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bluidkiti 10-21-2017 04:39 AM

October 21: I say to you My people, it is a true saying, that in Me you live and move and possess the essence of who you are. I encourage you to continue your life in Me and allow the life that I have given you to grow. Come forward with understanding, for I will give an extra ordinary grace to see and to hear that which I am doing. The world itself cries out for restoration, and I will release creation into the fullness of this destiny and bring a glorious deliverance to that which I have created. Take advantage of every opportunity for restoration--My glory resting upon you. And, in the glory of this restoration you shall see changes come forth, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 10-23-2017 05:16 AM

October 23: You are My children. I love you and I will be with you. I will be with you in every challenge. It is My desire to bring you into that place of perfection in the Holy Spirit where you make the transition from natural to supernatural. It is My desire for you to walk in the supernatural. For, I am going to do great and mighty and wonderful things. And, if you aren't walking with Me you are not going to see it or receive it. Set yourself to see everything that I am showing you and understand everything I have asked you to do.

bluidkiti 10-28-2017 06:52 AM

October 28: It’s important in this season what and who you believe. Whose report will you believe? Will you believe what man has said? Will you believe what the devil has said? Or, will you believe what your Father has said? Will you believe the prophetic word and that which He is bringing forth now? Will you make it your own? Will you establish it in your heart? Will you allow it to become the symphony that moves you? Will you allow God’s presence to come because you have asked and because you have believed that? So, again, which report will you believe? If you will believe Me and My word you will become that overcomer that is spoken of, and you will have My blessings in this season. Let it be so among My people, says the Lord, Most High.

bluidkiti 10-30-2017 05:23 AM

October 30: I had a vision of the Lord with a feather duster in His hand. He would go up to a person and begin to dust them off. He spoke and said, "I am going to remove the defilement which has been placed upon people through unbelief. And, I will get rid of that debris so they can be free to have faith again for that which I am going to do in their lives. So, allow Me to cleanse you and remove the residue of failure and stigma that comes upon you because of past failures. Allow Me to do this work this day so that you can be renewed in spirit and faith to receive all that I am doing on your behalf."

bluidkiti 11-04-2017 05:44 AM

November 4: I saw the symbol of the cross. I saw it changing. At first covered by the blood of Christ. And, then it developed a golden hue that spoke to me of His divine nature. And from that golden hue came the glory of His crystallized light shining forth across the generations to bring restoration and great deliverance. Shining forth to open the path that He has established before you. Shining forth to encourage you and empower you to walk upon this path and to take those steps with renewed energy and great hope. The glory of the LORD will indeed carry you from glory to glory upon the path that He has prepared for you to follow. Take the steps. They will lead you to places that are beyond your wildest imagination. And, they will reveal the things that even you cannot conceive of this day. For, out of this journey will come the revelation of the current season, and out of these steps will come revelation to you personally. Come now; walk by faith into My purposes, for this is the hour of perception and the day of My power, says the Most Holy One.

bluidkiti 11-06-2017 05:53 AM

November 6: The reward of hidden riches will be revealed to some to distribute among God's people for various reasons according to God's purposes. These will be both spiritual and physical treasures. You will begin to see the manifestation of these rewards in the coming months and years. Only believe, says the Lord. Isaiah 45:3 I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel.

bluidkiti 11-11-2017 06:48 AM

November 11: Take courage, for it is the time of the rain. But, I say to you, put your umbrellas away, for this is a rain that you will want to walk in. It is a rain that comes from heaven to connect you to My glory. Let the rain wash you and inspire you and empower you. Let the rain of the Spirit fall upon you and cause you to walk in a new dimension. In this season you will find in the spirit realm an unnatural thing -- even as the rain falls the sun will shine upon the falling drops, and it will be rain full of light that will bring revelation of this new dimension, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 11-13-2017 05:52 AM

November 13: My desire is that you grow spiritually and become My sons of light so that you can carry the glory of that which I bring to My people in this time. When darkness is removed you can behold My light, and if you abide there you will become light to Me. Only then will you be victorious and free, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 11-18-2017 06:12 AM

November 18: Let your faith arise. Let your faith be the prominent part of that which you pursue in this season. Use your faith. Allow your faith to grow. Allow it to become sensitive to My promptings. Allow your faith to come to Me unhindered by doubt or unbelief. Allow it to come and you shall receive that which I have for you, says the Most Holy. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

bluidkiti 11-20-2017 04:33 AM

November 20: You are a people who have learned the art of thanksgiving. Most of you are of those people who come to Me with thanksgiving. You recognize that I have been with you from the beginning and understood that I have led you and am still guiding you through your troubles to victory. So, continue on this path. Trust Me with all of your cares, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 11-25-2017 03:20 AM

November 25: Do you feel My expression of joy over you? If you do, then you know that I have been with you, that I have spoken to you, and I have encouraged you. So, let this moment rest upon you as the mantle of anointing for the season that is ahead. I would have you embrace this season with joy and faith. And, I would have you to march forward in triumph because you know that you will win the battles that are necessary. You will receive your reward in this season. For, I have chosen this time to demonstrate My love for you by the giving of gifts, says the Lord God Almighty.

bluidkiti 11-27-2017 06:33 AM

November 27: I say to you, My people, your wilderness journey has come to a conclusion, for the doors in the heavenlies are now open, and it is time to move higher, to ascend to the mountain of the Lord. It is, therefore, time for you to turn and leave that which is behind you. Turn from those things that have bound you. Turn your face into the wind. Set your face like flint, and fix your eyes upon Me, says the Lord, for surely I shall guide you. I will be one with you and walk with you. I will indeed show you the way in this new season. It is time to lift up your feet and go forward. It is not a time to remain seated, nor is it a time of contemplation. But, now put yourself in a forward motion to rise up into the presence and purpose of the Most Holy One. This is the season of the open door. Go through and enjoy!

bluidkiti 12-02-2017 01:46 AM

December 2: Hear My voice today and know that I have instructed you. I have called you forth for such a time as this, so that you may accomplish My perfect will as I lead you and guide you into the fullness of this season. Pay attention, My people, to the signs that come. Pay attention to those things that I highlight. Pay attention to the written Word when it becomes illuminated to you, for it will lead you as a light that shines in the Tabernacle itself. Receive the anointing that I am bringing. Allow that anointing to rest upon you like a mantle. Let it become part of who you are. Let the anointing engage you personally so that it overlays the whole of your mind set and your attitudes. Then, those things that I bring to your attention must be quickly dealt with under the power of My anointing. Become My anointed one, and I will lead and guide you. I will provide for you, heal, and strengthen you. I will do all of these things that I have promised you by way of My covenant. Victory is assured, says the Lord God, Most High.

bluidkiti 12-04-2017 06:24 AM

December 4: As I am looking in the Spirit, I see all of you, God's people, gathered together in one place. And, what I see is the light of the Lord sitting over you in such a way that your fire is going to be lit in this season. You are going to walk in a place of peace in the Lord. And, you will receive a new reality of His character and who He is. You are going to know Him in fresh ways. You will know that the Lord your God is with you, He is for you, and He is contending on your behalf. He desires to reveal Himself in this season so you will be renewed and fired up to be that bright and shining light that He has desired for you.

bluidkiti 12-09-2017 05:53 AM

December 9: I am calling you into a time of jubilation and praise for all that I have brought you through. Take your stand in an attitude of thanksgiving, and you will be positioned to receive the blessings of this season. I dwell in the midst of those who praise Me with a whole heart. You are in a time of transition that will move you out of heartache into joy and liberty. Let your faith be established in this prophetic interlude between seasons as you wait for direction and instruction, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 12-11-2017 05:52 AM

December 11: Come and be one with Me. Come and sit with Me. Come and talk with Me. Come and let us commune together so that we may be in unity. I want to give you the good things of this season so that you can have all that you need and require. Come and receive.

bluidkiti 12-16-2017 05:57 AM

December 16: I hear that word, "amazing", and I hear the Lord saying: You will be amazed in this next season. For, I am raising the ground that you walk on, which means that the opportunities that you have will be greater than the opportunities that you have had before to walk on the path of righteousness and anointing as the Spirit leads you. Those mysteries--those hidden things that have been reserved for you for such a time as this--will come to bear in your life. Destiny will be fulfilled because you follow the path of My presence. Be ready to turn to the left or turn to the right as I direct you. And, when I tell you to go straight ahead, stay on that path. For, it shall be if you stay on the path that I have prepared for you, all things will work to your benefit because you are called according to My purposes, says the Lord. These are the days in which you need to define who you are. You need to position yourself before Me with a question in your heart and desire to know what it is that I have prepared for you. These are the days of the revealing of those things in your life. Take heart this moment, this day and believe that you will receive that which I have spoken.

bluidkiti 12-18-2017 05:28 AM

December 18: Give and it will be given to you in ways that you will not expect; in ways that are beyond your imagination. I will bring the goodness of the Lord into your life because you have become a giver. Give as I lead and direct. Give and do the things I ask you to do. Give yourself to prayer when I call you to pray; give yourself to help people when I call you to help. Give yourself to Me and My Kingdom and serve Me with a willing heart. And, because you have a willing heart, multiplied blessings are coming to you in this season.

bluidkiti 12-23-2017 06:37 AM

December 23: Listen to the sound of the season and you will find My presence. Seek Me and acknowledge the fact that I am with you in a greater and mightier way than ever. Listen for My voice. This is the season of hearing. Listen and hear, and then you shall know what I am doing. Never ever forget that I am always with you. You will have a greater understanding of My presence than you have had before, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 12-25-2017 05:46 AM

December 25: I would have you to be free of anxiety and worry. Let faith arise so that you will be able to overcome everything that comes against you in this season. I am with you and empowering you. My Spirit has been sent to you to enable you to respond from a place of faith to receive everything that I have for you in this season and the years beyond. Come and be one with Me, says the Lord God Almighty.

bluidkiti 12-30-2017 06:52 AM

December 30: I am coming to you in greater measure and clarity than you have ever experienced, says the Lord. I will come to you in night visions. I will come to you in dreams. I will come to you in daytime visions. I will come to you when you are praying. I will come to you when you are meditating on My word. And, I will begin to reveal to you the hidden mysteries that have been saved for this time. I have some things to teach and show you. Get ready, for My work is about to be demonstrated in you, says the Most Holy. Watch! Learn! Listen! Obey! For, you shall be well pleased with the demonstration of My power that comes flowing into your life like a mighty rushing river; like a wind that is blowing through the tops of the trees. Listen for My voice, for My truth will set you free.

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