07-15-2014, 10:39 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Hamilton, ON
Posts: 25,078
Spirituality can be tough at times as it forces us to honestly confront ourselves, our warts and all, without excuses or fault finding. And once we have clearly identified what we are, then we are challenged to "move our feet" and take actions that will turn our lives around. We must be careful not to blame others for what we have done.
This can result in guilt and condemnation. However, consistent spiritual practice leads us to experience loving compassion both for ourselves and others. We can avoid condemnation and judgmental attitudes taking on an outlook that is compassionate and unconditional towards ourselves and others.

As we begin to see with this Divine vision, we will see through outer conditions to the inner perfection, goodness and Divinity of every creature. THOMAS A' KEMPIS said, "A humble knowledge of oneself is a surer road to God than a deep searching of the sciences."
Affirmative prayer is a conscious act of looking beyond appearances to recognize and reveal our connection with the One source of love, intelligence, vitality, assurance, peace, joy, and gratitude. When we know ourselves to be one with Divine Mind, all that is left is to be the good of God in our daily lives.
This is what a Zen Buddhist would call seeing into one's true nature, free of attachments - becoming the Buddha. Jesus said, "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." Once we change our inner life, our outer life will conform to it. You and I are one in Spirit, what truth we know in one place and completely believe in will manifest in another place and this is how we are joined in prayer. We might think that asking in prayer is meant that if there is anything we want and asked for God would give it to us, sort of like a spiritual Santa Claus.
Sometimes our prayers seem to be answered and other times not. It is left up to us to declare, believe and unify with the nonmaterial Divine level where what we ask for has already been granted, we need only realize it. RUMI expresses, "Come out of the circle of time/And into the circle of love."
- Antestian Newsletter
This Newsletter has brought me many blessings. It is from Malaysia.
Having been brought up in the church, I did not know what they meant by a Higher Power, a spiritual program and how it differed from my religious upbringing. This helped me to open my mind to other things, to not shut out other religions and thoughts. The program is meant to include all people. I think so often it is our attitude behind the words and actions that make the difference. As I often say, when I need an attitude adjustment, I know I need to go to a meeting.
Love always,
I share because I care.