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bluidkiti 11-12-2024 06:17 AM

November 12

Lock in the goodness

A new world arrived this morning. Walk out and discover what’s there.

Possibilities arise, linger for a while, then fade quickly away. Do the work and bring the best ones to life while they’re available.

Transform the massive potential value of this moment into enduring value that spawns even more. Lock in the goodness that exists by appreciating it, supporting it, and expanding on it.

Refuse to accept less from yourself than purposeful, disciplined behavior. Offer kindness not because it looks good but because it is good for everyone involved, especially you.

Gratefully take notice of patterns you may have previously ignored, denied, or been oblivious to. Recognize the opportunities embedded within them to do truly beneficial work.

A new world arrived this morning, and another is on the way. Make good use of each one as it comes.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 11-13-2024 04:43 AM

November 13

Work with what you have

You can’t make everything perfect. No one else can make your life perfect.

But you can make the choice to live well despite the imperfections. Whatever your resources, whatever your shortcomings, many good situations and outcomes are possible.

Your world is as it is at this moment. Identify your opportunities and work with them.

No circumstance is one hundred percent negative or one hundred percent positive. There exist plenty of possibilities for improvement.

You’ll gain nothing by wishing the past had delivered you into a better situation. Instead, fully utilize the present by working to transport yourself into a future of your choosing.

Work with what you have and you’ll cause what you have to get better. Always, you can work with what you have, and that’s your best path to whatever outcome you desire.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 11-14-2024 03:38 AM

November 14

Once you decide

Desire points you in a specific direction. That’s a start, but not enough.

There is a distinct, dynamic point when fulfillment begins. It comes at the moment you decide.

Once you decide, you begin to take action. Once you decide, the commitment is made and there’s no going back.

What you say, what you wish for, what you intend and plan to do, these things have their place. What you actually decide is what makes a real difference.

Decide, and you become consumed with what you’ve decided to do. Decide, and one action quickly follows another.

Get yourself to that critical point. Decide, and set the momentum of accomplishment in motion.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 11-15-2024 06:07 AM

November 15

Do not relent

This is possible, this can be done. Go to work, do not relent.

Now is your starting point. Stretching out in front of you is your opportunity.

Utilize what you have, do what you can. Learn from all that goes right, from everything that goes wrong, adapt, expand, and keep up the effort.

Don’t expect it to be easy or instantaneous. Do what’s necessary to persist, to endure, and to eventually triumph.

You have the chance to make a difference in your own life and in the lives of others. What could possibly be more meaningful, more satisfying, more fulfilling than that?

Take that chance and run with it, now. This is possible, this can be done, and it’s you who can do it.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 11-16-2024 01:49 AM

November 16

Actually doing

Intentions arise in your heart and in your head. But if that’s as far as they go, they’ll eventually fade away to nothing.

Don’t keep those intentions trapped within you. Get them out into the world where they’ll do some good.

There’s a reason behind every intention. Let the reasons energize you to take action.

Transform promise into reality. Upgrade potential into value.

What have you been thinking about doing? Honor those thoughts, and the purpose behind them, by actually doing what you’re thinking about.

You have the power to think great thoughts, and the power to forge those thoughts into reality. Use both of those powers in the best ways you can envision.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 11-16-2024 02:05 AM

November 17

Time to begin

You know you can be better, you know you can give more. Challenge yourself to do so.

It’s easy to complain, to blame, to dream up excuses, to feel sorry for yourself. But none of that is going to achieve anything.

What makes a difference is your purposeful, focused, persistent effort. So go ahead and do what you know you can do.

The path forward is complicated, uncomfortable, inconvenient, frustrating. Yet it’s also available and attainable, and now is the time to proceed with it.

The world will continually try to entice you with promises of something for nothing. But as you’ve experienced again and again, such promises never pan out.

What does get results, what does bring improvement, is your effort. And just in case you’ve lost sight of what you already know, now is the best time to begin.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 11-18-2024 03:07 AM

November 18

Treasures in difficult places

Go where you face the possibility of failure. That’s where you learn, where you improve, where you grow stronger.

Go where you feel a little bit of discomfort. That’s where you’ll also feel energized to expand your perspective.

Wade into subjects that interest you but that you don’t understand. Allow curiosity to pull you forward as you accumulate new knowledge and successfully connect it to what you already know.

Embrace something that challenges you. Discover how much your life is enriched by the experiences that result.

Take a small risk and as you endure it, notice the way your confidence ramps up. Put your increasing confidence to increasingly productive and meaningful use.

Great treasures await you in difficult places you’ve been hesitant to go. Steadily, mindfully, teach yourself to navigate those places, and make the treasures your own.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 11-19-2024 05:08 AM

November 19

Rise up to reality

You are stronger than you were. And in large part, the disappointments have prompted that added strength.

When life is going well, it’s easy to get complacent. When things have fallen apart, you have no choice but to learn, adjust, improve and grow stronger.

The victories are fun, but fun is not a good long-term strategy. The defeats bring pain, and in that pain is opportunity to grow, and indeed to grow out of it.

When the champagne corks are popping, sober up and look for a meaningful challenge to address. When obstacles block you in every direction, seize upon the opportunities embedded within them.

Whether you’re elated or disappointed, it’s time to go to work. It’s time to re-establish a solid connection with your purpose and to act on that purpose.

Give yourself a few minutes to wallow in despair or to celebrate with elation. Then rise up to reality, and embrace the opportunity to grow.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 11-20-2024 01:16 AM

November 20

Each day, be you

You’ll never achieve satisfaction pretending you’re someone you’re not. Breathe in, breathe out, feel your existence, and be who you are.

Do your best to understand and empathize with all sorts of different people. Yet keep in mind that in order to do so, there’s no need to compromise your authenticity.

You have unique, valuable energy and perspective to offer. Share it generously, sincerely, respectfully, without compromise.

People are meant to be people, not flat, unchanging images. You are best when you are you, not a predictable persona but a deep, complex, ever-evolving spirit.

You’ve made some mistakes and will make some more. Yet there’s never any reason to apologize for the real person you are.

Celebrate the special strength that lives and grows in you. More and more each day, be you.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 11-21-2024 06:14 AM

November 21

Fill the voids

Because of silence, sound has an environment in which to exist. When emptiness abounds, fulfillment becomes possible.

Any time you sense emptiness in your world, you’re actually feeling your own ability and desire to create. What at first seems to be an absence is really an opportunity.

In silence you’ll find opportunity to speak, to express life in your own special way. In darkness is a place to shine your beautiful light.

Empty spaces provide ample room to live with abundance. The voids in your experience are where you can establish joy, love, meaning and fulfillment.

See that each empty moment is truly a treasure. For you’re able to give life and meaning to it.

When nothing is there, everything becomes possible. Take the opportunity, and fill the voids with the miracle of purposeful living.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 11-22-2024 02:21 AM

November 22

Beyond yourself

Existence is what you know, but only a fraction of a fraction of existence is about you. You intensely experience climbing the mountain, nevertheless the mountain dwarfs you even when you reach the top.

Your thoughts become much more purposeful and effective when they are not just about you. Go beyond anxiety, fear, and despair by focusing those thoughts away from your immediate concerns.

There is so much more to consider, to learn from, to discover, that can bring awe and inspiration to your life. The beauty, wonder, energy and possibilities will never be exhausted.

Rather than going around in hopeless circles of your own troubles, rise above them, send your thoughts far away from them. You don’t have to abandon your responsibilities, but rather reframe them.

With mind and spirit you can take journeys that bring tangible, enduring goodness into your world. By thinking and feeling beyond the limitations, you gain new skills to thrive and to share the value of your own being.

Look beyond yourself, beyond your problems and dramas. See new richness that’s possible, and make it real.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 11-23-2024 04:50 AM

November 23

With purpose

Keep pushing yourself back toward what matters. However far you may have strayed before, or may stray again, continue returning to purpose.

Purpose drives you and determines where you end up. It very much deserves your care and attention, and so do you.

Though it goes against the fashion of the moment, give continuous consideration to purpose. Within purpose runs the path along which the great adventure of your life unfolds.

In the seemingly unbearable weight of your focus and effort to serve purpose, arises great fulfillment. What you give to purpose you reap a thousand times over, across time, across life.

Armed with purpose, you are able to make sense, to extract understanding from an overwhelming flood of facts. Through that understanding, coupled with purpose, you bring new, enduring value and goodness to life.

Keep yourself aimed toward purpose, toward your highest vision of life’s magnificence. With purpose, live true and live well.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 11-23-2024 04:51 AM

November 24

Mental environment

Are your thoughts in a gloomy, unproductive place? You have the ability to quickly carry them somewhere else.

Would you prefer to be on a beach in Fiji or a forest in the north woods? Simply instruct your imagination to go there, and to bring your thoughts along.

Of course you cannot transport your physical self across time and space just by thinking. Yet you absolutely can take your thoughts to any time, any place, any situation you choose.

And you can achieve real value in the real world by doing so. By upgrading your mental environment you can improve your mental performance.

Enabling your thoughts to soar can lead to soaring creativity. Keeping your mind in a positive, supportive state will enhance the quality of any activity or experience.

Use your imagination, and bring your mind to a place where your best thoughts can be nurtured. Then enjoy the benefits as your good and useful thoughts flourish.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 11-25-2024 05:02 AM

November 25

Greet the day

Start early to set a positive direction for the day. Lock yourself solidly onto a purposeful track and make it nearly impossible for anything to knock you off that track.

Right off the bat, establish a pattern of effective action. Continue adding to that action to create unstoppable momentum.

You’re going to spend the first minutes of the day doing one thing or another. So decide to invest that initial time in a way that gives you an advantage for the entire remainder of the day.

Begin with a positive, purposeful thought. Then immediately act on that thought.

Nudge yourself to get fired up about what you can do with the time in front of you. That’s a whole lot better than getting bogged down in worry and doubt.

Activate the power of your intention to put yourself ahead before any outside influences have a chance to push you behind. Greet the day with high energy, with the best of expectations, and delight in discovering all the good you can do with it.

— Ralph Marston

bluidkiti 11-26-2024 05:24 AM

November 26

Able to care

What you value determines what you see. What you see is an indication of all you value.

Your values blind you to some things and sensitize you to others. Though you glimpse objective reality through your senses and thinking, there is no entirely objective perception or perspective.

You are directed by what you care about. Everything coming in, and going out, passes through the filter of what matters most to you.

You strive to be rational, and succeed to a respectable degree. But you can never be cold and uncaring enough to proceed solely on reason.

Yet by understanding and accepting who you are and what you are, great things become possible. Though you are by nature biased, that bias gives you the capacity to love, to offer kindness, to appreciate beauty and to be awed by wonder.

In many areas you’re able to reason very objectively, yet at the same time you’re able to care. Understand what a powerful combination that is, and commit each day to make use of it in the service of life’s goodness.

— Ralph Marston

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