Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 75,393
June 3
Daily Reflections
. . . . we then look at Step Six. We have emphasized willingness
as being indispensable.
Steps Four and Five were difficult, but worthwhile. Now I was
stuck on Step Six and, in despair, I picked up the Big Book and
read this passage. I was outside, praying for willingness, when
I raised my eyes and saw a huge bird rising in the sky. I
watched it suddenly give itself up to the powerful air currents
of the mountains. Swept along, swooping and soaring, the bird
did things seemingly impossible for mortal birds to do. It was
an inspiring example of a fellow creature "letting go" to a power
greater than itself. I realized that if the bird "took back his will"
and tried to fly with less trust, on its power alone, it would
spoil its apparent free flight. That insight granted me the
willingness to pray the Seventh Step prayer.
It's not easy to know God's will in each circumstance. I must
search out and be ready for the currents, and that's where prayer
and meditation help! Because I am, of myself, nothing, I ask God
to grant me the knowledge of His will and the power and courage
to carry it out - today.
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Twenty-Four Hours A Day
A.A. Thought For The Day
Some more things I do not miss since becoming dry: running all
over town to find a bar open to get that "pick-me-up"; meeting
my friends and trying to cover up that I feel awful; looking at
myself in a mirror and calling myself a dam* fool; struggling
with myself to snap out of it for two or three days; wondering
what it is all about. I'm positive I don't miss these things, am
I not?
Meditation For The Day
Love is the power that transforms your life. Try to love your
family and your friends and then try to love everybody that you
possibly can, even the "sinners and publicans" everybody. Love
for God is an even greater thing. it is the result of gratitude
to God and it is the acknowledgment of the blessing that God has
sent you. Love for God acknowledges His gifts and leaves the way
open for God to shower yet more blessings on your thankful heart.
Say "Thank you, God," until it becomes a habit.
Prayer For The Day
I pray that I may try to love God and all people. I pray that
I may continually thank God for all His blessings.
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As Bill Sees It
Relapses--and the Group, p. 154
An early fear was that of slips or relapses. At first nearly every
alcoholic we approached began to slip, if indeed he sobered up at all.
Others would stay dry six months or maybe a year and then take a
skid. This was always a genuine catastrophe. We would all look at
each other and say, "Who next?"
Today, though slips are a very serious difficulty, as a group we take
them in stride. Fear has evaporated. Alcohol always threatens the
individual, but we know that it cannot destroy the common welfare.
<< << << >> >> >>
"It does not seem to pay to argue with 'slippers' about the proper
method of getting dry. After all, why should people who are drinking
tell people who are dry how it should be done?
"Just kid the boys along--ask them if they are having fun. If they are
too noisy or troublesome, amiably keep out of their way."
1. A.A. Comes Of Age, p. 97
2. Letter, 1942
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Walk in Dry Places
Self-help or Mutual Aid?
Assisting others.
The Twelve step movement is sometimes called a self-help program. This falls short of describing what it really is. Mutual Aid might be a better term.
Self-help implies that an individual will help himself or herself. Mutual aid is a much different sort of thing. With mutual aid, we do help ourselves, but we hve found that the best way to do this is by helping each other. Self-help says, "I can do it," where as mutual aid says... "WE can do it."
We should not dismiss the idea of self-help or of doing one's best in achieving self-improvement. We must know, however, that we need the assistance and loving help of others for our highest growth. There are times when we will feel helpless and alone. That's when mutal aid will carry the day for us and perhaps even save our lives.
I'll realize today that I have a bond with others and that I can achieve my highest good only in mutual service with them.
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Keep It Simple
When I have listened to my mistakes, I have grown.---Hugh Prather
Everyone makes mistakes. We all know that. So why is it so hard to admit out own? We seem to think we have to be prefect. We have a hard time looking at our mistakes. But our mistakes can be very good teachers. Our Twelve Step program helps us learn and grow from our mistakes. In Step Four, half of our work is to think of our mistakes. In step Five, we admit our mistakes to God, ourselves, and another person. We learn, we grow and become whole. All by coming to know our mistakes The gift of recovery is not being free from mistakes. Instead, we do the Steps to claim our mistakes and talk about them. We find the gift of recovery when we learn from our mistakes.
Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, help me to see my mistakes as changes to get to know myself better.
Action for the Day: Today I'll talk to a friend about what my mistakes taught me. Today I'll feel less shame.
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Each Day a New Beginning
Follow your dream . . . take one step at a time and don't settle for less, just continue to climb. --Amanda Bradley
Dreams are common to us all. Dreams are special as well. We probably keep to ourselves many of our dreams for fear of derision or misunderstanding. Oftentimes we may have selectively shared some dreams, those we figured would get approval. The ones closest and dearest to us, the ones we feel most vulnerable about, we may choose to treasure to our hearts only, sometimes thinking, "If only you knew," sometimes wondering if we are being silly.
We are coming to believe that our dreams are spirit-filled. They are gifts to encourage us. Like a ship at sea needing a "heading" to move forward, our dreams lend direction to our lives. Our frustration may be that we can't realize a dream without many steps and much time. But life is a process of steps. Success in anything comes inch by inch, stroke by stroke, step after step.
My dreams today are meant to guide me. I will take a first step toward making the dream a reality.
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Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition
Chapter 10 - To Employers
Your man has probably been trying to conceal a number of scrapes, perhaps pretty messy ones. They may be disgusting. You may be at a loss to understand how such a seemingly above-board chap could be so involved. But these scrapes can generally be charged, no matter how bad, to the abnormal action of alcohol on his mind. When drinking, or getting over a bout, an alcoholic, sometimes the model of honesty when normal, will do incredible things. Afterward, his revulsion will be terrible. Nearly always, these antics indicate nothing more than temporary conditions.
pp. 140-141
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Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
Step Four - "Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves."
We thought "conditions" drove us to drink, and when we tried to correct these conditions and found that we couldn't to our entire satisfaction, our drinking went out of hand and we became alcoholics. It never occurred to us that we needed to change ourselves to meet conditions, whatever they were.
p. 47
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What we give to others, we give to ourselves. What we withhold from
others, we withhold from ourselves. In any moment, when we choose
fear instead of love, we deny ourselves the experience of Paradise.
--Marianne Williamson
When we're facing challenges, the ego is very seductive in trying to
get us to think thoughts about "look what's happening to me." It is
our spiritual work to keep returning again and again to God and
asking, "Is my heart clear? Can I see this with love? I want to go
through this with God's presence." And over time, Spirit can make
any mess into a miracle.
--Mary Manin Morrissey
Many of us grew up in dysfunctional families, because modern society
is a dysfunctional place. But the spiritual journey, the path of recovery
and personal growth, is a detoxification process in which we bring up
and out the negative beliefs we have carried with us from the past and
that now poison the present.
--Marianne Williamson
"Don't just do something, sit there! Sit there long enough each
morning to decide what is really important during the day ahead."
--Richard Eyre
You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your
--Oliver Goldsmith
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Father Leo's Daily Meditation
"I like the dreams of the future
better than the history of the
--Thomas Jefferson
I am an optimist. I believe that things are getting better day by day.
Today I believe that what happened yesterday need not happen today
or tomorrow. Dreams can come true. I know this to be true. Today I
have dreams. Today I have a hope for my life and on a daily basis it is
coming true. My life is becoming more meaningful. Today my dreams
have coincided with God's dream for me.
Now I love myself enough to speak out for me - and it feels good. Now
my decision to embrace the spiritual life is not dependent upon others.
Today I can dream to be me.
Help me to dream with my feet firmly on the ground.
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Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up.
James 4:10
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you
rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and
humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is
easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11 28-30
He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.
Job 8:21
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Daily Inspiration
The more peaceful you become, the easier time you will have living. Lord, bring my life back into perspective.
You can never sincerely help others without also helping yourself. Lord, Your generosity touches every part of my life even when I least expect it. May I not let it go unnoticed and not give thanks.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.