Bluidkiti's Alcohol and Drug Addictions Recovery Help/Support Forums

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MajestyJo 03-19-2014 05:08 PM

Welcome Al, glad you made the decision to join our family. I think it is something in your profile that you have to click an okay to, but others are better equipped to handle the technical side of things.

Hope you will continue to come and share your journey with us.

nayblev 03-20-2014 08:36 PM

My name is Renee and I have been clean for 3 months. Happy to find such an inspiring forum to learn new things and maybe help someone else along the way.

MajestyJo 03-21-2014 02:14 AM

Thank you Renee, welcome to the site. Hope you will continue to come and share your journey with us.

sunshine2014 03-23-2014 08:16 AM

new member to forum

I am new to forum use for recovery, usually attend meetings but have found recently can't always get there as often as i would like so stumbled across this and thought would give it some time.

I will have been around in recovery for 12 years on June 26th. Alcohol and cannabis use became a problem for me and today I am happy to say they are not. I work to keep things simple everyday, as everyday I find myself trying to complicate it.

So for today I am happy to be living in the solution, not the problem.


MajestyJo 03-23-2014 10:34 AM

Welcome Paula, so glad you found us. Congratulations on your years of sobriety. Hope you will continue to come and share your journey with us.

mardee 03-24-2014 02:43 AM

Hi, my name is Mardee. Right now, I feel a mess but hopefully will recover. Thanks.

MajestyJo 03-24-2014 03:43 PM

Welcome Mardee, thank you for signing in and saying hello. We have all been there, hope you will find something on the site that is a blessing, an enlightenment, and a new awareness.

It is one day at a time, stay in today, don't drag in the past or project into the future. Things will come up, but we deal with them one day at a time, don't look at the whole picture, ask yourself "What is imporant? For me, my sobriety." "What is a priority? First things first, my recovery, because without me I have nothing, and my friends and family don't have me either.

Do you belong to a Fellowship for alcohol and addiction and/or other addictions like food, sex, gambling, work/busy, computer, codependency, a family member of someone who is an addict. There is something here for everyone. When you read a post, substitute your drug of choice in the place of what is printed, be it attention, anxiety, depression, etc.

As the saying goes, this too shall pass. 03-25-2014 01:33 AM

Hey all my name is jay, from Chicago, I am an alcoholic. So glad you're all here. I'm at work at this late hour of 1230 am Tuesday. New to this site twenty years sober may 1, 1993. Feeling like a newbie and have been saying the serenity prayer a lot tonight. Just me. Not them! Thanks for being here. Talk to you soon!

MajestyJo 03-25-2014 05:15 AM

Welcome FJM, so glad you found us. Congratulations on your sobriety.

I can identify with those feelings and that type of day, that is when I do what was suggested to me by my sponsor, Get Back To Basic.

aerynn 03-26-2014 09:34 AM

Hi, my name is Aerynn. I have been in a 12 step group for 3 years. I still struggle with abstinence. I have had success in the past by incorporating recovery readings into my morning ritual. I am excited to find this site. Thanks so much!

MajestyJo 03-26-2014 07:58 PM

Welcome aerynn, thank you for signing in and saying hello. There is a lot of recovery material on the site, plus readings followed by recovery thoughts. The 12 Steps are a common denominator between all Fellowships.

Hope you will keep coming so you don't have to come back.

M3G1 03-27-2014 06:23 AM

Hi, my name is Karrie and I'm admitting for the first time that I am an alcoholic and desperately need help. I'm terrified, but it's time....

MajestyJo 03-27-2014 06:07 PM

Welcome M3G1, hope you will keep coming to the site. More importantly, call a help line and get help, or go to detox or a meeting. The do things are don't pick up just for today, no matter water. Go to meetings, find a home group and a sponsor to help you go through the Steps. Phone numbers are important, a good support group helps us when we slide or fall. We can slip, even if we don't pick up our drug of choice. We don't have to do it alone.

Hugs not drugs.

Denzov 04-03-2014 11:52 AM

Hi, my name is Denis, from Moscow. Glad to find this forum. I am a former addict. I choose life. I chose freedom. Thank you.

MajestyJo 04-03-2014 05:26 PM

Welcome Denis, thank you for signing in and saying hello. Hope you will continue to come and share your recovery journey with us.

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