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Old 01-27-2016, 07:27 PM   #145
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Generally I post on the topic that I choose for the day, but in the moment, it wasn't there, the patience or the thought.

Today, I had to put it into practice. My sister arrived after her doctor's appointment. I made us toasted tomato sandwiches. I didn't know what to talk to her about. We seldom see each other and we come from two different worlds. She has no interest in my sites, and after she tells me about her kids, and I tell her I am getting a kitten, and share that I hope to go to Port Dover on Friday, there was nothing more to say.

It is so difficult to make conversation. I was comfortable in the silence, but she ended up getting up and going down and waiting outside for her husband. She said, "I will go and be a dutiful wife." Well you can imagine what that did to my system? I had to have patience with her and with myself. We come from two different ends of the spectrum and that is okay in today.
Found this post I made on another site in 2004. I am referring to the sister who just had heart bi-pass surgery. It makes me aware of how much this program is one day at a time.

I don't even remember thinking about a kitten. I generally have allergic reaction to them. Duh!

I still have the same problem about communicating today. I asked her yesterday if they would keep her an extra day because of her high blood pressure. She said, "Oh no, they said I could go home." They kept her.

She called me twice, I called her back and I don't think we talked for 2 minutes and she said, "I have to go." It was good to know she was home, on the couch, and was going to go to bed.

That quote is 11 years old and I still have to pray and ask for patience and tolerance, not with others so much as with myself.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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