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Old 02-10-2014, 09:15 PM   #1
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Default Sing Your Own Song

Monday, February 10, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

A bird does not sing because he has an answer. He sings because he has a song.
—Joan Walsh Anglund

Each of us has a song to sing, just as birds do. Part of knowing who we are is appreciating our own songs. Are our songs gentle like the robins, or are we brilliant leaders like the blue jay? Are we easy to be around like the sparrow, or do we radiate joy and laughter like the loon?

Each of these birds has something special to offer. So do we, with our own unique personalities and talents. What a waste it would be if the loon never dashed across the lake because he wanted to be a robin instead. It is important to learn who we are and to believe we are special in our own way. We give joy to the world around us when we sing our own songs.

Have I listened to my own song lately?
When I came into recovery, I thought I only liked country music. Found out that I liked other things, and in today unless it is a special, I generally listen to the old classics.

Grew up listening and singing Gospel music and a lot of country has roots in Southern Gospel. I also like jazz and blues, which comes from the same origin.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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