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Old 04-13-2014, 10:12 PM   #1
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Default Miracles, Messages, Middles and Mystery

There are such things as miracles
But often its been said
That miracles only happen in the fiction you have read.
But I would beg to differ - for I truly do believe
That miracles do happen
If you are willing to receive.

To be open, to be willing, to listen every day
And really HEAR the message that your conscience has to say
For your Higher Power is your conscience
A miracle indeed
A power grater than yourself
Speaking through you, to be freed.

From fear and self=pity, crowding the caverns of your mind
With anger and resentment- two demons locked inside
Distorting your perception and stunting emotional growth
So that pessimism, negativity and self-loathing all subside.

God`s gift of life is precious; a miracle to behold
From each soft sigh of baby`s breath to the wisdom of the old
The sweet perfume of flowers, the blue unclouded sky
Very often go unnoticed, as the world goes flying by.

So, take time to smell the flowers and approach each single day
Appreciate the blessings that God has thrown your way.
But - To see a genuine miracle - Here`s what you must do:
Look into a mirror
For Gods`miracle is YOU.

- Lois Stargratt

Love always,


I share because I care.

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