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MajestyJo 12-29-2015 05:46 PM

They're sober, now what?
When the addict/alkie first finds 12-step recovery,
the wives and loved ones are filled with happiness.
Reality sets in when, it's suggested they make 90
meetings in 90 days and the staying sober, the steps
and meetings are the most important thing in the
addict/alkies life.

What about the family?

The family life, revolves around meetings and the
entire concept of recovery. There is help for them
at Al-Anon/Nar-Anon, but they didn't ask for any of
this. Have any of you ever wanted to just go back
in time, before they drank or used and stay in that
cocoon of happiness. That place before their loved
one got sick and there was a real family......

I went back and read chaperter's 8 & 9 in the BB
and it helped me with many of the questions I had.
I highly recommend this reading to everyone that
loves an addict/alcoholic.....

For me, finding 12-step recovery, was one of the
best things to ever happen to me. Yes, given my
druthers, I wish my loved ones had never suffered
with the disease of addiction. I wish I had never
"needed", Nar-Anon or Al-Anon. But I am thankful
to God, for leading right where I needed to be......

Peace on the journey...... SG

P.S. For those that want to read chapters 8 and 9
online,here is the link

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