Some days you just have to laugh or you just might finding yourself crying, because something has become the last straw, that broke the camels back; or it is the last block that makes the pile of 'stuff' come crashing down.
I was upset at myself for not turning on the alarm after I set it. I was not happy about missing Jeopardy because it is the first day of the Championship Tournament, hoping I won't miss the one tomorrow, which is the final.
I went to turn on some music and my TV just shut down, with a flash of light. I turned it back on and the music channels and sport channels were not available. More sob, sob, pity, pity, pity me.

My first thought was "I will miss the 1:30 a.m. tennis." I forgot about it and in the silence, I have been doing some posting, but made a lot of errors, typing, spelling, and thinking. I turned the TV on at 1:45 a.m. and tennis was on and our Canadian player Raonic is playing and winning at the moment. Something to soothe the savage beast, and make me feel all better.
That is discounting the prayer and meditation I did before I started posting, something I always do, and when I got honest, "I wasn't giving God the credit." Why should I not believe it was of God's making. 1) My TV isn't broken. 2) I didn't miss my tennis and next week, they will show part of the dancing I missed this week, and 3) Things came together in spite of me.
To Him I give the thanks and the glory. Life just is, it is how I handle it. I am grateful that when I forget to pray and ask for help, that I am reminded that I haven't connected to my Higher Power, because everything starts to go wrong.
When I got home, I didn't allow time to process my treatment at the Holistic Center. It was working on my body, but I forgot to do more than give a quick thanks, almost like an after thought, until I realized how well the treatment was and how good I felt when I woke up. Again, it isn't about Tony or myself, It is about God working through us, using each of us as a channel, helping each other. I like to say, "It is a prayer, a connection between my God and Yours, as to how much you receive and willing to accept." If you shut down you will not receive, especially if you don't believe in the Source, you will not received the help you need.
There are many different varieties of hawks. Common traits they share are a keen eyesight, superb hunting ability, and impressive flight patterns. As a totem the hawk is representative of soaring to higher states of awareness and vision. You can expect communications with spirit to open up more fully whenever hawk visits.