We are all souls temporarily utilizing our bodies, which are our vehicles for the journey. The engine of the vehicle is the energy pprocessing system. Emotions are the instruments that tell us how the engine is functioning.
Scannng your energy processing system at each location, moment to moment, is emotional awareness. Ignoring that information will eventually cause your vehicle to break down. No illness is sudden.
The more distressing the emotion, the more painful are the sensations in your body, and the more compulsive are your thoughts.
If you think you are a person who feels nothing, or very little, think again. Everyone feels physical pain. If pain is continually present, it begins to feel normal.
(How true that statement is!)
It took me a long time to get in touch with my emotions, to recognize them for what they were, and where they came from; because from the age of 3 years old, I started shutting down when I saw my brother killed.
Thought's from the Heart of the Soul - Meditations for Emotional Awareness
by Gary Zukav and Linda Francis
Love always,
I share because I care.