Samuel Thadeus Short
“God speaks to all individuals through what happens to them moment by moment.” — J. P. DECAUSSADE
What if we were to open ourselves peacefully and trustingly to accepting good rather than pugnaciously trying to coerce life into responding to us? What if we came to life with our palms out and raised upward rather than greeting it with a double fist? We would develop a consciousness of acceptance of good which is immense and would unfold into every area of our existence.
Such a consciousness of this sort invites the natural wholeness of God to enrich us at every turn. We discover that the atom of God is always flowing through our thoughts and through our deeds.
We can come to know and trust this action to support our good at all times. As we accept only good for ourselves we do the same for all other life forms as well. The perfect manifestation of God comes through us.
The Antesian Road To Enlightenment
When I read this, one thought came to mind. When I get out of the way, God works through me. When I am willing to be a channel of His Blessing, I live my life in today, that when I surrender that direction is there and it is my acceptance and acknowledgement of that good orderly direction, which determines how smoothly my day goes, how well equipped I am to hand today on life's terms, and accepting that God knows what is good for me, more so than my own narrow minded concepts and outlook at myself and others.
So many times I have been grateful that God doesn't think like I do, but I am sure He has thought that He is very grateful His thinking isn't based on my thoughts.
Today He is companion and friend. I have been known to question His actions, yet I have found that He has much more acceptance of me than I have had of Him over the years.
Written in 2011
Every day is about acceptance. I don't have to like it, but I need to find that acceptance if I want to heal and grow.
Lack of acceptance as always caused me pain, depending on how long I fight it. I have to accept my pain, accept the source (lack of acceptance), and accept that I have pray for the willingness to be willing to accept.