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Old 08-11-2013, 07:00 AM   #7
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Like what you said about find. You say, many people didn't need to find, they knew.

The program started with the Oxford Group, and Bill and Bob changed it to include everyone. To my way of thinking they were truly inspired. We often forget that there were 100 men and women who made the decisions and it was a we collaboration.

For me, I never lost my beliefs, my life became enriched as a result of applying the spiritual principle and applying the program to my life.

For me, it is my contact with my God and my personal relationship with my God that made the difference. We can know He/She is there, but what are we doing about it. Have faith He is there? Do we take Him for granted? Do we spend time talking to him and asking His advice? Are we open to what He would have us do with our life, or are we still going our own way? So many questions we can ask, but in today, I no longer have to question my God.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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