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bluidkiti 04-25-2020 06:54 AM

Because Of His Promises

Those who have ever been addicted to anything know how hard it is to come clean. We may make the reasoning that we can stop anytime we want to. We may say we are just going to do it this one last time. We may feel there is no other way to cope with the issues in our lives so we continue doing what gives us a temporary escape. Addictions can’t free us from the pain we are attempting to escape from. But God’s promises can. God can free us, cleanse us and give us new life. However, we need to remember His promises and decide we are going to work toward complete holiness in living only for Him.

SCRIPTURE: 2 Corinthians 7:1 “Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God.” (NLT)

1. List some of God’s promises in His word.
2. Write out what addictions you have.
3. Know God wants to help get you on the right track.
4. Pray asking Him to help you live a holy life.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, You call us to be holy. You call us to turn from our addictions in this world. You want us to better live for You. This world can easily trap us into thinking we have no other alternatives but to find happiness and joy on our own. This world can easily make us think we are alone and there is no way out. However, You tell us we need only You. Your promises are numerous and will bring us hope so we know there is a way out of this sinful world. Help us to remember Your promises today and every day. Guide us away from this world so we can keep our bodies and spirits clean and so we can do Your will. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

It is our choice regarding what we do to our bodies. Staying in God’s word can help us make better choices.

There are things in this world that will defile our body and spirit. We can recognize them when we stay in God’s word.

God wants us to have a relationship with Him so He can help us focus on Him rather than the things of the world.

Focusing on God will help us to stay alert and think straight.

1 Peter 1:13 “Be alert and think straight. Put all your hope in how kind God will be to you when Jesus Christ appears.” (CEV)

1 Peter 1:15-16 “But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the Scriptures say, ‘You must be holy because I am holy.’” (NLT)

We are called to be holy. Addictions and things of this world will keep us from being holy but God can help us if we will only turn to Him.

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