08-30-2014, 12:52 PM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Hamilton, ON
Posts: 25,078
Saturday, August 30, 2014
You are reading from the book Food for Thought
Getting Honest with Ourselves
The day we realize that we are and always will be compulsive overeaters and that we can permit ourselves no deviousness when it comes to food - that is the day when we begin to take the OA program seriously. Half measures do not work. Lingering exceptions in the back of our minds will defeat us. Beginning the program with the idea of quitting when we have lost a certain number of pounds will not bring success.
Nothing short of an honest, wholehearted commitment to abstinence and the OA program will give us the ability to stop eating compulsively. If we think we can get away with small deviations here and there, we are deluding ourselves. Our disease is progressive, and unless we take the steps outlined in the program, it will eventually destroy us.
If we are not honest with ourselves, we are divided, weak, and sick. Getting honest means getting strong and well.
May I be directed by the truth.
The program doesn't work without that self-honesty. It is need to work the Steps, but it also needed for total abstinence from all drugs.
Love always,
I share because I care.