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Old 06-06-2017, 09:37 PM   #1
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Default Acceptance is the key

"You are already where you should be, you can't be anywhere else." - Osho

Resistance is a good word, I would have thought denial. Perhaps it is a combination of the two. Not wanting to see or hear or do anything about where we are at in today. When I find that I acceptance, I can move on.

Acceptance doesn't always mean it is right or that I have to like it, it is just accepting what is, no matter where or what it is. Acceptance doesn't always mean I am in a good place and don't need to change.

Acceptance is part of the First Step, a part of grief and change and a part of life and why we have the Serenity Prayer.

Also have to accept where God puts me! Acceptance isn't always a choice and yet it is the only thing preludes change and growth for me. I have to come to that place before I can truly heal and embrace life as it truly is rather than where I would like it to be.

I can get honest and surrender but without the acceptance to go along with it, I can't take the First Step 100%.

Have been taught that I have to accept in order to move forward. I don't have to like it, but I do have to accept what is in today. I had to accept my own addiction, my Fibromyalgia, and my own disease as a result of living in a dysfunctional home.

This reminds me of the "Tiger in the tank!" I need to fill up and be open to change and what I need in today. What worked before may not be applicable in today."


Love always,


I share because I care.

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