Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums

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bigcory707 10-15-2013 06:26 PM

Hello all.

I found this site on accident but obviously it was meant to me.
I was looking for a topic for an H&I meeting I am doing next week. This site helped a lot.

I will keep coming back

bluidkiti 10-16-2013 06:49 AM

Hi Cory, :17: Glad to have you join us. I look forward to you sharing more with us.

willbe275 10-16-2013 02:33 PM

You and I are We.
WE are stronger than
either One could be.
We are greater then
the sum of Our parts.
WE are joined by Our Souls
and our Hearts. Eternally...We.

W.O.W 101

Tx.trailblazer 10-19-2013 11:31 AM

Howdy to all! I'm Lori Lynn (Tx.trailblazer) from Texas. I have beensober for 8 year's and I am truly grateful for God's grace and mercy. I'm a work in progress! It's been difficult at times but it most definately gets easier as I travel on this journey of sobriety! I'm always willing to help, listen, pray with/for anyone who needs a friend. It keeps me accountable and in check! Im honest with those that cross my path. So if you are seeking truth... Just know that I don't beat around the bush! Thank God there were others in sobriety that were willing to tell me the truth 8 yrs ago and... Still do today ( whether I want to here it or not). I'd be drunker than Cooter Brown if they would have been dishonest with me! I work with women that are or have been in abusive relationships, addicts, as well as those who are being sex trafficked. I don't have all the answers but I give you my word that I will help anyone who ready for change. I'm not afraid to stand beside someone if they need it or want it. I don't have a problem dragging anyone out of a bad situation. I don't knock on the door of crack houses... I just bust on in! I'd rather die helping someone who wants and needs help than laying awake at night knowing that I could have helped but chose not to! That's just me. I'm crazy and I'm fearless. I've gotten the crap beat out of me because I chose to help those who nobody wants to deal with because of my passion. So be it! I'm by no means a miracle worker but I'm sure not about giving up on anyone either! I will help you, be your friend, defend you when it's justified. All of us addicts are professional liars and masters at manipulating those around us in order to get our way. I'm no different... I just made a choice to not let that little selfish demon that is always waiting for me to slip up and let him out! I can be an angel or the devil himself in disguise so I'm very careful about keeping myself in check. I have been in the past so good at manipulatingand lying that I can almost instantly tell when someoneis trying to do it to me. It takes one to know one, right? Therefore... With that being said... My point is this... I'm always ready and willing to help but at the same time I have learned what discernment means. I have no problem walking away when my sobriety or sanity is in jeopardy! Everything I've learned and am still learning has been the hard way! I always thought I knew it all! News Flash to this little Texan... I actually knew nothing! But by the grace of God.... I'm learning! So may God Bless Each and EVERYONE of you on your journey. And never ever let anyone try to tell you you're worthless or that you cant get clean or stay clean... Because you are very special in more ways than you could ever imagine!!! And... I am here for each and everyone of you! See... This is a "WE" deal!! None of us are ever alone! Now that I've totally blabbed you into boardom.. I'll shut up and apologize... But I'm just a friendly Texan and yes... I talk too much sometimes! Lol.. Peace be with you... If you need an ear... And I'm not on the forum just find me on Fbook. Search for Dirty Boot Recovery. That's me! Blessings and chow for now! ... Lori Lynn Schuerenberg-Schultz ( and no I'm not going to spell check all this!! Lol

BW1 10-19-2013 03:59 PM

Thank You Lori
Grateful to have you on this journey with us

MajestyJo 10-20-2013 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by bigcory707 (Post 5720)
Hello all.

I found this site on accident but obviously it was meant to me.
I was looking for a topic for an H&I meeting I am doing next week. This site helped a lot.

I will keep coming back

Thanks you for sharing. I was H & I chair here in Ontario, Canada. I am afraid it was so long ago, don't remember much. Just that we all met, all the reps for the different committees. I left AA to go to NA when it became time to address my pill addiction, and found out that a drug is a drug, even my computer, if I put it before who my God wants me to be in today. I was blessed by having the opportunity to get NA started in the jails. I had been for AA and had gotten a request for NA. I was able to go to meetings in detox.

When I go to do anything, be it new or just something that I find worrisome and stressful, I say the Serenity Prayer, the AA Third Step and Seventh Step Prayers, they help me get out of the way an allow my God to work through me, instead of around or over me.

May your God be with you.

Welcome to the site, sorry I wasn't here to respond earlier. My computer was down and so was I.

MajestyJo 10-20-2013 07:29 AM

Welcome to all the new people, so sorry for my late welcome. I hope you continue to come and share your journey with us.

Capt. Paul good to hear from you.

Judymt 10-21-2013 08:58 AM

Hi I I'm grateful for life

MajestyJo 10-23-2013 10:47 AM

Thanks for signing in and we are grateful that you made the decision to join our family.

I saw this and had the thought, thanks to recovery, everything isn't black or white, either or. There are shades of gray, called compromise, agreeing to disagree, and coming from a place of Love and seeing the whole picture.

captpaulge 10-27-2013 02:53 AM

:171:Good morning My name is Paul and I am an alcoholic. I have not found any place here in Liberia to share that but gratefully I brought this tool with me.

MajestyJo 10-27-2013 07:45 AM

Me too! Continued prayers.

stillme82698 10-27-2013 12:54 PM

Good morning everyone, my name is Tawnye and I am a recovering alcoholic. By the grace of God, A.A and its members, I have managed to put together 15 years of recovery. I hope to find and share experience, strength and hope through this site.

MajestyJo 10-27-2013 04:12 PM

Welcome Tawnye, so glad you found us and signed in to say hello. Hope you will continue to come and share your esh with us.

mrchips225 10-29-2013 08:48 AM

My Name is Jim
Hi Everyone

My name is Jim S. and I AM AN ALCOHOLIC. My friends call me Chips because I give out the coins at my home group.

My sober date is 07/19/2002 so a little over 11 years - Sober today through the Grace of GOD & the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous.

I live on Long Island, New York and I go to about 10 or 12 meetings a week - including 1 Rehab and 1 Psych Ward at my local hospital.

I look forward to reading about what helps you guys get and stay sober.

FogLife 10-30-2013 01:08 AM

Actress Wallpapers Galleries

captpaulge 10-30-2013 02:58 AM

Welcome MR Chips. Thank you for sharing your sobriety.
Thank you for your service. It is a very important job, showing a new comer that staying sober opens the future world and closes the door to the past a little more. Getting better a being alive is a lot better than staying in the past.
My name is Paul and I am an alcoholic.

JackieO 11-01-2013 01:13 AM

Hi there am a senior citizen, been around AA some 33 years and know with out shadow of a doubt it was my best choice ever made, change egads yes yes everything and am still changing, love it. Thanks for being there, love you.

JackieO 11-01-2013 01:14 AM

Forgot to sign my name. JackieO

captpaulge 11-01-2013 06:39 AM

:170:Hello Jackie O. Thanks for reaching out to another alcoholic. I know I get caught up in my own stuff and forget that my time may be spent better reaching out to someone else than stirring the stew in my head for useless, endless hours that probably will not contribute to finding a solution to the problem.
My name is Paul I am an alcoholic, in Liberia, where to this point there are no meetings. I use this site along with my phone back hometo stay attached to the program as best as I can.

MajestyJo 11-01-2013 09:33 AM

Welcome Jackie O, so glad you signed in and made the decision to join our family. I hope you will continue to come and share your journey with us.

This program is one day at a time, and I too am so glad that I get to practice it daily.

MajestyJo 11-01-2013 09:36 AM

A belated greeting Mr. Chip, sorry I missed you. Hope you continue to come and share your journey with us. Remember this is a we program, and I need you for my sobriety.

dwmoeller 11-01-2013 09:40 AM

To all newcomers to this forum,

:17: Welcome from North Dakota! Glad you are here.


aasavedme 11-03-2013 06:34 AM

Good Morning, my name is Joe, I am an alcoholic from Lockport, NY.
I start every day with the recovery readings.
The readings put me in a good place, and help me to never forget what I am.
The readings have helped me in countless other ways with the advice and philosophy that is presented here every day.
I admire the love and dedication of those who make this site possible.
I don't know why it took me so long to introduce myself; today is a good time to do it because I am up an hour early. I forgot to set the clocks back. In a way that is a bonus-I get an extra hour of being sober.
I love to play golf and cook.
My user name is aasavedme.

honeydumplin 11-03-2013 06:47 AM

an extra hour sober...I love it.
and thanks for your post.

MajestyJo 11-03-2013 06:11 PM

Welcome to you both, thank you for sharing. It is good to share the "good" in recovery, I like that extra hour too. Doesn't matter if the day is short or long, a lot of it is our state of mind and our ability to put thought into action.

captpaulge 11-04-2013 02:45 PM

Each day we stay sober, we stand a chance to create a better life. Fear doesn't have to rule. I can attest to that. While i was drinking and thinking alcoholically I was afraid to change or try anything. Today I am in Liberia. with a 27ft boat ready to start a charter fishing business. All because of AA, my home groups, my sponsor, my sober friends and a family that believes I have changed.
My name is Paul and I am a grateful alcoholic.

Rcouse72 11-20-2013 11:48 AM

Hello and good morning. This is the first site out of MANY that I have found that really has fit me. I am in my first 30 days of sobriety and recently out if an intensive outpatient treatment program. I'm having a difficult time trying to find "the way" outside of constant care. I'm going to meetings but still haven't reached out to anyone to become my sponsor. I'm a tad bit of a control lady so letting someone help has been some what of a challenge. Thank you already got this site. This is what I've been looking for.

MajestyJo 11-20-2013 12:04 PM

Welcome Rcouse72 for making the decision to join our family. Thank you for sharing and congratulations on your sobriety.

Recovery is a process and takes time. My primary purpose was to stay clean and sober, no matter what, just for today.

I was told to look for someone I could identify with and someone who had what I wanted. I chose one who was spiritual. She fired me because she said she wasn't well enough to give me the attention I needed. I was one of the very sick ones. The second lady oozed peace and serenity, but she let me go, because she didn't see me at the meetings that she went to. I had moved to the opposite end of the city. I got a sponsor, who was very much her own woman, worked for a treatment center in Toronto. She had a VW convertible, and we would drive with the top down, smoking cigarillos, sing country music, and got lots of stares because we both had gray hair. I ended up going back to my first sponsor.

Wishing you well on your journey. I hope you continue to come and share. Perhaps you could start your own daily check in, just to let us know you are still with us. Feel free to ask questions, there is a lot of material here, hopefully you can find something that meets your needs.

LucyW 11-26-2013 09:07 PM

Hello all----I'm Lucy and I am a cross addicted alcoholic. My anniversary is 12/4/08 and it's not getting easier---just harder. Need some inspiration to find my happiness and work on my program.
Thanks for being here.:13:Lucy

MajestyJo 11-26-2013 11:18 PM

Welcome Lucy, glad you decided to join us. Hope you will continue to come and share your journey with us. It is one day at a time, and I know for me, I need the program just as much as I did when I came through the doors.

I qualify for just about any door I walk through, so I try to identify instead of comparing. I know I am an addict, I used people, places, and things for many, many years.

dogbert570 11-27-2013 09:28 AM

Back again
Long time since i have been in recovery.....feels good

MajestyJo 11-27-2013 05:57 PM

Welcome to the site dogbert, hope you will continue to come and share your recovery with us.

Cosby 12-04-2013 07:46 AM

New Member Check-In
Hello All, Cosby here. Nine months into recovery with AA and Life:) Blessed to find, and Happy to join Bluidkiti Forum. Enjoy the Blessings of today! Much Love. CCJ from South Carolina USA.

MajestyJo 12-04-2013 08:02 AM

Welcome Cosby, congratulations on your sobriety. Hope you will continue to come and share your journey with us.

toothpickjim 12-15-2013 11:48 AM

Hi I'm Jim and a recovering alcoholic since August 01, 2005. Currently retired and living in Spain.
Moved here a year ago and it is a pleasure to find such a good source of recovery.
Life here is peaceful, but 24 sometimes can be trying.

MajestyJo 12-15-2013 12:16 PM

Welcome Jim, so glad you found us. Hope you can check in often and share your journey with us.

Judymt 12-16-2013 12:52 PM

Hang in there Jim life does get easier. Sometimes it is one hour at a time.

We are on a spiritual journey. Progress not perfection. Our sobriety is contingent on our spiritual connection just for today.

Life is such adventure. Spain must be lovely. Enjoy the beauty.


justfortoday 12-17-2013 09:11 AM

Hi my name is Scott. Thank you for being a part of my Daily Recovery.

MajestyJo 12-17-2013 10:17 AM

Welcome Scott, so glad you made the decision to join our family.

Mochababy 12-23-2013 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by bluidkiti (Post 2103)
Hi, I am Tammy. If you haven't done so yet, I hope everyone will take a moment to stop in and introduce themselves to us. Have a great day! :17:

Hello, I am new to this site! My sponsor referred me to this. Just want to say Hi and I am excited to be on here :92:

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