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Today's Gift for Families...for July 2014
Instead of thinking I was the last and not important, I had to look at appreciate what Nature had to tell and give to me. If God made them, He must value them just as much as He Loves and Cares for me. If I keeping seeing an animal, insect, or water creatures, I go on my computer and do a search "What are the healing properties of" and then I ask myself what do I have to learn from this. If something continues to be placed in front of me, it is something I need to address. http://www.whats-your-sign.com/animal-totems.html For me it was looking into my china cabinet and finding a figurine of an owl that came from my aunt who is deceased. I got the thought to bring it out and put it beside my computer. http://www.whats-your-sign.com/anima...olism-owl.html http://www.whats-your-sign.com/image...lSymbolism.jpg |
I have the freedom to be me. I am free from the bondage of my dis-ease. I wasn`t aware that I was codependent, and that it was an addiction. I read the preface to the Melody Beattie book, `Codependent No More` and ran to the nearest Al-Anon meeting. There was no codependent meeting in my area. Living my life through others, especially family, made me as sick as my As. |
It gave me purpose and direction in my life. |
A lot would depend on where I hung out and who I was with as to whether I could find the true meaning of the word. It reminds me of the word `kook` which my drunken father called me when I tried to get him out of his chair and into his bed so he wouldn`t set the house on fire around my son and myself. I would be in my bed and an hour later he was back up getting a drink. There was no rest, and many days I went to work with very little sleep. I had to drive 18 miles to and from work. It eventally got me fired from my job. It was his fault and I carried a resentment with no thought that I had been drinking too. It was always about that other person. Some of that timeless went to far back and leaves an unhappy memory. Very glad I don`t have to go there in today. |
I was sharing with my son on the phone yesterday and told him what was happening, and he said, ``...and then there is me. `` I said, `There is always you.` I love him. I just don`t like his choices. I am powerless over him and his actions and all I can do is pray and leave him in HIS God`s Hands. |
Many times words are said and taken personal when they are not meant to be. That doesn't mean I can't ask for forgiveness for hurting the other person, even if I feel justified. A really tuffy for me, because I have a firm belief in self expression, but it is not good if it is done at the expense of another. It is best to agree to disagree. |
When I do for someone else, I can be playing God with their life. If we enable and care take, they are unable to help themselves and they become codependent. A caretaker can be acting out in their own disease. They need someone to care for, to fix, and a distraction which helps them to not look at themselves. They want a leaner, because they want to lean too. |
I had a lot of gratitude and love when I met up with my friend and had a visit with her. Felt relief when my son called to say he wasn`t coming by after work. Felt motivated to call the eye doctor (having trouble seeing to read) and my foot specialist. I cancelled the chiropractor`s appointment and re-booked it for Friday. Felt blessed to have quiet time with my God. Felt grateful for the good weather about 70 deg. F. Feel calm and peaceful when I listen to music. When I am reading and posting, I like the music without the words. When I need to hear the words, I am guided to jazz or old classic country. Feel sad that my son chooses to stay in his addiction. Most of all, I am grateful that I can feel. What I am in today, is a person living in the moment, trying to be the best `me`I can be in today. |
The thing I treasure is all the butterflies I have been given at anniversaries and for just because presents. They came in many forms put represented the change in me. My one sponsor said, `When you came into recovery, you were wrapped into a cocoon, and you have grown into a beautiful butterfly. My favourite is a monarch butterfly made with feathers. |
Prior to recovery, I had to fill that space. I didn't realize it was a void within me that had the hunger, and it had to be filled with something. I could hide and shut down if I had something to divert me or help me shut down and shut off. When you do that, you shut off the good and the not so good feelings, and when that happened, there was no happiness. |
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