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Old 06-23-2016, 12:38 AM   #11
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The longest journey ou will make is from your head to your heart. We are all on this journey.

Being awareof your emotions means being aware of pain, The only alternative is to mask it.

When yhou act with empowered heart, you are free from compulsions, fixations, obsessions, and addiction.

Billions of humans live in poeverty and suffer hunger, oppression, and brutality. Changing these circumstances requires the heart.

Spiritual growth is replacing survival as the central objective of the human experience.

Since our origin as a species, the need to feel safe, valuable, and loved has focused our attention outward. Now we are learning to look inside to find the roots of our insecurities, and to pull them out.

Thoughts from the Heart of the Soul, meditations for emotional awareness.

Gary Zukav and Linda Francis

Love always,


I share because I care.

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