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bluidkiti 12-03-2021 06:11 AM

Christmas Countdown Day 3
Christmas Countdown Day 3 by SGLY Ministry

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6 (NKJV)

Today’s Thought:
In all your ways–acknowledge Him.
Acknowledge means to respond to, recognize or regard someone or something.
Acknowledge is an action word, it means putting into action what we say we believe about something or someone.

To me, acknowledging God would mean that I would regard Him in whatever I think, say or do.
It would mean that I would give Him the recognition He deserves, for if I say that He is my God, my Lord, and my Savior, then my thoughts and actions should show that.
It means that I should respond to His word. If I truly believe the Bible is God’s word, then when I read it I should respond to it as though He were speaking to me.

As I do acknowledge Him in all my ways, He will then show me the best way to live my life according to the plan and purpose He has prepared for me.
All during my life’s journey, He will be my light in darkness, my song in the night, my hope in times of doubt and my strength in times of need.
As I acknowledge Him, I will come to know Him more and more, and then my life will reflect Him to others.

Acknowledge His Authority over all and His word as truth to live by.
This Holiday season determine to acknowledge Him in all you think say and do.

Give Him thanks for everything.
Look for the ways He is working in your life and in the lives of other believers daily.

Believe in His word. Read and practice it daily
Try to go out and shine His light on someone’s path each day.

Perhaps, in doing so, you may lead someone who is spiritually lost to the truth
or help someone else find their way back to the right path spiritually.

Only 22 days left until Christmas! Make each one count!

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