Hebrews 4:16
Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
So many times we don't get our needs met, because we choose what we are going to accept and reject. How can my God meet my needs, if I close down because I don't like the messenger or the message I am hearing.
So often we look at the Source, forgetting that our God leads us to what we need. What is good for some, is not good for others. What is good for me one day, may not be in my best interest the next day. That is why it is one day at a time.
We have a preconceived idea of what need, what form it should be in, and where it should come from. This is a disease of perception. My best thought got me to the doors of recovery and/or to the doors of a church. Many were raised in a particular religion and feel that is what you need to go back to. It may be so, but I found it was best to go back with a changed attitude.
I was raised in the Gospel Halls, went back there, but found more Spirituality in Associated Gospel. I realized a lot of it was the people, the Gospel remains the same,in most cases, or perhaps gives up a different outlook. Personally, I went there for the music.
I find the teachings of a lot of religions not spiritual in nature. Being raised in the church didn't stop me from becoming an alcoholic, addict, codependent, etc., yet it took a spiritual outlook, to help me stop using, and gave me the freedom from active addiction.
Wherever we go,do we put conditions and boundaries on. Do we truly believe, or are we still role playing because we think it is the thing to do.
At a year sober, after using my Bible for meditation, I found out that I didn't know who God was. I went on a spiritual quest to find out who God was to me. After working the 12 Steps of AA and finding a spiritual solution, I went back to church at 5 years sober. I found I related it to what I heard in the rooms of AA and other fellowships. As my sponsor said, "Religion enhances my Spirituality. My Spirituality enhances my Religious beliefs.