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Old 08-06-2013, 03:28 AM   #2
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Thank you for sharing. The drug is but a symptom of my disease. The problem was me and my thinking. I went to a CA meeting and heard a girl tell her story. She had time about 9 years, had relapsed and was back a year. She told my story. She was a heroin addict and had never drank due to her father. I didn`t use street drugs, but I used alcohol the same way I used prescription drugs. They were like dried up alcohol. She told my story so well, that my boyfriend of the time, kept looking at me and smiling and nodding his head, because he heard my words coming from her. The reality for me, it wasn`t my words, it was her Higher Power`s words and they were her God speaking through her.

We all need a God of our understanding. In the last 21 years, I have seen enough people to fill a meeting walk out because they heard the word God, and even more when Jesus Christ is mentioned in person at a meeting. I find it very sad. They say attraction, rather than promotion. We need to live Jesus`walk and people will ask us what we have that is special. It happened many times to me.

Don`t leave someone outside the circle. Someone may just have a different concept of God than you. It says we are not to talk religion in the Preamble of AA. There are many religions within religion. I had trouble walking into the doors of a Roman Catholic Church to attend a friend`s father`s funeral. It stands for everything that I do not believe in. My God paid the price, I don`t have to pay every week for my forgiveness.

I have also had a very strong affinity for the Native Teachings. I am a firm believer that God created the earth and placed everything on this Earth to help us to live, we are all part of the whole.

God Bless you on your journey. May you continue to live clean and sober, doing what ever it takes one day at a time. Our concepts and inner knowing changes, even if they were good ones before, they sometimes, get even better, more enriched and I need to keep limiting our God by our narrow outlook on life.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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