a sincere attempt to become what we could be.”)/(Pg.72 - “…a desire to seek and do God’s will,…”)/(Pg.75 - “…a healer of pain.”)/(Pg.76 - “…Step Seven is on humility.”)/(Pg.149 - “…”Rule # 62.” …”Don’t take yourself too **************** seriously.”)/ (Pg.153 - …”humility was the main key to sobriety.”)/ (Pg.186 - “…humility, expressed by anonymity, is the greatest safeguard that Alcoholics Anonymous can ever have.”) humorless -( hue mur luss )- 81 - lacking a sense of wit or humor / without the ability to see, enjoy, or express what is amusing, inconsistent, or absurd hurdles -( hur dulz / hurd ulz )-47 - obstacles / barriers / see high hurdles hurt pride -8,59 - damage to an excessively high opinion or oneself hypocrisy -( hi pok ruh see )- 30 - falseness / phoniness / two-facedness professing of beliefs, feelings or virtues that are not actually held or possessed hypothetical -( high puh thet ik ul / hype uh thet ik ul )-140 - existing only in concept and not in reality / th***etical / presumed real though without certainty
![]() "No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K. When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time! God says that each of us is worth loving. |
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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idealists - ( i dee uh lists ) - 156 - dreamers / visionaries / people who are influenced by ideals that our often in disagreement with practical considerations ideal - ( i deal ) - 70, 101, 157, 165, 190 ideals - ( i dealz ) - 68, 156 - goal / aim / worthy principle / standard of perfection or excellence - perfect / the best / completely or highly satisfactory ( 157 ) identification - ( i den tuh fuh kay shun ) - 17 - connection / recognition / affiliation ignorance -( ig nur unts )- 117 - lack of awareness, knowledge, or learning ignore -( ig nor )- 93 - disregard / neglect / fail to care for / refuse to see ill-conceived -( il kun seev’d )- 171 - bad ideas / poorly thought or planned illusion - ( il oozshun ) - 104, 113 - error in perception, concept, or belief imagination -( m aj uh nay shun )- 100, 101, 147 - mental images or plans immediate -( m ee de it/ ut )-23,80,102- instant / direct / close / near / primary immense -( m ents )- 21, 70, 74, 98, 121, 180, 192 - extremely large / huge / enormous / immeasurable / of extraordinary size, importance, or power immensely -(m ents lee)-46,164 - enormously / tremendously / extraordinarily imminent -( m uh nunt )- 176 - near / impending / about to occur at any time immorality -( m or al uh tee )- 48 - being against established moral principles impasses - ( m pass uz ) - 118 - situations that are extremely difficult or impossible to escape or resolve impassive -( m pass iv )-137 - expressionless / emotionless / motionless / still impatient -( m pay shunt )- 81 - unable to be patient or tolerant to irritations imperative - ( m pair uh tiv ) - 157, 177 - an urgent obligation / immediately necessary / a demanded course of action imperious - ( m pair e us ) - 43 - arrogantly domineering / commanding / pressing / overbearing / dictatorial implanted -( m plant id )- 157 - set firmly / established securely / fixed in mind implicate - ( m pluh kate ) - 192 - cause to appear involved in implication - ( m pluh kay shun ) - 68, 75, 106 - meaning / underlying importance / indirectly indicated meaning or significance imploring - ( m ploor ing ) - 32 - begging / urgently asking / praying for impose - ( m poze ) - 172 - force imposes - ( m poze uz ) - 37, 44 - forces / inflicts / dictates impossibly - ( m poss ub lee ) - 30, 119 - incapable of being ( 30 ) / extremely / unacceptably / unbearably / intolerably impractical -( m prak ti kul )-132- useless / unworkable / impossible / unwise impressing -( m press ing )- 120 - strongly affecting / to gain admiration from improbable - ( m prob uh bul ) - 106 - unbelievable / unsubstantial / unlikely inability -( n uh bil uh tee )-53,100- lack of ability / incapacity / powerlessness inadequacy -( n ad uh kwuh see )- 51 - failing or lacking / being incapable of accomplishing anything satisfactorily / ineffectiveness / powerlessness / lack in a walk - 30 - easily and without effort ( U.S. Colloquial ) incalculable - ( n kal kyuh luh bul ) - 187 - impossible to estimate or foresee incapable -( n kape uh bul )-32,107-lacking / lacking in needed skills or power incessant - ( n sess unt ) - 53 - continuous / unending / endless / constant inclined -( n kline’d )- 45 - drawn toward / slanted / leaned / tilted / biased in confidence -( in kon feh dunce )- 78,142 - privately / with trust / faithfully inconsiderately - ( n kun sid ur ut lee ) - 118 - thoughtlessly / without consideration for others’ feelings / carelessly incorporated -( n kor puh ray tid )- 190 - formed into a legal corporation indecision -( n d siz shun )- 41 - inability to make up one’s mind / doubt indeed - 22,23,26,32,37,40,63,64,67,70,74,85,93,103,109,132 ,142 - in point of fact / real / true / in truth / actually / really / not just this but also / even indefinitely - ( n deaf uh nit lee ) - 69, 81, 90 - for an undetermined or undefined amount of time / not definite / no defined indescribable -( n deh skry bu bul )-50-impossible to describe / unspeakable index of maladjustments - ( … mal ad just munts ) - 48 - a list, catalog, or guide that points out one’s areas of inability to adjust to the demands of interpersonal relationships and the stresses of daily living indifference -( n dif ur unts )-5,28,112 - thinking it doesn’t matter one way or the other / lack of interest, emotion or enthusiasm / apathy indignation - ( n dig nay shun ) - 46 - anger / anger brought about by something thought unjust, mean, or unworthy individualists -( n duh vidj oo uh lists )-146- see ego-driven individualists - those who identify themselves as acting from, or assert themselves by, independence of thought and action indulged - ( n dulj’d ) - 92 - engaged / gratified / contented / participated inebriates -( in ee bree uts )- 170 - drunks / persons who are habitually drunk ineffective -( n ee fek tiv ) - 90 - useless / unable to be or do as desired inescapable -( n eh skay puh bul )- 73 - certain / sure / impossible to escape inescapably - ( n eh skay puh blee ) - 105 - certainly / surely inevitable -( n ev eh tuh bul )-149-predictable / impossible to prevent or avoid inevitably -( n ev eh tuh blee )-135,164 - as expected / predictably / invariably inexperienced - ( n ik spear e unts’d ) - 60 - lacking in experience / lacking in the knowledge gained from experience infallible -( n file uh bul )- 60 - incapable of being wrong / certain / unerring inferior -( n fear e ur )-123 - lower in class, quality, or rank / [ inferior + type ] ( reference to the psychological term “inferiority complex” is most fitting in the context of this text passage ) see definition at - inferiority inferiorities -( n fear e or uh teez )- 123 - feelings or thoughts of self doubt inferiority - ( n fear e or uh tee ) - 51 - exaggerated feelings of personal inadequacy / self doubt / thoughts or feelings of being ‘less than’ most others / ( “inferiority complex” - ( a th***y popularized by psychologist Alfred Adler ) - A persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation. infidelity -( in fuh del uh tee )- 114 - sexual unfaithfulness / betrayal of moral obligations / lack of faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances infiltrate -( n fil tray’t )- 27 - enter / become established in / pass into / seep inflict -( n flik’t )- 81 - force / cause others to experience or deal with / impose inflicted -( n flik tid )-174-caused or brought about as a burden or punishment influence -( n flew unts )- 58 - effect influences -( …unts uz )- 117 - effects in Heaven's name - 130 - ‘ in the power or majesty of God or Heaven’ initial -( eh nish ul / n ish ul )- 74 - beginning / first / early / starting initially -( eh nish ul e / n ish ul e )- 11 - in the beginning / at the start injure -( n jur )- 7,10,50,83,108,147 - to cause harm, damage, or distress to injustice - ( n juss tiss ) - 97 - unfairness / wrong / useless suffering and hardship in kind - 80 - as repayment / in the same kind or way as that received innovations - ( in uh vay shuns ) - 147 - introducing new ideas, methods, devices, or unusual things innumerable -( in noo mur uh bul )-27- countless / too many to be numbered inquire -( n kwire )- 76 - ask / examine / explore / question / investigate inquirers -( n kwire urz )-16 - those who inquire / those who seek information inquiries-( n kwire eez / n kware ez )-52,180-searches for information or truth inquiring-( n kwire ing )-180-information seeking / knowledge or truth seeking insatiable - ( n say shuh bul ) - 85 - impossible to satisfy / unable to fill inscription -( n skrip shun )- 34 - etched, printed, or engraved writing insecurity -( n seh kure uh tee )- 6, 39, 52, 53, 121 - uncertainty / lack of stability / doubt / trouble / being or feeling unsafe, subject to failure, danger, damage, suffering loss, or being overcome / also see emotional insecurity in sharp contrast with - 84 - in obvious and extreme difference between insight -( n site )- 7, 56, 80 - wisdom / thorough or mature understanding / power to see or know the true nature of a person of situation insist -( n sist )- 42, 50, 53, 60 - demand / claim / require / to be firm in a demand / to state, express or demand strongly and continuously insist on -60 insist upon -42.53 - are firm about / require / claim / see insist insisted -( n siss tid )- 115,123,152 - demanded / claimed / see insist insistence -( n siss tunts )- 24,182 - firm demand or requirement / see insist insistently -( n siss tunt lee )- 85 - forcefully / firmly / over & over / see insist instability -( n stuh bil uh tee )-51 - insecurity / unsteadiness / unsteady state instinct -( n stink’t )- 21, 35, 36, 42, 44, 64, 118, 176, 187 instincts -( n stinks )- 6,9,42,44,49,50,52,64,66,71,80,114 - natural urges, impulses, or tendencies naturally occurring at birth, that are needed for human survival and effective function such as hunger, thirst, pleasure and pain, fears, reflexes, and desire for sex / an inborn pattern of behavior and reaction responses / See Page 42- First paragraph and later; “Our desires for sex, for material and emotional security, and for an important place in society…” instinctive -( n stink tiv )- 6,49,64 - of, relating to, or caused by instinct / acting or happening without apparent forethought or planning / automatic / natural urges or forces that motivate or energize / also see instinct instinctual -( n stingk - chuh wul / chul / shwul / chewul )- 65, 72 - of, relating to, coming from, or caused by instinct - see instinct instinctual drives - 65 - natural urges or forces that motivate, energize, guide, control, or direct / also see instinct in stride - 114 - calmly / without interrupting one’s normal routine insurance-( n sure unts )-8,92,151 -protection / safeguard / a protective action integrity-( n teg reh tee )-165,191 - soundness / wholeness / strength / honor / honesty / stability / steady and firm following of a strict moral or ethical code intellect-( n teh lekt )-29,30-reason / the thinking, learning and reasoning mind intellectuality - ( n tuh lek / chewl / shul / chu wul / al eh tee ) - 5 - being intellectual / intellectual ( reasoning, thinking ) power or ability intellectually -( n tuh lek chewl / shul / chu wul / ee )-29 - mentally / in an intellectual manner / intelligently / knowledgeably / thoughtfully / of the intellect intellectually self-sufficient - 29 - believing one can provide for oneself without the help of others by using one’s knowledge and mental abilities intemperance -( n temp ur unts )- 185 - see characteristic intemperance intended -( n tend id )- 47,65 - planned / designed for / aimed for / meant intending -( n tend ing )- 104 - planning / having it in mind / meaning intends -( n tendz )- 35 - plans / has in mind / means intensely -( n tents lee )- 70,101 - extremely / deeply / strongly / terribly intent -( in tent )- 103, 182 - meaning / purpose / aim / see intention intention - ( n ten shun ) - 40 s -( …shunz )- 93, 104 ( best intentioned-113 / well-intentioned-60,71,103 / Good intentions-93 ) - plan / course of action one intends, plans, or hopes to follow or achieve interference -( n tur fear unts )- 161 - obstruction / intrusion / meddling inter-group - 168, 174, 191 - a group of elected representatives and/or volunteers from individual group meetings in a specific geographic area, serving to provide information and services that are not easily obtained or achieved by the members of a single group meeting. They also help form reliable communication links between group meetings and their members. interwoven -( n tur woe vun )- 98 - mixed or ‘woven’ together / blended intimate - ( n tuh mit ) - 140-141, 185 - very close / personal / trustworthy ( 140-141 ) / very personal / private ( 185 ) intimation -( n tuh may shun )- 164 - hint / suggestion / pointing out intolerably -( n tah lur uh be )-38-very unpleasantly / unbearably / impossibly intolerance -( n tah lur unts )- 10, 140 - being intolerant / see intolerant intolerant -( n tah lur unt )-140 - unable or unwilling to endure or ‘tolerate‘ differences in opinions, practices, or beliefs, especially religious beliefs in trust -164- entrusted / placed in the care of another (...Foundation a sum…) intuitions -( n to ish unz )- 97 - insights / internal impressions / immediate awarenesses / knowing or sensing without the use of thinking processes invariably -( n vair e ub lee )- 22 - always / without fail / consistently inventory -( n vun tor ey )- 6, 8, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 58, 77, 88, 89, 90, 91, 107, 108 - survey / accounting / measure / a detailed list, report, record, evaluation, or survey of things, personal conduct, or qualities - inventories - 89, 90 inventory-taking - 93 / see inventory invitation - ( n va tay shun ) - 80, 167 - invite / request for someone to take part or be present / attraction inwardly -( n word lee )- 58 - privately , to oneself / within / in the inside irate - ( eye rate ) - 168 - angry / extremely angry / furious / enraged irrational - ( eh rash uh nul ) - 33 - unreasonable / lacking in sound judgment irrationality-( eh rash uh nal uh tee )-33-unreasonableness / being irrational irregularities -( eh reg yuh lair uh teez )- 86 - abnormal actions / deviations irreparable -( eh rep ruh bul / eh ruh pair uh bul )- 187 - impossible to repair irrepressible -( eh ree press uh bul )- 181 - impossible to control or restrain irresistible -( eh ree ziss tuh bul )- 130 - impossible to resist / overwhelming irresponsibility -( eh ree spon suh bil uh tee )- 51 - being irresponsible irresponsible -( eh ree spon suh bul )- 81,118,162,165 - lacking a sense of responsibility or care / careless / unthinking / unreliable / negligent irritable -( ear it uh bul )-81- easily annoyed / abnormally sensitive to stimulus ism - ( iz um ) - 8, 92, 155 and as predominately used in ‘recovery circles’ - forming a term denoting a peculiarity or characteristic - example: alcoholism - expresses the action or conduct of a class of persons - example: big-shot-ism - descriptive terms, for principles or doctrines - examples: agnosticism, atheism - ( I, Self, and Me is often mentioned of ism in recovery circles. ) isolated -( ice uh lay tid )- 124,165 -set away from all others / apart / detached isolation -( ice uh lay shun )- 6,7,57,62,82,116 - being isolated - see isolated issues -( ish ooz )- 12,85,134,176,177,179,189,192- gives / passes ( 134 ) - points or matters of discussion / matters of public concern ( 12, 85, 176, 177 ) issue -( ish oo )- 12,80,148,170,173,176,178 - give / pass ( 12, 80, 148, 173 ) - point or matter of discussion / matter of public concern ( 170, 176, 178 ) Jack Alexander - 162,186 - a writer for ‘The Saturday Evening Post’ magazine who’s magazine article of 1941 about A.A. greatly enhanced A.A’s introduction to the world. / also see Saturday Evening Post jag - 90 - spree / an excessive period of time involved in an activity / - also see emotional dry benders jealous -( jel us)-94- resentfully or painfully desirous of another’s advantages / envious / fearful of the loss of position or affection / possessive / see jealousy jealousy -( jel us e )- 8,44,80,88,90 - resentful or painful desire for another’s advantage / envy / a jealous attitude or mood, inclination, temperament, disposition / possessiveness // jealousy is basically fear and anger: anger that you don’t have what others may have and fear you won’t ever get what they have - or - fear that something or someone will take what you have jealously - ( jel us lee ) - 129 - watchfully / possessively / vigilantly jeopardize - ( jep ur dize ) - 50, 151 - expose to loss or injury / endanger John Barleycorn -24,29 - alcoholic drinks / fermented alcoholic beverages / the ‘personification’ ( giving human qualities [ name ‘John’ ] to things that are not human ) of barley grain from which malt liquor, alcoholic beverages, have been made for hundreds of years / barley ‘corn’ is the seed of the barley plant journals - ( jur nulz ) - 180 - magazines / newspapers / periodicals judgment - ( juj munt ) - 7, 50, 83, 84, 91, 135 judgments - 7, 82 - decision making / an opinion or estimate formed after consideration or deliberation / reasoning / appraisal / evaluation / determination juggernaut -( jug ur not )- 37,38 - something to which persons blindly devote themselves, and / or to which people are ruthlessly sacrificed juncture -( junk chur )- 26, 174 - time / point / critical or decisive point in time justice -( jus tus )- 93, 97,105, 116 - fairness / fair treatment and due reward justifiable anger - ( jus tuh fie uh bul …) - 90 - anger that seems right, defendable, or excusable because it appears to have a real reason or cause justified -( jus tuh fyed )- 46,84,90,94 - defendable / defensible / warranted / reasonable, right, or ‘just’ based on causes or reasons considered real and true justify -( jus tuh fye )- 49,60 - explain, defend, or support / excuse / rationalize keener - 123 - closer / more accurate, intense, clear, or careful / sharper keenly -( keen lee )- 108 - clearly / strongly / accurately / perceptively kettle -( ket ul )-78- a metal pot for cooking / see tosspot calls a kettle black keynotes - 93,187 - underlying parts or themes / leading idea or course of action ( 93 ) / sets the tone for or guides ( 187 ) kinship - 6, 57 - relationship / relationship in respect of qualities or character laborer is worthy of his hire - 137 - ( Bible - Luke X ) - a worker is worth his pay / a worker has a right to his reward / the worker deserves his wages laborers - ( lay bur / bor ur ) - 137 - workers / those who work or ‘labor’ laid hold - 22, 107 - seized / claimed / possessed / took hold / what lays hold of, touches, or moves the mind or feelings, or moves physically landslide of appeals - 162 - an overwhelming amount of requests for help last - see Shoemaker stick to thy last - 150 - a wooden model of the foot, on which shoemakers shape boots and shoes / “Let the cobbler stick to his last” last-gaspers -(… gas purz )- 22 - near death / near their last ‘gasp’ of breath last straw - 26 - see the last straw laurels -( lor ulz / lar ulz )- 85 - past achievements - see rest on our laurels lavish-( lav ish )-81-give a great amount of / shower / give in great abundance lavishes -( lav ish iz )- 129 - showers / greatly gives lavishly -(lav ish lee )- 160 - a great or excessive amount / very generously lay therapist - 136 - nonprofessional / not related to a particular profession / - a nonprofessional specialist in treating a particular illness or disability league - ( leeg ) - 75 - see bush-league pinch hitter ledger -( lej ur )-94 - a book in which debits ( losses ) and credits are posted legacies -( leg uh seez )-151 - ideas, experiences, or things of value passed down from one generation to another / inheritance / tradition / heritage legalities -( lee gal eh teez )-159-lawfulness or questions about points of law legions - ( lee junz ) - 180 - multitude / large number / very large groups legitimate - ( luh jit uh mit ) - 44, 123, 124 - true / rightful / lawful / standard lend - 11, 155, 159 - allow the use of / loan / offer for use as support lessened - ( less un’d ) - 78 - reduced / made less severe or more bearable lesser - ( less ur ) - 114 - smaller / smaller in amount, value, or importance lest - 11, 83, 97, 155 - for fear that letterbox - ( let ur box ) - 162 - mailbox / a private box for incoming mail letterhead -( let ur hed )- 181 - the imprint or header at the top of letter paper letter-perfect-153- correct to the last detail / precisely correct / exactly worded leveled off a bit -( lev ul’d… )- 177 - became a little more stable or consistent liability - ( lie uh bil uh tee ) - 22 - handicap / thing that holds one back liabilities - ( lie uh bil uh teez ) - 6, 42, 46, 59, 88 - things for which one is responsible / obligations / debts / - things that hold one back / handicaps liable -( lie uh bul )- 45 - likely / at risk / subject to an unfavorable outcome liberation - ( lib uh ray shun ) - 5, 21, 7 - being set free / release from confinement, bondage, or enslavement liberty -( lib ur tee )-9,10,129,130,146,173- freedom / independence / self-rule license -( lie sunz / ligh sunts )-130- excessive freedom / lack of due restraint lick them - 153 - defeat them / overcome them / get the better of them likened - ( lie kun’d ) - 150 - compared / shown as similar likewise - ( like wize ) - 97 - similarly / in the same way / as well / also line of cleavage - 167 - see cleavage lingering -( ling gur ing )- 114 - slowly moving or leaving / slowly progressing linkage - ( link ij ) - 98 - connection / interconnection / tie-in / relationship literal -( lit ur ul / litter ul )-23,64 - real / same / factual / being exactly like the meaning of the word/s used to describe something / without exaggeration littered -( lit urd )-135 - scattered / sprinkled / covered / spread here and there livelihood - ( live lee hood ) - 155 - way of support / living / keep / money loaf - 49 - pass time without working or in avoiding work / ( Slang - “goof off” ) logic-( loj ik / lahj ik )-36,96- reason / reasoning / a systematic way of thinking logically - ( loj ik lee ) - 45, 98 - reasonably / sensibly ( 45, 98 ) // systematically / purposefully ( 98 ) long-standing - 91 - long-term / long lasting / existing for a long time lot - in usages - …his lot. - 43 and …our lot, … -122 - fate / fortune / things that come to one because of, or as if determined by, random, chance, or luck low-bottom cases - 23 - those who had suffered the most severe destruction and loss in their lives and health due to their alcoholism / see bottom lowered the boom - 143 - ( American slang ) - acted suddenly and forcefully to put a stop to a practice or to scold and correct an offender lump - 114 - chunk / undivided piece lures -( lew urz / loo urz)- 49 - tempts / draws / attracts / pulls / entices lured -( lew urd / loo urd )-187 - tempted / drawn / pulled / attracted / enticed lurk - 169 - exist unnoticed / lie in wait, as in ambush lust - 48,49,66,67 - crave / craving / strong wanting of what promises enjoyment or pleasure / a greedy, obsessive desire / an intense, unrestrained, obsessive, or overwhelming desire or craving, especially one that is sexual luxury - ( lugz shuh ree / luk shu re ) - 90 - something desirable that is not a necessity / extravagance / frill / excess Madison Square Garden - 136 - A world famous New York arena and civic center for sports, stage, and other public events. The site of the first Madison Square Garden was formerly the passenger depot of the New York & Harlem Railroad. In 1876 it was renamed "Gilmore's Garden." William H. Vanderbilt officially renamed Gilmore's Garden "Madison Square Garden" and reopened the facility to the public on May 30, 1879 at 26th Street & Madison Ave. Since 1876 it has been rebuilt 4 times with plans currently (2006) for more additions. magnificent -( mag nif eh sunt )-9,100,109 - grand / beautiful / extraordinary majestically -( muh jes tik lee )- 25 - impressively / magnificently / royally malady - ( mal uh dee ) - 15, 23, 104 - ailment / illness / disease / disorder malarkey -( mu lar key )-143 - ( slang ) - something that doesn’t have or make sense / foolish talk, usually intended to deceive / nonsense / idiocy / bunk / bull mandate -( man date )-135 - authority / command from a superior to an inferior mania -( may ne uh )-64- craze / irrational, excessive and intense desire / rage manipulate - ( muh nip yuh late ) - 51, 53 - manage / skillfully or deviously influence or manage / arrange / control man-made millenium - (… muh len e um ) - 70 - hoped-for period of joy, serenity, prosperity, and justice ( Possible reference to Bible: Revelations 20 ) manner -( man ur )- 107 - way / means / method / way of doing something mantle -( mant ul )-187 - covering / something that covers, surrounds or hides marital -( mair ut ul )- 117,120 - marriage related / typical of marriage masquerade -( mask uh raid )- 66 - disguise / act / pretend / deceive master -( mass tur )-122,142*,144 - boss / one that has control over another / - one who serves as the head of a household ( 144 ) / - * What would the Master do? - 142* - generally accepted as referring to Jesus mastered -( mast urd )-107 - controlled / ruled / be an expert about or ruler of material -( muh tear e ul )- 9,29,42,43,70,71,91,120,121,122,124,161,190 - things composed of matter / of, relating to, or affecting physical well-being / stuff / substance / physical as separate distinct from the intellectual or spiritual maternal - ( muh tur nul ) - 118 - motherly / characteristic of a mother mauling - ( mall ing ) - 169 - beating / roughly handling / mangling / bruising means -5,15,18,34,36,57,60,61,64,71,76,81,88,96,98,114,12 1,122,177,180 page numbers for this definition only - way / method / - a method, a course of action, or an that by which an act can be accomplished or an aim achieved meddle -( med ul )-37- interfere / intrude / tamper / tinker / fool around / mess meditate -( med uh tate )- 8, 98 - to think or reflect, especially in a calm and deliberate way / to consider, study, or reflect / to exercise the mental abilities in thought or contemplation / see Step 11 chapter for more on meditate meditation -( med eh tay shun )- 8,24,89,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,105, 109,144 - a devoted practice where the mind is used to consider some truth, idea, mystery, ideal, or object of deep respect / see Step 11 chapter for more melancholy -( mel un kah lee )- 45 - gloomy sad / dismal / depressing mental obsession -5,22-irrational fixation or preoccupation of one’s thinking / a compulsive preoccupation with an idea, often with symptoms of anxiety [ irrational and obsessive thoughts of drinking - past, present, and future ] merciless -( mur sih les )-24-cruel / having or showing no mercy / unforgiving mere -( mear )- 23,121 - slight / small / minor / insignificant merit -( mair it )-102 - quality / worth / value merits -( mair uts )-156 - values meritorious-( mair uh tor e us )-155- worthy of reward or praise / having merit messiahs - ( meh sye uz ) - 187 - saviors / liberators / deliverers / sacred ones mete out - ( meat out ) - 173 - give / assign / deal / measure / decide / dole metropolitan - ( met ruh pah luh tun ) - 191 - major city / city mighty - ( mye tee ) - 37, 109, 117, 152, 162 - to a great degree or measure - great ( 37, 109 ) / powerful ( 117 ) / very ( 152, 162 ) milestone - 73 - mile marker or turning point / a stone marker along a roadside which indicates the distance in miles from a given point or an important event in a career, history of a nation, or advancement of knowledge in a field militant - ( mil uh tunt ) - 28 - aggressive / combative in character / hostile millennium -( mu le nee um )-70,176- period of time / period of joy and justice - a span of 1,000 years / also see man-made millennium minimizing - ( min uh mize ) - 78 - reducing / representing as having the least degree of importance or size minute -( my noot )- 81 - detailed / particular / carefully and closely examined miracle - ( mear uh kul / mehr uh kul ) - 25 - unexplainable event / wonder / an event appearing beyond explanation by the laws of nature and thus thought to be supernatural in origin or an act of God [ Text: “…return us to sanity.’ / “ …remove our obsession.” ] miraculous - ( meh rak yu lus ) - 150 - incredible / unbelievable / wonderful miraculously -( meh rak yu lus lee )-62 - incredibly / wonderfully / amazingly mired -( myurd )-157 - tangled / hindered / stuck / sunk / in a difficult situation misbehavior - ( miss beh hay’v yur ) - 78, 81 - bad behavior / to behave badly / improper, unruly, and often rude behavior miser -( myzur )- 43 s -( myzurz )- 121 - one who lives very poorly in order to store up money beyond one’s needs / penny pincher / tightwad / cheapskate miserably -( miz ur ub lee )-90 - extremely / pitifully / distressingly / unhappily miserly - ( myzur lee ) - 81, 120 - like a miser / see miser misers - ( myzurz ) - 121 - plural of miser / see miser misery -( miz ur e )- 7, 38, 54, 67, 75, 80, 141 - physical or mental suffering misgivings - ( mis givingz ) - 35, 161 - uneasy or uncertain feelings about the correctness or fitness of an action misshapen-( mis shay pun )-45- deformed / distorted / twisted / badly shaped mission - 61, 151 - special assignment / inner calling to pursue an activity misunderstood - ( mis under stood ) - 58, 70 - incorrectly understood misuse-( mis youss -5,40 / mis yooz -117 )- improper or incorrect use / abuse misused - ( mis yooz’d ) - 157, 170 - used improperly and / or abused monotony - ( muh nah tun ee ) - 9, 38, 112 - long and tiresome sameness or lack of variety / lack of interesting variety in occupation, scenery, etc. moral -( mor ul )- 6, 33, 42, 43, 45, 48, 49, 58 ,68, 77, 107 - pertaining to or concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of personal character and behavior / accepted beliefs of right and wrong, good and bad moral fiber-33- essential qualities of one’s accepted rules or habits of conduct moral inventory -6,42,43,45,49,58,77,107 - evaluation or itemized list of ones thoughts and actions as they relate to principles of right, wrong, good and bad moral principles - rules or standards of good behavior morality-( mor al uh tee )-30,72-being in agreement with standards of right of good conduct / system of ideas of right and wrong conduct / virtuous conduct morbidity -( mor bid uh tee )- 46 - focusing on gloomy or unhealthy matters morbidly - ( mor bid lee ) - 45, 89 - in an unhealthy or gloomy manner moreover - ( more over ) - 30, 78, 130, 149, 164 - also / besides / furthermore / beyond what has been stated / still / yet motive - ( moh tiv ) - 67, 94, 166 motives - 8, 79, 94, 178 - reason / reasons / basis or stimulus for an action or a decision / an emotion, desire, or physical need that acts on the will and causes it to act mount - ( mowln’t ) - 62 - increase / grow / rise / become greater moving picture - 180 - movie / at the time A.A. was forming it was still not uncommon to hear movies called ‘moving pictures’ or ‘picture shows’ Mr. Rockefeller's - ( Rock uh fel ur’z ) - 186 - John Davison Rockefeller ( July 8, 1839 - May 23, 1937 ) - An American industrialist who played a prominent role in the early oil industry with the founding of Standard Oil. ( ExxonMobil is the largest of its descendants ). Rockefeller built Standard Oil into the largest company in the world, and was for a time the richest man in the world. He supported many church activities throughout his life, and spent his last forty years primarily focused on philanthropic pursuits, including education and public health, eventually giving away about half of his wealth. muddled - ( mud uld ) - 56 - unclear / confused / muddy / jumbled / harmful murmurs -( mur murz )- 133 - complaints in low mumbling tones / grumbles mutter - ( mut ur ) - 132 - speak or grumble in low tones / mumble / whisper naïve - ( nye eve / nah eve ) - 132 - lacking in worldly experience, understanding, or critical judgment nature - ( nay chur ) - 6, 15, 23, 24, ( 29, ) 55, ( 64, 70, ) 83, ( 176 ) ( the material world and it’s observable events and circumstances / the forces that produce and control all of the material world / the world of living things ) - essential characteristics and qualities / the combination of emotional, intellectual, and moral qualities that distinguishes a person / basic feature natures - ( nay churz ) - 98 - personalities / characters / dispositions / being nearby -( near bye )- 81 - close / ones not far away / ones within easy reach nebulous -( neb yuh lus )- 132 - unclear / lacking in form or limits / uncertain necessarily - ( ness eh sair uh lee ) - 58, 61, 107, 112, 175 - surely / certainly / of necessity / inevitably / invariably / unavoidably necessary - ( ness eh sair e ) - 6,7,9,23,34,42,52,55,74,80,84,96,116,118, 119,147,157,168,172,190 - absolutely essential / needed to achieve a certain result or effect / required / indispensable / unavoidable / inescapable / needed necessities - ( nuh sess uh teez) - 88 - necessary things / see necessary necessity - ( nuh sess uh tee ) - 6, 7, 11, 73 - requirement / need / must / indispensable / a condition in which something is necessary or desirable is required or wanted / something indispensable / something necessary neglect -( nuh glekt )- 81, 151 neglected -( …id )- 94 - ignore / not doing what should or needs to be done / fail to care for or give proper attention to neighboring -( nay bur ing )- 144, 189 - nearby / close by / [ near dwelling ] nerve - ( nurv ) - 123, 153 - boldness / arrogance / arrogant self-confidence neurosis -( new row sees / n’you row sees )-156 - mental disorders such as insecurity, anxiety, depression, and irrational fears, but without psychotic symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations / [ No longer in scientific use. ] nevertheless -( never the les )-17,64,79,108,117,118,158,166,177- however / in spite of that / be that as it may / in spite of a preceding event or consideration newsfront - ( nooz frunt ) - 181 - news organization / ‘front line’ of news organizations ( a military expression using ‘news’ instead of ‘battle’ ) newspaper copy - 157 - material ( words ) to be printed in newspapers nodding acquaintance -( nod ing uh kwain tuns )-70- slight acquaintance / - knowledge or relationship extending no further than recognition by a nod nonadmission - ( non ad mish un ) - 7 - not admitting / absence of admitting noncontroversial - ( non kon truh vur shul / …vur see ul ) - 147 - not controversial / unlikely to create differences of opinion or public disputes nonentity - ( non n teh tee / … n uh tee) - 36 - something that does not exist or that exists only in imagination / a person of no importance or significance nonprofessionalism -( non pruh fesh uh nuh liz um )-167,191- see Pg.191: - [ not ] “…having the occupation of counseling alcoholics for fees or hire” and Pg. 167 & 171 - “…Twelfth Step is never to be paid for -/- or sold for money…” notion -( no shun )-75,161 s-( no shunz )- 31 - idea/s / belief/s or opinion/s notwithstanding - ( not with stan ding ) - 135 - in spite of nourishing - ( nur ish ing ) - 74 - sustaining / nutritious / nurturing / feeding nourishment -( nur ish munt )-97-food / that which sustains the mind or spirit novice - ( nov us / nah vuss ) - 60 - beginner / a person new to an activity nowadays - ( now uh daze ) - 100, 145 - during the present time / these days nuclear physics - ( new klee ur / noook lee ur fiz iks ) - 35 - the scientific study of the forces, reactions, and internal structures of atoms number one people - 123 - the best there is / perfect / the highest quality - Bill W’s grandfather told Bill that no one could make a boomerang that worked other than Australians. Bill made one that worked to which his grandfather responded: "Our Willie, the first one to do it. The number one man". - from ‘Not God’ - Ernie Kurtz numerous -( noo mur us )- 46 - large in number / a large indefinite number obedience -( o be de unts )- 9, 130, 132, 172, 174 - willingly carrying out the wishes of others / compliance / observance / yielding objection -( ub jek shun )-158 objections-( ub jek shunz )-142- opposition / opposing argument / expressing strong or reasoned opposition / challenge objectionable - ( ub jek shu nuh bul ) - 53, 96 - offensive / unacceptable objective -(ub jek tiv )-7,8,(46,58),68,82,91,100,147 s -(…tivz )-7,69,76,100 - aim / goal / purpose / intention / target / thing worked toward or striven for -( free from the influence of emotions, personal prejudices, bias, or judgment ) obligation-( ob luh gay shun )-150,190 s-(…shunz )-84,124-debt / liability / indebtedness / something owed by one to another / - an act or course of action that is demanded of one / commitment / duty / responsibility obligations squarely met - 124 - personal and / or financial debts paid / - debts and responsibilities dealt with in a direct, honest, balanced and fair way obliged - ( uh blyj’d ) - 68, 69, 74, 136, 153 - made / forced / compelled / pressured / obligated / caused to act or move in spite of resistance oblivion -( uh bliv e un )-45,71,120- total forgetfulness / escape / overlooking offenses / complete forgetting / loss of memory or conscious knowledge obsession - ( ub sesh un ) - 5,15,21,22,24,25,28,32,43,63,64,76,107,144 obsessions - ( ub sesh unz ) - 57 - fixation / mania / fetish / irresistible or compulsive absorption of the attention with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by anxiety / a compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion / irrational preoccupation / a usually distressing image or idea that repeatedly enters or intrudes upon the mind of a person against his will obstacle -( ob stuh kul )-78 s-( …kulz )-7,76,78 - obstruction / barrier / block obstinate - ( ob stuh nit ) - 64, 151 - stubborn / difficult to manage or control obstinately - ( ob stuh nit lee ) - 97 - stubbornly / unwillingly occupation - ( ok yuh pay shun ) - 191 occupations - ( …shunz ) - 184 - job / vocation / activity that serves as one’s regular source of income occur -( uh kur )-62 - happen occurred -( uh kurd )-47,135,156- happened occurrences - ( uh kur un suz ) - 80 - happenings / things that take place of course - ( ov korss ) - 21,27,28,30,36,39,45,46,48,56,63,66,67,68,69,79,81 ,87, 88,92,94,97,98,103,104,112,119,121,133,147,148,152 ,154,157,158,173,177 - naturally / not surprisingly / without doubt or question / in the natural or expected order of things / also see - course off the beam - 111, 112 - see beam ( “ …on the A.A. beam. “ - 84 ) offended - ( uh fen did ) - 45 - displeased / insulted / outraged / angered offense -( uh/ah fents )-81-injury or disturbance ( previous text ) / displeasure offset -( off set )- 117 - made up for / compensated / counteracted / balanced of great moment-62-of great importance / of outstanding significance or value oldtimer - 135,153,176 oldtimers - 56,133,140,145 ( oldtime A.A. - 173 ) - long time member/s with the extensive experience being such provides omission - ( o mish un ) - 89 - something left out or neglected / not doing what ought to be done omitting - ( o mit ing ) - 95 - leaving out / failing to include or mention on the A.A. beam - 84,111,112 / see beam on the defensive - ( on the deh fen siv / deh fents iv ) - 78 - prepared to withstand or counter aggression or attack / also see defensive on their own steam - 152 - by their own strengths, powers or capacities onslaughts - ( on slots ) - 170 - attacks / assaults / aggressions ooze -( ooz )- 25 - mud or slime like sediment on river, lake or ocean bottoms oozing - ( ooz ing ) - 81 - flowing out slowly open end -69 - condition or situation having no definite limit of time or amount open mind - 26, 27, 33 - / see open-minded and openmindedness open-minded - ( open mine did ) - 24 - receptive / responsive / ready and willing to favorably receive new ideas / showing receptiveness to new and different ideas or the opinions of others / broad-minded / tolerant / acceptant open-mindedness - 68 - being open-minded / see open-minded opinion-( uh pin yun )-12,27,74,135,136,176,179,192- position / view / belief / - judgment or estimation of the merit of a person or thing / a belief or conclusion opportunities - ( op ur toon uh teez / …tyuun uh teez) - 110, 186, 187 opportunity - ( op ur toon uh tee / …tyuun uh tee ) - 85, 121, 137 - chance/s / a chance/s / favorable circumstance/s / occasion/s ordinarily - ( ord’n air uh lee / or din air uh lee ) - 104, 114 - usually organized -( or guh nized )-12,148,172 - ( “…a government administered by human beings. Power to direct or govern is the essence of of organization everywhere.” - Page 172 ) ( “…alcoholics can’t be dictated to…” - Page 173 ) - structured and administered as a business, corporation, or institution ought nevertheless - ( ot neh vur the less ) - 108 - should however / should in spite of that / should nonetheless oughtta - ( ot uh / otta ) - 157 - should outlay - ( out lay ) - 177 - amount spent / expenditure / spending outlet - ( out let / out lit ) - 182 - media / releases / news reporting sources outpouring -( out poor ing )- 81 - pouring out / flow / rapid flowing outward outraged - ( out rayj’d ) - 143 - extremely offended or insulted outset - ( out set ) - 130 - beginning / start / initial or first stage outside issues - 12, 176, 179 - matters of concern or debate among the general population, such as politics or religion, that are outside the scope A.A.’s primary purpose of carrying its message to the alcoholic who still suffers over the barrel - 25 - in a very awkward position from which release is difficult overconfidence -28 - too much confidence / see confidence and confident overdependence - 9, 115 - too much dependence / see dependence overdependent - 115 - too or overly dependent / see dependent overmanage -( ovur man ij )-111- excessively direct, control, supervise, or run overwhelmed - ( ovur welm’d ) - 79 - upset / deeply affected / overcome overwhelming-( ovur welm ing )-73,184- completely defeating / overpowering padded -( pad id )- 86 - inflated / falsely increased / showing false expenses painstaking -( painz tay king )- 42 - extremely careful, thorough and detailed pangs - 57 - sharp feelings of emotional distress / hurts / discomforts / pains panhandlers panhandle -( pan hand lurz pan hand ul )- 133 - beggars beg - those who approach strangers to obtain money or food do exactly that paradox -( pair uh doks )- 9, 107, 109, 130, 151 - a statement or set of ideas that although true is seemingly conflicting / a statement or suggestion which, from an acceptable premise and despite sound reasoning, leads to a conclusion that is against sense, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory paralyzed - ( pair uh lize’d ) - 66 - made unable to move or act paralyzing - ( pair uh lize ing ) - 73 - numbing / disabling / making powerless paramount - ( pair uh mount ) - 80, 189 - of chief concern / most important paranoid - ( pair uh noy’d ) - 156 - those suffering paranoia: a psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution with or without a sense of being overly important, often defended with apparent logic and reason pardoned -( par dun’d / pard nd )-69-forgiven / excused / granted forgiveness parlor - ( par lur ) - 137 - a room used especially for entertaining visitors parole -( puh roll )-155 - release / release with conditions of regular monitoring part and parcel - (…par sul ) - 178 - a basic or essential part partake - ( par take ) - 100 - share in / take part / participate in / take in particle of harm -( par teh kul… )-178 - a very small piece or amount of harm party - 172,182 - an established political group organized to promote and support its principles and candidates for public office / also see third parties passersby -( pass urz bye )-116 - persons who pass by, especially by chance passionate - ( pash uh nit ) - 73 - strongly felt / emotionally intense passionately -( pash uh nit le )- 71 - enthusiastically / with intensity of feeling pat answer - 87 - perfect, complete, or sufficient answer patience - ( pay shuns / pay shunts ) - 78, 141 - the capacity to endure difficulty, hardship, or inconvenience without complaint patient - ( pay shunt ) - 65, 118, ( 161 ) - calm and constant / the capability of calmly awaiting a result or outcome / one who receives care or treatment (161) patiently -( pay shunt lee )- 8, 88, 135 - calmly / tolerantly paying board - paying for being furnished with meals / also see board peaceable -( pee suh bul )- 177 - inclined to be peaceful / promoting calm pegs - ( pegz ) - 124 - a cylindrical or tapered pin, as of wood, used to fasten things or plug a hole penalty - ( pen ul tee ) - 130, 143 / penalties - ( pen ul teez ) - 74, 174 - punishment/s / painful consequence/s / discipline/s pendulum -( pen juh lum / pen dyuh lum / pen duh lum )- 162 - something that swings back and forth from one direction, opinion, or condition to another perceive - ( pur seev ) - 21, 47 / perceived - ( pur seev’d ) - 34 - see / become aware of / saw / became aware of perception -( pur sep shun )- 74 - awareness / idea / image / thought / sense perfect liberty -173 - complete freedom / absolute independence or autonomy perfection -( pur fek shun )- 7,65,68,69,91,156 - being free from all defect / utmost excellence / flawlessness / faultlessness / being morally perfect or holy perfectionists - ( pur fek shuh nists ) - 156 - those who seek perfection / - those who tend to be unhappy with or consider unacceptable anything that is not perfect or does not meet extremely high standards / followers of a doctrine that the perfection of moral character makes up a person’s highest good perilous -( pair uh lus )- 56,131 - dangerous / involving possible loss or injury periodically -( peer e od ik uh lee )-56 - at regular intervals / from time to time perish-( pair ish )-177- die or be destroyed / cease living / disappear gradually perished - ( pair ish’d ) - 124 - drowned / died permeates - ( pur me ates ) - 94 - flows through / spreads throughout perplexed - ( pur plex’d ) - 135 - filled with confusion or doubt / puzzled perplexities - ( pur plex uh teez ) - 18, 52, 117 - complications / puzzles persecution - ( pur sih q shun ) - 53 - being punished or treated unfairly persist - ( pur sist ) - 50, 80 - continue / remain / continue without stopping in spite of difficulties or setbacks / carry on / go on / keep on / persevere persisted - ( pur sis tid ) - 104, 168 - continued / lasted / see persist persistence - ( pur sis tunts ) - 73 - continuation / insistence / see persistent persistent - ( pur sis tunt ) - 40, 43, 109 - long term / continuing / prolonged / ongoing / of long duration / without giving up or letting go / see persist persistently - ( pur sis tunt lee ) - 37, 88, 116, 119 - continually / continuously / without giving up / see persist and persistent personalities - ( pur suh nal uh teez ) - 13, 48, 80, 130, 184, 187, 192 - see personality personality -( pur suh nal uh tee )- 48,52,56,81,123,148 - the combination of emotional, intellectual, and moral qualities that distinguishes an individual personality defects-48,52,148 - see personality flaws and character flaws personality flaws - ( … flawz ) - 56 - also see character flaws - imperfections, defects, or shortcomings in ones emotional, intellectual, or moral qualities… in one’s make-up or nature personality traits - ( … trayt’s ) - 81,123 - distinctive qualities or features of one’s personality or character / also see personality and character personnel - ( pur suh nel ) - 167, 169, 171 - employees / employee relations perspective -( pur spek tiv )-45, 48, 71, 72 - vision / mental view, outlook, or evaluation / ability to see the nature or relationship of things as they really are persuaded - ( pur sway did ) - 40, 58 - convinced / caused to believe or feel sure about something perverse -( pur vurs )-44,67,94 -perverted / improper / unhealthy / persistent - directed away from what is right or good / wrongly self-willed or stubborn perverting-( pur vurt ing )-49- wrongly using / abusing / corrupting / distorting pessimism - ( pes uh miz um ) - 85 - a tendency to stress the negative or unfavorable or to take the gloomiest possible view pet - 97,143,170 - favorite / favored / particularly cherished, loved, or indulged petition - ( puh tish un ) - 102 petitions - ( … unz ) - 8 - request / appeal / approach / formal or solemn request to a superior authority Pharisee -( fair uh see )- 177 - hypocritically self-righteous people / like those who practice falsely representing their beliefs, feelings, or virtues / phony - One of an ancient Jewish sect known by their strict observance of the traditional ( Mosaic ) and written law, and by their claims to superior sanctity phenomenon-( feh nom uh non /… nun )-185- wonder / event / occurrence / unusual, significant, or extraordinary happening / fact / reality / actuality philosophy -( feh los uh fee )- 25,37 - system of values by which one lives phony - ( foe nee ) - 30 - false / fake / not honest / not genuine / counterfeit phrase-( frayz )-99,103-expression / group of words intended to have meaning piecemeal - ( peace meal ) - 26 - by a small amount at a time / in pieces pilot plant - 147 - model factory / leading example of a factory like operation pinchers - ( pinch urz ) - 121 ( … penny pinchers … ) - people who hold tight to small amounts of money and are reluctant to give pinch hitter - 75 - see bush-league pinch hitter pinchpenny-( pinch pen e )-51- penny pincher / one unwilling to spend money pine - 133 - desire / feel a strong, persistent, heartfelt yearning or desire, especially for something beyond reach / waste away from longing or grief pink cloud stage - 113 - ( possibly from “in the pink” - the highest or best degree ) / A period of time following abstinence from drinking when one may experience persistent feelings of emotional well being. This experience noted by early A.A.’s and called ‘the pink cloud stage’ has later been identified by researchers as one of various hormonal and neurotransmitter adjustment phases following detoxification from long term use of addictive substances and named “Protracted Abstinence Syndrome”. The ‘pink cloud’ phase is thought to occur 10 to 45 days after detoxification. Bill is emphasizing the need to use all 12 Steps to sustain in a life of sobriety after the ‘pink cloud stage’ passes pioneering -( pi uh near ing )-17,22,182-developing / earliest growth / starting pious - ( pie us ) -143 - deeply concerned with God and religious beliefs and practices / showing a strict, traditional sense of virtue & morality / high-minded ( pious can also refer to being falsely devout or seriously hypocritical ) piously -( pie us lee )- 163 - dutifully / as if fulfilling an obligation / see pious piper -( pipe ur )- 164 - one who plays the music / one who plays the bagpipe pitch - ( pich ) - 168 - talk that clearly expresses the positive ideas or features pitched a binge -( … binj )-148 - threw a drunk / set upon a period of drinking pitfalls -( pit falz )- 53 - hidden hazards / traps / unapparent sources of trouble pity -( pit e )- 162 - compassion / empathy / sympathy and sorrow aroused by the misfortune or suffering of another that draws one to help or to show mercy plague - ( play’g ) - 74 - highly infectious, usually fatal, epidemic disease platforms - ( plat formz ) - 186 - places, means, or opportunities for public expression of opinion plausible - (pla zuh bul ) - 85, 182 - seemingly valid, likely, or acceptable pleas - ( pleez ) - 144 - calls / cries / appeals / earnest and urgent requests pledges -( plej uz )- 32 - formal verbal or written promises to not drink alcohol plight -( plite )-5,28 - dilemma / predicament / difficult or unfortunate situation plumb - ( plum ) - 30 - ( informal ) - completely / utterly / absolutely plump - 159 - give full support or praise / recommend / stand behind / endorse plunged - ( plunj’d ) - 123, 142 - entered / dove / to throw oneself earnestly and wholeheartedly into an activity pointed story - 162 - story that stresses or references to a point of discussion poles - 174 - at extreme opposite positions / as far distant as possible polio -( poe lee o )-36 - ( Poliomyelitis - also called Polioor Infantile Paralysis ) - a highly infectious viral disease that mostly affects young people and can lead to muscular deterioration and paralysis. Jonas Salk developed injectable vaccines and later Albert Sabin oral vaccines for polio in the early 1960’s politic - ( pah luh tik / polla tik ) - see body politic pomp - 44, 124 - magnificent or impressive display ( 124 - see below ) pomp and circumstance -( …sur kum stans )- 124 - display and ceremony ponder - 48, 78, 81, 100 - carefully think about / consider / reflect on / study poor favor -(…fay vur )-79 -unsatisfactory regard / low approval / bad position pore -( poor )- 81 - very small openings in skin serving as an outlet for sweat portrays -( poor trayz )-18- describes / represents / depicts / presents / shows posed -( poze’d )- 53 - set forth in words / presented / put forward / proposed possess - ( puh zess ) - 83, 121 - have as a quality or attribute / have / own possessed -( puh zess’d )-76,123,151,168 - owned / held // obsessed ( 123 ) possession - ( puh zesh un ) - 107, 120 - ownership / holding / dominion possessions - ( puh zesh unz ) - 49, 124 - things owned / assets / properties possessive -( puh zes iv )-111- dominating / controlling / fearful of the loss of position or affection / clutching / - showing a desire to control or dominate another, especially in order to limit that person’s relationship with others possessively - ( puh zes iv lee ) - 93 - jealously / in a possessive way possessiveness -( puh zes iv nus )- 51 - fear of losing position or affection post - 147 - list / record / enter ( 162,186 - Saturday Evening Post Magazine ) posts - 124 - jobs / tasks postpone -( post pone )- 69 - delay / put off …d -(… pone’d )- 91 - delayed potential -( puh ten shul )- 23,121 - possible / capable of being but not yet so potentially -( puh ten shul lee )- 64 - possibly / capable of becoming or being pounced - ( pouns’d / powns’t ) - 153 - attacked suddenly poverty - ( pov ur tee ) - 11, 70, 112, 160, 165 - being poor / lack of or lacking in wealth / also see collective poverty power-driver - 48 power driver - 143 - forceful and aggressive character power-driven argument -(…ar gyuh munt )-91 - highly emotional argument / highly energized debate or disagreement that has gaining or holding a position of power or domination as the underlying aim or motivation powerless -5,21,34,68,73,76,107 - without power / lacking strength or power, helpless and totally unable to produce a desired effect // without authority powerlessness -( power lus nus )-5,21,73-being powerless / see powerless practical -( prak teh kul )- 23,35,56,58,80,86,88,100,101,108 - realistic / useful / sensible / reasonable / actual / purposeful / capable of being used practically - ( prak tik lee ) - 21, 42, 65, 66, ( 68 ), 93, 110, 122, 176, 182 - almost / nearly / for all practical purposes ( 68 ) - practically speaking - realistically speaking / speaking in a way that is practical / see practical practical-minded -35-level-headed / one who thinks in useful or realistic terms practicing alcoholics -32,81- alcoholics who continue to drink alcoholic drinks prayer - 8, 24, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 109, 125 (Text Pg.102 -“Prayer, as commonly understood, is a petition [request] to God.) - a respectful request or an act of communion [ sharing thoughts or feelings ] made to God, a god, or another object of worship, such as in devotion, praise, confession, or thanksgiving / an earnest or urgent request / the act of praying precarious - ( preh kair e us ) - 21 - shaky / weak / unsure / unstable / insecure / dangerously lacking in stability precious -( presh us )-70,151 - highly valued / worthy / priceless / cherished precisely - ( preh sice lee ) - 181 - exactly / in an exact manner precocious -( preh ko shus )-29 - advanced or progressive in mental ability / - showing early development or maturity, especially in mental abilities predict -( preh dikt )-109 - project / forecast / foretell / know or tell in advance prejudice - ( prej uh dis ) - 5, 28 - a negative judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without complete knowledge or examination of the facts prejudiced-( prej uh dis’d )-28-turned / influenced unfavorably / see prejudice preliminary trial -( preh lim uh nair e tri ul )- 85 - beginning attempt / start preparation -( prep uh ray shun )-144- development / a state of being created presently - ( prez unt lee ) - 109 - soon / in a short time preservation -( preh zur vay shun )- 130, 150 - protection / the safeguarding preserve - ( preh zurv ) - 177 - keep safely / protect / maintain / defend presides - ( preh zides ) - 125, 192 - holds authority or control / rules prestige - ( prez tij ) - 11,44,71,114,130,155,175 - reputation / fame / glory presumption - ( preh zump shun ) - 104 - believing or supposing in advance / - arrogance / being overly convinced of one’s own importance pretend -( preh tend )- 117 - take upon ourselves / profess / claim / allege price of admission -75 ( admission price -7 ) - pass / access / admittance / a charge or fee to gain access or enter into / also see admission pride - 8,45,46,47,48,49,51,59,70,79,90,91,112,123 - self-love / a regarding of oneself with undue favor / the quality of being arrogant / arrogance / conceit - excessive appreciation of one’s own worth / disdain / egoism / egotism / self-importance / a high or arrogant opinion of one’s own qualities; attainments, or estate, which gives rise to a feeling and attitude of superiority over and contempt for others; excessive self-esteem // a sense of one’s own dignity or worth, self regard, self-esteem, self-respect prideful - ( pride ful ) - 29, 92, 94 - arrogant / overly convinced of one’s own importance / see pride pride of self - 46 - self-love / overly high estimation of oneself / see pride primary -( pri mair e / pri muh re )- 10,11,12,50,53,71,150,155,165,190 - most important / chief / principle / basic / essential / first in importance prime - 130 - first / first or most valuable / primary / also see primary primordial ooze -( preye mor de ul )-25 - earliest existing moist slime or mud principal - ( prin suh pul ) - 96, 121, 141, 161, 180, 191 - most important / main / basic principle -( prin suh pul )-10,22,26,38,56,70,86,89,108,132,135,139,150,157, 160,165,171,181,182,192 - rule or standard / basic truth, law, assumption, or motive force / fundamental truth or proposition on which many others depend principles - 8,9,10,12,13,15,16,18,22,40,48,106,111,114,125,130 ,131,146, 174,182,184,187,192 - rules / standards / basic truths / laws / see principle principles before personalities ( and near variations ) - 13, 184, 186, 192 priority - ( preye or eh tee ) - 91 - order or degree of importance or urgency pro and con - ( pro and kon ) - 165 - positive and negative / good and bad / see - pros and cons probability -( prob uh bil eh tee )- 74 - likelihood / most likely but uncertain - “…in all probability…” - most probably / very likely probe - 45 - investigate / explore / seek knowledge of / look into problem drinkers - 16, 33, 73, 122-123, 150, 157 - alcoholics ( Pg. 157 ) / - those who’s drinking creates serious problems in their own or other’s lives proceed - ( pro seed ) - 101 - continue / go forward / move along / progress proceedings -( pro / pru seed ings )- 46 - progression / sequence of events procession-( pruh sesh un )-48- group / the sequence or order of succession proclaim - ( pro / pruh klaim ) - 67 - announce / declare / reveal / praise procrastinate - ( pro / pruh kras tuh nate ) - 49, 85 - to put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness procrastination - ( pro / pruh kras tuh nay shun ) - 67 ( Text: “…,which is really sloth in five syllables.” ) - see sloth & procrastinate prodded - ( prod id ) - 123 - pushed / stimulated / caused / motivated prodigies - ( prod uh jeez ) - 120 - ( …render prodigies of service ) - make extraordinary examples of service / represent wonders of service prodigious - ( pruh dij us ) - 17, 27, 177 - impressively great / extraordinary professionalism - ( pruh fesh uh nuh liz um ) - 166, 167, 168, 170, 191 - using professional people to perform needed labor / using professional, medical, religious, etc. people to bring about recovery from alcoholism professionalizing - ( pruh fesh uh nuh lize ing ) - 168 - using professionally trained people to carry the message of A.A. proffers - ( prof urz ) - 103 - offers / offers for acceptance / presents profound -( pro/pruh found )- 28,75,160,165 - deep / intense / far reaching profoundly-( pro/pruh found lee )-115,124- amazingly / in a far reaching way prominence -( prom uh nunts )- 124 - fame / widely recognized importance promiscuity - ( prom eh skyou eh tee / pro meh skyou eh tee ) - 51 - having sexual relations with different partners, especially with someone other than one’s marriage partner / not restricting oneself to one sexual partner promoter - ( pruh mo tur ) - 148, 149, 181, 187 promoters - 181 - one who contributes to the progress or growth of an interest or endeavor promotion -( pruh mo shun )- 12,113,180,181,182,192 promotions - 31 - advertising / seeking to increase the importance or reputation of by favorable publicity / attempting to sell or popularize by advertising // advancements ( 31 ) promotional - ( pruh mo shun ul ) - 181 - advertising / publicity prompt - ( prom’t ) - 63 - inspired / quick / immediate promptly - ( prom’t lee ) - 8, 46, 88, 93, 108, 134 - quickly / immediately pronounce - ( pruh nounts ) - 10, 141 - say / formally or officially declare properly - ( prop ur lee ) - 51, 90 - rightly / suitably / appropriately / correctly proposal -( pruh poe zul )- 136,13 - plan / a plan suggested for acceptance propose - ( pruh poze ) - 101, 136, 137, 153 - intend / plan / submit for consideration / have in mind as an aim or purpose proposes - ( pruh poze uz ) - 17 - aims / intends proposed -( pruh poze’d )- 157 - considered / offered / had in mind as a goal proposition - ( prop uh zish un ) - 30, 35, 63, 163, 168 - matter / a plan offered for acceptance / also see proposal proprietor -( pruh preye eh tur )- 136 - owner / manager / owner & manager pros and cons -( proze and konz )- 37 - favorable and unfavorable factors / positive and negative qualities or points / ( pro and con - 165 ) proselyting -( pros uh luh tize ing )-153- trying to get someone to change to join / to convert someone from one faith, belief, doctrine, or cause, to another prospect - ( pros pekt ) - 24,49,79,151,163,164,166,181 s - 121,184 - possibility / chance / expectation / outlook / potential member of A.A. prospective - ( pruh spek tiv ) - 119, 158 - likely / likely to become or be prosperous - ( pros pur us ) - 161 - see waxed prosperous protectors -( pruh tek tur )- 43, 44 - people who serve to provide protection Protestant -( prot eh stunt )- 147 - a member of a Western Christian church proud - 66 - filled with excessive self-esteem / also see pride and prideful Providence - ( prov eh dunts / dents ) - 21, 35, 145, 156 - God / - the care, guardianship, and control exercised by a deity / divine direction provocation - ( prov uh kay shun ) - 176 - thing that stirs one to action or causes feelings of anger or resentment provoked -( pruh voke’d )- 167 - stirred to action / brought about / caused prudence - ( proo dents / prood ents ) - 7, 61, 83, 85 - the use of good judgment, common sense, and even caution / discretion prudent reserve-( proo dent / prood ent reh zurv )-11,165 s-191-(…zurvz) - reasonable amount of funds held for future use or for a special purpose psychiatrists -( sie / seh kye uh trist )- 31,38,56 - a doctor who specializes in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders psychologists - ( sie/she kol uh jist ) - 38, 56, 122 - a person trained and educated to perform psychological research, testing, and therapy publicity -( pub lis eh tee )- 12,17,158,170,180,181,182,184,186 - spreading information through various media to attract public notice or interest publicized -( pub leh size’d )-181,182,186 - made known through publicity publicly - ( puh blik lee ) - 156,176,178,187,192 - openly / in or among the general public / in a way observable by or in a place accessible to the public pungent - ( pun junt ) - 149 - pointed / sharp / biting / stinging / cutting puny -( pyoo nee )-178 - weak / small or inferior in size, power, or importance purpose -( pur pus )-9,10,11,40,42,65,70,71,72,80,85,88,91,97,110,112,1 20, 124,130,132,150,151,153,155,165,166,170,189,190,19 1 - aim / intent / goal / job / function / role / task / meaning / proper activity / what one intends to do or achieve / firmness of character, action, or will / decision / determination purposeless -( pur pus lus )- 77,105 - without value, meaning, or purpose pursued - ( pur soo’d ) - 50 - one sought by another for sexual activity pursuer - ( pur soo ur ) - 50 - the one who sought another for sexual activity pursuit - ( pur soot ) - 44, 50 - seeking / quest / search / chase / attainment puzzled -( puz ul’d )-113,130 - confused / perplexed / unclear in mind or intent puzzler -( puz lur )- 113,172 - matter that seems unclear, confusing, or baffling
![]() "No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K. When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time! God says that each of us is worth loving. |
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#3 |
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 75,031
qualify - ( kwa luh fye / kwol uh fye ) - 86 - limit / restrict / moderate / temper quarantined -( kwor un teen’d )-155 - isolated / restricted / controlled / limited quarrel - ( kwor ul ) - 71 - argue / find fault / debate or disagree angrily queers - ( kweer’z ) - 140 - homosexuals / offensive slang for homosexuals / [ Until the early to mid 1960’s it was almost customary, if not fully socially acceptable to refer to homosexuals as ‘queers’ ] quest -( kwest )- 27,43,131 - search / seek / seeking or pursuing something quick-tempered - (…-tem purd ) - 91 - sudden or fast angered / irritable quieting - ( kwye it ing / kweye eh ting ) - 90 - calming / soothing / stilling quizzical - ( kwiz ik ul / kwiz eh kul ) - 144 - questioning / teasing / odd racking -( rak ing )-125 - tormenting / painful / punishing / agonizing / tortuous radiance -( ray de unts )- 150 - brilliance / exceptional brightness and clarity radical - ( rad ik ul ) - 92 - extreme / drastic / basic / primary / revolutionary rallied -( ral eed )-17- gathered together / joined an effort for a common cause rallying - ( ral ee ing ) - 5, 33 - gathering / joining together / assembling rampage - ( ram paij ) - 44 - a period of wild and violent behavior or action ransack-( ran sak )-81- thoroughly search or examine / extensively investigate rapacious - ( ruh pay shus ) - 21 - greedy / plundering / gluttonous / having an appetite that cannot be satisfied rashly -( rash lee )-91 - recklessly / impulsively / without needed consideration rationalization-( rash uh nuh lie zay shun )-6,60,69,94- justification / making self-satisfying but incorrect reasons for ( one’s behavior ) / see rationalize rationalize - ( rash uh nuh lize ) - 104 - justify / create excuses / try to make rational, reasonable, logical, or coming from good judgment or sound reason / creating incorrect but self-satisfying reasons for one’s behavior rationalizing -( rash uh nuh lize ing )- 69 - reasoning to find or create valid justification for doing as one pleases / see rationalize and rationalization razor-edged -( ray zor ej’d )- 86 - potentially harmful / extremely difficult to handle without subjecting oneself or others to harm or injury / [ very sharp ] readily -( red uh lee / red lee )-50,84 - promptly / in a prompt, timely manner readiness -( red e nus )- 8,9,65,87 - being ready / willingness / preparation realism -( reel izm )- 6,58 - acceptance of facts about ourselves and our lives realistic -( re uh lis tik / real iss tik )- 46 - truthful / real / accurate expression of life facts / tending to or expressing an awareness of things as they really are realities - ( re al uh teez ) - 96 - facts / truths / actualities / real events realization -( re uh lie zay shun )- 118,130 - awareness / real understanding realm - ( relm ) - 98, 101 - kingdom / domain / world / area / sphere reassembled -( re uh sem bull’d )- 110 - gathered or brought together again reassurance - ( re uh shur unts ) - 110 - renewed sense of trust, confidence, certainty, faith, or belief reassuring-( re uh shur ing )-46- confidence building / convincing / satisfying rebelling -( re bel ing )- 96 - resisting / defying / being in strong opposition rebellion - ( re bel yun ) - 7, 69, 73, 105 - resistance / defiance / opposition rebellion dogs our every step… -73 - rebellion tracks or trails our every step… rebellious - ( re bel yus ) - 38, 108 - defiant / resistant rebuffs -( re buf )- 111 - blunt rejections / snubs / refusals / deliberate slights rebuffed - ( re buf’d ) - 144 - rejected / refused / repulsed reception - ( reh sep shun ) - 85 - welcome / greeting / acceptance recipient - ( reh sip e unt ) - 61 - one who receives or is receptive reckless - ( rek lis ) - 119 - wild and careless / irresponsible / thoughtless recklessly - ( rek lis lee ) - 51, 86, 123, 170 - carelessly / thoughtlessly / irresponsibly recluse -( reh kloos / rek loos )- 43 - a person who withdraws from the world recognition-( rek ug nish un )-6,58,197- notice / favorable notice / awareness recognize -( rek uh nize )- 23,30,51,53,66,74,94,130,161,174 - admit / know / affirm / acknowledge / identify / d-(…nize’d)-48,58,112/…zing-(…nize ing)-58 recoil -( re koil / reh koyul )-73,105 recoiled-( re koy ul’d )-97 - move away quickly / spring, shrink, pull, or fall back quickly as from shock, fear, or disgust recompensed -( rek um pens’d )-191 - paid / paid in exchange for work done recover - 15,16,18,130,189 - stop drinking alcohol / to be restored to a normal or usual condition / obtain again what one has lost / regain one’s health recovered - 15,17,22,112 - stopped drinking [ not slowed… STOPPED ! J ] recoveries - 17,140 - those who stopped drinking alcohol / experiences in or leading to a life which did not include drinking alcohol (Pg.17-middle)/ examples of being restored to a life which didn’t include drinking alcohol (Pg.140-bottom) recovering - is not used in this book ( See “Big Book” of A.A. - Pg. 104,122 ) recovery -9,10,12,15,129,130,131,150,151,153,166,174,177,185- restoration / return to a life without drinking alcohol / the act or process of avoiding drinking alcohol / ( Generally - Regaining health, self-awareness, balance, and calm in one’s life. A return to a former state of health and well-being. ) / ( From the ‘Big Book’ of A.A. - Pg. 85 - “We are not cured of alcoholism. What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition.” ) recriminate - ( reh krim uh nate ) - 31 - accuse or blame in return recuperation - ( reh koo puh ray shun ) - 190 - being restored to health recurring - ( reh kur ing ) - 52 - repeating / happening ‘again and again’ red ink - 93 - a listing of negatives, or for this purpose, wrongs / losses redirected - ( re deh rek tid / re die rek tid ) - 114 - changed in direction redouble -( re dub ul )- 53, 77 - repeat / double / try again or twice as hard reefs - 122 - rocks, sand, or coral at or near the surface of a body of water reeking - 31 - smelling / stinking / giving off an odor / having a bad smell reelection - ( re eh lekt shun ) - 135 - being voted for or elected again reemphasize -( re em fuh size )-177- emphasize or stress as important again reenacted - ( re n akt / re uh nakt ) - 131 - enacted, performed, or went through a second time reflected -( re/reh flekt id )-83 - thought / realized / considered / contemplated reflection - ( re/reh flekt shun ) - 34, 59, 80 - careful thought / image ( 59 ) reflects - ( re/reh flekts ) - 132 - thinks seriously / realizes / considers reform - ( reh form ) - 156, 157, 176, 178, 192 - cause an end to harmful or immoral practices / improve by change or removal of defects / see next word reform movement - 156 - During the late 1800’s and early 1900’s a number of social and religious groups made extensive efforts to create a ‘movement’ among society to pressure lawmakers to ‘reform’ or change the laws controlling the production, transportation, and/or drinking of alcoholic beverages. reformers -( reh form urz )- 178 - members of an alcohol reform movement refusal - ( reh fyou zul ) - 182 - rejection / turning down / non acceptance regardless of -( reh gard lis… )-47- in spite of / with no attention or thought to regions - ( re junz ) - 155 - areas / territories / large areas regret -( reg gret )-95 - sorrow / apology / feeling of disappointment or distress regulations - ( reg yuh lay shunz ) - 10, 140, 141, 148, 172 - controls / laws or principles governing or controlling conduct rehabilitation - ( re huh bil eh tay shun / re uh bil uh tay shun ) - 153 - restoring people to good health or useful life, as through therapy & education rehash -( re hash )-84 - bring forth again // rehashing -89 - discussing again reinstated - ( re in state id / re in stay tid ) - 134 - brought back into use / restored to a previous position rejected - ( re jek tid / re jekt id ) - 28, 111 - refused / not accepted, submitted to, believed, or made use of relapse -( reh/re laps)- 56,111 - drink alcohol again / slip back into bad ways relate -( reh late )- 33 - connect / associate s - 15 - connects / describes related - 11,98,155,157 - connected ( 98 ) / similar in concerns or interests relentlessly -( reh lent lis le )-22,144- steadily and persistently / continuously reliance-( reh lie unts )-31,72,103-relying / trust / dependence / being reliant reliant -( reh lie unt )- 147 - dependent / determined / subject to / conditioned relies -( reh lies )- 39 - depends / places faith and confidence / also see rely religion - 16, 28, 30, 56, 112, 153, 156, 192 ( Page listing only ) religionists -( reh lij uh nists )- 30 - those who claim to practice religion religious - 29,30,32,48,56,72,75,98,153,166,176,181 ( Page listing only ) religious grounds - 153 - ( “…on religious grounds?” ) - based on religion religious sect-153-church group / those who practice a certain religious belief relinquish - ( re ling kwish ) - 108 - give up / let go of / abandon / surrender reluctance - ( reh luk tunts ) - 7, 12, 55, 177 - unwillingness / resistance reluctantly -( reh luk tunt lee )-73 - unwillingly / with opposition or resistance rely - ( reh lie ) - 39, 116, 181 - depend / place or have faith or confidence in remainder - ( reh main dur ) - 17, 92 - rest / left over / remaining remorse - ( reh morss ) - 39, 56, 59, 86 - bitter regret / distress or misery from regret or shame for past misdeeds render - ( ren dur ) - 65, 120 - make / cause to become rendered - ( ren durd ) - 124 - provided / given in return / made available renew - ( reh noo ) - 103 - repeat / make new again or as if new again renounce -( reh nownts )- 25 - reject / give up / disown / abandon / surrender requisite -( rek weh zit / rek wu zit )- 7 - requirement / necessity / essential respect - ( reh spekt ) - 27, 50, 52, 177, 189, 192 - regard / consideration / concern // trust / appreciation / honor / regard ( 192 ) respectability -( reh spek tuh bil eh tee )-30- being respectable / properness respectable -( reh spekt uh bul )-140- proper / respected -26-liked / honored respecting -( reh spekt ing )-36,51,76-concerning / regarding / in reference to respects - 147, 178 - particular aspects / concerns / features / regards representatives -( rep reh zen tuh tivz )- 191 - people acting as servants representing - ( rep reh zen ting ) - 50, 187 - standing for / portraying / acting as / being the equivalent of / playing the part of / serving as an example represents-( rep reh zents )-34,183-stands for / is the equivalent of / indicates reproach - ( reh proach ) - 129 - criticize / express disappointment of / shame Republican - 147 - belonging to the Republican Party of the United States reputation - ( rep yuh tay shun ) - 142 - public estimation / popularity reputations - ( rep yuh tay shunz ) - 79 - standing or approval among others requisite -( rek weh zit )- 7 - requirement / essential / necessity / obligation resent -( reh zent )-123 - feel anger about / hate / strongly feel over and over [ resent - ( from Latin - ‘re’ = ( back or again ) + French - ‘sentir’ = ( to feel or perceive ) or ‘sentire’ = ( to feel again or to feel strongly ) ] resentful - ( reh zent ful ) - 118 - full of resentment / see resentment resentfully - ( reh zent ful e ) - 78 - angrily / bitterly / with or in resentment / full of ill will / also see resent and resentment resentment -( reh zent munt ) - 135,143 - anger / anger, bitterness, or ill will felt as a result of a real of imagined wrong, injury, hurt, or offense / to feel angry or hurt over and over again / also see resent resentments -( reh zent munts )- 8,46,47,90 - see resent and resentment reservation -( rez ur vay shun )- 73 - doubt / limitation / exception / condition reservations -( rez ur vay shunz )-63 - exceptions / restrictions or conditions reserve -( reh zurv )-11,164,165 s-( reh zurvz )-191 - see prudent reserve resign -( reh zyne )- 26 - quit / surrender / deliberately give up one’s position resist - ( reh zist ) - 21, 53 - oppose / challenge / take a stand against resistance - ( reh zis tunts ) - 100, 173 - opposition / forces against resisted - ( reh zis tid ) - 115, 134 - stood or fought against / opposed resolutely -( rez uh loot lee )- 58 - firmly / in a determined way / positively resolution -( rez uh loo shun )- 61,73,165 - firm determination and resolve resolve -( reh zalv )- 56,94,135,143,156 resolved -140,179 resolving -86 - determination / determine / decision / decide / have great firmness of purpose - solve / settle / find a solution for / bring into a state of agreement ( 135, 156 ) resorted -( reh zort id )-181 - turned / referred / to fall back on in time of need resources -( re/reh sorss uz )-22,43,70,105,107,113,157- ability or means to meet situations effectively / things such as money, property or goods of value respecting -( reh spek ting )- 36, 51, 76 - concerning / regarding / relating to responsibilities - ( re spon suh bil uh teez ) - 43, 112, 119, 120, 177 - needs / duties / obligations / see responsibility and responsible responsibility -( re spon suh bil uh tee )- 8,11,51,87,124,157,164,180,190 - obligation / commitment / duty / demands of position, custom, law, religion responsible - ( re spon suh bul ) - 12,80,165,172,189 - accountable / answerable / capable of being depended upon / the source or cause ( 80 ) restitution -( res teh too shun )- 24, 79, 80, 83 - amends / compensation / - restoring or compensating for loss, damage, or injury / also see amends rest on our laurels -(… lor ulz / lar ulz )-85 - to rely on one’s past honors or accomplishments / [ in ancient times a wreath of ‘laurel’ ( Mediterranean evergreen tree ) was given as a mark of honor to heroes, athletes, poets, etc. ] restore-( reh stor )-5,25,32,33,76,107-return / bring back into existence or use restored - ( reh stord ) - 9, 108, 124, 177 - returned / brought back / put back restraint - ( reh strain’t) - 91, 181 - holding back or keeping under control / keeping one’s thoughts and emotions to oneself ( self-restraint ) / control, limitation, or repression of thoughts or feelings / also see self-restraint resume -( reh zoom )- 105 - continue / restart / begin again after interruption retaliate - ( reh tal e ate ) - 53, 80 - strike back / return like for like, especially to return an unfriendly or hostile action with a similar one retreat - ( reh treet ) - 73, 89 - moving back / withdrawal ( 73 ) / - period of seclusion, retirement, or solitude ( 89 ) reunited - ( re u nite id ) - 114, 143 - brought together again reveal - ( reh veel ) - 53, 61, 78, 84, 94 revealed - ( …veel’d ) - 31, 55 - make known / disclose / tell / bring to view / show / uncover / expose revelation - ( rev uh lay shun ) - 40, 86 s - ( … shunz ) - 61 - disclosure / something brought to view or made known, especially something not previously known or realized / also see disclosure reveled -( rev ul’d )- 100 - took great pleasure / delighted / found satisfaction revenge - ( reh venj ) - 44, 47 - retaliation / punishment in return for an insult reviling-( reh vile ing )-84-scolding / cursing / attacking with abusive language revisions - ( reh viz’shunz ) - 114 - changes / corrections / reconsiderations revived -( reh vive’d)- 45,165- restored / brought back to life or consciousness revolt -( reh volt )- 44,53 - protest / rebel / rise up against & oppose by force revolted -( re volt id )-22 - protested / rebelled / opposed or refused to accept revolution - ( rev uh loo shun ) - 44, 134 - rebellion / overthrow of authority revolutionary - ( rev uh loo shun air e ) - 74, 120 - extreme / radical revulsion -( reh vul shun )-44 - disgust and anger / a sudden strong change or reaction in feeling, especially a feeling of violent disgust or dislike rewrite -( re rite )-155,183- revise / write again in a different or improved form riddle -( rid ul )- 32,64 - puzzle / mystery / perplexity / something unexplained riddled - ( rid ul’d) - 67 - spread throughout / pierced with numerous holes riddle's -( rid ulz )-32-referring to the person ( riddle ) described on Pg.31-32 righteous -( rye chus )- 86 - honorable / good / honest / proper / in agreement with principles of right or good conduct / also see self-righteous righteousness - ( rye chus nus ) - 67 - moral quality / goodness / rightness rigidly - ( rij id lee ) - 86, 103 - firmly / strictly / inflexibly / stubbornly / stiffly rigorously -( rig er us lee )- 24 - rigidly / strictly / exactly / flawlessly / faithfully riot - ( rye ut ) - 44 - unrestrained / uncontrolled / out of control rock-bottom - 66 - very low / lowest possible / absolute bottom roster - ( ros tur / rah stir ) - 81 - list / catalog / register rotating -( row tate ing )-10,134,174,191- alternating / taking turns / revolving rough - ( ruf ) - 50, 123 - unpleasant or difficult (123) / preliminary / not completed or fully detailed (50) rudiments -( rood uh munts )-38- fundamentals / basics / underlying concepts ruefully - ( roo ful ee ) - 100 - regretfully / sadly / sorrowfully / pitifully ruin - ( roo in ) - 37, 66, 91 - total destruction / completely destroy ruinous-( roo in us )-67,123- destructive / capable of damaging beyond repair ruins - ( roo inz ) - 149 - remains / what is left of something destroyed Rule 62 -149- “Don’t take yourself too **************** seriously.”( Story on Pg.148-149 ) ruthlessly - ( rooth lus lee ) - 52 - without mercy / without compassion or pity sacrifice -( sak ruh fice )- 13,24,130,142,184 s - 184 - to give up something valued for another thing considered to be of greater value / - Text reference: Pg.184 “…give up personal desires for the common good,…” sacrificial -( sak ruh fish ul )- 184 - of or relating to sacrifice / see sacrifice safeguard - ( safe gard ) - 187 - protection / security / shield / insurance saint - 99 saints - 74 - an extremely virtuous person / a person officially recognized as being entitled to public respect and praise salable - ( say luh bul / sale uh bul ) - 143 - acceptable / suitable for sale Salerno beachhead -( suh lur no )- 38 - Salerno is a city of southern Italy on the Gulf of Salerno where a major battle took place in 1943 during the 2nd. World War between Allied landing forces and German troops. sane - 33, 132 - reasonable / sensible / rational / having or showing good judgment in practical matters / mentally healthy / sound in mind / free from delusion or irrational beliefs or convictions sanity - ( san eh tee ) - 5, 25, 32, 33, 76, 107, 108, 151 -( Pg. 33 - sanity is defined as “soundness of mind.” )- a healthy mental state / - soundness of judgment or reason / being sane / also see sane sarcasm - ( sar kaz um ) - 143 - a cutting remark intended to wound / a form of wit that uses bitter or cutting language and is intended to make its victim the object of scorn, ridicule, mockery, or amusement sarcastically -( sar kas tik lee )-152 -with the use of sarcasm / see sarcasm Saturday Evening Post - 162,186 - a news and general information magazine, extremely popular in the first half of the 1900’s and still in circulation. ( 2006 ) savoring -( say vur ing )- 99 - fully appreciating or considering the quality of scanning - ( skan ing ) - 172 - looking over / examining closely / viewing scarcely - ( skairss lee ) - 23, 46, 55 - hardly / barely / certainly not scared witless -( skair’d wit lis )- 139 - frightened out of their mind / scheme-( skeem )- 97,124,152 s -(skeemz)-165 - method/s / plan/s of action scoff - ( skaf / skof )-152 - ridicule / show disrespect / make fun / mock / scorn scoffers - ( skof urz) - 97 - ones who doubt, mock, laugh, or ‘poke fun at’ scores -( skorz )-18,142- large numbers ( gathered together ) ( groups of 20 ) scorn -( scorn )- 91 - expression of a feeling or attitude of regarding someone as beneath oneself, inferior, worthless, and/or despised scrapes - ( skrapes ) - 118 - embarrassing situations or circumstances / fights scrupulous -( skroop yuh lus )- 32 - careful / thoughtful and exact / principled scrutiny - ( skroo tin e / skroot in e ) - 94 - examination / study / observation secrecy - ( see kreh see ) - 185 - keeping something hidden or ‘secret’ sect - ( sekt ) - 153 - group / faction / practice / denomination / a religious group, especially one that has separated form a larger established church sectarian - ( sek tair e un ) - 192 - sect like ( see sect ) / dissenting or separating from established church beliefs and practices secure - ( seh kure) - 36,42,64,67,98,103,115,116,117 - free from danger, attack, risk of loss, anxiety, fear, or doubt / safe / having a firm belief in one’s own powers / reliable / dependable / certain // gain / get / acquire ( 103 ) secure in their persons - 42 - safe and secure in their lives ( see secure ) security -( seh kure uh tee )- 42,43,44,49,50,51,52,71,80,114,115,116,121 - freedom from risk or danger / safety / freedom from doubt, anxiety, or fear / confidence / reliability in withstanding pressure, force, or stress seeming - 105, 112, 137, 172 seemingly - 52 - apparently / likely - apparent / outward / probable / appearing as such but not necessarily so segment - ( seg munt ) - 111 - piece / part / portion / section seize - ( seez ) - 22, 78 - hold / grab / clutch / firmly hold / catch seldom - ( sel dum ) - 68,72,79,83,150,151 - rarely / not often / infrequently self-appraisal - ( -uh pray zul ) - 59, 89 - assessment of the things in one’s life that may or may not be of value “-centered -( -sent urd )- 7,24,53,76 - selfish / self-absorbed / egotistical / self-serving / concerned only or mostly with oneself or one’s own affairs “-centered fear -7,76- ( Text: Pg.76 “…fear that we would lose something we already possessed or would fail to get something we demanded.” ) “-centeredness -( -sent urd nuss )-73- concern only for oneself / selfishness “-confidence - ( -kon feh dunts ) - 22, 92 - a firm belief in one’s own powers “-control - 91 - self-restraint / keeping one’s thoughts and emotions to oneself “-deceived -( -deh seev’d )- 32,59 - “fooled ourselves,” / mislead or caused to believe what is not true by our own perceptions or self interests / self-delusion “-delusion -( -deh loo’z’shun )-58 - false beliefs about oneself / see delusion “-destruction - ( -deh struk shun ) - 64 - destroying one’s health, fortune, honor, or hopes “-discipline - ( -dis uh plin ) - 52 - control or restraint of one’s behavior “-examination -( -x am uh nay shun )- 8,89,98 - considering one’s internal attitudes, thoughts, and feelings along with one’s behavior / see self-appraisal “-importance -( -m por tunts )- 120,122,124 - a high social or self evaluation “-justification -( -jus tuh fuh kay shun )-6,46,48,54 - defending or supporting one’s thoughts or actions by creating excuses / see rationalize & rationalizing “-loathing -( -low’th’ing )- 45 - great dislike or hatred of oneself “-overhaul -( -o vur hall )- 89 - “housecleaning” / carefully review and examine one’s life in order to identify places where repairs or improvements are needed “-pity - 6,8,47,52,58,59,81,90,135 - feeling sorrow or sympathy for oneself “-preservation -( -prez ur vay shun )- 64,151 - protecting or guarding oneself “-reliance -( -reh lie unts )- 72 - trust or confidence in one’s abilities or powers “-restraint - ( -reh straint ) - 8, 91, 181 - the ability to limit, control, or repress one’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors “-righteous - ( -rite chuss ) - 67, 90 - unusually or falsely sure of one’s correctness or righteousness / moralistic “-righteousness -( -rite chus nus )- 5,30,45,94,176 - being self-righteous / - acting as if, or falsely claiming to be, without error, guilt, or sin selfsame - ( self same ) - 54 - identical / being the very same self-satisfied -( satis fyed )- 72 - fulfilling or satisfying “our material desires” “-searching - 8, 88, 98 - “A continuous look at our assets and liabilities,…” “-seeking - 151,183 - concerned only with oneself / pursuing only one’s own aims or interests / being self-absorbed, self-centered, selfish, or self-serving “-sufficiency - ( -suh fish un see ) - 5, 21, 28, 37, 72 - ability to provide for oneself without the help of others ( 21, 72 ) / being independent / being free from the influence, guidance, or control of others / being overly confident in oneself and one’s powers “-survey - ( -sur vay ) - 61,88 - a close or systematic study, analysis, review, examination, investigation, or inspection of one’s life and oneself self-will -34,35,38,116,117 - choose or decide for and/or by oneself / seeking to satisfy one’s own desires or remaining devoted to one’s own opinions semiannual - ( sem e an you ul / sem i … ) - 89 - twice each year senators -( sen uh turz )- 134 - ones having decision and law making powers sensational - ( sen say shuh nul ) - 192 - spectacular / outstanding / intentionally designed to arouse strong reaction sensitive -( sen seh tiv )- 123 - quick to take offense / touchy / easily irritated serene - ( suh reen ) - 121 - peaceful / calm / unaffected by disturbance serenely - ( suh reen lee ) - 52, 88 - peacefully / calmly / quietly serenity -( suh ren uh tee )- 41,62,74,94,112,125,148 - lack of emotional agitation / calm / peacefulness / peace / tranquility / serene state of mind settle -( set ul )- 68,89 - [ settle for ] - be content with / to accept in spite of incomplete satisfaction (68) / restore calmness / reconcile / be done with (89) settled -( set uld )- 8,156 - done ( 8 ) / [ settled for ] - became content with / accepted in spite of incomplete satisfaction ( 156 ) settlement - ( set ul munt ) - 108 - agreement / understanding / adjustment Seven Deadly Sins - 48 - pride, greed, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth severe - ( suh veer ) - 16, 17, 45, 78, 117, 185 - harsh / grave / grievous / very dangerous, harmful, or discomforting severest - ( suh veer ust ) - 84 - harshest / extremely difficult / most severe severity - ( seh vair eh tee ) - 169 - harshness / intensity / degree of harm to sewing circle - 44 - a group of people, especially women, who meet regularly for the purpose of sewing, often for charitable causes shame -136 - disgrace / great disappointment / a painful emotion caused by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace / see - guilt sharp contrast with - 84 - obvious and extreme difference between sharply - 48, 78, 120, 134 - clearly ( 48 ) / quickly or abruptly ( 78, 120 ) / severely ( 134 ) / in a sharp manner / clearly defined / severely or intensely sheaf - 143 - collection of items held or bound together sheer - 39, 73, 100, 129, 176 - pure / absolute / complete / unlimited shoemaker stick to thy last - 150 - a ‘last’ is a wooden model of the foot, on which shoemakers shape boots and shoes / From text: “…better do one thing supremely well than many badly.” / An allusion to the proverb: “Let the cobbler stick to his last.” [ Cobblers repaired shoes and were not considered as skilled as those who actually made shoes or other such craftsmen such as tailors . ] shore of life - 123 - edge of life / edge or fringe of life and society shortcomings -( short kum ings )- 7,30,59,70,75,76,116 - things, behaviors, or attributes which one lacks or is ‘short’ of / deficiencies / weaknesses / faults shortsighted - ( short site’id ) - 76 - lack of foresight / failure to use good judgment, common sense, or caution / lack of care in providing for the future shriek -( shreek )- 158 - a loud, piercing sound, as of pain or fright / scream shrilled - ( shril’d ) - 168 - screamed / cried out in a high-pitched tone shrug - 164 - make an expressive gesture of raising the shoulders shunned - ( shun’d ) - 168 - deliberately avoided / avoided sidestep - ( side step ) - 91 - evade / avoid / step out of the way of significant - ( sig nif eh kunt ) - 146,171 - meaningful / important simplicity - ( sim plis eh tee ) - 141 - being simple / being clear sin - 48 sins - 30,48,56,65,89 - [ ‘sin’ essentially means ‘to miss the mark’ ] - violations of a religious or moral law, especially when deliberate / something that offends one’s sense of what is fair or proper / wrongs / offenses / faults, flaws or failures (30,56,65,89)/( Pg.65 “…our character defects, or if you wish, of our sins.” ) / Theology: Deliberate disobedience to the known will of God sincere - ( sin sear ) - 58 - honest / real / genuine sincerity - ( sin sair eh tee ) - 84 - honesty / genuineness / being sincere singleness of purpose - 151 - to carry the message ( of recovery ) to the alcoholic who still suffers / also see purpose sins of omission or commission -(…o mish un…) or (…kuh mish un )-89 wrongs of omission - not doing what should be done …or… commission - committing, or being responsible for, or guilty of, an error, crime, or failure skeptical -( skep teh kul )- 85,110,148 - doubtful / unbelieving / questioning skid rows - 155 - any area of a town where the unemployed, vagrants, alcoholics, etc. tend to gather / ( variant of ‘skid road’- a road used by loggers to skid logs to mill or referring to an area of a town visited by loggers ) skimping -56- dealing carelessly or insufficiently with / being inadequate with slang - 113, 135 - jargon / language peculiar to a group / playful speech slight - 96 - make light of / treat as of small importance / neglect / disregard slippee -( slip e )- 162,163 - person who repeatedly ‘slips’ back into drinking sloth - 48,66,67 - laziness / avoidance of or hating work slothful - 67 - lazy sloth in five syllables - (…sil uh bulz ) - 67 - see sloth and syllables smarting - 25 - feeling a sharp stinging pain / sharp mental or physical pain smitten - ( smit’n ) - 22 - struck / afflicted / sharply affected smoke screen - 59 - [ feelings used as a cover ] / smoke used to hide something / an action or statement used to conceal actual plans or intentions smothered - ( smuh’thur’d ) - 47 - overwhelmed / excessively surrounded snap judgment -(… juj munt )- 91 - decision or opinion formed with little or no preparation or consideration snub - 44 - turn down / turn away / dismissal / cut / shun / [ cold shoulder ] sober - 6,8,26,39,45,56,57,64,70,88,92,100,112,133,137,143 ,144,147,160, 166 - Being ‘sober’ in A.A. basically means that one has not consumed any alcoholic beverages whatsoever for a period of time that is generally undefined though usually long enough that noticeable changes in ones behavior, attitudes, and thinking may occur. It may also be assumed to include at least some of the characteristic examples of traditional dictionary definitions for the word ‘sober’ which follow: / not drunk or intoxicated / reasonable / rational / realistic / down-to-earth / practical / without excess or exaggeration / showing no extreme qualities of fantasy, emotion, or prejudice / without indifference where seriousness and attention are needed / having no illusions & facing reality in a straightforward way / showing self-control or sanity sober fact - 166 - realistic and serious truth sobriety -( so bry uh tee / suh bry ut ee )- 5,6,11,12,16,21,39,40,43,45,48, 50,55,62,70,83,94,106,111,139,146,147,151,152,153, 154,175,189 - being sober / not drinking alcoholic drinks / see also emotional sobriety so-called-31,104,120,122,134-commonly called / incorrectly or falsely termed social instinct - 42 - natural need for human relationships / also see instinct societies - ( suh seye eh teez ) - 117, 175, 184, 186 - see society society -( suh seye eh te )- 3,15,16,17,22,26,37,42,49,50,53,64,81,129,131, 132,135,141,145,150,151,156,160,172,175,177,178,17 9,181,182,185,187, & cover leaf - social relationships among humans / a group of people united in a relationship and having some interest, activity, or purpose in common / an organization or association of persons involved in a common profession, activity, or interest / companionship / fellowship / community / public society at large - 53 - society as a whole / generally everyone sole - ( soul / sol ) - 10,49,56,114,132,147,170,178,190 - only / exclusive solely - ( sol’ee ) - 71, 150, 158 - entirely / exclusively / only solicitation -( suh lis eh tay shun )-190 - request / seeking to get something solitary - ( sol eh tair e ) - 59, 89 - isolated / set away from all others / alone sorely - ( sor lee ) - 71, 150, 158 - greatly / extremely / painfully / seriously sound - 100,117,135,183 - [ page numbers listed are for usage related to the following definitions only ] - complete / valid / free from defect or logical flaws / showing common sense and good judgment / based on valid reasoning spearhead - ( speer hed ) - 25, 156 - leader / driving force spearheaded - ( speer hed id ) - 170 - led / started / initiated specific - ( speh sif ik) - 34,60,102,103,104 - particular / definite / precise specifically -( speh sif ik lee)- 70 - particularly / precisely / clearly / definitely specification - ( spes uh feh kay shun ) - 176 - design / plan / description specified -( spes uh feyed )-31 - listed / designated / indicated as a condition spectacle -( spek tuh kul )-121,165,176-impressive display, often regrettable spectacular - ( spek tak yuh lur ) - 185 - sensational / impressive / dramatic speculative - ( spek yuh luh tiv / …lay tiv ) - 132 - curious and questioning spend-thrifts - 120 - wasteful or excessive in spending money spirit - 7,8,12,36,73,87,99,101,111,112,124,135,174,175,184 ,186,187,191 - an animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms / a supernatural being or essence / soul / temper or disposition of mind or outlook especially when vigorous or animated ( example: in high spirits ) / the immaterial intelligent or feeling part of a person / the activating or essential principle influencing a person / an inclination, impulse, or tendency of a specified kind / a special attitude of frame of mind / the feeling, quality, or disposition characterizing something undertaken / a mental disposition or attitude characterized by firmness or assertiveness / attitude, tone or tendency spiritual -( spear eh chul )-6,8,9,13,15,17,36,38,58,60,66,68,71,80,86,89,90, 93,100,106,107,109,114,115,117,119,122,130,133,134 ,152,153,156,161,174, 177,184,187,190,191,192- of or concerned with the spirit rather than the body of material things / of, concerned with or affecting the soul / of, from or relating to God / relating to or having the nature of spirits or a spirit / having no body, form, or substance / relating to a religion / ( also see spiritual awakening ) spiritual awakening - 8,9,106,109 - Text reference: Pg.106 - “…a gift which amounts to a new state of consciousness and being.” / ( also see spiritual ) [ see “Big Book” of A.A. - Appendices - II and V for an extended definition ] spiritual principle/s - 9, ( 15 principles, spiritual ), 38, 130, 174 - Text: Pg.15 - “A.A.’s Twelve Steps are a group of principles, spiritual in their nature, which, if practiced as a way of life, can expel the obsession to drink and enable the sufferer to become happily and usefully whole.” spirituality -( spear eh chew al uh tee )-9,133,136,163,166- being spiritual / spiritual character, quality, or nature / practicing spiritual principles and beliefs spiritually - ( spear eh chew’ul ee ) - 9, 56, 63, 114 - in spiritual concerns spiritually centered -56 - those who focus on and value the spirit rather than the body or world of material things spoil - ( spoy ul ) - 50, 90, 156, 192 - ruin / destroy spoils - ( spoy ulz ) - 29 - goods or benefits gained by a winner sponsor -( spon sur )- 26,39,46,61,86,89,154,185 - one who presents a candidate and undertakes responsibility for the persons spiritual welfare / one who assumes responsibility for another person during a period of instruction // Text: Pg.46 - …the carriers of A.A.’s tested experience with Step Four. …” / Bill uses, “our sponsor or spiritual advisor” on pages 58, 86, 89. ( This could be read as meaning the same person or two different people. ) sponsors -( spon surz )- 22,46,58,112 - plural of sponsor / see sponsor spouses - ( spow suz ) - ( Pg. 118 footnote ) - marriage partners spree - 23,120 - period of time spent drinking / drinking binge spurred -( spur’d )- 48,176 - caused and encouraged / motivated / stimulated squabble -( skwab ul )- 177 - argue / disagree // argument / disagreement square look - 74 & look squarely - 43 - honest and direct / precise squarely - 43,124,129,185 - directly and honestly ( 43 ) / directly ( 129, 185 ) stalemated -( stail may tid )- 130 - blocked / deadlocked / unsuccessful stargazing - ( star gay zing ) - 147 - daydreaming / fantasizing stark - 21, 55 - harsh / grim stark relief - 55 - extremely clear detail startling-( star tling )-17,36,181- surprising / shocking / alarming / frightening state of affairs - 52, 106 - condition of personal matters or concerns statistical - ( stuh tis tik ul ) - 22 - calculated / numerically representative steadfast - ( sted fast / fust ) - 82 - unchanging / firm / steady / constant steadfastly - ( sted fast / fust lee ) - 112 - constantly / steadily / firmly steam - 49, 152 - energy / capacity or power for work or activity stern - 174 - hard / harsh / severe / firm / tough / strict sticky ends - 148 - hard to deal with or get out of endings or conclusions stigma - ( stig muh ) - 143,186 - mark / mark of discredit or disgrace stigmatized - ( stig muh tize’d ) - 142 - marked with disgrace stirred - ( sturd ) - 144 - moved / budged stole - ( stol ) - 144 - sneaked / moved quietly / entered without permission store - 100, 136 - value / prize / treasure / ( obsolete - to set great, little, no, store in ) ( 100 ) / place where merchandise is kept of sale ( 136 ) straightway -( strayt way )- 158 - without delay / at once / in a direct course straw - 26 - see the last straw streamlining -( streem line ing )-148 - way of making things go fast or faster strenuously - ( stren yus lee / stren yuh wus lee / stren u wus lee ) - 96 - energetically / actively / vigorously / with great effort, energy, or exertion strict letter of anonymity - 186 - exact following of the rule of anonymity stride -114 -( in stride )- calmly, without interrupting one’s normal routine strive - 72,124 - work or struggle striving - 6,68,118,176 strivings - 71 struggling -( strug gling )- 141 - progressing with difficulty or effort / striving stubborn - ( stub urn ) - 53, 108, 173 - difficult to deal with / unreasonably unyielding / bullheaded / inflexible stupid - ( stoo pid ) - 53 - slow to learn or understand / lacking in intelligence or care / tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes subordinating - ( suh bor duh nay ting ) - 13 - placing lower in importance subsided -( sub seye did )- 171 - decreased / become less / settled down subsides -( sub sides )-62 - becomes less / sinks to a lower or normal level subsist - ( sub sist ) - 11 - exist / maintain existence / maintain support substitution -( sub stuh too shun )-5,27- replacement / fill-in one for another subtle -( sut ul )- 94,135 - so slight as to be difficult to notice or appreciate / devious / sly / operating in a hidden, usually injurious way / hard to understand subtly - ( sut lee ) - 22, 42 - difficult to understand / cleverly / also see subtle subtler -( sut lur )-81 - more difficult to be noticed or understood / see subtle succeeded - ( suk seed id ) - 145 - been successful / found success succession - ( suk sesh un ) - 111 - a number [ of cases ] one after another successive -( suk ses iv )- 72 - consecutive / following in uninterrupted order suffice -( suh fice)-107 - serve / do / meet the present needs or requirements suggest - 84, 174 suggested - 12, 27, 35, 45, 50, 53, 69, 153, 174 suggestion - 33, 169 suggestions - 5, 26, 129, 173 suggests - 49, 158 - ( definitions referenced to suggest only ) - suggest implies a putting of something into the mind either intentionally, as by way of a proposal, or unintentionally, as through the association of ideas / to mention as something to think over or act on / to seek to influence / to call forth / to propose as desirable or fitting / to serve as a motive or inspiration for; demand; prompt / convey advice / plan / desire / imply / bring to mind / hint / signify / purpose / recommend / a subtle ( nice, quiet, delicate, clever ) command sulked - ( sulk’d ) - 177 - withdrawn / pouted / silently protested or resented sulking -( sulk ing )-91- withdrawing / pouting / quiet, cold, or gloomy show of indifference or detachment as a way of expressing protest or resentment sum - 37,136,140,164 s -( sumz )- 155,161,162- total or whole amount/s summarily beached - ( suh mair uh lee beech’t ) - 134 - left behind very quickly, without delay, ceremony, or formality summon -( sum un )- 66,70,73,85 - gather / assemble / call forth / bring out summoned - ( sum und ) - 136, 142 - sent for / requested / called Sunday best - 30 - one’s best and often most formal clothing (From the practice among Christians of wearing their best clothing to church on Sundays) sundry - ( sun dree ) - 68 - separated / see various and sundry superficial -( soo pur fish ul )-32,113 - shallow / lacking in intellectual depth or thoroughness / concerned with or understanding only what is apparent superficially-( soo pur fish uh lee )-80- obviously / outwardly / on the surface superior - ( suh peer e ur ) - 30, 66, 94, 177 - better or higher in rank, position, or authority / greater in excellence supposition - ( sup uh zish un ) - 104, 160 - th***y / assumption / something taken to be true without proof supremely -( suh preem lee )-150 - perfectly / ultimately / ideally / extremely surety -( shur eh tee )-124- guarantee / confidence / sureness / being certain surmount - ( sur mount ) - 57, 61 - overcome / conquer / pass successfully survey -( sur vay )-7,50,77,79 …ing -(…ing )-51 …ed -(…vay’d )-81,178 - careful and detailed inspection or investigation / look over / review / study suspect - ( sus pekt ) - 58, 119 - imagine / figure suspected -( sus pek tid )-178- imagined guilty / thought guilty without proof suspects - ( suss peks ) - 32 - imagines / figures or thinks to be true suspicious - ( suh spish us ) - 110, 152 - doubting / untrusting / distrustful sustain - ( suh stain ) - 113, 131 - maintain / support sustained -( suh stain’d )-6,40- continued / persistent / prolonged / maintained swarming - ( swarm ing ) - 148 - large number of / gathering crowd of / group of / an enormous number of persons gathered or grouped together swollen -( swol lun )- 152 - puffed up / enlarged / increased in size or volume syllables -( sil uh bulz )- 67 - units of spoken language consisting of a single uninterrupted sound / bits of spoken or written expression / letters or symbols written or printed to approximate a spoken piece of a word or an entire word symbol - ( sim bul ) - 120 - sign / emblem / representation symbolize -( sim buh lize )-181 - represent / stand for / relate to and support symbolized - ( sim buh lize’d ) - 184 - represented / shown / illustrated sympathetic - ( sim puh thet ik ) - 186 - favorable / approving / appreciated sympathize - ( sim puh thize ) - 96 - identify / relate / empathize / share the feelings or ideas of another sympathy -( sim puh thee )-94- pity / someone to understand and appreciate our unfavorable circumstances such that they express pity or sorrow for us / pity and sorrow aroused by the misfortune of another / also see pity symptoms - ( simp tumz ) - 6,52 - signs / indications / evidence tack - 97, 115, 161 - approach / position / direction tangible - ( tanj uh bul ) - 54 - possible to touch or to be treated as real tangled up -( tang gul’d up )-89- confused / puzzled / mixed up / bewildered taproot - ( tap root ) - 22 - root / ( the main center root of a plant ) tardiness - ( tar dee nus ) - 103 - being late telegram - ( tel uh gram ) - 144 - a message transmitted by telegraph // telegraph was the first form of electrical long distance communications which used cross country wires to transmit letter codes with on & off battery voltages temperament -( tem pruh munt / tem pur uh munt )- 61, 181 - disposition / temper / nature / usual manner of thinking, behaving, and emotional response temperamentally - ( tem pruh ment ul ee / tem pur uh ment ul ee ) - 45 - in our temperament / in our nature or usual manner of emotional response temperance -( tem pur unts / tem prunts )-178- see movement and reform movement / Temperance Movement - an international social movement dedicated to the control of alcohol consumption through the promotion of moderation and abstinence. It began as a church-sponsored movement in the U.S. in the early 1800’s. By 1833 there were near 6,000 local temperance societies in the U.S. Temperance movements spread throughout the world. tempered - ( tem purd ) - 114 - adjusted / calmed / moderated / ‘toned down’ tempers - ( tem purz ) - 80 - usual state of mind or emotion / see temper temporarily-( tem puh rair uh lee )-11,113,115,177-for a short or limited time temporary -( tem puh rair ee )- 92,120 - short term / lasting for a limited time tempt - 85,91,164,175 - try to get / lure / provoke / entice / attract / influence tempted - 91,164,170,176 - attracted / lured / enticed / drawn / influenced temptation -( temp tay shun )- 85,94,102,104,111 - attraction / enticement - something that attracts, especially with the promise of pleasure or reward tended -( ten did )-169-taken care of / watched over / looked after / managed tendency - ( ten dun see ) - 104 - inclination / likelihood / leaning ten-dollar word - 146 - a difficult or complex word not commonly used tenets - ( ten its ) - 16 - principles / doctrines / teachings / beliefs terrific - ( tuh rif ik ) - 64, 88, 160 - exceptional / horrible testify -( test uh feye )-35- declare as true / state or affirm / provide evidence testimony - ( tes tuh mo nee ) - 49 - declaration of truth or fact / evidence the cart before the horse - 114 - see - cart before the horse The General Service Conference - 4, 12, 44, 173 - A General Service Conference, consisting of 93 delegates from A.A. areas in the United States and Canada, and trustees, A.A.W.S. and Grapevine directors, and staff from the General Service Office and the Grapevine in New York, meets once each year and provides a link between the groups throughout the U.S. and Canada and the trustees who serve as custodians of A.A. tradition and interpreters of policies affecting the Fellowship as a whole. / Internet: www.alcoholics-anonymous.org / Also: www.aagrapevine.org the last straw - 26 - final annoyance or setback, which though minor makes one lose patience theological abstractions - ( thee uh loj eh kul ab strak shuns ) - 2 - ideas, opinions, and th***ies related to the nature of God and religious truth th***etical -( thee uh ret eh kul )-60 - thought rather than real / see th***y th***y-( thear e )-35,63,71,97-abstract reasoning / speculation / assumption / belief / hypothesis ( hy poth eh sis ) / something taken to be true without proof therapist - ( thair uh pust / ther uh pust ) - 136 - a specialist in treating a particular illness or disability / also see lay therapist thereby - ( thair by / there by ) - 118, 182 - by that means / because of that thereof -( there of )- 140 - from that cause or origin / there from ( therefrom ) third parties - 86 - those who are not directly involved thoroughly -( thur o/uh lee )-49- completely and with great attention to detail thoroughness - ( thur o/uh nuss ) - 6, 7, 54, 80 - being exhaustively complete, painstakingly accurate, or careful threshold -( thresh old / hold )- 27 - entrance / point of beginning / the point that must be exceeded to begin producing a given effect or result thump - 157, 170 - beat / pound ( 157 ) / also see thump the tub thump the tub-170-making noise (talking) so as to bring attention or advertise thus - 42, 50, 52, 77, 92, 131, 134, 149, 179, 190 - therefore / consequently / for example / in this manner / to a stated degree tide of democracy - 134 - current / stream / flood / overwhelming surge tide offering…public approval… - 187 - favorable occasion / opportunity / overwhelming surge / flood like tightwad-( tite wad )-162- stingy (stinj e) / miserly / reluctant to spend money time out of mind -160 - beyond memory or record / times immemorial / times long past / for an amount of time that exceeds our ability to remember clearly time-consumers -(…- kun soo murz )- 89 - time users, wasters, destroyers timid - ( tim id ) - 163 - fearful and hesitant / lacking in self-confidence timidly -( tim id lee )-137 - fearfully / in a shy, restrained, or hesitant manner timing - ( time ing ) - 7, 83 - setting the time for an event or occasion tirade -( tie raid )- 91 - long angry speech / angry comment expressing blame tirelessly - ( tire lus lee ) - 142 - without tiring / continuously / in a prolonged effort regardless of any difficulty tolerance -( tah lur unts )-58,72,92,107,112,141- capacity for, or the practice of, recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others / patience tolerant -( tah lur unt / tol u runt )- 24,29,91 - inclined to tolerate the beliefs, practices, or traits of others / open minded / broad minded tongue and pen - ( tung ) - 91 - speech and writing topers - ( toe purz ) - 170 - one who ‘topes’ = one who drinks to excess tormenting - ( tor ment ing ) - 55 - extraordinarily painful and distressing torn asunder - (… uh sun dur ) - 176 - torn, pulled, or broken apart tortured - ( tor churd / torch urd ) - 57 - tormented / afflicted / punished tossing in -( toss ing / tah sing in )- 164 - throwing in / putting in / adding in tosspot calls a kettle black-78 - tosspot = drunkard / kettle = a (black) metal pot for cooking / Bill is playing on the expression: “the pot calls/calling the kettle black” said of a person who blames another for something which he himself is also guilty / ( pot [ tosspot ] and kettle are the same - black in color ) to the end - 137 - to the finish // - 192 - having the intention or purpose to this end - 52, 183 - toward this goal or intention / in respect of this aim ( For Pg.52 - previous text reference: “To take inventory in this respect…” ) touchstone -( tuch stone )- 93 - test of quality / standard / a means by which something or someone is compared and judged / ( a black stone used to test the quality of gold & silver alloys by striking them on the stone & comparing the marks made with those of a standard alloy ) tousled-( tah sul’d / zul’d )-162-mussed up / disordered / with messed up hair townsfolk - ( townz folk ) - 147 - people of the town trade - 157, 158 - business / industry traditional - ( truh dish uh nul ) - 16 - standard / established / conventional traditions - 1, 3, 9, 13, 15, 16, 18, 127, 129, 131, 146, 174, 184, 189, 190, 191, 192 - Text: “A.A.’s Twelve Traditions apply to the life of the Fellowship itself. They outline the means by which A.A. maintains its unity and relates itself to the world about it, the way it lives and grows.” //- time-honored set of practices / a body of established beliefs gathered about a particular subject trait -( trate )- 30,94 s - 81,123 - quality / property / feature / characteristic tramples - ( tram pulz ) - 44 - treats harshly or inflicts injury tranquil -( tran/trang kwul )-7 - calm / peaceful / free from anxiety or tension tranquillity -( tran/trang kwil eh tee )- 6,62 - serenity / calm / peacefulness / - freedom from emotional agitation, restlessness, anxiety, or tension transcend - ( tran send ) - 31, 131 - pass beyond / go beyond the limits of transform - ( tranz form ) - 113, 156 …ed - 7,28,75,107 - change / convert translates -( tranz lates )- 109 - converts / transforms / changes the form of tread - ( tred ) - 27, 66 - walk / walk on, over, or along treasure trove -( trezsh ur trove )-98 - discovery of great value / see trove trial - ( tryul ) - *16,40,84,85,*146 - effort / attempt trials - ( tryulz ) - 31 - troubles / burdens / ordeals trial and error -*16,*146- a method of reaching a satisfactory result by trying out various means of th***ies until error is sufficiently reduced or eliminated trickle - ( trik ul ) -109 - a thin stream / a slow, small, or irregular flow triumphantly - ( trye um funt lee ) - 78 - victoriously / feeling or expressing an uplifting joy over a success or victory triumphs - ( treye umfs ) - 91 - successes / victories troubleshooting - ( truh bul shoot ing ) - 125 - searching for problems troublesome - ( truh bul some ) - 50, 141 - causing trouble or anxiety / difficult / disturbing trove -98- a collection of valuable items discovered or found / treasure trove trustees -( truh steez )- 12,163,164,165,173,175,189,191 - members of a board elected or appointed to direct the funds and policy of an institution / See Pg. 192 - Tradition Nine ( Long Form ) for further information on trustees. tub - 170 - a usually metal bucket, washtub, or bathtub / see thump the tub turmoil -( tur moyul )- 94,161 - confusion / chaos / mayhem / uproar / upset turns - see - hot and cold by turns twinges -( twinj uz )-136- uncomfortable mental or emotional feelings / pains twisted - 53, 78, 139 - distorted / altered / warped / tortured / perverted - altered or distorted in mental, moral, or emotional character twists - 80,117 - distortions / alterations / warps / perversions twofold - ( to fold ) - 59 - made up of two parts twoscore -( to skor )-17-( archaic synonym )- two groups of twenty / forty / 40 two-stepping - 9, 113 - going from Step 1 to Step 12 without having worked or ‘taking’ Steps 2 through 11 / Becoming dry or sober and then “carrying the message” or carrying ‘a’ message without having worked all of the 12 Steps tyrannize - ( tear uh nize ) - 42 - rule / have absolute power over / dominate tyrant -( tye runt )- 22 - absolute ruler, especially one who is harsh and cruel ultimate -( ul tuh mit )-9,98,132,189- final / absolute / greatest possible / last ultimately - ( ul tuh mit lee ) - 22, 135, 174 - finally / lastly ultraconservative -( ul truh kun sur vuh tiv )- 168 - those who extremely or fanatically oppose progress and favor return to a previous condition unaccountably - ( un uh kown tuh blee ) - 28 - impossible to explain or account for unaided - ( un aye did ) - 22, 39, 107 - lone / not helped / not assisted unbearable - ( un bare uh bul ) - 81, 168 - intolerable / so unpleasant or painful as to be beyond one’s ability to endure, withstand, or tolerate uncertain - ( un sert’n ) - 139 - unsteady / unsure / undecided / doubtful uncertainty -( un sert’un tee )- 131 - being uncertain / doubt / being unsure uncompromising - ( un kom pru mye zing ) - 156 unconscious-( un kon shus )-36,48-49,103,115- unaware / happening in the absence of conscious awareness / without conscious control or unintended unconsciously -( un kon shus lee )- 46,56 - without knowing or being aware unconvinced - ( un kun vins’t ) - 28 - not sure / not caused to believe or feel sure about a point of view by means of argument, reasoning, or request unconvincing -( un kun vints ing )-96- not valid / not worthy of belief or trust undergo - ( un dur go ) - 114 - go through / pass through / have / experience underlie -( un dur lye )-95 - lie under / be the support or basis of / account for underwent -( un dur went )-120-passed through / experienced / experienced undetected - ( un deh tek tid ) - 86 - unknown / without being discovered undoing - ( un doing ) - 30,118,187 - cause of ruin or downfall / destruction unfortunate -( un for chuh nit )- 97,115,140 - bad / disgraceful / shameful / unhappy / awkward / unlucky / disastrous / regrettable / deplorable unity - 9,15,16,18,129,131,150,187 - being as one / singleness of purpose / as one in agreement regarding our primary purpose and Traditions of function universal -( yoo nuh vur sul )-134,141,192 - general / common / affecting or relating to all members / common to all purposes, conditions, or situations universally - ( yoo nuh vur sul ee ) - 48 - generally / commonly / worldwide unjustified -( un just uh fyed )-90- not having proper or sufficient reason for unmanageable - ( un man eh juh bul ) - 5, 21, 23, 25, 39 - difficult or impossible to manage / not submitting to discipline / unruly / disorderly / uncontrollable / wild / difficult to keep under control or within limits unnatural - ( un nach ur ul ) - 64, 117 - unusual / strange / irregular / in violation of natural feelings / inconsistent with individual patterns or customs / deviating from a behavior or social norm unpalatable - ( un pal uh tuh bul ) - 22 - difficult to accept / not pleasant or agreeable / painful / bitter / distasteful unpromising - ( un prom eh sing ) - 144 - unlikely to develop as desired unreasonable - ( un ree zuh nuh bul ) - 49, 52, 76, 93, 115, 121, 123, 169 - excessive / outrageous / irrational / beyond reasonable limits / ridiculous unremitting-( un reh mit ing )-75,151-never lessening / ongoing / continuous unshakable -( un shay kuh bul )- 8,98 - incapable of being moved or shaken unsparing - ( un spair ing ) - 77, 88 - severe / hard / ruthless / unmerciful unspectacular-(un spek tak yuh lur)-110- not spectacular / see spectacular unstinted - ( un stint id ) - 17 - unlimited / not restricted / unsparing unsuspecting-( un suh spek ting )-86-trusting / not suspicious or suspecting unwarranted - ( un war un tid ) - 47 - baseless / groundless / unjustified unworthy - ( un wur thee ) - 76 - undeserving / lacking in value or merit urge -( urj )- 22,43,116,117 - tendency / impulse that prompts action or effort urgent - ( ur junt ) - 55, 68, 120 - pressing / demanding of immediate action or attention utter - ( ut ur ) - 21,173 - absolute / complete / total uttered - ( ut urd ) - 101 - said / spoke / expressed / voiced / put into words vague -( vayg )- 132 - not clearly expressed / questionable / unsure / unclear vain - 124 - empty / useless / fruitless / worthless / self-centered / egotistical vainglory - ( vain glor ee ) - 44 - regarding ourselves with undue favor / - boastfulness / baseless pride in one’s accomplishments or qualities vainly - ( vain lee ) - 117 - fruitlessly / foolishly / pointlessly / unsuccessfully valiantly - ( val yunt lee ) - 32 - bravely / courageously / boldly validated -( val eh day tid )-56 - confirmed / established as valid / supported valor - ( val ur ) - 38 - courage / bravery / nerve / fearlessness / heroism vanish -( van ish )-62-disappear vanished -(…ish’d )-63,144-disappeared variety - ( vuh rye eh tee ) - 5, 120 - number / group / diversity varieties - ( vuh rye eh teez ) - 8 - various ways or types various and sundry - ( vair e us and sun dree ) - 68 - miscellaneous, varied and separate or apart from another or from one another varying - ( vairy ing ) - 48 - various / different / differing / a range of vaudeville circuit - ( vod vil / vaduh vil ) - 185 - a number of stage and theatrical performances venerated - ( ven uh ray tid ) - 26 - respected / adored / was devoted to vengeful -( venj ful )- 47,51,80 - revengeful / seek revenge / “get even with” venture ( ven chur )- 68 - adventure / exciting, often hazardous undertaking ventured - ( ven churd ) - 152 - braved the dangers / expressed at the risk of denial, criticism, or censure ventures - ( ven churz ) - 148, 170 - undertakings / enterprises / projects verdict - ( vur dikt ) - 123 - conclusion / finding / decision verging - ( vur jing ) - 130 - bordering / coming close / tending to move in a particular direction / approaching the nature of vested - ( vest id ) - 174 - absolute / fixed via - ( vee uh ) - 74 - by way of / by means of victim -( vik tim )-142,185 - prey / one who is harmed by or made to suffer from an act, circumstance, agency, or condition victims -( vik timz )-22,121 - prey / ones made to suffer injury, loss or death victimized - ( vik tim ized ) - 39, 47, 90 - preyed upon / made a victim of victory - ( vik tuh ree ) - 29 - success / defeat / triumph victories - ( vik tuh reez ) - 92 - successes / defeats / triumphs vigilance - ( vij eh lunce ) - 92 - watchfulness / alertness / awareness vigorous - ( vig ur us ) - 42, 77 - energetic / active / active in mind or body violation -( vye uh lay shun )- 170 - breach / infringement / transgression / - breaking a law or regulation or not fulfilling an obligation or promise violations - ( …vye uh lay shunz ) - 48 - plural of violation / see violation virtually - ( vur chuh lee / vur chuh wuh lee / vurch wuh lee ) - 17 - nearly / almost but not quite / practically / for all practical purposes virtue -( vur choo )- 12,38,61,74,143,168,174,176,177 …s -(vur chooz )-181 - good / goodness / moral excellence / rightness / value / merit / distinction visualize -( vizh uh lize )-94 - imagine / see / picture / form a mental image of vital - ( vite ul / vye tul ) - 57, 157, 164 - necessary / essential / basic / fundamental / necessary to continued existence or effectiveness vitally - ( vite u lee / vye tul ee ) - 97 - necessarily / fundamentally / see vital vivid - ( viv id ) - 139 - very clear / bright and distinct / clear and striking wailing - ( way ling / wayul ing ) - 168 - crying / mournfully crying / long, loud cries or crying as from distress or pain Wall Street - 136 - a street in New York City where many U.S. financial institutions are located such as the New York and American stock exchange wallow - ( wah lo ) - 45, 81, 86 - roll around / indulge / delight / take pleasure wallowed - ( wah low’d ) - 32 - indulged / participated / took pleasure / rolled waning - ( wane ing ) - 137 - lessening / decreasing / declining / weakening wanting-28,148-lacking / insufficient (28) / seeking / asking / requesting (148) wards - 167 - hospital rooms dedicated for the care of a particular group of patients / a room in a hospital usually holding six or more patients warped - ( woarp’d / warp’d / worp’d ) - 21, 43, 67 - twisted / corrupted / distorted / abnormal mentally or morally / ruined in character or quality warrant - ( war unt ) - 12, 174 - see death warrant warring - ( war / wor / woar ing ) - 37 - battling / conflicting / engaged in war Washingtonian-12,178 Washingtonians-178 Washingtonian Society-178 ( Originally - ‘The Washingtonian Total Abstinence Society’ ) - A 19th.Century movement among alcoholics that was initially similar to A.A. in many ways. The movement self-destructed due to involvement in a number of social issues that were unrelated, or only remotely related, to alcoholism. watchword - ( watch word ) - 54 - a rallying cry / a guiding principle / slogan waxed prosperous - ( wax’d pros pur us ) - 161 - gradually became more wealthy / increased their good fortune or financial security / grew in wealth wayside - ( way side ) - 74 - see fall by the wayside weaned -( ween’d )- 38 - detached / detached from a source of nourishment / wean: to accustom a young animal to take nourishment other than by suckling welfare - ( well fair ) - 9, 129, 130, 131, 189 - well being / health, happiness, and prosperity / [ Text reference - Pg. 189 - Tradition One -( The Long Form ) ] well-grounded - 114 - well established / adequately versed in a subject / having a sound basis / well-founded welling -( well ing )- 138 - pouring forth / rising from an inner source / flowing well-intentioned - ( …-in ten shund ) - 60, 71, 103 - well-meaning / having good intentions / meaning to achieve good well-matured - ( …-muh chur’d ) - 124 - well developed / having reached full growth and development well-nursed - 90 - well-fed / well supported / carefully cared for welter - ( wel tur ) - 18, 171 - jumble / confusion / turmoil / confused mass wet -147 wets -147,158 wet-dry controversy -(… kon truh vur see )-158 - The 1920s was the era of cocktail parties, jazz clubs, and fast automobiles. The issue of drink, whether one chose to be Wet or Dry, signified an important cultural divide during this period. One's stance on alcohol was significant; it became a symbol for an individual's broader character and morality. Modern values often included a more open attitude toward moderate alcohol use. The Dry vs. Wet battle was best presented in the controversy surrounding the 1928 presidential candidacy of Al Smith, the Catholic governor of New York who opposed Prohibition. This is the social background upon which Bill is referring. whereupon -( where uh pon )-156 -on which / in close consequence of which wholly - ( holy ) - 116 - completely / entirely / exclusively / solely whoop up - 156 - cheer / express or arouse enthusiasm for wielded - ( we’ll did / we’ul did ) - 22 - used / controlled / exercised / exerted will - 5,6,7,8,9,16,18,21,22,24,25,26,27,28,29,31,32,33,3 4,35,36,37,38,39, 40,41,45,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,56,57,58,60,61,62,63 ,65,66,68,69,70,71, 72,73,74,77,78,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,89,91,92,93,94 ,95,96,98,100,102, 103,104,105,107,111,115,117,119,129,130,135,136,13 8,142,144,147,163, 164,166,169,177,189 - ( generally, ‘will’ is the past tense of ‘would’ ) ( exertion of will - 105 ) ( also see exert & exertion ) ( self-will - choose or decide for and/or by oneself ) - the mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action / relating to free exercise of will / determination / deliberate intention / desire / purpose / self-control / self-discipline / attitude toward others ( as in: good will ) willful -( will full )- 53,91 - deliberate / headstrong / unwilling to yield / said or done by one’s own choice or purpose / determined on having one’s own way willfully - ( wil ful lee ) - 65, 123 - deliberately / unwilling to yield / see willful willing - 7,24,33,36,38,39,43,50,52,57,59,63,65,69,73,74,76, 77,84,100,101, 108,113,114,122,131,135,149,182 - wishing / desire / inclination / relating to free exercise of the will / tending to accept or agree / prepared / in agreement with / acting or ready to act gladly / done, given, accepted or carried voluntarily willingness -( wil ing nus )-5,6,34,35,40,47,49,54,60,61,63,73,87,91,119,184 - being willing / readiness of will / freedom from reluctance or unwillingness / a prevailing ( most generally existing ) frame of mind or spirit to consent or comply / disposition to do what is required / readiness to be of service willpower - 5, 6, 22, 37, 40, 61, 63 - firmness of character, action, or will / strength of will to carry out one’s decisions, wishes, or plans / determination / purpose / purposefulness / firmness / resolve / also see will wills… of people - ( wilz… ) - 164 - a legal document that indicates how a person wishes his or her possessions to be disposed of after death willy-nilly -157 - helplessly / involuntarily / without order or plan / haphazardly wisdom - ( wiz dum ) - 41, 101, 104, 125, 135, 151, 173 - good judgment / insight / the ability to make sensible decisions / the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting / deep, thorough, or mature understanding witless - ( wit lis ) - 139 - see scared witless witness - ( wit nus ) - 120 - see / view / see something happening woes - ( woze ) - 78, 80 - distress or misery / misfortune / physical or mental suffering / unhappiness Wombley's Clapboard Factory - ( Wom bleez Klap bord … ) - 149 - definition of ‘clapboard’ - house siding / long narrow boards made with one edge thicker than the other, used horizontally as a covering ( siding ) on the outer walls of a house or building / Research indicates a clear possibility of such a factory, most likely located in a northeastern state, ( perhaps Vermont ) where such an explosion may have happened. / also see chokedamp word-of-mouth - 186 - spoken / expressed or transmitted in speech world at large - 112 - world as a whole / world in general / people of the world worldly - ( world lee ) - 35, 80, 123 - experienced in the ways of the world / sophisticated / knowledgeable ( 35 ) / things gain while on the earth ( 80,123 ) worthy - ( were thee ) - 11, 137, 171, 176, 181 - deserving wound up - ( wown’d up ) - 154 - ended / come to / finished wrath - ( rath ) - 90 - violent or unrestrained anger / fury / rage / furor wretched - ( retch id ) - 78 - disgusting / objectionable / contemptible / despicable / rotten / lousy / foul wringer - ( ring ur ) - 99 - see emotional wringer wrought - ( rot ) - 160 - created / brought about / made to be / ( worked ) ye - ( yee ) - 110, 166 - you yearned - ( yern’d ) - 148 - desired / longed / desired / wished
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AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K. When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time! God says that each of us is worth loving. |
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![]() "No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K. When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time! God says that each of us is worth loving. |
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