I work in a nursing home for awhile after being sober
talk about a humbling experience.
It was also very special
it was hard to grow to love someone and watch them die.
I was thankful to help make them as comfortable as I could and to let them know they were still people and there was some one who cared about them.
So many forgotten by family it really broke my heart
and it brought joy also to love them all.
Mender 1
Having volunteered at senior centers, jails and detox, recovery houses, and missions, I understand. It is difficult not to allow yourself to get attached.
I also helped in a free computer outlet for residence of housing and it gives you a more compassionate outlook on people from diverse walks of life, colour and creed.
So many people are lonely today, the fear of what is 'out there' and the limitations of old tapes and upbringing, keep a lot of people isolated and it is amazing what you receive as a result of extending a hand and a smile. So many people just don't care, or they get caught up in busy and forget how come they have busy in their life today.
It helps to know where someone came from and being open that their life was traumatic to them, be they a self admitted alcoholic/addict or not.
They say that families and friends of alcoholic and addict, hurt just as much, if not more than the A in their life.