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Daily Recovery Readings - July
July 1
Daily Reflections THE BEST FOR TODAY The principles we have set down are guides to progress. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 60 Just as a sculptor will use different tools to achieve desired effects in creating a work of art, in Alcoholics Anonymous the Twelve Steps are used to bring about results in my own life. I do not overwhelm myself with life's problems, and how much more work needs to be done. I let myself be comforted in knowing that my life is now in the hands of my Higher Power, a master craftsman who is shaping each part of my life into a unique work of art. By working my program I can be satisfied, knowing that in the doing the best that we can for today, we are doing all that God asks of us." ************************************************** ********* Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day In following the A.A. program with its twelve steps, we have the advantage of a better understanding of our problems. Day after day our sobriety results in the formation of new habits, normal habits. As each twenty-four-hour period ends, we find that the business of staying sober is a much less trying and fearsome ordeal than it seemed in the beginning. Do I find it easier as I go along? Meditation For The Day Learn daily the lesson of trust and calm in the midst of the storms of life. Whatever of sorrow or difficulty the day may bring, God's command to you is the same. Be grateful, humble, calm, and loving to all people. Leave each soul the better for having met you or heard you. For all kinds of people, this should be your attitude: a loving desire to help and an infectious spirit of calmness and trust in God. You have the answer to loneliness and fear, which is calm faith in the goodness and purpose in the universe. Prayer For The Day I pray that I may be calm in the midst of storms. I pray that I may pass on this calmness to others who are lonely and full of fear. ************************************************** ********* As Bill Sees It The Reality of Spiritual Experiences, p. 182 "Perhaps you raise the question of hallucination versus the divine imagery of a genuine spiritual experience. I doubt if anyone has authoritatively defined what a hallucination really is. However, it is certain that all recipients of spiritual experiences declare their reality. The best evidence of that reality is in the subsequent fruits. Those who receive these gifts of grace are very much changed people, almost invariably for the better. This can scarcely be said of those who hallucinate. "Some might think me presumptuous when I say that my own experience is real. Nevertheless, I can surely report that in my own life and in the lives of countless others, the fruits of that experience have been real, and the benefactions beyond reckoning. Talk, 1960 ************************************************** ********* Walk In Dry Places Are we victimizing ourselves? Finding the New Happiness Some believe that people create their own trouble by attracting the wrong conditions and people in their lives. This may not be entirely true, but we can find that some element of it was at work with us. Time and time again during our drinking, we set ourselves up for abuse and rejection, though our motives seemed right. Why did we do this? Supposedly to punish ourselves, the theory has it. If this is true, then we should now call a halt to the process immediately. If we've emerged from the terrors of alcoholism, we've had all the punishment anybody needs. We can change our bad patterns by looking carefully at the people and situations we seem to attract. Without resentment or condemnation, we can part company with any problems these have been bringing us. We can start building new relationships and attracting better conditions that will be immensely successful in terms of happiness and well-being. I'll remember today that in the new life I'm seeking, there's no need for punishment. I will not go out of my way to attract people or conditions that create problems in my life. ************************************************** ********* Keep It Simple Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.---Step Seven In Step Six, we got ready to give up our shortcomings. In Step Seven, we ask God to remove them. There is one catch. We humbly as God to remove them. Being humble means we remember who we are: human beings who need God's help. Being humble means not pretending we're God. We admit we need God's help. Being humble means seeing ourselves as we are. We're a small but important part of God's plan. We can change much, but only God can change some things about us. This is why we ask. Being humble is not a weakness, but a true strength. Prayer for the Day: God, please remove my shortcomings. Action for the Day: Throughout the day, I'll pray to God to remove my shortcomings. ************************************************** ********* Each Day a New Beginning It's quite uncomfortable to be an adolescent at age thirty-two. --Peggy Cahn Our lives are in process every moment, which means change is ever-present. As new information is sorted and acquired, old habits are discarded. We don't let go of some old behaviors easily, however. They are like comfortable shoes. They may be worn thin, and they probably embarrass us in certain company, but we slip them on unconsciously and then it's too late. Maturity is an "as if" behavior, initially. Emotional development was stunted, for most of us, with the onset of our addictive behavior, thus, we often respond to situations like adolescents. Application of the "as if" principle will result both in new personal attitudes and unfamiliar, yet welcome, responses from others. Acting as if we are capable, strong, confident, or serene will pave the way for making those behaviors real, after a time. If we believe in ourselves and our ability to become the women we strive to be, we can then move forward confidently. When my behavior embarrasses or shames me, I will accept the responsibility for changing it. Changing it offers immediate rewards. The people around me will react in refreshing ways, and I'll feel more fully alive. ************************************************** ********* Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition Chapter 10 - To Employers Of course, this chapter refers to alcoholics, sick people, deranged men. What our friend, the vice president, had in mind was the habitual or whoopee drinker. As to them, his policy is undoubtedly sound, but he did not distinguish between such people and the alcoholic. p. 149 ************************************************** ********* Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Step Five - "Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." More realism and therefore more honesty about ourselves are the great gains we make under the influence of Step Five. As we took inventory, we began to suspect how much trouble self-delusion had been causing us. This had brought a disturbing reflection. If all our lives we had more or less fooled ourselves, how could we now be so sure that we weren't still self-deceived? How could we be certain that we had made a true catalog of our defects and had really admitted them, even to ourselves? Because we were still bothered by fear, self-pity, and hurt feelings, it was probable we couldn't appraise ourselves fairly at all. Too much guilt and remorse might cause us to dramatize and exaggerate our shortcomings. Or anger and hurt pride might be the smoke screen under which we were hiding some of our defects while we blamed others for them. Possibly, too, we were still handicapped by many liabilities, great and small, we never knew we had. pp. 58-59 ************************************************** ********* I welcome solitude into my life today. I welcome the peace, serenity, wisdom and spirituality I find when I take that special time for me. --Ruth Fishel Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant. --Robert Louis Stevenson "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." --Norman MacEwan We're not invited into relationship with God at a deeper level in the absence of our challenges, but in the midst of all of life, including our challenges. Difficulties provide us a chance for greater closeness. Every situation in life carries with it an incredible opportunity for sweetness, depth and wonder. Receive every experience today as an opportunity and a gift. --Mary Manin Morrissey "It is easy enough to be pleasant, When life flows by like a song, But the man worth while is the one who can smile, When everything goes dead wrong. For the test of the heart is troubled, And it always comes with the years. And the smiles that is worth the praises of earth, Is the smile that shines through tears." --Ella Wheeler Wilcox Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well. --Josh Billings "Character is what you are in the dark." --Dwight L. Moody *********************************************** Father Leo's Daily Meditation BELIEF "Seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you understand." --St. Augustine For years I tried to understand my behavior around alcohol and I only came away more confused. Sometimes my efforts to understand led me into dishonesty and manipulation. I drank because I was lonely, angry, happy, overworked or because I had problems with my parents. You see, I tried to understand "why"! Science has no definitive answer as to why some people are alcoholic other than to postulate the disease factor, with the emphasized advice, "Don't pick up the first drink." So today I don't understand why I am an alcoholic. I also believe that I can never drink alcohol without having alcohol problems. This cherished belief keeps me sober and gives me a God I can understand; a life that I can love; and a world I can live in. Oh yes -- and I can remember where I have been today! Help me to believe in what I know and to be content with the imperfection of my knowledge. ************************************************** ********* "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." John 14:1-3 "Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path." Psalms 119:105 ************************************************** ********* Daily Inspiration It's easy to give up, but no matter what the outcome is, if you do your best, you are always the winner. Lord, may I truly realize that it is the way I participate in life that counts for me. Example is the best way to teach. Lord, may I teach Your goodness by the way I live my life. |
July 2
Daily Reflections THE HEART OF TRUE SOBRIETY We find that no one need have difficulty with the spirituality of the program. Willingness, honesty and open-mindedness are the essentials of recovery. But these are indispensable. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 570 Am I honest enough to accept myself as I am and let this be the "me" that I let others see? Do I have the willingness to go to any length, to do whatever is necessary to stay sober? Do I have the open-mindedness to hear what I have to hear, to think what I have to think, and to feel what I have to feel? If my answer to these questions is "Yes," I know enough about the spirituality of the program to stay sober. As I continue to work the Twelve Steps, I move on to the heart of true sobriety: serenity with myself, with others, and with God as I understand Him. ************************************************** ********* Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day In the association with members of the A.A. group to which we belong, we have the advantage of sincere friendship and understanding of the other members who, through social and personal contact, take us away from our old haunts and environments and help to remove in large measure the occasions of alcoholic suggestion. We find in this association a sympathy and a willingness on the part of most members to do everything in their power to help us. Do I appreciate the wonderful fellowship of A.A.? Meditation For The Day "Except ye become as little children, ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven." In this saying it is urged that all who seek heaven on earth or in the hereafter' should become like little children. In seeking things of the spirit and in our faith, we should try to become childlike. Even as we grow older, the years of seeking can give us the attitude of the trusting child. Not only for its simple trust should we have the childlike spirit, but also for its joy in life, its ready laughter, its lack of criticism, and its desire to share. In Charles Dickens's story, A Christmas Carol, even old Scrooge changed when he got the child-spirit. Prayer For The Day I pray that I may become like a child in faith and hope. I pray that I may, like a child, be friendly and trusting. ************************************************** ********* As Bill Sees It A Viewer-with-Alarm, p. 183 "I went through several fruitless years in a state called 'viewing with alarm for the good of the movement.' I thought it was up to me to be always 'correcting conditions.' Seldom had anybody been able to tell me what I ought to do, and nobody had ever succeeded in effectively telling me what I must do. I had to learn the hard way out of my own experience. "When setting out to 'check' others, I found myself often motivated by fear of what they were doing, self-righteousness, and even downright intolerance. Consequently, I seldom succeeded in correcting anything. I just raised barriers of resentment that cut off any suggestion, example, understanding, or love." << << << >> >> >> "A.A.'s often say, 'Our leaders do not drive by mandate; they lead by example.' If we would favorably affect others, we ourselves need to practice what we preach--and forget the 'preaching,' too. The quiet good example speaks for itself." 1. Letter, 1945 2. Letter, 1966 ************************************************** ********* Walk In Dry Places Sincerity at the Beginning Self-Honesty We were told at our first AA meeting that half-measures will avail us nothing. What's needed is a sincere desire to stop drinking and seek and way of life. As we continue in the program, we learn that sincerity is an ingredient for success in everything we do. Quite often, we may find that we're failing in something simply because our heart isn't really in it. We can't force ourselves into a sincere posture. Instead, the answer is to know ourselves well enough to know just how we feel about everything we do. We'll learn to be careful about attempting to do something when our heart is not really in it. We may be doing something we dislike merely for the recognition and money it gives us. For real sincerity, we need more than that, and the truths of the program will help us find it. I'll be conscious today of the sincerity I have about the things I am attempting to do. There may be some things I need to abandon or at least change. ************************************************** ********* Keep It Simple I never think of the future. It comes soon enough. --- Albert Einstein None of us know anything for sure about the future. We don't know if we'll be sober tomorrow. But we can be sure of this moment. We get sober by moments. Our sober moments then stretch into hours, day, and years Our program tell us to live in the present moment. This is because we can control this moment We can't control the past or the future. We need to have a sense of control in our life. In our illness, we were out of control. This was because we wouldn't live from moment to moment. Each moment is filled with as much life as we can handle. Each moment is filled with enough to keep us alive, interested, and growing. Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, help me find You in each moment. Action for the Day: Today, I'll stop and focus on the present moment. I will work to see how much control I can have if I stay with the moment at hand. ************************************************** ********* Each Day a New Beginning Humor is such a strong weapon, such a strong answer. Women have to make jokes about themselves, laugh about themselves, because they have nothing to lose. --Agnes Varda Laughter can cure a physical condition; it can and will positively affect an emotional illness as well. Laughter ushers in a new perspective which gives vent to a changed attitude. And our attitude toward any situation, any individual, is all-powerful. A negative, critical attitude toward our financial situation, toward our disease, toward our boss, or spouse, or children, determines how we feel moment by moment. In like manner, when we raise our sights, look at the world with lightness in our hearts, expecting to enjoy the day, the people, the activity, we'll succeed. Finding humor in a situation, any situation prevents us from succumbing to feelings of powerlessness. Feeling powerless, behaving as victims, came easily for many of us before we chose this program and the Twelve Steps to live by. Choosing a humorous response, opting to laugh at our situation, at any point in time, keeps our personal power where it belongs--with ourselves. My emotional health depends on my active involvement in deciding who I am, right now. Deciding to chuckle rather than snarl will give me an unexpected emotional boost. ************************************************** ********* Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition Chapter 10 - To Employers It is not to be expected that an alcoholic employee will receive a disproportionate amount of time and attention. He should not be made a favorite. The right kind of man, the kind who recovers, will not want this sort of thing. He will not impose. Far from it. He will work like the devil and thank you to his dying day. p. 149 ************************************************** ********* Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Step Five - "Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." Hence it was most evident that a solitary self-appraisal, and the admission of our defects based upon that alone, wouldn't be nearly enough. We'd have to have outside help if we were surely to know and admit the truth about ourselves--the help of God and another human being. Only by discussing ourselves, holding back nothing, only by being willing to take advice and accept direction could we set foot on the road to straight thinking, solid honesty, and genuine humility. p. 59 ************************************************** ********* "In forgiving ourselves, we make the journey from guilt for what we have done (or not done) to celebration of what we have become." --Joan Borysenko Pitying yourself will get you nowhere. Things aren't always going to go the way you want them to, but still you must set the rules regarding how you respond to them. There is incredible beauty, in the gentle and quiet spirit, precious in God's direction. --SweetyZee "He who cannot rest, cannot work; He who cannot let go, cannot hold on; He who cannot find footing, cannot go forward." --Harry Emerson Fosdick "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment." --Benjamin Franklin If there is anything we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could be better changed in ourselves. --Carl Jung Voices we prefer to ignore may speak words we need to hear. --Don Deal *********************************************** Father Leo's Daily Meditation BEAUTY "Beauty is not caused. It is." --Emily Dickinson So many people think that beauty is what you do to yourself; what you wear, makeup, clothes, hairstyles or expensive jewelry. Again it is so easy to get caught up in "things". Reality is not about what we wear but who we are. The beauty that God has created comes from within. The twinkle in the eyes that says "hello". The hug that says "I love you". The gentle embrace and smile that says "I forgive you". The tear that cries "I understand". When God said to the world, "It is good", Beauty was born. Drugs and crazy relationships only get in the way of us being what we were intended to be: beautiful for God. Today I seek to put God's beauty in my actions, words and attitudes. ************************************************** ********* "Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord." Psalm 31:24 For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared. Proverbs 3:26 ************************************************** ********* Daily Inspiration Avoid the tendency to presuppose that things will turn out for the worse. Lord, help me keep an open mind so that I am able to see other solutions to my situations and then give me the determination to make a difference when I can. We take for granted so much of what God has planned for us. Lord, may I have sufficient preparation to meet the challenges of today and rejoice in the person that I am. |
July 3
Daily Reflections EXPERIENCE: THE BEST TEACHER Being still inexperienced and having just made conscious contact with God, it is not probable that we are going to be inspired at all times. ALCOHOLIC ANONYMOUS , p. 87 Some say that experience is the best teacher, but I believe that experience is the only teacher. I have been able to learn of God's love for me only by the experience of my dependence on that love. At first I could not be sure of His direction in my life, but now I see that if I am to be bold enough to ask for His guidance, I must act as if He has provided it. I frequently ask God to help me remember that He has a path for me. ************************************************** ********* Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day In the beginning of Alcoholics Anonymous there were only two persons. Now there are many groups and thousands of members. True, the surface has only been scratched. There are probably ten million or more persons in America alone who need our help. More and more people are making a start in A.A. each day. In the case of individual members, the beginning has been accomplished when they admit they are powerless and turn to a Power greater than themselves, admitting that their lives have become unmanageable. That Higher Power works for good in all things and helps us to accomplish much in individual growth and in the growth of A.A. groups. Am I doing my part in helping A.A. to grow? Meditation For The Day Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. Only in the fullness of faith can the heart-sick and faint and weary be satisfied, healed, and rested. Think of the wonderful spiritual revelations still to be found by those who are trying to live the spiritual life. Much of life is spiritually unexplored country. Only to the consecrated and loving people who walk with God in spirit can these great spiritual discoveries be revealed. Keep going forward and keep growing in righteousness. Prayer For The Day I pray that I may not be held back by the material things of the world. I pray that I may let God lead me forward. ************************************************** ********* As Bill Sees It Meeting Adversity, p. 184 "Our spiritual and emotional growth in A.A. does not depend so deeply upon success as it does upon our failures and setbacks. If you will bear this in mind, I think that your slip will have the effect of kicking you upstairs, instead of down. "We A.A.'s have had no better teacher than Old Man Adversity, except in those cases where we refuse to let him teach us." << << << >> >> >> "Now and then all of us fall under heavy criticism. When we are angered and hurt, it's difficult not to retaliate in kind. Yet we can restrain ourselves and then probe ourselves, asking whether our critics were really right. If so, we can admit our defects to them. This usually clears the air for mutual understanding. "Suppose our critics are being unfair. Then we can try calm persuasion. If they continue to rant, it is still possible for us--in our hearts--to forgive them. Maybe a sense of humor can be our saving grace--thus we can both forgive and forget." 1. Letter, 1958 2. Letter, 1966 ************************************************** ********* Walk In Dry Places Battles we've won or lost. Achievements. Even the continuous sobriety we're enjoying is no shield from traps we seem to set for ourselves. At times, we can find ourselves in the foolish game of continuing to fight battles we've won or lost. One losing battle is the attempt to win the approval of someone who has always disliked us. That person may be gone, but we still fight....and lose..... the same battle when we find ourselves in a similar situation. We also may have won some battles without knowing it. This can happen when we've set our goals unrealistically high. We may be fairly successful in our work, for example, but still feel that we have failed because a high goal we set eluded us. That goal, however, may have been all but impossible to attain, and while we mourn our perceived failure, we ignore the successes we many have achieved in the meantime. Consequently, we should never let any of these battles interfere with our plan for sobriety. We must stay sober at all costs. This day, I'll not strive to impress people who may always disapprove of me. I will also accept my successes even if they fall short of my highest dreams. ************************************************** ********* Keep It Simple We are only as sick as the secrets we keep.--- Anonymous It is dangerous for us to keep secrets. Shame builds, and we'll want relief. We may turn to alcohol or other drugs. True relief comes by talking about our secrets, by sharing who we really are with others. Our program helps us live a life based on honesty. Our program helps us battle shame. We don't keep secrets anymore. We start our meetings and share what we tried to keep secret before. " Hi, my name is____________, and I'm am alcoholic." " Hi my name is_____________, and I'm a drug addict." We keep telling our secret, and the shame gets less and less. Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, I pray to live an honest life. Action for the Day: I'll list any secrets I've been keeping. I'll talk with my sponsor about them. ************************************************** ********* Each Day a New Beginning No one can build (her) security upon the nobleness of another person. --Willa Cather Where do we look for our security? Do we look to our husbands or our lovers? Do we look to a parent or our children? Perhaps we seek our security in our jobs. But none of these avenues brings lasting contentment, as we've each probably discovered, just as pills, alcohol, or maybe food failed to give us lasting security. Security of the spirit is with us from our birth. It's just that we haven't tapped into the source. Perhaps we don't even know the source, but it's been with us always, awaiting our realization of it. No step do we ever take alone. Each breath we take is in partnership with the eternal source of strength and security within us. We have the choice to accept this partnership any time. And this guarantee of security in all things at all times is the gift of freedom. Our desire for security is God-given. The security we desire is also given by God to us. We are secure today and every day. Each step I take is in concert with my higher power. I need experience nothing alone. I can breathe in and tap the plentiful source of strength awaiting me, now. ************************************************** ********* Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition Chapter 10 - To Employers Today I own a little company. There are two alcoholic employees, who produce as much as five normal salesmen. But why not? They have a new attitude, and they have been saved from a living death. I have enjoyed every moment spent in getting them straightened out.* * See Appendix VI-We shall be happy to hear from you if we can be of help. pp. 149-150 ************************************************** ********* Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Step Five - "Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." Yet many of us still hung back. We said, "Why can't 'God as we understand Him' tell us where we are astray? If the Creator gave us our lives in the first place, then He must know in every detail where we have since gone wrong. Why don't we make our admissions to Him directly? Why do we need to bring anyone else into this?" p. 59 ************************************************** ********* Deep within us is a place where we have found God and God has found us. Once in a great while, we come to this place within us and we realize it is the goal of our seeking. It feels like home. We may not be consciously aware of our seeking. We may be living our lives day by day. The wonder is that while this searching goes on within us, there is also the One who seeks us out, calling to us, desiring that we find the home within. It is God who takes the initiative of seeking and places the desire in our hearts to be found. --Unknown The world needs all of our power and love and energy, and each of us has something to give. The trick is to find it and use it, to find it and give it away so there will always be more. We can be lights for each other, and through each other's illumination we will see the way. Each of us is a seed, a silent promise, and it is always spring. --Merle Shain A true winner is one who congratulates the one receiving recognition in heart felt words. --unknown Forgiveness is only one step in the healing process, but a very important one to learn. --unknown Burdening yourself with trivial things only affects one person - YOU. --unknown There is no investment you'll ever make which will pay you so well as the effort to scatter sunshine and good cheer wherever you are. --unknown We see God through eyes of faith. --SweetyZee *********************************************** Father Leo's Daily Meditation CHOICES "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be achieved." --William Jennings Bryan It is so important for us to see that we create our destiny. We create our futures in the choices we initiate today. During my addiction I was like a ship without a sail. I drifted through life and was tossed in a thousand directions. Today I am able to point myself in the direction I want to go. I do not believe that this attitude takes anything away from the power of God because He gave me freedom in the first place! He created me to be free and to have the gift of decision-making. He is not a dictator God, and I am not a puppet on a string. He loves me enough to allow me to learn from my mistakes and take personal pride in my achievements. Addiction made me powerless. Sobriety puts me in touch with my God-given power. I am forever grateful and thankful for my involvement in my own life. I pray today that I might live responsibly a day at a time. ************************************************** ********* "Jesus said to him, If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." Matthew 19:21 "We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently." Romans 8:22-25 "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:10-12 "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings." I Peter 5:8-9 "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." I John 4:4 ************************************************** ********* Daily Inspiration Stay close to God because He is the solution to all problems. Lord, I will live in Your presence, protected by You and Your peace will be mine. Our lives should be productive and useful and we should always make a difference because we are alive. Lord, You have brought me to this new day. Work with me so that I will have a successful day with many accomplishments whether they are great or small. |
July 4
Daily Reflections A NATURAL FAITH . . . deep down in every man, woman and child, is the fundamental idea of God. It may be obscured by calamity, by pomp, by worship of other things, but in some form or other it is there. For faith in a Power greater than ourselves, and miraculous demonstrations of that power in human lives, are facts as old as man himself. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 55 I have seen the workings of the unseen God in A.A. rooms around the country. Miracles of recovery are everywhere in evidence. I now believe that God is in these rooms and in my heart. Today faith is as natural to me, a former agnostic, as breathing, eating and sleeping. The Twelve Steps have helped to change my life in many ways, but none is more effective than the acquisition of a Higher Power. ************************************************** ********* Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day In Alcoholics Anonymous there is no thought of individual profit. No greed or gain. No membership fees, no dues. Only voluntary contributions of our money and ourselves. All that we hope for is sobriety and regeneration, so that we can live normal, respectable lives and can be recognized by others as men and women willing to do unto others as we would be done by. These things we accomplish by the help of each other, by following the twelve steps and by the grace of God. Am I willing to work for A.A. without material gain to myself? Meditation For The Day What is sometimes called by religion as conversion is often only the discovery of God as a friend in need. What is sometimes called religion is often only the experiencing of the help and strength of God's power in our lives. What is sometimes called holiness is often only the invitation of God to be our Friend. As God becomes your friend, you become a friend to others. We experience true human friendship and from this experience we can imagine what kind of Great Friend God can be. We believe Him to be a tireless, selfless, all conquering, miracle-working Friend. We can reach out to the Great Friend and figuratively take His hand in ours. Prayer For The Day I pray that I may think of God as a Great Friend in need. I pray that I may go along with Him. ************************************************** ********* As Bill Sees It Boomerang, p. 185 When I was ten, I was tall and gawky, and smaller kids could push me around in quarrels. I remember being very depressed for a year or more, and then I began to develop fierce resolve to win. One day, my grandfather came along with a book about Australia and told me, "This books says that nobody but an Australian bushman knows how to make and throw a boomerang." "Here's my chance," I thought. "I will be the first man in America to make and throw a boomerang." Well, any kid could have a notion like that. It might have lasted two days or two weeks. But mine was a power drive that kept on for six months, till I made a boomerang that swung around the church yard in front of the house and almost hit my grandfather in the head when it came back. Emotionally, I had begun the fashioning of another sort of boomerang, one that almost killed me later on. ************************************************** ********* Walk In Dry Places Our common knowledge Progress One guiding factor in 12 Step groups is the sharing of experience and knowledge. The fact that a few people seem especially gifted as speakers and workers doesn't relieve us of the need for every person's participation. Such group efforts are important to all human progress. For every outstanding person, there are hundreds who contribute to the success of any venture. What we bring to the group is our experience as well as a strong commitment to the group's purpose. This makes our meetings warm, interesting, and helpful. The group can always be such a center if its members really are part of it. I'll remind myself today that I can draw stength from the group and also make it stronger with my participation. ************************************************** ********* Keep It Simple I have a dream.---Martin Luther King Jr. During our addiction, maybe we dreamed of joy and laughter with our family---only to find tears and anger. Maybe we dreamed of respect at our job---only to be fired. Our dreams began to feel like burdens. We had lost hope. With recovery, the hope starts to return. We start to trust ourselves again. We start to trust others again. We start to trust in our Higher Power. Over time, we even dare to dream again. In our dreams, we are loving people. We have something to offer others. We are not scared. This is a sign that hope is returning. We fall in love again with the world, our Higher Power, and ourselves. Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, thank-you for giving back my future. Thank-you for giving back my dreams. Action for the Day: Today, I'll tell my dreams to a friend. Do my future dreams include improving myself through the program? ************************************************** ********* Each Day a New Beginning One doesn't recognize in one's life the really important moments--not until it's too late. --Agatha Christie Every moment is special and offers us an opportunity--to let an experience change us in an important way, to invite another person into our life, to nurture the growing, changing woman within. Life's events move so rapidly we seldom relish the moments individually, but each day teems with tiny gifts divinely designed for our well-being. The woman smiled at in the grocery store yesterday or the man acknowledged on the bus last week felt special. And we were softened, too, by our expression. We change, and we change our world when we acknowledge one another's presence in it. The wonderful reality is that we are in another's world because of the special qualities we each have and are able to share with one another. For many of us, in times past, no moment felt important. The days were simply long and painful. But now, we can relish even the past pain for what it taught us. We know now that we can look to this day before us with expectation. We can be conscious of every moment, thankful for every experience and every person we encounter. In this inner game of life, I share the court, and I will have my turn to serve. To really live, I must participate fully. ************************************************** ********* Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition Chapter 11 - A Vision For You FOR MOST normal folks, drinking means conviviality, companionship and colorful imagination. It means release from care, boredom and worry. It is joyous intimacy with friends and a feeling that life is good. But not so with us in those last days of heavy drinking. The old pleasures were gone. They were but memories. Never could we recapture the great moments of the past. There was an insistent yearning to enjoy life as we once did and a heartbreaking obsession that some new miracle of control would enable us to do it. There was always one more attempt—and one more failure. p. 151 ************************************************** ********* Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Step Five - "Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." At this stage, the difficulties of trying to deal rightly with God by ourselves are twofold. Though we may at first be startled to realize that God knows all about us, we are apt to get used to that quite quickly. Somehow, being alone with God doesn't seem as embarrassing as facing up to another person. Until we actually sit down and talk aloud about what we have so long hidden, our willingness to clean house is still largely theoretical. When we are honest with another person, it confirms that we have been honest with ourselves and with God. pp. 59-60 ************************************************** ********* Faith isn't faith until it's all you're holding on to. --unknown Who dares to teach must never cease to learn. --John Cotton Dana I have lived in this world just long enough to look carefully the second time into things that I am most certain of the first time. --Josh Billings A lot of growing up takes place between "It fell" and "I dropped it." --Cited in BITS & PIECES The goal in marriage is not to think alike, but to think together. --Robert C. Dodds Remember the five simple rules to be happy: 1. Free your heart from hatred. 2. Free your mind from worries. 3. Live simply. 4. Give more. 5. Expect less. --unknown LIVE and let live EASY does it BUT for the grace of God THINK think think FIRST things first When put in this order five of our sayings produce a sixth saying by taking the first word of each one to make the sixth: LIVE EASY BUT THINK FIRST. --unknown An old timer had shared in the meeting about praying for something, and that God had answered her request. Someone asked her, "How do you know it was God who granted your request?" She replied... "I didn't ask anyone else." --unknown *********************************************** Father Leo's Daily Meditation FREEDOM "Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better." --Albert Camus Human beings are not puppets. Sometimes when you hear people talk about God and prayer, they imply that we have no choice and that all actions in life are determined by God alone: a moment's reflection should make us hesitate from such a viewpoint. Murder, rape, child molestation and prejudice do not stem from God but are the results of God's gift of freedom to mankind. Addicts and alcoholics need to comprehend on a daily basis that prayers that are not accompanied by actions are mere words. God's love for man does not obliterate man's need to love himself through choice and decision. Sobriety and serenity should be experienced in our lives when divinity is revealed in our choice. God, help me to appreciate my involvement in my desire to be a winner. ************************************************** ********* ..."but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me." Philippians 3:12 Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law. Psalm 119:18 ************************************************** ********* Daily Inspiration To make no decision can be worse than making a wrong decision. Lord, help me to be an active part of my life and to realize that no decision is so firm that it can't be modified, corrected or improved on as time passes. Worry about nothing, pray for everything, and thank God for His answers. Lord, I ask You to handle my problems with me and care for my needs. |
July 5
Daily Reflections A NEW DIRECTION Our human resources, as marshalled by the will, were not sufficient; they failed utterly. . . Every day is a day when we must carry the vision of God's will into all our activities. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p.45,85 I hear talk of the "weak-willed" alcoholic, but I am one of the strongest-willed people on earth! I now know that my incredible strength of will is not enough to save my life. My problem is not one of "weakness," but rather of direction. When I, without falsely diminishing myself, accept my honest limitations and turn to God's guidance, my worst faults become my greatest assets. My strong will, rightly directed, keeps me working until the promises of the program become my daily reality. ************************************************** ********* Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day Until we came into A.A. most of us had tried desperately to stop drinking. We were filled with the delusion that we could drink like our friends. We tried time and again to take it or leave it, but we could do neither. We always lapsed into ceaseless, unhappy drinking. Families, friends, and employers threw up their hands in hurt bewilderment, in despair, and finally in disgust. We wanted to stop. We realized that every reason for drinking was only a crazy excuse. Have I given up every excuse for drinking? Meditation For The Day Many things can upset you and you can easily get off the track. But remember that God is near you all the time, ready to help you if you call on Him. You cannot forever stand against God's will for you, nor can you, forever upset God's plan for your life, even though Gods plan may be postponed by your willfulness and deliberate choice of evil. A whole world of men and women cannot permanently change God's laws nor His purpose for the universe. The sea of life may look very rough to us, but we can believe that our Captain steers the boat on a straight course. Prayer For The Day I pray that I may try to steer a straight course. I pray that I may accept God's direction in my life's journey. ************************************************** ********* As Bill Sees It "The Only Requirement. . .", p. 186 In Tradition Three, A.A. is really saying to every serious drinker, "You are an A.A. member if you say so. You can declare yourself in; nobody can keep you out. No matter how low you've gone, no matter how grave your emotional complications--even your crimes--we don't want to keep you out. We just want to be sure that you get the same chance for sobriety that we've had." << << << >> >> >> We do not wish to deny anyone his chance to recover from alcoholism. We wish to be just as inclusive as we can, never exclusive. 1. 12 & 12, p. 139 2. Grapevine, August 1946 ************************************************** ********* Walk In Dry Places What brings change? Inventory. In human affairs, vast changes sometimes take place almost spontaneously, bringing on revolutionary upheavals. What brings about such change? These visible changes, for good or bad, occur because people come to accept new ideas. It's easy to see how this works in one person's life, but it works in the same way with socities. The 12 Step movement is a most dramatic form of such change. We've become effective b ecause we have new forms of thinking to replace the old destructive forms that caused so much harm. Our movement will grow and develop only as long as we retain the new ways of thinging that first brought about this change. I'll hold to the idea that my life can only be as good as the thoughts I choose. ************************************************** ********* Keep It Simple If at first you don't succeed, you're running about average.---Ovid Our program speaks of spiritual progress, not perfection. We can take all the time we need. Our bottom line is steady progress. We can ask ourselves, "Am I a little more spiritual than I was a year ago? A month ago?" If the answer is yes, we're doing great. If the answer is no, we should look at why. Our illness pushes us to be prefect. In recovery, we learn that we are free to be what we are---human. Even the world's fastest runners are average in most other areas of their lives.. This is okay. Remember, "spiritual progress, not perfection." Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, I'll not be ashamed of how average I am. I'll remember I'm average---and that's good. Action for the Day: I'll list what is average about me. I'll share this with a friend. Than I'll ask my friend what is special about me. ************************************************** ********* Each Day a New Beginning There are really only two ways to approach life--as victim or as gallant fighter--and you must decide if you want to act or react, deal your own cards or play with a stacked deck. And if you don't decide which way to play with life, it always plays with you. --Merle Shain Being the victim is, or was, uncomfortably familiar to many of us. Perhaps some of us are only now realizing we have choices, that we need not let life happen to us. Becoming responsible to ourselves, choosing behavior, beliefs, friends, activities, that please us, though unfamiliar at first, soon exhilarates us. The more choices we make, the more alive we feel. The more alive we feel, the healthier our choices. Our aim is recovery. Recovering means participating fully in our lives. It means self-assessment and self-direction. It means trusting to move forward, step-by-step, choice-by-choice, knowing all the while that no thoughtful action can trouble us. Many opportunities to make choices will present themselves today. The choices I make will satisfy me; they will move me toward my goal of recovery. ************************************************** ********* Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition Chapter 11 - A Vision For You The less people tolerated us, the more we withdrew from society, from life itself. As we became subjects of King Alcohol, shivering denizens of his mad realm, the chilling vapor that is loneliness settled down. It thickened, ever becoming blacker. Some of us sought out sordid places, hoping to find understanding companionship and approval. Momentarily we did—then would come oblivion and the awful awakening to face the hideous Four Horsemen—Terror, Bewilderment, Frustration, Despair. Unhappy drinkers who read this page will understand. p. 151 ************************************************** ********* Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Step Five - "Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." The second difficulty is this: what comes to us alone may be garbled by our own rationalization and wishful thinking. The benefit of talking to another person is that we can get his direct comment and counsel on our situation, and there can be no doubt in our minds what that advice is. Going it alone in spiritual matters is dangerous. How many times have we heard well-intentioned people claim the guidance of God when it was all too plain that they were sorely mistaken. Lacking both practice and humility, they had deluded themselves and were able to justify the most arrant nonsense on the ground that this was what God had told them. It is worth noting that people of very high spiritual development almost always insist on checking with friends or spiritual advisers the guidance they feel they have received from God. Surely, then, a novice ought not lay himself open to the chance of making foolish, perhaps tragic, blunders in this fashion. While the comment or advice of others may be by no means infallible, it is likely to be far more specific than any direct guidance we may receive while we are still so inexperienced in establishing contact with a Power greater than ourselves. p. 60 ************************************************** ********* God, guide me in making my commitments. Give me the courage to make those that are right for me, the wisdom to not commit to that which does not feel right, and the patience to wait until I know. --Melody Beattie Gratitude is our most direct line to God and the angels. If we take the time, no matter how crazy and troubled we feel, we can find something to be thankful for. The more we seek gratitude, the more reason the angels will give us for gratitude and joy to exist in our lives. --Terry Lynn Taylor Wisdom is using those things that work for you, for as long as they work for you, and letting go of the things that are not working for you. --John-Roger "Allow God to speak through you and smile upon the earth through you, because you are an unconditional giver, a purposeful being." --Dr. Wayne Dyer Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. --Ambrose Bierce *********************************************** Father Leo's Daily Meditation FORGIVENESS "Without forgiveness life is governed by . . . an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation." --Roberto Assagioli So much of what I resent in others springs from my unhappiness with self. I hate in others what I know to be in myself: arrogance, pride, narrow-mindedness, snobbery and dishonesty. Today I am learning that as long as I refuse to forgive others, I am not capable of forgiving myself. Part of my denial is reflected in my attitudes towards others. Those character traits I refuse to forgive in others are buried within myself. I know that without forgiveness there is no freedom -- and I wish to grow in freedom. Today I am learning the difference between forgiveness and acceptance. I can forgive other people without accepting their lifestyle. I can forgive myself and still see the need for change. In my forgiveness is the hope for tomorrow. Master, You taught that without forgiveness, there can be no pure love. Help me grow in the forgiveness of self and others. ************************************************** ********* Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. 1 Peter 1:8-9 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy." 1 Peter 1:14-16 Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God. Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For, "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever." 1 Peter 1:21-25 ************************************************** ********* Daily Inspiration If you want those around you calm, you must be calm. Lord, when life becomes frantic, help me focus on solutions and restore the peace that the events of the moment try to destroy. We are not always what we ought to be or want to be, but through God's love we are not what we would be without Him. Lord, thank you for raising me to heights in this world that alone I could not reach and for giving me eternal life in the next. |
July 6
Daily Reflections IDENTIFYING FEAR . . . . The chief activator of our defects has been self - centered fear. . . . . TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 76 When I feel uncomfortable, irritated, or depressed, I look for fear. This "evil and corroding thread" is the root of my distress: Fear of failure; fear of other's opinions; fear of harm, and many other fears. I have found a Higher Power who does not want me to live in fear and, as a result, the experience of A.A. in my life is freedom and joy. I am no longer willing to live with the multitude of character defects that characterized my life while I was drinking. Step Seven is my vehicle to freedom from these defects. I pray for help in identifying the fear underneath the defect, and then I ask God to relieve me of that fear. This method works for me without fail and is one of the great miracles of my life in Alcoholics Anonymous. ************************************************** ********* Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day We tried to study our alcoholic problem, wondering what was the cause of our strange obsession. Many of us took special treatments, hospitalization, even confinement in institutions. In every case, the relief was only temporary. We tried through crazy excuses to convince ourselves that we knew why we drank, but we went on regardless. Finally drinking had gone far beyond even a habit. We had become alcoholics, men and women who had been destroying themselves against their own will. Am I completely free from my alcoholic obsession? Meditation For The Day "Ask and ye shall receive." Never let yourself think you cannot do something useful or that you never will be able to accomplish a useful task. The fact is that you can do practically anything in the field of human relationships, if you are willing to call on God's supply of strength. The supply may not be immediately available, because you may not be entirely ready to receive it. But it will surely come when you are properly prepared for it. As you grow spiritually, a feeling of being plentifully supplied by God's strength will possess you and you will be able to accomplish many useful things. Prayer For The Day I pray that I may claim God's supply of strength by my faith in Him. I pray that it shall be given to me according to my faith. ************************************************** ********* As Bill Sees It Talk or Action?, p. 187 In making amends, it is seldom wise to approach an individual who still smarts from our injustice to him, and announce that we have gone religious. This might be called leading with the chin. Why lay ourselves open to being branded fanatics or religious bores? If we do this, we may kill a future opportunity to carry a beneficial message. But the man who hears our amends is sure to be impressed with our sincere desire to set right a wrong. He is going to be more interested in a demonstration of good will than in talk of spiritual discoveries. Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 77 ************************************************** ********* Walk In Dry Places Should we Intervene? Recovery The method of conducting interventions is considered an effective way of confronting alcoholics and drug addicts. Interventions are done with the hope that this confrontation will "raise the bottom," and that the addict will face the condition before there's further anguish. However effective interventions may be, they're not part of the 12 Step program. Our work is based on attraction, not the admitted coercion that's part of intervention. If we take part in interventions, this separation should be clearly understood. The person who still suffers should know that the 12 Step program depends on attraction, not any of the other methods that might be available. It's important to make this point clear, because the intervention may fail. Whether it does or not, the individual must not be left with the idea that intervention is a 12 Step activity. At any stage, the fellowship is always available to him or her. I'll probably see lots of people today who need help in facing their addiction. I'll know that their recovery comes in God's good time. ************************************************** ********* Keep It Simple When fate hands us a lemon, let's try to make lemonade.---Dale Carnegie Our illness is one big lemon, but our recovery is lemonade. None of us signed up to be drunks or drugies, but we all signed up for recovery. That's when the happiness began. Yes, there will be pain, but the joy will far outweigh the pain. The sweet joy of recovery becomes our drink---our lemonade. And, do we drink! We have new friends. We love ourselves, our Higher Power, our family, and much more. We are creative when we give joy, love and help to others and to ourselves. If your lemonade isn't sweet enough, add more of your program. Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, it's easy to forget how much You've given me. Thank you for all the joy and love You have given me. Action for the Day: Today, I'll write down what part of recovery I really enjoy. I will then share this list with my group or friend. ************************************************** ********* Each Day a New Beginning Peace, she supposed, was contingent upon a certain disposition of the soul, a disposition to receive the gift that only detachment from self made possible. --Elizabeth Goudge Self-centeredness, egocentrism, and selfishness are familiar to most of us. We have judged our world and all the situations and people in it in terms of how their existence affects our own. We have become tied to him or to her or to a situation just as surely as an anchor to a boat. Most of us learned in very early childhood to read others' behaviors. And we determined our own worth accordingly. As adult women we still struggle, trying to read another's actions, hoping to find acceptance. Which means we are always vulnerable, exposing our "self" to the whims of other, equally vulnerable "selves." What we search for is peace and security. We think if others love and accept us, we'll be at peace. We'll know serenity. A most important lesson for us to learn in this life is that peace is assured when we anchor ourselves to our God. Peace, well-being, serene joy will accompany our every step when we expose our vulnerable selves to God's care and only God's care. We'll no longer need to worry about the self we try to protect. It will be handled with care. Peace awaits me today. I will look to God, and only God, to know that all is well, that I am all that I need to be. ************************************************** ********* Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition Chapter 11 - A Vision For You Now and then a serious drinker, being dry at the moment says, “I don’t miss it at all. Feel better. Work better. Having a better time.” As ex-problem drinkers, we smile at such a sally. We know our friend is like a boy whistling in the dark to keep up his spirits. He fools himself. Inwardly he would give anything to take half a dozen drinks and get away with them. He will presently try the old game again, for he isn’t happy about his sobriety. He cannot picture life without alcohol. Some day he will be unable to imagine life either with alcohol or without it. Then he will know loneliness such as few do. He will be at the jumping-off place. He will wish for the end. pp. 151-152 ************************************************** ********* Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Step Five - "Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." Our next problem will be to discover the person in whom we are to confide. Here we ought to take much care, remembering that prudence is a virtue which carries a high rating. Perhaps we shall need to share with this person facts about ourselves which no others ought to know. We shall want to speak with someone who is experienced, who not only has stayed dry but has been able to surmount other serious difficulties. Difficulties, perhaps, like our own. This person may turn out to be one's sponsor, but not necessarily so. If you have developed a high confidence in him, and his temperament and problems are close to your own, then such a choice will be good. Besides, your sponsor already has the advantage of knowing something about your case. pp. 60-61 ************************************************** ********* Love yourself and all your emotions. Be as honest with yourself as you can be. Say how you really feel. --Melody Beattie "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye." --Antoine de Saint-Exupery Though we travel the world to find the beautiful, we must carry it within us or we will find it not. --Ralph Waldo Emerson God, help me to lower my defenses today, to be open to the good in the people around me and to the good that I have to offer them. --Melody Beattie "Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." --John Wooden *********************************************** Father Leo's Daily Meditation POWER "The measure of man is what he does with power." --Pittacus With my recovery has come a certain success, and with the success comes power. Power comes with the spiritual program, but it must be exercised responsibly. Just as the disease used alcohol to destroy my life, so it can use power to destroy me in sobriety. Power is a doubled-edged sword that has led many back to drinking. Certainly an abuse of power is not consistent with sobriety. Today I am respectful of power because I know it can lead to an inflated ego or an arrogant personality that continues to destroy the quality of life. Today I surround myself with friends who will remind me of my roots. Teach me not to use my White Anglo-Saxon Protestant heritage to belittle or patronize those from minority groups. Teach me to exercise power responsibly. ************************************************** ********* Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:8-13 ************************************************** ********* Daily Inspiration Make few promises and keep the ones you make. Lord, grant me the strength to keep my commitments, especially the ones that I make to myself. Life is what our thinking makes it. Lord, help me visualize myself richly living each day, believing, achieving, and then succeeding. |
July 7
Daily Reflections . . . AND LETTING GO OF IT . . . primarily fear that we would lose something we already possessed or would fail to get something we demanded. Living upon a basis of unsatisfied demands, we were in a state of continual disturbance and frustration. Therefore, no peace was to be had unless we could find a means of reducing these demands. The difference between a demand and a simple request is plain to anyone. 12 & 12, p.76 Peace is possible for me only when I let go of expectations. When I'm trapped in thoughts about what I want and what should be coming to me, I'm in a state of fear or anxious anticipation and this is not conducive to emotional sobriety. I must surrender--over and over--to the reality of my dependence on God, for then I find peace, gratitude and spiritual security. ************************************************** ********* Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day We had become hopelessly sick people; spiritually, emotionally, and physically. The power that controlled us was greater than ourselves--it was John Barleycorn. Many drinkers have said: "I hadn't gone that far; I hadn't lost my job on account of drink; I still had my family; I managed to keep out of jail. True, I took too much sometimes and I guess I managed to make quite an a$$ of myself when I did, but I still thought I could control my drinking. I didn't really believe that I was an alcoholic." If I was one of these, have I fully changed my mind? Meditation For The Day Painful as the present time may be; you will one day see the reason for it. You will see that it was not only testing, but also a preparation for the life-work which you are to do. Have faith that your prayers and aspirations will someday be answered. Answered in a way that perhaps seems painful to you but is the only right way. Selfishness and pride often make us want things that are not good for us. They need to be burned out of our natures. We must be rid of the blocks which are holding us back, before we can expect our prayers to be answered. Prayer For The Day I pray that I may be willing to go through a time of testing. I pray that I may trust God for the outcome. ************************************************** ********* As Bill Sees It To Survive Trials, p. 188 In our belief, any scheme of combating alcoholism which proposes wholly to shield the sick man from temptation is doomed to failure. If the alcoholic tries to shield himself he may succeed for a time, but he usually winds up with a bigger explosion than ever. We have tried these methods. These attempts to do the impossible have always failed. Release from alcohol, and not flight from it, is our answer. << << << >> >> >> "Faith without works is dead." How appallingly true for the alcoholic! For if an alcoholic fails to perfect and enlarge his spiritual life through work and self-sacrifice for others, he cannot survive the certain trials and low spots ahead. If he does not work, he will surely drink again, and if he drinks, he will surely die. Then faith will be dead indeed. Alcoholics Anonymous 1. p. 101 2. pp. 14-15 ************************************************** ********* Walk In Dry Places What should I have said or done? Second thoughts After an intense discussion, we might rehash what we said and wish we'd said something else. Perhaps some brilliant remark occurs to us long after the conversation has ended. We can say only what comes to us at the time of the discussion. Our best preparation for any such discussion.... however important.... is to place the matter in God's hands, seeking the highest good for everyone involved. It may be that the brilliant thoughts coming to us later would have actually been inappropriate. After all, important discussions also involve exchanges of strong feelings that influence the meeting. If our feelings are in line with the high principles of the program, the discussion should go well. In such cases, we will probably say what we're supposed to say. I'll do my best today without trying to second-guess every word or action. ************************************************** ********* Keep It Simple Be brave enough to accept the help of others Often is the past, we acted like we didn't need anyone. It takes courage to let others help us. As we get better, our courage grows. We invite people into our lives. We help others, and we let others help us. We will learn to let others help us if we work our program. Why? Because we need others to stay sober. When we have a problem, we talk about it in our group. When we need a shoulder to cry on, we call a friend or our sponsor. Over time, our relationships become one of the biggest rewards of recovery. Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, help me see my need for others as a test---a test to see if I’ll be brave enough and wise enough to ask for help when I need it. Action for the Day: Today, I'll list four times in my life when I needed help but didn't ask for it. I'll tell a friend about how these times would have been different if I had asked for help. ************************************************** ********* Each Day a New Beginning . . . that is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way. --Doris Lessing As we are changed by our experiences, that which we know also changes. Our experiences foster growth and enlightenment, and all awarenesses give way to new understandings. We are forever students of life blessed with particular lessons designed only for us. There is joy in knowing that learning has no end and that each day offers us a chance to move closer to becoming the persons we are meant to be. To understand something more deeply requires that we be open to the ideas of others, willing to part with our present opinions. The program offers us many opportunities to trade in the understandings we've outgrown. Throughout our recovery we have discovered new interpretations of old ideas. And we will continue to expand our understanding. Every situation, every person, every feeling, every idea has a slightly different hue each time we encounter it. The wonder of this is that life is forever enriched, forever fresh. Each moment offers me a chance to know better who I am and to understand more fully the real contribution that is mine to make in this life. I will let the anticipation of my changing ideas excite me. ************************************************** ********* Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition Chapter 11 - A Vision For You We have shown how we got out from under. You say, “Yes, I’m willing. But am I to be consigned to a life where I shall be stupid, boring and glum, like some righteous people I see? I know I must get along without liquor, but how can I? Have you a sufficient substitute?” p. 152 ************************************************** ********* Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Step Five - "Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." Perhaps, though, your relation to him is such that you would care to reveal only a part of your story. If this is the situation, by all means do so, for you ought to make a beginning as soon as you can. It may turn out, however, that you'll choose someone else for the more difficult and deeper revelations. This individual may be entirely outside of A.A.--for example, your clergyman or your doctor. For some of us, a complete stranger may prove the best bet. p. 61 ************************************************** ********* The way in which we think of ourselves has everything to do with how our world sees us. --Arlene Raven Don't believe everything you think. --unknown "Put love first. Entertain thoughts that give life. And when a thought or resentment, or hurt, or fear comes your way, have another thought that is more powerful -- a thought that is love." --Mary Manin Morrissey "Keep your face to the sunshine of His love and the shadows will fall behind you." --unknown Take a walk with God. He will meet you at the Steps. --unknown It's easier to tear a hole than to mend one. --Russian Proverb Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. --unknown *********************************************** Father Leo's Daily Meditation RELIGION "Doubt isn't the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith." --Paul Tillich That part of me that does not know is vibrant in spirituality. Problems are part of what it is to be human and an element of doubt is essential. With the doubt comes the growth. However, as a younger man I was told that it was a sin to doubt; God demanded a steadfast faith and doubt could have no part of faith! I remember going to confession and feeling guilty and ashamed about my doubts -- but I did doubt and doubt has always played a part in my life. In some ways I think that my religious doubts have been the most creative part of me -- certainly they have enabled me to grow and build a bridge of understanding with others. Master, hear, through the doubts, my love of You. ************************************************** ********* Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret it only causes harm. Psalm 37:7-8 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust. Psalm 81:1-2 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up. James 4:10 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58 Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors. Proverbs 8:34 ************************************************** ********* Daily Inspiration Talking about how busy you are only adds stress to the stress you already feel. Lord, help me complete the tasks of my day and avoid taking on more than I can handle. Rejoice and be happy for others when they are blessed. Lord, bless me with the ability to be free of envy so that I can truly share the joy of my neighbors. |
July 8
Daily Reflections AN EVER-GROWING FREEDOM, p.198 The Seventh Step is where we make the change in our attitude which permits us, with humility as our guide, to move out from ourselves toward others and toward God. 12 & 12, p.76 When I finally asked God to remove those things blocking me from Him and the sunlight of the Spirit, I embarked on a journey more glorious than I ever imagined. I experienced freedom from those characteristics that had me wrapped up in myself. Because of this humbling Step, I feel clean. I am especially aware of this Step because I'm now able to be useful to God and to my fellows. I know that He has granted me strength to do His bidding and has prepared me for anyone, and anything, that comes my way today. I am truly in His hands, and I give thanks for the joy that I can be useful today. ************************************************** ********* Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day We in Alcoholics Anonymous do not enter into theological discussions, but in carrying our message we attempt to explain the simple "how" of the spiritual life. How faith in a Higher Power can help you to overcome loneliness, fear, and anxiety. How it can help you get along with other people. How it can make it possible for you to rise above pain, sorrow, and despondency. How it can help you to overcome your desires for the things that destroy. Have I reached a simple, effective faith? Meditation For The Day Expect miracles of change in people's lives. Do not be held back by unbelief. People can be changed and they are often ready and waiting to be changed. Never believe that human nature cannot be changed. We see changed people everyday. Do you have the faith to make those changes possible? Modern miracles happen every day in the lives of people. All miracles are in the realm of personalities. Human nature can be changed and is always being changed. But we must have enough faith so that we can be channels for God's strength into the lives of others. Prayer For The Day I pray that I may have the faith to expect miracles. I pray that I may be used by God to help change the lives of others. ************************************************** ********* As Bill Sees It Experimenters, p. 189 We agnostics liked A.A. all right, and were quick to say that it had done miracles. But we recoiled from meditation and prayer as obstinately as the scientist who refused to perform a certain experiment lest it prove his pet theory wrong. When we finally did experiment, and unexpected results followed, we felt different; in fact, we knew different; and so we were sold on meditation and prayer. And that, we found, can happen to anybody who tries. It has been well said that "Almost the only scoffers at prayer are those who never tried enough." 12 & 12, p. 97 ************************************************** ********* Walk In Dry Places God’s will for us. Spiritual Guidance. "I was afraid God would want me to do something unpleasant, like go off to become a monk," a young man said at a 12 Step meeting. "That’s why I had a hard time seeking God’s will for me." This sort of comment is heard now and then at meetings. It reveals a belief that God is a harsh taskmaster who delights in imposing difficult conditions on us. The truth is that God’s purpose is to help us be more of what we ought to be, which is always something better than what we’re experiencing now. Few people are ever called to be monks, but those who do are pleased with their choice and devote themselves to it. We must always be interested in finding God’s direction in our lives. It will turn out to be something far better than anything we could have planned. I need not fear God’s direction in my life. It’s actually what I need in order to reach my true place. ************************************************** ********* Keep It Simple Pain can't be avoided. It's as natural as joy. - Unknown We got into a lot of trouble trying to avoid pain. We used alcohol and other drugs to avoid pain. We didn't want to accept pain as a fact of life. We can't avoid pain, but now we have the program. The program teaches us how to talk about our pain. The program teaches how to turn over our pain to our Higher Power. We don't have to be alone when we face pain. We have friends to go to. Before, when we hurt, we ran to alcohol or other drugs. Now, when we hurt, we run to the comfort of our sponsor and our program friends. Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, help me accept pain as part of life. Help me remember that You are always there to help me with my pain. I'm not alone. Today's Action: Today, I'll list three painful events in my life. I'll talk with a friend about them. ************************************************** ********* Each Day a New Beginning Women like to sit down with trouble as if it were knitting. --Ellen Glasgow How often we turn minor challenges into monumental barriers by giving them undue attention, forgetting that within any problem lies its solution! However, the center of our focus must be off the problem's tangle if we are to find the solution's thread. The best remedy for this dilemma is the Serenity Prayer. We cannot change our children, our husbands or partners, not even the best friends who we know love us. But with God's help we can change the attitude that has us blocked at this time. A changed attitude, easing up on ourselves, lessening our expectations of others, will open the door to the kind of relationships we seek, the smooth flowing days we long for. We need not take life so seriously. In fact, we shouldn't take it so seriously. We can measure our emotional health by how heartily we laugh with others and at ourselves. The 24 hours stretching before us at this time promises many choices in attitude. We can worry, be mad, depressed, or frustrated, or we can trust our higher power to see us through whatever the situation. So, we can relax. It is our decision, the one decision over which we are not powerless. I will be in control of my attitude today. I can have the kind of day I long for. ************************************************** ********* Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition Chapter 11 - A Vision For You Yes, there is a substitute and it is vastly more than that. It is a fellowship in Alcoholics Anonymous. There you will find release from care, boredom and worry. Your imagination will be fired. Life will mean something at last. The most satisfactory years of your existence lie ahead. Thus we find the fellowship, and so will you. “How is that to come about?” you ask. “Where am I to find these people?” p. 152 ************************************************** ********* Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Step Five - "Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." The real tests of the situation are your own willingness to confide and your full confidence in the one with whom you share your first accurate self-survey. Even when you've found the person, it frequently takes great resolution to approach him or her. No one ought to say the A.A. program requires no willpower; here is one place you may require all you've got. Happily, though, the chances are that you will be in for a very pleasant surprise. When your mission is carefully explained, and it is seen by the recipient of your confidence how helpful he can really be, the conversation will start easily and will soon become eager. Before long, your listener may well tell a story or two about himself which will place you even more at ease. Provided you hold back nothing, your sense of relief will mount from minute to minute. The dammed-up emotions of years break out of their confinement, and miraculously vanish as soon as they are exposed. As the pain subsides, a healing tranquillity takes its place. And when humility and serenity are so combined, something else of great moment is apt to occur. Many an A.A., once agnostic or atheistic, tells us that it was during this stage of Step Five that he first actually felt the presence of God. And even those who had faith already often become conscious of God as they never were before. pp. 61-62 ************************************************** ********* All time spent angry is time lost being happy. --Mexican Proverb Do what you can, for who you can, with what you have, and where you are. --Anonymous Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can. --John Wesley Most of us are just about as happy as we make up our minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln "One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things." --Henry Miller Superfluous wealth can buy superfluities only. Money is not required to buy one necessity of the soul. --Henry David Thoreau "No one has ever done anything too bad to be forgiven." --Ruth Sheppard *********************************************** Father Leo's Daily Meditation ART "There is no must in art because it is free." --Vasily Kandinsky Now I understand why the religious people of the past persecuted the artist. Now I understand why so many artists moved away from religion and grew beyond it. The artist is always searching for that which is different, that which cannot be contained or codified; that which is free: Spirituality. As a drinking alcoholic I found it necessary to control my life; control my thoughts and behavior; control each and every situation -- and it was depressingly exhausting. Today sobriety enables me to risk that which is new and different. Sobriety allows me to experiment and take risks in God's world. Sobriety is being free. I am discovering more of me in what yesterday's artists wrote and produced. The "musts" of yesterday have been replaced by the shoulds and needs today. I am free to listen and consider the person because he is a person and not simply because of his credentials. Supreme Artist, let me hear You in the whisperings of Your creatures. ************************************************** ********* Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26 You are from God, little children, and have overcome; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4 "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him." John 14:5-7 ************************************************** ********* Daily Inspiration Keep your mind open to the possibility that things can turn out even better than expected. Lord, I trust in You and graciously accept all blessings that You send to me. God gives us power, love and self-discipline, not fear and timidness. Lord, I will not be afraid to proclaim that You are my God. All will see it in my actions. |
July 9
Daily Reflections I AM AN INSTRUMENT Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. 12 & 12, p.70 The subject of humility is a difficult one. Humility is not thinking less of myself than I ought to; it is acknowledging that I do certain things well, it is accepting a compliment graciously. God can only do for me what He can do through me. Humility is the result of knowing that God is the doer, not me. In the light of awareness, how can I take pride in my accomplishments? I am an instrument and any work I seem to be doing is being done by God through me. I ask God on a daily basis to remove my shortcomings, in order that I may more freely go about my A.A. business of "love and service." ************************************************** ********* Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day Disillusionment and spiritual confusion mark our age. Many of us have cast aside old ideas without acquiring new ones. Many men and women are creeping through life on their hands and knees, merely because they refuse to rely on any power but themselves. Many of them feel that they are being brave and independent, but actually they are only courting disaster. Anxiety and the inferiority complex have become the greatest of all modern plagues. In A.A. we have the answer to these ills. Have I ceased to rely on myself only? Meditation For The Day Disillusionment and doubt spoil life. The doubting ones are the disillusioned ones. When you are in doubt, you are on the fence. You are not going anywhere. Doubt poisons all action. "Well. I don't know"--so you don't know anything. You should meet life with a "Yes," an affirmative attitude. There is good in the world and we can follow that good. There is power available to help us to do the right thing; therefore we will accept that power. There are miracles of change in people's lives; therefore we will accept those miracles as evidence of God's power. Prayer For The Day I pray that I will not be paralyzed by doubt. I pray that I may go along on the venture of faith. ************************************************** ********* As Bill Sees It The A.A. Way in the Home*, p. 190 Though an alcoholic does not respond, there is no reason why you should neglect his family. You should continue to be friendly to them, explaining A.A.'s concept of alcoholism and its treatment. If they accept this and also apply our principles to their problems, there is a much better chance that the head of the family will recover. And even though he continues to drink, the family will find life more bearable. ******************************** Unless a new member's family readily expresses a desire to live upon spiritual principles, we think he ought not to urge them. They will change in time. His behavior will usually convince them far more than his words. Alcoholics Anonymous 1. p. 97 2. p. 83 *Today, the initiation of the A.A. way of life in the home is the central purpose of the Al-Anon Family Groups of which there are (as of 1984) over 22,000 throughout the world. These are composed of wives, husbands, and relatives of alcoholics. In restoring families to the good life, Alan's success has been enormous. ************************************************** ********* Walk In Dry Places What is the real cause? Motivations. Bringing her alcoholic husband home from a treatment center, a woman was dismayed when an argument ensued and he left the car in a rage. She blamed herself and their argument when he finally arrived home, DRUNK. Seasoned veterans of alcoholic games will quickly understand that the argument had no part in “causing” the alcoholic to drink. Instead, the argument was something he started as a means of getting away from his wife. He still wanted and needed to drink. In dealing with our compulsive illnesses, we must separate our excuses from what’s really going on. Arguments do not cause alcoholics to drink, but they can be used as convenient devices for getting our way. I must take responsibility for my own behavior. If I have chosen sobriety, no person and no event can cause me to drink. ************************************************** ********* Keep It Simple First say to yourself what you would be: and then do what you have to do. - Eptctetus We often tell ourselves we want to be more peaceful, more in touch with our Higher Power. In other words, we want to become more spiritual. Acting as spiritual people is hard. Tho often, we choose the easy way. We make a nasty comment even if we know it'll only make things worse. We say we have a program for living. Are we living our program? We'll find the answer in our behavior. Sober people act in sober ways. We attend meetings regularly. We study spiritual ideas. We work to bring joy to our lives and the lives of others. Just as we know a good friend by the way he or she behaves, we know a sober person by the way he or she behaves. Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, help me be a person whose words and actions match up. Today's Action: Today I'll take an inventory of my actions to see if they are those of a sober person. ************************************************** ********* Each Day a New Beginning Of course, fortune has its part in human affairs, but conduct is really much more important. --Jeanne Detourbey It's not infrequent that we are faced with a dilemma; what is the best action to take in a certain situation? We can be guided, rightly, in every situation if we but turn inward and let our conscience direct our behavior. We have often heard it said at meetings that when we long for a message from God we will hear it, either through our conscience or in the words of our friends. Thus we can never really be in doubt; our conduct can always be above reproach if we but listen. Right behavior leads to fortunate opportunities for those who look for them. Behavior that we're proud of seems to attract blessings in our lives. One's good fortune is really God-given and in proportion to one's willingness to act well toward others in all situations. Simply, what goes around comes around. Our behavior comes back to us, manyfold. In our encounters with others today, we'll have numerous occasions to decide about the best behavior for the particular circumstance. We must not forget that our behavior elicits the responses we receive. I will invite blessings today. I will also shower blessings on my friends. ************************************************** ********* Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition Chapter 11 - A Vision For You You are going to meet these new friends in your own community. Near you, alcoholics are dying helplessly like people in a sinking ship. If you live in a large place, there are hundreds. High and low, rich and poor, these are future fellows of Alcoholics Anonymous. Among them you will make lifelong friends. You will be bound to them with new and wonderful ties, for you will escape disaster together and you will commence shoulder to shoulder your common journey. Then you will know what it means to give of yourself that others may survive and rediscover life. You will learn the full meaning of “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” pp. 152 - 153 ************************************************** ********* Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Step Five - "Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." This feeling of being at one with God and man, this emerging from isolation through the open and honest sharing of our terrible burden of guilt, brings us to a resting place where we may prepare ourselves for the following Steps toward a full and meaningful sobriety. p. 62 ************************************************** ********* During the time of the darkest night, act as if the morning has already come. --The Talmud The spiritual journey involves going beyond hope and fear, stepping into unknown territory, continually moving forward. The most important aspect of being on the spiritual path may be just to keep moving. --Pema Chodron God is my life, I express health, God is my supply, I express abundance, God is trust, I express faith. --SweetyZee No one gives me worry, nothing causes me fear, I release them, and trust Gods outcomes. --SweetyZee I am steadfast in my loyalty to God and truth. --SweetyZee *********************************************** Father Leo's Daily Meditation PESSIMISM "There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist." --Mark Twain I meet so many young people who have "aged" because of their drug addiction. They have lost that "spark" of youth that is both creative and hopeful. They reveal in their eyes a "powerlessness" that keeps them prisoners of lethargy. They don't want to do anything. They mumble rather than speak. They walk with no purpose: young zombies! Addiction breeds pessimism. Recovery is realizing that life need not be like this. True joy and happiness comes with the experience of self, rather than the confused experiences of chemicals. Reality is facing the pain and problems in order to rediscover the dynamic spirituality of a drug-free life. The "yes" to life begins with the "no" to drugs. Happiness and confidence are discovered in the "yes" to life. Let me see beyond the gloom to the promised sunrise of tomorrow. ************************************************** ********* "You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13 "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16 "Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Acts 2:38 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. I John 1:9 ************************************************** ********* Daily Inspiration We often don't realize how heavy the weight of worry is and how much energy it requires until we are able to let go of it. Lord, I place my trust in You to clear my thinking, help me resolve my concerns and bring me to a place of peace. Keep yourself young in spirit always by thinking new thoughts and getting rid of old habits. Lord, may my spirit never become frail and my abilities never become barren. |
July 10
Daily Reflections TOWARD PEACE AND SERENITY . . . when we have taken a square look at some of these defects, have discussed them with another, and have become willing to have them removed, our thinking about humility commences to have a wider meaning. 12 & 12, p.74 When situations arise which destroy my serenity, pain often motivates me to ask God for clarity in seeing my part in the situation. Admitting my powerlessness, I humbly pray for acceptance. I try to see how my character defects contribute to the situation. Could I have been more patient? Was I intolerant? Did I insist on having my own way? Was I afraid? As my defects are revealed, I put self-reliance aside and humbly ask God to remove my shortcomings. The situation may not change, but as I practice exercising humility, I enjoy the peace and serenity which are the natural benefits of placing my reliance in a power greater than myself. ************************************************** ********* Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day We in Alcoholics Anonymous do not enter into theological discussions, but in carrying our message we attempt to explain the simple "how" of the spiritual life. How faith in a Higher Power can help you to overcome loneliness, fear, and anxiety. How it can help you get along with other people. How it can make it possible for you to rise above pain, sorrow, and despondency. How it can help you to overcome your desires for the things that destroy. Have I reached a simple, effective faith? Meditation For The Day Expect miracles of change in people's lives. Do not be held back by unbelief. People can be changed and they are often ready and waiting to be changed. Never believe that human nature cannot be changed. We see changed people everyday. Do you have the faith to make those changes possible? Modern miracles happen every day in the lives of people. All miracles are in the realm of personalities. Human nature can be changed and is always being changed. But we must have enough faith so that we can be channels for God's strength into the lives of others. Prayer For The Day I pray that I may have the faith to expect miracles. I pray that I may be used by God to help change the lives of others. ************************************************** ********* As Bill Sees It The Beginning of Humility, p. 191 "There are few absolutes inherent in the Twelve Steps. Most Steps are open to interpretation, based on the experience and outlook of the individual. "Consequently, the individual is free to start the Steps at whatever point he can, or will. God, as we understand Him, may be defined as a 'Power greater . . .' or the Higher Power. For thousands of members, the A.A. group itself has been a 'Higher Power' in the beginning. This acknowledgment is easy to make if a newcomer knows that most of the members are sober and he isn't. "His admission is the beginning of humility--at least the newcomer is willing to disclaim that he himself is God. That's all the start he needs. If, following this achievement, he will relax and practice as many of the Steps as he can, he is sure to grow spiritually." Letter, 1966 ************************************************** ********* Walk In Dry Places Foolish Risks Maintaining the New Way There are only a few practices that really must be considered unacceptable for recovering people. AA even concedes, for example, that there's nothing wrong with having lunch with a friend in a far if one's house is in order. Under no circumstances, however, should recovering people do anything that puts their sobriety at risk. The stakes are TOO HIGH. Recovery is to precious. The new life is to important. What practices might come under the heading of risky? A dangerous one, common among young and old alcoholics alike, is returning to the old crowd that's still drinking and drugging. It's risky to associate with our former drinking lifestyles, and we'll recognize this if we're working our program. Part of the honesty I'll practice today is knowing my own motives for everything I do. ************************************************** ********* Keep It Simple Everybody knows that when they're happy, than usually the people around them are happy.---George Harrison Do we think we can't be happy until others are happy? Then nobody is happy. Our unhappy friends won't take our advice. They say,” Why should I do what you say? You are not happy either." And we answer, "I'll be okay when you're happy." We make them responsible for our happiness. What a mess! We can only make one person happy---ourselves. How? By living as our Higher Power leads us. By working the Steps. By being grateful for the good things in our lives. By loving ourselves and others, just as we are. And maybe when we're happy, our friends will learn from us. They can be happy too. But only our friends can make themselves happy. Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, as I do my part in Your plan today, help me feel connected to You and to life. Today's Action: Today I'll enjoy my happiness. I'll look for three ways to share it with others. ************************************************** ********* Each Day a New Beginning No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. --Eleanor Roosevelt We are competent women. We made a wise choice for ourselves when we decided to recover. Each day that we continue working this program our Spirits are strengthened. And our gifts will multiply. Feeling inferior can become a habit. Being passive and feeling inferior go hand-in-hand, and they prepare us for becoming dependent on alcohol, pills, food, and people. We didn't understand, instinctively, that we are just who we're meant to be. We grew up believing we were not smart enough, not pretty enough, not capable enough. We grew up too distant from the source of our real strength. How wonderful for us that we found the program! How lucky we are to have, for the taking, all the strength we'll ever need to face any situation, to handle any problem, to resolve any personal relationship conflict. Feeling inferior can be only a bad memory. The choice is ours. The program promises a better life. The Steps promise the strength to move forward. Our friends promise us outstretched hands. I will look forward to the challenges of today with hope and strength and know that I am able to meet them. ************************************************** ********* Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition Chapter 11 - A Vision For You It may seem incredible that these men are to become happy, respected, and useful once more. How can they rise out of such misery, bad repute and hopelessness? The practical answer is that since these things have happened among us, they can happen with you. Should you wish them above all else, and be willing to make use of our experience, we are sure they will come. The age of miracles is till with us. Our own recovery proves that! p. 153 ************************************************** ********* Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Step Six - "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character." "This is the Step that separates the men from the boys." So declares a well-loved clergyman who happens to be one of A.A.'s greatest friends. He goes on to explain that any person capable of enough willingness and honesty to try repeatedly Step Six on all his faults--without any reservations whatever--has indeed come a long way spiritually, and is therefore entitled to be called a man who is sincerely trying to grow in the image and likeness of his own Creator. p. 63 ************************************************** ********* Today, God, help me be open to the joy and good feelings available to me. --Melody Beattie This I know... There is nothing, absolutely nothing, no circumstance, no trouble, no test, that can ever touch me, until first it comes past God. If it has come that far, it has great purpose. I may not understand at the moment, but as I refuse to panic, as I lift my eyes to Him and accept it as coming from God, as a blessing for my heart, no sorrow will disturb me, no trial will disarm me, no problem will cause me to fret, and absolutely nothing will make me drink. For I shall rest in the knowing and joy of my Higher Power. --unknown Today I am learning to be gentle with myself. Today I can look in the mirror and smile and know that I am okay just as I am. I am treating myself softly today. --Ruth Fishel Progress always involves risk; you can't steal second base and keep your foot on first. --Frederick Wilcox It takes time for nature to change things into what they're becoming. It takes time for things to develop. Be patient with yourself and life. Trust the process of growth. --Melody Beattie I open my heart to the love that is God in greater measure than ever before. I expand my capacity to give and receive love, to serve and be served, to seek and trust the guidance revealed in my heart. --Linda Watson Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. --Dale Carnegie *********************************************** Father Leo's Daily Meditation THOUGHT "Thought makes the whole dignity of man; therefore endeavor to think well, that is the only morality." -- Blaise Pascal I think that human beings are very imitative creatures; we imitate clothes, hair styles, mannerisms and lifestyles. A man's mind will be influenced by what he listens to and what he reads. And what we think is very important to sobriety. Today I make an effort to examine my thinking and check it out with a sponsor or in a support group. I know that my dignity in sobriety is connected not only with what I do but also with my attitudes and thoughts --- when my thinking begins to go crazy, I know I am in a dangerous place and I need to talk. God created me with the ability to think, therefore, I need to safeguard the information I put in my mind. Let me learn to develop morality of mind. ************************************************** ********* "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9 "I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand." John 10: 28-29 "On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink." John 7:37 ************************************************** ********* Daily Inspiration Set aside your concerns while you spend a little time in prayer and allow God to be the one who comforts you. Lord, I accept the gift of Your love because it makes me feel safe and secure. Rejoice. This is the day the Lord has made. Lord, my days pass so quickly. May I have a generous heart and the time to see the needs of those around me. |
July 11
Daily Reflections A TURNING POINT, p.301 A great turning point in our lives came when we sought for humility as something we really wanted, rather than as something we must have. 12 & 12, p.75 Either the A.A. way of life becomes one of joy or I return to the darkness and despair of alcoholism. Joy comes to me when my attitude concerning God and humility turns to one of desire rather than of burden. The darkness in my life changes to radiant light when I arrive at the realization that being truthful and honest in dealing with my inventory results in my life being filled with serenity, freedom, and joy. Trust in my Higher Power deepens, and the flush of gratitude spreads through my being. I am convinced that being humble is being truthful and honest in dealing with myself and God. It is then that humility is something I "really want," rather being "something I must have." ************************************************** ********* Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day We in Alcoholics Anonymous do not try to chart the path for the human soul or try to lay out a blueprint of the working of faith, as one might plan a charity drive. We do tell the newcomer that we have renewed our faith in a Higher Power. In the telling, our faith is further renewed. We believe that faith is always close at hand, waiting for those who will listen to the heartbeat of the spirit. We believe there is a force for good in the universe and that if we link up with this force, we are carried onward to a new life. Am I in this stream of goodness? Meditation For The Day God will protect you from the forces of evil, if you will rely on Him. You can face all things through the power of God which strengthens you. Once God has set on you His stamp and seal of ownership, all His strength will serve and protect you. Remember that you are a child of the Father. Realize that the Father's help is always ready and available to all His children, so that they can face anything. God will do all that is necessary for your spiritual well-being, if you will let Him live His way. Prayer For The Day I pray that I may rely on God as I go through this day. I pray that I may feel deeply secure, no matter what happens to me. ************************************************** ********* As Bill Sees It Carrying the Message, p. 192 The wonderful energy the Twelfth Step releases, by which it carries our message to the next suffering alcoholic and finally translates the Twelve Steps into action upon all our affairs, is the payoff, the magnificent reality of A.A. ******************************** Never talk down to an alcoholic from any moral or spiritual hilltop; simply lay out the kit of spiritual tools for his inspection. Show him how they worked with you. Offer him friendship and fellowship. 1. 12 & 12, p. 109 2. Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 95 ************************************************** ********* Walk In Dry Places The rewards of Truth Seeking the Truth The punishment of the liar is that he cannot believe anyone else, wrote one shrewd philosopher. This is another way of saying that we reap what we sow, or that we tend to judge others by our own actions. But when we decide to be completely truthful, we are not immediately given the ability to discern whether others are lying or not. It's more important for us to realize that others lies don't have the power to hurt us permanently if we persevere in the program. Some people would argue with this, pointing to lies that have hurt innocent people in the past. But having no way of knowing all the facts of these cases, we cannot be the judge. In our own experiences, we'll find that God alone is the source of all truth and will give us the protection and care we need if we seek truthfulness in everything we do. Any fear of being victimized by living, we'll learn, will melt away as we follow this conviction. I'll be as discreet as possible today, but I'll also be truthful. I'll find that this alone will lessen any fear of being victimized by a liar. ************************************************** ********* Keep It Simple If you would be loved, love and be lovable.---Benjamin Franklin We all want to be loved. and no matter how much we're loved, we always want more. How can we be lovable? What does the mean? Should we try to be perfect? Should we act cute and helpless? No, being lovable means that we act ourselves. We let others get to know us. When others love us, we enjoy it. We tell them. We let them know that their love isn't wasted on us, that it's important to us. We are lovable, and we are loved! Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, help me accept the love of others today. Help me be lovable. Action for the Day: Today, I'll list all the little things others do that show that they care for me. ************************************************** ********* Each Day a New Beginning I have listened to the realm of the Spirit. I have heard my own soul's voice, and I have remembered that love is the complete and unifying thread of existence. --Mary Casey The act of loving someone else brings us together, closes whatever the gap between us. It draws us into the world of another, making richer the world we call our own. Love is the great equalizer. We no longer wish to conquer or dominate those whom we love. And our love for one increases our capacity for loving others. Love heals another, and love heals ourselves, both giving it and receiving it. Love from another acknowledges our existence, assuring us that we do count, that someone else values our presence. It is human to need these reminders, these assurances. But our need for them is lessened each time we acknowledge another person in our midst. Where love is absent, people, even in a crowd, feel alone, forgotten, and unimportant. No doubt we can each recall times of quiet desperation moments of alienation. We must reach out to someone and send thoughts of love to someone who may need to be remembered. Our loving thoughts for persons close and far away always reach their destination. They do unify us. Love is powerful. It can change the complexion of the universe. It will change the direction of my life. ************************************************** ********* Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition Chapter 11 - A Vision For You Our hope is that when this chip of a book is launched on the world tide of alcoholism, defeated drinkers will seize upon it, to follow its suggestions. Many, we are sure, will rise to their feet and march on. They will approach still other sick ones and fellowships of Alcoholics Anonymous may spring up in each city and hamlet, havens for those who must find a way out. p. 153 ************************************************** ********* Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Step Six - "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character." Of course, the often disputed question of whether God can--and will, under certain conditions--remove defects of character will be answered with a prompt affirmative by almost any A.A. member. To him, this proposition will be no theory at all; it will be just about the largest fact in his life. He will usually offer his proof in a statement like this: "Sure, I was beaten, absolutely licked. My own willpower just wouldn't work on alcohol. Change of scene, the best efforts of family, friends, doctors, and clergymen got no place with my alcoholism. I simply couldn't stop drinking, and no human being could seem to do the job for me. But when I became willing to clean house and then asked a Higher Power, God as I understood Him, to give me release, my obsession to drink vanished. It was lifted right out of me." p. 63 ************************************************** ********* There are no burdens when everybody lifts. --unknown When someone is impatient and says, "I haven't got all day" I always wonder, how can that be? How can you not have all day? --unknown Learn to say kind words, nobody resents them. --unknown Is not life a hundred times too short for us to bore ourselves? --Friedrich Nietzsche First mend yourself, and then mend others. --Jewish Proverb Always look at your moccasin tracks first before you speak of another's faults. --Native American Proverb *********************************************** Father Leo's Daily Meditation CHANGE "The foolish and the dead never change their opinion." --James Russell Lowell Part of my understanding of spirituality is that I will change. I will change my mind, my attitude and my opinion. My understanding of sobriety is that I will grow, grow in an understanding of myself, grow in an understanding of God's will for me, and grow in an understanding of other people. Today I am not afraid to change my thinking about life. During my years as an addict I was fixed and rigid about everything. I saw it as weakness to change my mind and opinions. Now I understand that I was afraid of change, afraid not to have an answer, afraid not to be seen as being "in charge". In treatment I learned how to understand spirituality as reality; seeing things as they are, rather than how I wanted them to be. I began to accept that life is about change and that truth is a process that we evolve towards. In my journey towards You may I have the willingness to change. ************************************************** ********* "Apply your heart to instruction, And your ears to words of knowledge." Proverbs 23:12 "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10:10 "As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us." Psalm 103:12 "Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 1:13 "as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct." 1 Peter 1:14-15 ************************************************** ********* Daily Inspiration The presence of God in us puts a joy in our soul that is beyond our ability to explain. Lord, when I open my self to this joy, I am renewed and peaceful. Let today's difficulties make you better not bitter. Lord, guide me, protect me and work through me. |
July 12
Daily Reflections GIVING UP CENTER STAGE, p.202 For without some degree of humility, no alcoholic can stay sober at all. . . Without it, they cannot live to much useful purpose, or, in adversity, be able to summon the faith that can meet any emergency. 12 & 12, p.70 Why do I balk at the word "humility"? I am not humbling myself toward other people, but toward God, as I understand Him. Humbly means "to show submissive," and by being humble I realize I am not the center of the universe. When I was drinking, I was consumed by pride and self-centeredness. I felt the entire world revolved around me, that I was master of my destiny. Humility enables me to depend more on God to help me overcome obstacles, to help me with my own imperfections, so that I may grow spiritually. I must solve more difficult problems to increase my proficiency and, as I encounter life's stumbling blocks, I must learn to overcome them through God's help. Daily communion with God demonstrates my humility and provides me with the realization that an entity more powerful than I is willing to help me if I cease trying to play God myself. ************************************************** ********* Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day Today is ours. Let us live today as we believe God wants us to live. Each day will have a new pattern which we cannot foresee. But we can open each day with a quiet period in which we say a little prayer, asking God to help us through the day. Personal contact with God, as we understand Him, will from day to day bring us nearer to an understanding of His will for us. At the close of the day, we offer Him thanks for another day of sobriety. A full, constructive day has been lived and we are grateful. Am I asking God each day for strength and thanking Him each night? Meditation For The Day If you believe that God's grace has saved you, then you must believe that He is meaning to save you yet more and keep you in the way that you should go. Even human rescuers would not save you from drowning only to place you in other deep and dangerous waters. Rather, they would place you on dry land, there to restore you. God, who is your rescuer, would certainly do this and even more. God will complete the task He sets out to do. He will not throw you overboard, if you are depending on Him. Prayer For The Day I pray that I may trust God to keep me in the way. I pray that I may rely on Him not to let me go. ************************************************** ********* As Bill Sees It The Spiritual Alibi, p. 193 Our first attempts at inventories are apt to prove very unrealistic. I used to be a champ at unrealistic self-appraisal. On certain occasions, I wanted to look only at the part of my life which seemed good. Then I would greatly exaggerate whatever virtues I supposed I had attained. Next I would congratulate myself on the grand job I was doing in A.A. Naturally this generated a terrible hankering for still more "accomplishments," and still more approval. I was falling straight back into the pattern of my drinking days. Here were the same old goals--power, fame, and applause. Besides, I had the best alibi known--the spiritual alibi. The fact that I really did have a spiritual objective made this utter nonsense seem perfectly right. Grapevine, June 1961 ************************************************** ********* Walk In Dry Places Pats on the back Self-esteem Recovery from a compulsive illness such as alcohoism often brings "pats on the back." This praise is a welcome change from the criticism our problems once raised. We should accept such pats on the back graciously, but without taking the personal credit this sort of praise implies. We can become addicted to praise seeking, and we may even invite it as a way of building up self-esteem. Moreover, much of our challenge is still ahead of us. The real victory may be in learning how to live after we've established our initial freedom. We learn that all human beings must face issues such as boredom and pain, which we tried to avoid with our drinking. We may get few pats on the back for our success in this everyday living, but our healthier lifestyle is reward enough. If I receive praise today, I'll acknowledge it graciously, knowing that such praise is not necessary for my well-being. ************************************************** ********* Keep It Simple Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has changed.---Irene Peter Our life changed a lot when we stopped drinking and using other drugs. But this is only a start. We need to go further. Our old attitudes can kill us, even if we aren't drinking or drugging any more. This is called a "dry drunk." If we're on a dry drunk, we've changed the way we act without changing the way we think. Our program shows us how to change the way we think. And we change how we treat ourselves and others. We learn to live a new life based on love and care. Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, help me guard against my old attitudes. Help me keep changing. Action for the Day: I'll list four ways I've changed because I'm sober. I'll list four ways I haven't changed yet. ************************************************** ********* Each Day a New Beginning ... those interested in perpetuating present conditions are always in tears about the marvelous past that is about to disappear, without having so much as a smile for the young future. --Simone de Beauvoir Hanging on to any moment, once it's gone, deadens us to the joys and lessons of the present. We must learn to let go, to let go of persons, painful situations, and even meaningful experiences. Life goes on, and the most fruitful lesson before us is to move with the vibrations, be in tune with them. Being open to the present is our only chance for growth. These experiences today in our lives beckon us forward along the path meant for us. We are not guaranteed only joy today. But we are promised security. We may not be free of twinges of fear or confusion, but we can learn to trust even in the midst of adversity. We can remember that power greater than ourselves whenever and wherever our steps are uncertain. Dwelling, as we are wont to do, on our rebuffs, our rejections, invites further criticism. But neither should we dwell on past joys. Attention to now and to the persons here, now, is the only rightful response to life. Not being here, now, invites others to turn away, just as we have turned away. I will celebrate the thrill of the present, squeeze the moments of today, and trust the outcome to God. ************************************************** ********* Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition Chapter 11 - A Vision For You In the chapter “Working With Others” you gathered an idea of how we approach and aid others to health. Suppose now that through you several families have adopted this way of life. You will want to know more of how to proceed from that point. Perhaps the best way of treating you to a glimpse of your future will be to describe the growth or the fellowship among us. Here is a brief account: Years ago, in 1935, one of our number made a journey to a certain western city. From a business standpoint, his trip came off badly. Had he been successful in his enterprise, he would have been set on his feet financially which, at the time, seemed vitally important. But his venture would up in a law suit and bogged down completely. The proceeding was shot through with much hard feeling and controversy. pp. 153-154 ************************************************** ********* Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Step Six - "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character." In A.A. meetings all over the world, statements just like this are heard daily. It is plain for everybody to see that each sober A.A. member has been granted a release from this very obstinate and potentially fatal obsession. So in a very complete and literal way, all A.A.'s have "become entirely ready" to have God remove the mania for alcohol from their lives. And God has proceeded to do exactly that. p. 64 ************************************************** ********* "It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness." --Seneca "If one asks for success and prepares for failure, he will get the situation he has prepared for." --Florence Shinn Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed. --American Proverb Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof. --Kahil Gibran "When we surrender to God, we let go of our attachment to how things happen on the outside, and we become more concerned with what happens on the inside." --Marianne Williamson Change your thoughts and you change your world. --Vincent Norman Peale ************************************************** ********* Father Leo's Daily Meditation VIOLENCE "Violence is counter-productive and produces changes of a sort you don't want. It is a very dangerous instrument and can destroy those who wield it." --John Gardner I believed I wasn't violent when I drank but that is not true; I wasn't physically violent but I used emotional and mental violence. I did not hit, fight or mutilate people with my hands, but I could tear a person apart with my tongue. My sarcasm and criticism made people cry, feel demoralized and useless. Violence always removes the "dignity" from man -- and I did this with my mouth! Today I try to practice tolerance and patience, I count to ten, and when I do lose my temper and hurt a person unfairly or unnecessarily, I apologize. In my sobriety the anger, hate and need to hurt is slowly going. I am progressively getting better a day at a time. Teacher, let me offer the hand of peace, not the fist of violence. ************************************************** ********* "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God." Ephesians 2:8 Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith. 1 Corinthians 16:13 "Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up..." Luke 18:1 "Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit." Ephesians 5:18 "My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word." Psalm 119:28 "Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word." Psalm 119:37 ************************************************** ********* Daily Inspiration Turn to God's love when you become doubtful or discouraged. Lord, Your love for me is so great that with this knowledge I am able to face my biggest challenges without stress. Never forget that home is Heaven and life on earth is only temporary. Lord, may I live with deep awareness of my spiritual nature and live a life of truth. |
July 13
Daily Reflections HUMILITY IS A GIFT, p.203 As long as we placed self-reliance first, a genuine reliance upon a Higher Power was out of the question. That basic ingredient of all humility, a desire to seek and do God's will, was missing. 12 & 12, p.72 When I first came to A.A., I wanted to find some of the elusive quality called humility. I didn't realize I was looking for humility because I thought it would help me get what I wanted, and I would do anything for others if I thought God would somehow reward me for it. I try to remember now that the people I meet in the course of my day are as close to God as I am ever going to get while on this earth. I need to pray for knowledge of God's will today, and see how my experience with hope and pain can help other people; if I can do that, I don't need to search for humility, it has found me. ************************************************** ********* Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day Before alcoholics come into A.A., they are "flying blind." But A.A. gives them a directed beam in the A.A. program. As long as they keep on this beam, the signal of sobriety keeps coming through. If they have a slip, the signal is broken. If they swing off course into drunkenness, the signal stops. Unless they regain the A.A. directed beam, they are in danger of crashing against the mountain peak of despair. Am I on the beam? Meditation For The Day Be expectant. Constantly expect better things. Believe that what God has in store for you is better than anything you ever had before. The way to grow old happily is to expect better things right up to the end of your life and even beyond that. A good life is a growing expanding life, with ever-widening horizons, an ever-greater circle of friends and acquaintances, and an ever-greater opportunity for usefulness. Prayer For The Day I pray that I may await with complete faith for the next good thing in store for me. I pray that I may always keep an expectant attitude toward life. ************************************************** ********* As Bill Sees It The Obsession and the Answer, p. 194 The idea that somehow, some day, he will control and enjoy his drinking is the great obsession of every abnormal drinker. The persistence of this illusion is astonishing. Many pursue it into the gates of insanity or death. ******************************** Alcoholism, not cancer was my illness, but what was the difference? Was not alcoholism also a consumer of body and mind? Alcoholism took longer to do its killing, but the result was the same. So, I decided, if there was a great Physician who could cure alcoholic sickness, I had better seek Him at once. 1. Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 30 2. A.A. Comes Of Age, p. 61 ************************************************** ********* Walk In Dry Places Solving Problems is the Proof Spiritual Guidance. Although we try, it's almost impossible for us to use logic to prove the existence (for nonexistence) of God. Our best proof of God's activity in our lives has to come from personal experience. That's the message of the 12 Step movement: God has done for us what we could not do for ourselves. We cannot be responsible for setting simmering religious and doctrinal issues that have been around for centuries. We can find our own help by following the example of others in the 12 Step program. When spiritual guidance brings answers and solutions, we don't have to defend or justify our belief in our Higher Power. What better proof do we need than evidence that the program does work? I'll follow my Higher Power today and then let the results speak for themselves. ************************************************** ********* Keep It Simple A brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother. ---Benjamin Franklin Many of us come from families that aren't very healthy for us. Many families have lots of love but aren't able to show it. Maybe our parents argued or drank to much. When we share our recovery with them, they may not seem happy with us. They may be doing the best they can, but they don't understand our new way of life. We can have the love we wanted, but it might not come from our family. We can choose healthy friends to be our new "family." Some friends may seem like the sister or brother we always wanted. A sponsor can give us advice we never got from our parents. We can have a full, healthy "family life" after all. Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, help me choose good friend who will help me to be the best that I can be. Action for the Day: The best way to have a friend is to be a friend. What will I do today to be a friend. ************************************************** ********* Each Day a New Beginning The trouble is not that we are never happy--it is that happiness is so episodical. --Ruth Benedict Happiness is our birthright. The decision to be happy is ours to make, every day, when confronted with any experience. Too many of us grew up believing that life needed to be a certain way for us to be happy. We looked for the right lover, the right job, and the right dress. We looked outside of ourselves for the key to happiness. In time, we even looked to alcohol, drugs, and food perhaps--to no avail. Happiness lies within. We must encourage it to spring forth. But first we need to believe that happiness is fully within our power. We must trust that the most difficult circumstances won't keep it from us when we have learned to tap the source within. Life is a gift we are granted moment-by-moment. Let us be in awe of the wonder of it, and then revel in it. We can marvel at creation for a moment and realize how special we are to be participants. Happiness will overcome us if we let it. We can best show our gratitude for the wonder of this gift by smiling within and without. That I am here is a wonderful mystery to which joy is the natural response. It is no accident that I am here. ************************************************** ********* Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition Chapter 11 - A Vision For You Bitterly discouraged, he found himself in a strange place, discredited and almost broke. Still physically weak, and sober but a few months, he saw that his predicament was dangerous. He wanted so much to talk with someone, but whom? One dismal afternoon he paced a hotel lobby wondering how his bill was to be paid. At the end of the room stood a glass covered directory of local churches. Down the lobby a door opened into an attractive bar. He could see the gay crowd inside. In there he would find companionship and release. Unless he took some drinks, he might not have the courage to scrape an acquaintance and would have a lonely week-end. Of course he couldn’t drink, but why not sit hopefully at a table, a bottle of ginger ale before him? After all, had he not been sober six months now? Perhaps he could handle, say, three drinks—no more! Fear gripped him. He was on thin ice. Again it was the old, insidious insanity—that first drink. With a shiver, he turned away and walked down the lobby to the church directory. Music and gay chatter still floated to him from the bar. p. 154 ************************************************** ********* Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Step Six - "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character." Having been granted a perfect release from alcoholism, why then shouldn't we be able to achieve by the same means a perfect release from every other difficulty or defect? This is a riddle of our existence, the full answer to which may be only in the mind of God. Nevertheless, at least a part of the answer to it is apparent to us. p. 64 ************************************************** ********* The chains of alcohol were to soft to feel till they were to hard to break. --heard at a meeting Pay attention to the little things. Sometimes the greatest rewards are behind something small. --unknown The actions and comments of others can only "get to you" if YOU allow them to. --unknown Love is caring for another human being and allowing them to be who they are and make their own choices without any demand that they meet yours. --Vickie Dishner Love is like a brilliantly glowing candle. If you step into its presence and ignite your own candle from the flame, there is not less light, but more. We are not meant to hoard light, but to shine and share it by becoming love in action. --Mary Manin Morrissey Newcomer or long-timer, we are all the same in our need for each other. *********************************************** Father Leo's Daily Meditation DIGNITY "To behave with dignity is nothing less than to allow others freely to be themselves." --Sol Chaneles I believe that ultimately I can only be responsible for me. It is impossible for me to live another person's life. It is disrespectful to assume the role of decision-maker for another adult human being. People must have the freedom to grow and be themselves. Dignity is affording people this freedom. Today I can see how I continued to keep members of my family sick by taking on a responsibility that was not mine. I can see how I was not giving dignity to my family; I was unintentionally withholding dignity from those I loved. People, especially family members, must be given the freedom to express their hurts. They have a responsibility to deal with their pain -- because it is theirs! I pray that I may give to others the dignity I desire in my own life. ************************************************** ********* For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:10 I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High. Psalm 7:17 Freely you have received, freely give. Matthew 10:8 ************************************************** ********* Daily Inspiration Today is for living and giving because God's presence is in each of us always. Lord, may I truly live a full life because I am aware that You are unceasingly blessing me. To have a great day isn't always doing what you like, but trying to like what you must do. Lord, today I will spruce up my attitude and have a great day no matter what my circumstances. |
July 14
Daily Reflections A NOURISHING INGREDIENT, p.204 Where humility had formerly stood for a forced feeding on humble pie it now begins to mean the nourishing ingredient which can give us serenity. 12 & 12, p.74 How often do I focus on my problems and frustrations? When I am having a "good day" these same problems shrink in importance and my preoccupation with them dwindles. Wouldn't it be better if I could find a key to unlock the "magic" of my "good days" for use on the woes of my "bad days?" I already have the solution! Instead of trying to run away from my pain and wish my problems away, I can pray for humility! Humility will heal the pain. Humility will take me out of myself. Humility, that strength granted me by that "power greater than myself," is mine for the asking! Humility will bring balance back into my life. Humility will allow me to accept my humanness joyously. ************************************************** ********* Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day One of the best things about the A.A. program is the peace of mind and serenity that it can bring us. In our drinking days, we had no peace of mind or serenity. We had the exact opposite, a kind of turmoil and that "quiet desperation" we knew so well. The turmoil of our drinking days was caused partly by our physical suffering, the terrible hangovers, the cold sweats, the shakes and the jitters. But it was caused even more by our mental suffering, the loneliness, the feeling of inferiority, the lying, the remorse that every alcoholic understands. Have I achieved more peace of mind? Meditation For The Day Try to look for God's leading in all your personal relationships, in all your dealings with other persons. God will help you to take care of all your relationships with people, if you are willing to let Him guide you. Rejoice that God can protect you and keep you from temptation and failure. God can protect you in all situations during the day, if you will rely on His strength and go forward. You should feel that you are entering upon the stage of success in the proper way of living. You should not doubt that better things are ahead for you. Go forward unafraid because you feel deeply safe under God's protection. Prayer For The Day I pray that God may protect and keep me as long as I try to serve Him. I pray that I may go forward today unafraid. ************************************************** ********* As Bill Sees It The Language of the Heart, p. 195 Why, at this particular point in history, has God chosen to communicate His healing grace to so many of us? Every aspect of this global unfoldment can be related to a single crucial word. The word is "communication." There has been a lifesaving communication among ourselves, with the world around us, and with God. >From the beginning, communication in A.A. has been no ordinary transmission of helpful ideas and attitudes. Because of our kinship in suffering, and because our common means of deliverance are effective for ourselves only when constantly carried to others, our channels of contact have always been charged with the language of the heart. A.A. Today, pp. 7-8 ************************************************** ********* Walk In Dry Places Self-esteem in responsible work self-confidence. "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might," goes an ancient saying. However long ago this was said, it applies to our work here and now. Part of recovery lies in doing useful and satisfying work. We can't wait until the "perfect" job appears. Our success will come in doing the very best we can in our present situation. If we're unemployed, we can still be useful and active in ways that will help us find the right situation. And as we work for a living, we'll find that another important benefit of our work will be greater self-esteem. We'll have more respect for ourselves as we contiue to be both productive and active. Whatever my job is, I'll give it my best today. I'll be grateful for having the opportunity to work productively. ************************************************** ********* Keep It Simple Most of the evils of life arise from man's being unable to sit still in a room.---Blaise Pascal Our program teaches us to slow down. We learn to slow down by taking time out. During these times-outs, we look at our values and see if we're staying true to them. Because of that, meditation is an important part of our program. It teaches us to slow down. Our Higher Power wants us to have fun and play. But we need to bring our Higher Power along. Remember, our Higher Power loves fun. We can have fun, but not at the expense of others. Prayer for the Day: I pray for help so I can remember my values. Higher Power, teach me to have fun. Teach me to be true to You at the same time. Action for the day: Today. I'll three times mischief has been good fun. I'll talk with a friend about the difference between trouble mischief and fun mischief. ************************************************** ********* Each Day a New Beginning Through spontaneity we are reformed into ourselves. Freed from handed-down frames of reference, spontaneity becomes the moment of personal freedom when we are faced with a reality, explore it, and act accordingly. --Viola Spolin Living in the here and the now opens up untold possibilities for new growth. Our inner self is enticed in new directions when our attention is fully in the present. When our minds are still on last night's argument or tomorrow's board meeting, we wear blinders to the activity at hand. And God, as our teacher and protector, resides in this experience, in the hearts of these people present. Every single moment has something for us. Maybe a new piece of information. A piece that solves a problem that's been puzzling us. Perhaps a chance to make a new friend, one who will be there in a time of need. Letting go of yesterday frees us. We need not be burdened. It is gone. Our lives could be eased, so much, if we kept our focus on the experience at hand, where the problems we ponder have their solutions. Always. I will greet today, skipping, smiling, ready for the answers, the truths, the directions meant only for me. The wonders of today will bless me. ************************************************** ********* Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition Chapter 11 - A Vision For You But what about his responsibilities—his family and the men who would die because they would not know how to get well, ah—yes, those other alcoholics? There must be many such in this town. He would phone a clergyman. His sanity returned and he thanked God. Selecting a church at random from the directory, he stepped into a booth and lifted the receiver. pp. 154-155 ************************************************** ********* Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Step Six - "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character." When men and women pour so much alcohol into themselves that they destroy their lives, they commit a most unnatural act. Defying their instinctive desire for self-preservation, they seem bent upon self-destruction. They work against their own deepest instinct. As they are humbled by the terrific beating administered by alcohol, the grace of God can enter them and expel their obsession. Here their powerful instinct to live can cooperate fully with their Creator's desire to give them new life. For nature and God alike abhor suicide. p. 64 ************************************************** ********* A bird that you set free may be caught again, but a word that escapes your lips will not return. --Jewish Proverb Never let yesterday use up too much of today. --unknown I have always heard that I have to "give it away to keep it" but I could never figure out what "it" was. Now I know what it is...it is HOPE! --unknown If you judge people, you have no time to love them. --Mother Teresa Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn here. The spiritual journey is the relinquishment - or unlearning - of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts. --Marianne Williamson In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play. --Friedrich Nietzsche *********************************************** Father Leo's Daily Meditation Father Leo's Daily Meditation GREATNESS "The ability to accept responsibility is the measure of the man." --Roy L. Smith I believe the greatest insight into my life is that I am responsible; my responsibility is an important and dignified gift from God. My responsibility reveals my involvement in God's creation, in my life and my recovery from alcoholism. Greatness is in the choices I make, and the choices come with God's gift of freedom. Human beings are more than puppets on a string or automated machines. We are creative creatures who carry the burden and joy of responsibility. Along with the acceptance of my alcoholism I also accepted the responsibility to remain sober in my decisions and lifestyle: such is greatness. Thank You for giving me the responsibility to co-create with You. ************************************************** ********* "Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand." Isaiah 41:10 Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Isaiah 43:18 But Jesus remains a priest forever; his priesthood will never end. Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save everyone who comes to God through him. He lives forever to plead with God on their behalf. Hebrews 7:24-25 "Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly; never be conceited. Repay no one evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends upon you, live peaceably with all." Romans 12:15-18 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." Galatians 5:22-25 ************************************************** ********* Daily Inspiration By helping others, we enrich our own life even more. Lord, help me be a little kinder today, reach out a little quicker, and share a few more smiles. God has already prepared you for everything that He plans for you to do. Lord, You believe in me, therefore I can believe in me, and will have all the necessary confidence to succeed in what I will be doing today. |
July 15
Daily Reflections PRIDE For thousands of years we have been demanding more than our share of security, prestige, and romance. When we seemed to be succeeding, we drank to dream still greater dreams. When we were frustrated, even in part, we drank for oblivion. Never was there enough of what we thought we wanted. In all these strivings, so many of them well-intentioned, our crippling handicap had been our lack of humility. We had lacked the perspective to see that character-building and spiritual values had to come first, and that material satisfactions were not the purpose of living. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 71 Time and again I approached the Seventh Step, only to fall back and regroup. Something was missing and the impact of the Step escaped me. What had I overlooked? A single word: read but ignored, the foundation of all the Steps, indeed the entire Alcoholics Anonymous program - that word is "humbly". I understood my shortcomings: I constantly put tasks off; I angered easily; I felt too much self-pity; and thought, why me? Then I remembered, "Pride goeth before the fall," and I eliminated pride from my life. ************************************************** ********* Twenty-Four Hours A Day A.A. Thought For The Day After we had sobered up through the A.A. program, we gradually began to get a peace of mind and serenity which we never thought were possible. This peace of mind is based on a feeling that fundamentally all is well. That does not mean that all is well on the surface of things. Little things can keep going wrong and big things can keep on upsetting us. But deep down in our hearts we know that everything is eventually going to be all right, now that we are living sober lives. Have I achieved a deep down, inner calm? Meditation For The Day You are climbing up the ladder of life, which reaches into eternity. Would God plant your feet upon an insecure ladder? Its supports may be out of sight, hidden in secret places, but if God has asked you to step on and up firmly, then surely He has secured your ladder. Faith gives you the strength to climb steadily this ladder of life. You should leave your security to God and trust Him not to let you fall. He is there to give you all the power you need to keep on climbing. Prayer For The Day I pray that I may climb the ladder of life without fear. I pray that I may progress steadily through the rest of my life with faith and confidence. ************************************************** ********* As Bill Sees It Antidote For Fear, p. 196 When our failings generate fear, we then have soul-sickness. This sickness, in turn, generates still more character defects. Unreasonable fear that our instincts will not be satisfied drives us to covet the possessions of others, to lust for sex and power, to become angry when our instinctive demands are threatened, to be envious when the ambitions of others seem to be realized while ours are not. We eat, drink, and grab for more of everything than we need, fearing we shall never have enough. And, with genuine alarm at the prospect of work, we stay lazy. We loaf and procrastinate, or at best work grudgingly and under half steam. These fears are the termites that ceaselessly devour the foundations of whatever sort of life we try to build. ******************************** As faith grows, so does inner security. The vast underlying fear of nothingness commences to subside. We of A.A. find that our basic antidote for fear is a spiritual awakening. 1. 12 & 12, p. 49 2. Grapevine, January 1962 ************************************************** ********* Walk In Dry Places The Possible Dream Reaching objectives. Although we hear people ridicule the practice of daydreaming, we also hear them express admiration for people who pursued and realized their dreams. How do we know when we are pursing the right dreams? Useful, effective dreams may seem farfetched, but they still have a possibility of fulfillment. In some ways, they're tied to what we can do if we have the right opportunities and use our talents properly. Fantasies, or useless dreams, can never happen. Fantasies are often based on our past and how it might have been different. It's also useless to fantasize about feats that are completely beyond anything we could ever do. These dreams are a waste of time and energy. What's exciting, however, is that very person can find dreams that are possible and based on reality. It's important to pursue these dreams and bring them into realization. I'll keep my realistic dreams very much alive today, knowing they're the patterns I need for reaching my long-term objectives. ************************************************** ********* Keep It Simple Let there be spaces in your togetherness.---Kahil Gilran We all need time alone. Then we can get to know our Higher Power better too. When we were using chemicals, we were afraid of being alone. We didn't want to think too much. So we got high. Now we know we're never totally alone. Our Higher Power is with us. We can relax. We can rest. We can think, read, and meditate. We can our own best friend. Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, help me use my time alone to know myself better. Help me get to know You too. Action for the Day: Today, I'll plan to spend two hours alone to get to know myself better. I could take a long walk, or enjoy a park, or my garden. What will I do, and when? ************************************************** ********* Each Day a New Beginning If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin into his nest again, I shall not live in vain. --Emily Dickinson The gift of attention to each other is "passing on" the love of God. In order to feel love, we have to give it away. We will know love when we give love. Our attachment to the world, the sense of belonging most of us longed for the many years prior to recovery, awaits us, is showered upon us even as we reach out to someone else. We are no longer alone, scared, alienated when we let others know they are not alone. We can heal one another. The program opens the way for our healing. Each day, each one of us can ease the pain of a friend, a co-worker, a child. The beauty of the program, the beauty of God's plan for us all, is that our own pain is relieved in the process of easing the pain of another. Love is the balm. Loving others makes our lives purposeful. No day is lived in vain, if I but cherish someone else's presence. ************************************************** ********* Alcoholics Anonymous - Fourth Edition Chapter 11 - A Vision For You His call to the clergyman led him presently to a certain resident of the town, who, though formerly able and respected, was then nearing the nadir of alcoholic despair. It was the usual situation; home in jeopardy, wife ill, children distracted, bills in arrears and standing damaged. He had a desperate desire to stop, but saw no way out, for he had earnestly tried many avenues of escape. Painfully aware of being somehow abnormal, the man did not fully realize what it meant to be alcoholic.* * This refers to Bill's first visit with Dr. Bob. These men later became co-founders of A.A. Bill's story opens the text of this book; Dr. Bob's heads the Story Section. p. 155 ************************************************** ********* Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Step Six - "Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character." But most of our other difficulties don't fall under such a category at all. Every normal person wants, for example, to eat, to reproduce, to be somebody in the society of his fellows. And he wishes to be reasonably safe and secure as he tries to attain these things. Indeed, God made him that way. He did not design man to destroy himself by alcohol, but He did give man instincts to help him to stay alive. p. 64 ************************************************** ********* If you let cloudy water settle, it will become clear. If you let your upset mind settle, your course will also become clear. --Jack Kornfield All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him. --Buddha "Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." --Aristotle Today, I will trust that God's will is happening as it needs to in my life. I will not make myself anxious and upset by searching vigorously for God's will, taking unnecessary actions to control the course of my destiny or wondering if God's will has passed me by and I have missed it. --Melody Beattie The greatest good we can do for others is not to share our riches with them, but to reveal their own. --Author Unknown In seeking wisdom, the first step is silence, the second listening, the third remembering, the fourth practicing, the fifth teaching others. --Ibn Gabirol, poet and philosopher (ca. 1022-1058) *********************************************** Father Leo's Daily Meditation MUSIC "I know that the twelve notes in each octave and the varieties of rhythm offer me opportunities that all of human genius will never exhaust." --Igor Stravinsky There is so much to be gained in life. Just when you think you have exhausted all possibilities, a new insight is perceived, permutations and varieties appear in abundance. An example is sobriety. I thought it meant not drinking but today I see that it affects all areas of my life -- how I walk, the hugs I freely give, my acceptance of others, my willingness to trust and risk, my optimism for a new day. Also God is comprehensive for me today. He is alive in church, the Bible and tradition but He is also alive in literature, scripture, sexuality and music. Today I can hear beyond the symphony into the unfathomable message of God's love for His creation. And always I hear something different and new. Thank You, Lord, for Your messengers who love through the art of music. ************************************************** ********* He replied, "Because you have so little faith, I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20 [God] is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine. Ephesians 3:21 "Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'" Matthew 19: 26 The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. EX 15:2 ************************************************** ********* Daily Inspiration Give thanks for not only all that you have, but all that you are. Lord, may I recognize the goodness within me and know that I am lovable even with my shortcomings. To give of yourself is when you truly give. Lord, even in my busiest moments may I be able to make time when someone really needs me. |
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