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yukonm 08-01-2014 07:33 AM

Reflections for Every Day - August
August 1

Today's Thought:

From my own personal experience, I tried controlling my drinking on lots of occasions. I went to counselors who tried cognitive therapies to reframe my "thoughts" surrounding drinking; sometimes it worked however, eventually I always got drunk. I got to a point where trying to control my drinking was exhausting and I always felt like a failure when I didn't manage my drinking.

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yukonm 08-01-2014 11:03 PM

August 2

Today's Thought

The tough part for me on the fourth step is just recognizing and accepting things and then understanding that I have to change myself. This is character building. I have learned too that God places me in circumstances and places that will challenge me to change the way I handle those circumstances.

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MajestyJo 08-02-2014 01:06 AM

Thanks for sharing this, I don't always have the time to get up here and read these.

I like the one for August 1st. If you have to control it, it is already out of control. Control is an illusion, we do not have the power.

When I surrender to the God of my understanding, I am empowered to do what I need to do, one day at a time, to stay clean and sober.

yukonm 08-03-2014 07:38 AM

August 3

Today's Thought:

The first thing to be affected by the use of alcohol is our judgement! Everyone I know who is serious about recovery is certain to admit his/her responsibility for their actions. We cannot work a fourth step without looking at ourselves and the part we played in everything that has happened in our lives.

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yukonm 08-04-2014 08:29 AM

August 4

Today's Thought:

There's a million ways to stop a fight from starting; for protecting myself from emotional injury; for keeping a hurtful situation from turning into a real deep-down pain festival. I wish I followed my own advice every single time.

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yukonm 08-05-2014 08:08 AM

August 5

Today's Thought:

I told my sponsor I'd never do any of the amends ... that changing my attitudes and behaviors was just going to have to do. Wrong! She laughed at me and said I'd do just fine if I relaxed and waited for opportunities to pop up.

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yukonm 08-06-2014 07:49 AM

August 6

Today's Thought:

No one gives up their religious freedom when they walk into a 12 step meeting, and no one asks them to either. We just share what worked for us.

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yukonm 08-07-2014 08:14 AM

August 7

Today's Thought:

The program has given me so many blessings in my life, just the ability and the humility to recognize when I am being self-righteous is a gift. I never could when I was drinking.

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yukonm 08-08-2014 07:58 AM

August 8

Today's Thought:

I did not even take the time to write it down. I just hunted people down and apologized ... sincerely to them. I found it impossible to not immediately apologize to all of those I could find on my list as soon as I could get in touch with them.

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yukonm 08-09-2014 08:56 AM

August 9

Today's Thought:

Hearing others share their experience gave real life examples of what they were going through. They shared how they found solutions through working the steps and pointed out excerpts in the Big Book that guided them to those solutions. And, finally the hope of staying sober one day at a time, the happy, peaceful and productive days I had to look forward to if I just didn't drink that day.

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yukonm 08-10-2014 06:41 AM

August 10

Today's Thought:

The tough part for me on the fourth step is just recognizing and accepting things and then understanding that I have to change myself. This is character building. I have learned too that God places me in circumstances and places that will challenge me to change the way I handle those circumstances.

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yukonm 08-11-2014 07:25 AM

August 11

Today's Thought:

Well, because I didn't take it "seriously." I turned from an "entry level" alcoholic into a "professional" alcoholic. I do attend meetings now. I work the 12 steps. I spoke three times in my first meetings and all I want to say it "Thank God" for sobriety

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yukonm 08-12-2014 07:07 AM

August 12

Today's Thought:

My sponsor and I are not close friends. We do nothing together but 12 step meetings and 12 step work. We are almost completely opposite. We do not travel in the same circles. We are of very different ages and backgrounds. The only things we have in common are the 12 steps, we are both women, and we live in the same town. I am starting to like her as I get to know her better, but the only thing I knew about her when I asked her to help me is that she had something I wanted.

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yukonm 08-13-2014 07:51 AM

August 13

Today's Thought:

If the disease concept doesn't work for you, let it go. No one says you have to believe anything. More importantly, I have found that the 'whys' of my drinking were interesting, but irrelevant. What I needed was some practical tools for permanent sobriety. That I found in the 12 steps.

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yukonm 08-14-2014 07:12 AM

August 14

Today's Thought:

I see a character strength I truly admire in someone else. I'd like to have it for my own. I have no foggy clue what it feels like nor looks like to act in that manner. So? I act as if I already have that strength and see how it works. In time, it'll either be discarded or become part of me. The belief has now followed the act.

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