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Old 11-27-2015, 12:37 AM   #143
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What ever the substance, for me it doesn't matter, when I am acting out in my disease, I can get addicted to more of anything.

I went about four years ago to a Casino for the first time in Niagara. I can still remember the rush, and the knowing that, if I made a habit of going to such places, I would be in trouble. I already had a problem with Nevada Tickets before coming into the fellowship of AA.

I also have a book called "Meditations for Women Who Do Too Much" and it is for workaholics, rushaholics and busyaholics. Now I don't know about you, but I can get caught up in busy and rushing here and rushing there, and one of my favorite things is the opportunity to run away from home, especially if it means dishes and housework and responsibility.

Do you remember where you came from? Have you got caught up in busy and life because it is so good, God has been very good to you? Have you asked yourself how come you have all this good stuff? Where did it come from and how come you got it? Have you paid it forward? Is your a/c paid in full?

I don't know about you, but what I got was priceless. I don't think I will ever live long enough to level my account, and get to a place where I think that I am debt free. One of the reasons is because I keep getting gifts. I still find myself saying thank you.

I thank those who carry the message of recovery to me. Each day is a new beginning, so have a great one. May it be the best day it can be. For this 24 hours. may you be clean and sober.

Sharing our thoughts, feelings, and experiences with other people shows us who we are and helps us to accept ourselves. Those with whom we share also benefit.

Grant me courage and trust so that I may share.
Went to a meeting one morning and someone asked me how I was. I said, "I am good, having a great day." He said, "What are you doing here then?" I smiled and said, "Passing it on."

There were days that were far from that, I went to meetings and it was there that I found myself, reflected in the faces of the people in the rooms. The words that were spoken were the words that I couldn't voice for myself. I got a little from this person, a lot from another, another I might not identify with, and another one would give me something to think about, and another would give me something that I would need later. They all contributed to my recovery, and for that, I will always be grateful.

This is a we program. Without them, there would be no me!

Really like this, and it made me think, it doesn't matter what we use in our life, food, alcohol, drugs, men, work, friends, etc. it is all rooted from the same source, ME!

My God is above all things and when I reach out to Him, I can overcome anything that is put in my path.

Have found myself saying many times over the years, "Been there, done it, wore the t-shirt." Yet when you think of what Jesus went through, my stuff doesn't amount to a whole lot. In my mind it was big, seeing my brother killed when I was three, our house struck by lightning, two abusive marriages, and four rapes on my journey to the doors of recovery. Those were just the highlights, when I look at the feelings and the little things like the car accidents, a dysfunctional boss, loss of parents due to their disease, a son in addictive addiction, etc. they still don't add up to something that I do not have to use as an excuse to pick up a drink and a drug today.

Thou hast given so much to me,
Give one thing more, — a grateful heart;
Not thankful when it pleaseth me,
As if Thy blessings had spare days,
But such a heart whose pulse may be Thy praise.

~George Herbert
This disease is 4-fold and my God heals on all four levels. Thanks to the program, I became aware, and could see things and realized that a lot of it was of my own making and looking at what I did to put myself in those abusive situations, more importantly, why did I stay in them. In my own addiction, I thought that it was what I deserved and my judgment for being me who walked in fear for most of her life. The summit was entering the doors of recovery and reconnecting with my God instead of going to Him part-time.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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