Thread: Honesty
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Old 08-06-2013, 02:12 AM   #2
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"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Book" - Book

If you come here and are done using, you can't work the program bad enough; if you're not done using, you can't work the program good enough.
How is that for a statement about getting honest? The program only works if you are honest, open minded and willing. If you are not willing to stay clean, if you are not willing to stop all substances, if you aren't willing to follow the suggestions, there is a very good chance you won't stay clean and sober.

They are suggestions, but there are a lot of darn well betters or you are going to find yourself back out there and wondering what happened.

If you want to get honest, don't use, don't pick up, go to meetings, get a home group, get a sponsor, continue to go to meetings, work the steps, get involved in service within your group, work the steps, just showing up at your group and taking a seat at your group is service, standing at the door and putting your hand out and saying, "Hi my name is..., I'm an alcoholic or, "Hi, I'm an addict, Do you do hugs!" I try not to invade someone space seeing as I am old. I like to let them know that even though I am old I still do hugs.

There is not test, there is no right way or wrong way to work the program. If there had been, I would have failed and a lot of people would probably would have failed me. I was told by a lady who was one of the powers that be, that I had relapsed because I left the stronghold of AA and went to NA for my what I needed in my recovery at the time. I was furious. I was never going to go back to AA. Laugh, I was so ingrained with AA, so saturated with it, you couldn't get it out of me if you tried, it comes out of my pores every time I open my mouth. LOL!

Even in today, even though I don't get out to meetings, I probably talk more country than most people. Then God throws those little bonus connections in at FB, at the mall, and on the telephone.

Don't know if it was the fall, or all the prayers that were sent my way, but I do thank everyone, because my head is a lot clearer tonight.

God bless everyone.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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