Recovery is a process all of us can live for the rest of our lives, but still for all of us we can only live it one day at a time. For any of us in recovery no matter how long it's been since we made our decision to be here, it's always been and always will be only for a day at a time, and the most important day for all of us is the day we all decided to give recovery a try. On this day we all needed more from ourselves than any of us had to offer so that we could make our decision. This is true for anyone who tries to decide this. It seems like an impossible situation especially when we all know we need to be here but won't allow ourselves to be in recovery. What we all lack is the courage to be here, and we can all find that from those who are already here they can show us how there's absolutely nothing here that's going to hurt us, and it's been designed that way on purpose so that we all can be here. We're all free to come and go as we please, and no one is going to make us do anything, it's all suggested that if we want what we see in others, that we too can do the same things they did so we can have that for ourselves. What we're all really afraid of is what everyone else is going to think about us when they find out we're in recovery, and this really is none of their business if we are, and we all find out that most of them don't really give a **** that we are in recovery.