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Old 01-07-2022, 10:02 AM   #1
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Default Not Rocket Science

Only after we have learned how to depend on it, we learned that it was there all along. It's not rocket science that we're practicing in recovery, it's actually pretty simple stuff, but it's never easy for any of us to do. But if we're willing to try we can find a better way to live from recovery. That's not because of some mysterious magical thing that happens to us, it's because of something that's been part of us all, that's part of everyone's makeup, we all have it. It's just that we all chose before recovery not to make part of us or have anything to do with it. After having suffered enough from doing this, and are lucky to still be around, some of us started to look for a better way to live. We found it in recovery and learned that it had been with us all along. We just didn't know how to live in a way so that we knew that. Once we did, we suddenly realized it's from living that way, that it was doing for us what we could never do for ourselves.
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