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Old 12-03-2013, 12:12 PM   #1
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What Clutterers Anonymous Offers

This is the behavior that results in the stacks, the piles, the
objects, that fill our home, our car, our workplace, our world.
Whether organized or strewn about, it is all so overwhelming.
We find ourselves drowning in a sea of clutter. We have become
owned by our possessions.

This is the fog we create in our heads -- resentments, unfinished
thoughts, emotional baggage, daydreams, worries about the
future, and regrets about the past. Our mind is in a constant
spin, we lose today because our time is spent living in yesterday
and tomorrow.

This is the deep emptiness that we feel inside -- the emptiness
we compulsively try to fill by clinging to useless objects, non-
productive ideas, meaningless activities, and unsatisfying

Step 1: We admitted we were powerless over clutter -
that our lives had become unmanageable

My Mother is a clutterer, collecter or hoarder, which ever term
you want use. She loves going to yard sales looking for
bargains, but most of what she buys are dolls, stuffed animals
and wicker baskets. She's been doing this for years, but adding
dementia to game has brought on some major problems in her
life. She and my setp-father live in his house in town and he
has his own collections. Between the two, the house is over

Mom's house in the country, has every room stacked with
stuff.... Her garage, a travel trailor and two sheds are also full
of her stuff. She used to have an occasional yard sale and
would try to resell some of what she'd bought, but she's no
longer interrested in getting rid of any of it. My older sister
has been trying to go through some of it, as it got damp and
has mildewed and ruined a bunch of it. Wet books are of no
use to anyone.... My mother is 86 and her husband 90, they
do not believe they have a problem.

Are you or do you know anyone who needs help and hope
with this? I wasn't aware that there was a 12-step group
for this disorder. I'm including a link for Clutterers Anonymous

Love always,


I share because I care.

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