Went to the hospital today and had to wait for her to come back from an MRI. She was not good this morning. She was nauseated and not in a good place.
The are trying to stabilize her medication. They are trying to get rid of the fluid in her lungs and giving her lots lof fluids and on the other hand, giving her a diaretic. She was heavily sedated and just opened her eyes for a moment, don't know if she will remember me being there. It was almost not worth getting gowned and gloved up, but I wanted to see her. I should have waited until later to go, but don't like leaving it too late in the day to get back home.
My son would never be able to go in and see her, while she is hooked uo to all the tubes and looks so bad. I know he would just lose it. She looked worse today than when I saw her the other day.
Your continued prayers would be appreciated.
Love always,
I share because I care.