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Old 01-27-2014, 02:37 AM   #11
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Today's Daily Inspiration

Do not waste any time disliking who you are because of something you can no longer do anything about. Lord, help me to forgive myself all shortcomings of the past that I still hold on to and rather make the very best of this moment.


Today's Daily Inspiration

Be yourself in all that you do and you will soon learn that you are very special. Lord, help me find the peace that You have already placed within my soul.


Prayer is very powerful, but your life can be a living prayer.

- Sylvia Browne


Today's Daily Inspiration

No matter who you are, it is your right to have peace. Lord, help me stay on my own path to peace and to turn my back on the distractions that are so intent on keeping me from it.


Today's Daily Inspiration

For everyone there is a way to serve and honor God in this life on earth. Lord, let me seize every opportunity, no matter how small, to glorify You, make you better known and always bring myself and others closer to You.

Today's Daily Inspiration

If you are able to accept the hand of love that God extends to you, you will be able to free yourself of fears and show the full beauty of your inner spirit. Lord, we all suffer from weaknesses of one kind or another, so in our moments of strength, we ask that we may offer help, not judgment, to those who need it.

" As intelligent as a person may be, lacking humility can make them imbecilic. Growth requires patience, reflection, accountability and quite often SILENCE as we need to LISTEN to those who came before us, to learn from their wisdom as well as their mistakes."
Written in 2014 by Erica Brown --- Michigan
Sometimes people get so wrapped up in titles that they forget that someone held the position before they did. We need to be humble and take guidance from others not only for a better outcome, but out of respect for the person who opened the door for you to walk through.
Motivate Us

Something I posted in 2011 on another site.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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