Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums

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Rockinbigdaddy 04-13-2021 10:48 PM

“Integrity is doing the right thing. Even when no one is watching.” -C.S. Lewis
The power of a moral compass that helps navigate through temptation of selfishness. How impactful it is to have a foundation built on Gods Truth and confidence of your integrity integrated in a Christlike character vs the worlds character built on ego. Many times in life our ego (which is the enemy’s mask) is faced with moments that challenge your character, morals and values. When faced with adversity it’s tempting to digest the poison and create resentment. This is another way the enemy works in deceiving your walk in faith, creating disruption that battles your identity. The ego is very fragile and when ego is the one determining your self worth it will always wear a mask and give the world control. When situations erupt the ego takes no accountability for its actions instead it builds up the victim mentality and finds reasons why it’s everything and everyone else’s fault. AKA finger pointing. Unfortunately when living in a fallen world past pain, trauma and unworthiness can give the ego permission to be in control. However the amazing freedom WE ALL have been given that’s unwavering always sturdy and built on love is the Truth of who we have been created to be in Christ. Yes, we will always be filled with temptations, Yes, we have made mistakes stumbled and fall but we have the ability to stand up be accountable and press forward. In establishing an integrity built on healthy values of Truth it opens the door to transformation. By pressing forward with the shield of faith confidence is gained from toxic arrows contaminating your identity and empowers you to communicate effectively. Integrity is built from the inside and you practice your values rather than professing them. Take time in your week to recognize in moments either when you are doing your daily todo list, in a challenge, talking to someone, at work, on social media, etc. if your actions are seeking confirmation for your ego or for your Spirit. Be the amazing child of God you were created to be not who the world tries to conform you to be. You are Worthy, You are Valued and You are Loved!

“Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.”
Proverbs 10:9

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